Noticed something.

The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

They are building walls in Israel with that money. We need to build a wall here.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Oh, and at risk of being tossed out of a helicopter, let me share with you all a little secret. Some of the funding of foreign operations around the world are stated as one thing, but a portion of that funding often goes towards efforts by U.S intelligence in those countries. It's a way to covertly operate for a cause while also achieving another National Security objective with the funds in addition to the regular funding.

This isn't particularly in regards to money given to Israel, but for some of countries on the list, it's a great way to operate there under the guise of philanthropy.
So we give them money and they buy our weapons and you call it a good deal ?
Israel spy on our enemies ? Lol...are you aware of how many times the Israelis got caught spying on us ?
And why would we have enemies that are thousands of miles away from us and never attacked us if it wasn't for Israel?

I wonder if republican who are always sucking up to israel for some strange reason, know that college in israel is free for the most part. When free college is proposed here, they get really upset and call it socialism.
If you call us White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Bigot/Fascist/Anti-Semitic we don't give a crap, they are just words and terms and they have been all so over used they all are becoming meaningless.

It is enough to be white to earn all those "endearments." Those epithets are a disguise for white genocide.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.
/——/. Well we’ll well. Lookie here:
OK. POTUS signed the OMNIBUS bill. Note this is not a budget bill. This is what O did for 8 years. Never passed a budget. Because it's not a budget, it's not binding on the POTUS. He can use the $ any way he wants to. Same as O. So for instance, he can take $ from planned parenthood and spend it on the wall. He know this. He has played the media and the congress so many times and always won. Have a little faith people.
Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.

If a nation must rely on Welfare to the tune of multiple billions a year it cannot be considered a First World Nation, only Third World Shit Holes get that type of mega Welfare.

Israel = First World Nation sucking blood like a leech from America to the tune of mega billions every year.


Israel = Third World Shit Hole needs mega billions in Welfare from America every year.

lol, right. So then what do you say to the 100's of thousands of good paying jobs you have shipped to Canada, and the many billions of activity and subsidizing your taxpayers have contributed to our socialism?

Globalism is complicated and tricky. No nation is entirely self sustainable, isolated, or without self interests in other parts of the globe.

We are discussing Israel though, that is the topic, why Israel is such a Welfare Queen um actually the worlds biggest Welfare Queen, they have never NOT been on Welfare from America they have been on Welfare since 1948.
I look at Israel this way:
Their society (excluding the ultra-Orthodox Jews) live their lives in a culture that is similar to ours. The rest of the Middle-East, as well as other Islamic countries throughout the world, have at their core, a preached hatred of any society that doesn't follow its tenets. It is part religious, part political, part military and part para-military (terrorists). Islamists that live in "infidel" nations claim to be oppressed, yet when one looks at how they practice their religion, they aren't oppressed at all. They are free to pray five times per day, go to their mosque as often as they desire, dress their 2nd class citizens (women) as they desire and eat their halal foods. What it turns out is their idea of oppression, is that they cannot force "non-believers" to obey their religious tenets, thus they feel oppressed. Gays are imprisoned and/or thrown off roof tops, women that claim rape, must have "four" male witnesses to corroborate the rape, or she is punished, education for women is often curtailed and on, and on the barbaric crap goes with that religion.
So, if we are to have an ally in that region, it should be Israel. As I said, their way of life is similar to ours, they have an excellent military that has beaten the Islamic nations, again and again. And, contrary to the claims that the Israelis are occupiers, they have only gotten back a small section of the land that they actually originally settled and had built a society upon, before there ever was an Islam.
Fun Facts re how American 'Aid' works, and not just for Israel, but everybody else on the planet.

Reported details emerge on aid package to Israel from Obama administration

They also provide intelligence and police and defense services worth a lot more than $3.1 Billion for us in the region as well, including storage depots, maintenance capabilities for our aircraft, AWACs type early warning services over the entire region. It's a very good deal for us.

Also note the current Bill is some $700 million less than the original, under Obama.

For the record I am against Western nations also giving all this aid to other nations, for example I see no reason why Western nations are giving aid to India, China etc

For one, we get to find out how well our equipment works in the field, without suffering any losses of our own. Iron Dome tech comes to mind here, re Syria, Hexbollah, etc. I can go on, but then it's just about good old fashioned antisemitism for Euros, so no need to waste time on facts.

Nothing Anti-Semitic about any of this.

Of course it is. As for isolationism, it never worked in our entire history, and it won't work now, either. That is just a fact of life on planet Earth. Nobody ever leaves anybody else alone, never have and never will.

No nothing Anti-Semitic about any of this.

IMHO nations should only get involved in situations when the situation DIRECTLY is a threat to their own nation, if not they should keep out.

Your own comments make it clear it is very much about antisemitism. I never hear any sniveling about anybody else getting military financing. Euros just need to get over it; the obnoxious racist Orthodox Jews ceased to be a major force in Jewish culture in the friggin 18th century. And, find a better ally and stable base in the region; if you name Turkey or Saudi or anybody else but Israel, you will suffer from crabs the rest of your life.
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The entire slur of being an Anti-Semite is getting a bit old now, it's as bad as when someone doesn't agree with a SJW they call everyone a racist bigot or whatever, these slurs have now been so overused they are being rendered basically meaningless.

Singling out one, Jewish State, out of the hundreds of nations we protect with our money, troops and influence. How is that NOT anti-semitism?

It's like a congenital condition with Euros, a special antisemite gene or something, and they just can't help themselves. lol and it's the same whether they're LEft or Right wing Euros. They all suffer from it. I think it's partly that the U.S. backs them, and they resent that us hicks had to go over there twice and save their asses from themselves, and we're 'uncultured heathens' and mostly dumbass mutts with little 'racial purity' or something in their minds, and bashing Israel is just some juvenile passive aggressive act of revenge, like dumbass teenagers getting those stupid nose and eyebrow piercings, or tattoos of 'Satan' and crappy idiotic Metallica albums.
The entire slur of being an Anti-Semite is getting a bit old now, it's as bad as when someone doesn't agree with a SJW they call everyone a racist bigot or whatever, these slurs have now been so overused they are being rendered basically meaningless.

Singling out one, Jewish State, out of the hundreds of nations we protect with our money, troops and influence. How is that NOT anti-semitism?

It's like a congenital condition with Euros, a special antisemite gene or something, and they just can't help themselves. lol and it's the same whether they're LEft or Right wing Euros. They all suffer from it. I think it's partly that the U.S. backs them, and they resent that us hicks had to go over there twice and save their asses from themselves, and we're 'uncultured heathens' and mostly dumbass mutts with little 'racial purity' or something in their minds, and bashing Israel is just some juvenile passive aggressive act of revenge, like dumbass teenagers getting those stupid nose and eyebrow piercings, or tattoos of 'Satan' and crappy idiotic Metallica albums.

Wow Picaro I was not previously aware you were this nutty :uhoh3:
For the record I am against Western nations also giving all this aid to other nations, for example I see no reason why Western nations are giving aid to India, China etc

For one, we get to find out how well our equipment works in the field, without suffering any losses of our own. Iron Dome tech comes to mind here, re Syria, Hexbollah, etc. I can go on, but then it's just about good old fashioned antisemitism for Euros, so no need to waste time on facts.

Nothing Anti-Semitic about any of this.

Of course it is. As for isolationism, it never worked in our entire history, and it won't work now, either. That is just a fact of life on planet Earth. Nobody ever leaves anybody else alone, never have and never will.

No nothing Anti-Semitic about any of this.

IMHO nations should only get involved in situations when the situation DIRECTLY is a threat to their own nation, if not they should keep out.

Your own comments make it clear it is very much about antisemitism. I never hear any sniveling about anybody else getting military financing. Euros just need to get over it; the obnoxious racist Orthodox Jews ceased to be a major force in Jewish culture in the friggin 18th century. And, find a better ally and stable base in the region; if you name Turkey or Saudi or anybody else but Israel, you will suffer from crabs the rest of your life.

"the obnoxious racist Orthodox Jews"

Of course it's typical you would hate the Orthodox Jews, what a horrible ANTI-SEMITE you are Picaro. Are you a Jew yourself or are you just a Beta Cuck Goy that enjoys taking Israeli cock in your orifices?
Israel can kill a shitload of Palestinian and Hamas shitheads with that $3.1 billion.

I love it when my tax money goes to a good cause. :biggrin:

Yes but Israel is not an American State, you need that 3.1 billion for that wall to keep out Mexican bandits which is more important as that affects you DIRECTLY not what happens in some Shit Hole in the Middle East.

Waste of your tax money, Israel should be told to fund themselves or better still the WJC has enough money they shakedown more than 3 billion a year, they could give it to Israel.

That's not the ONLY 3.1Bill that didn't NEED to be spent. There's probably 100 other items in the budget that could fund the stupid wall. Only hot heads would make the connection to Israel. For instance, I KNOW there's MORE BILLIONS in there for infrastructure to Arab shitholes yet the OP doesn't seem to care. And most of that money will be pocketed by petty dictators and ruling elite.
Parsing hairs about what could be or what should be is subjective. This OP chose this particular subject because this OP knew that every ass sucker on the board would flock to support their favorite pimp and master. Yours being post #105.
This Op chose the $3.1B subject because he feels that the recipient of those funds is a direct driver of much of the remaining budget. Most importantly, the multi hundred billion dollar (not to include CIA Black budget) allocation for US military infrastructure, equipment, operations et al.,.
Our foreign policy with regard to the ME is a direct result and tie in to those threats which we perceive not only to be a threat to us, but our 'greatest friend and ally'.
Our war in Iraq and our proxy wars in Syria and Yemen as well as our position towards Iran are intrinsically connected to our support of Israel as much as they are a direct reflection of Israeli foreign policy. As a result, Israel is a prime driver of our foreign policy. Thus...we become Israel's bitch.

I have no pimps or masters. I don't think we should be funding infrastructure in other countries unless we blew their up first.

This Op chose the $3.1B subject because he feels that the recipient of those funds is a direct driver of much of the remaining budget.

Feel free to fester on any conspiracies that you want. If you think that ISRAEL drives all the black ops, surveillance, military expenditures in this nation -- it's a great cop-out for simpletons that need a scapegoat rather then critical thinking leading to clarity about current threats and how Intel ops are prioritized.

AT LEAST update your conspiracy theory to reflect current realities. And that is -- that the goals of Israel are INCREASINGLY allied with the goals of Arab neighbors like Jordan, Egypt, Saudi on STRATEGIC regional defense issues like terrorists and Iranian hegemony.

Rand Paul also has no "pimps or masters".. He read more of the ball breaking budget than most.

Rand Paul Quotes: $1.3 trillion Omnibus spending bill

“We have border security money for the Middle East but not border security money for the US.”

“I found it! I found it! Border security, what President Trump wanted! no . . .wait a minute section says Defense can spend what funds it determines to enhance the border security of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia.”

Hope that pisses you off just as much -- because THEN -- we might have something in common..
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

They are building walls in Israel with that money. We need to build a wall here.

See the RAnd Paul quote in my last post. Budget INCLUDES "border security" BIG BUCKS for all of Israels's Arab neighbors.. And guess what ? It's NOT to protect the Arabs from Israel...

Should piss off the Trumpsters greatly that Trump signed a bill with more money in it for border security in the Middle East..
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.
I bet you didn't notice that Trump and the GOP are accelerating deficit spending.
Customs and Border patrol received $3.8 billion for FY2017.

This Omnibus bill INCREASES their budget.

Bet you didn't notice that.
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Feel free to fester on any conspiracies that you want
Fester conspiracies? So you dispute that the protection of Israel is not a foreign policy driver?
Here is a former ambassador if you dont trust my opinion.

In a recent speech before the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI), Ambassador Daniel Shapiro clarified what drives US policies:

”The test of every policy the Administration develops in the Middle East is whether it is consistent with the goal of ensuring Israel’s future as a secure, Jewish, democratic state. That is a commitment that runs as a common thread through our entire government.“
US Ambassador: Support for Israel drives all US policies

“We have border security money for the Middle East but not border security money for the US.”

“I found it! I found it! Border security, what President Trump wanted! no . . .wait a minute section says Defense can spend what funds it determines to enhance the border security of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia.”

Yeap, that is bad too...Jordan, Egypt and Saudi are huge benefactors as well...your point? Do you want to compare? I don't think you want to go there but they do not deserve a cent either.

The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.
I bet you didn't notice that Trump and the GOP are accelerating deficit spendiing.
I bet you didn't notice that we have sent Israel >$230B dollar in six decades. I also bet you didn't bring up deficit spending or debt ceiling one time when a D was POTUS. I also bet you can't tell me how many times Bobo and Shrub raised the debt ceiling in order to fund their horseshit wars.
Feel free to fester on any conspiracies that you want
Fester conspiracies? So you dispute that the protection of Israel is not a foreign policy driver?
Here is a former ambassador if you dont trust my opinion.

In a recent speech before the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI), Ambassador Daniel Shapiro clarified what drives US policies:

”The test of every policy the Administration develops in the Middle East is whether it is consistent with the goal of ensuring Israel’s future as a secure, Jewish, democratic state. That is a commitment that runs as a common thread through our entire government.“
US Ambassador: Support for Israel drives all US policies

“We have border security money for the Middle East but not border security money for the US.”

“I found it! I found it! Border security, what President Trump wanted! no . . .wait a minute section says Defense can spend what funds it determines to enhance the border security of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia.”

Yeap, that is bad too...Jordan, Egypt and Saudi are huge benefactors as well...your point? Do you want to compare? I don't think you want to go there but they do not deserve a cent either.

Are we not allowed to have allies? And offer assistance to those with critical everyday security concerns like the Ukraine, South Korea, or Israel?

Protection of Israel has NOTHING to do with the dozen FAILED escapades that the US has perpetrated in the Middle East. That's all on OUR stupidity for allowing neo-cons and unicorn riders to BELIEVE we;re EVER gonna democratize the Arab world,.. THat's all on BOTH parties for just sucky naive foreign policy. Nothing to do with doing Israel's bidding.

Neither was the Iran deal. The Israelis HATED it. But it prevented them from UNIlaterally attempting to do something to STOP the Iranian expansions by proxy and nuclear ambition.

NOW -- Egypt, Jordan, Saudi, Lebanon are much CLOSER to allying with Israel against the Shia threat than the US is..

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