Noticed something.

The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

As long as the US quits donating to fund Palestinian terrorists, ok. :dunno:

You have an organisation in America that is associated with the Democrats, CAIR they have connections to Hamas and Hezbollah and also the Muslim Brotherhood and also have fundraisers for them.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.

BTW, our "greatest ally" was tracking the 09/11 Jihadists but REFUSED to share the intel.

Go fig.

The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

As long as the US quits donating to fund Palestinian terrorists, ok. :dunno:
"AIPAC applauds Congress for including key provisions to help Israel address critical security challenges in the Fiscal Year 2018 Omnibus Appropriations bill. The bill provides $3.1 billion in overall security assistance to Israel. The bill also includes the Taylor Force Act—bipartisan legislation that would eliminate funding that directly benefits the Palestinian Authority (PA) if it continues its abhorrent practice of paying salaries to terrorists or their families." Statements/2018/04/Omnibus
Your dreams have come true Marion...the Palestinian Authority no longer receives the Benjamins.
Are you all behind cutting Israeli aid now?
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.

If a nation must rely on Welfare to the tune of multiple billions a year it cannot be considered a First World Nation, only Third World Shit Holes get that type of mega Welfare.

Israel = First World Nation sucking blood like a leech from America to the tune of mega billions every year.


Israel = Third World Shit Hole needs mega billions in Welfare from America every year.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.

If a nation must rely on Welfare to the tune of multiple billions a year it cannot be considered a First World Nation, only Third World Shit Holes get that type of mega Welfare.

Israel = First World Nation sucking blood like a leech from America to the tune of mega billions every year.


Israel = Third World Shit Hole needs mega billions in Welfare from America every year.

Now you are talking
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.

BTW, our "greatest ally" was tracking the 09/11 Jihadists but REFUSED to share the intel.

Go fig.

Our greatest ally...give me a fucking break. If they were our greatest ally they would have their asses outside the wire doing patrols alongside us in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet where are they? Doing what they are supposed to be doing...protecting their OWN country. When are Americans going to wake the fuck up and realize that they are being pimped?
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

As long as the US quits donating to fund Palestinian terrorists, ok. :dunno:
"AIPAC applauds Congress for including key provisions to help Israel address critical security challenges in the Fiscal Year 2018 Omnibus Appropriations bill. The bill provides $3.1 billion in overall security assistance to Israel. The bill also includes the Taylor Force Act—bipartisan legislation that would eliminate funding that directly benefits the Palestinian Authority (PA) if it continues its abhorrent practice of paying salaries to terrorists or their families." Statements/2018/04/Omnibus
Your dreams have come true Marion...the Palestinian Authority no longer receives the Benjamins.
Are you all behind cutting Israeli aid now?

The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.

If a nation must rely on Welfare to the tune of multiple billions a year it cannot be considered a First World Nation, only Third World Shit Holes get that type of mega Welfare.

Israel = First World Nation sucking blood like a leech from America to the tune of mega billions every year.


Israel = Third World Shit Hole needs mega billions in Welfare from America every year.

You guys do realize they share important technology with the US, no?

F'rinstance, the auto-vulcans the boys in Afghanistan use. :rolleyes: If it moves, it's dead.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.

If a nation must rely on Welfare to the tune of multiple billions a year it cannot be considered a First World Nation, only Third World Shit Holes get that type of mega Welfare.

Israel = First World Nation sucking blood like a leech from America to the tune of mega billions every year.


Israel = Third World Shit Hole needs mega billions in Welfare from America every year.

lol, right. So then what do you say to the 100's of thousands of good paying jobs you have shipped to Canada, and the many billions of activity and subsidizing your taxpayers have contributed to our socialism?

Globalism is complicated and tricky. No nation is entirely self sustainable, isolated, or without self interests in other parts of the globe.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

As long as the US quits donating to fund Palestinian terrorists, ok. :dunno:
"AIPAC applauds Congress for including key provisions to help Israel address critical security challenges in the Fiscal Year 2018 Omnibus Appropriations bill. The bill provides $3.1 billion in overall security assistance to Israel. The bill also includes the Taylor Force Act—bipartisan legislation that would eliminate funding that directly benefits the Palestinian Authority (PA) if it continues its abhorrent practice of paying salaries to terrorists or their families." Statements/2018/04/Omnibus
Your dreams have come true Marion...the Palestinian Authority no longer receives the Benjamins.
Are you all behind cutting Israeli aid now?

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.

If a nation must rely on Welfare to the tune of multiple billions a year it cannot be considered a First World Nation, only Third World Shit Holes get that type of mega Welfare.

Israel = First World Nation sucking blood like a leech from America to the tune of mega billions every year.


Israel = Third World Shit Hole needs mega billions in Welfare from America every year.

You guys do realize they share important technology with the US, no?

F'rinstance, the auto-vulcans the boys in Afghanistan use. :rolleyes: If it moves, it's dead.
Yeap...they sure know who else does? UK...France...Germany...Canada..pretty much every NATO nation as well as Japan, Australia, New Zealand...and guess what...not a cent in direct aid. IMAGINE THAT?! How fucking novel.
That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.

BTW, our "greatest ally" was tracking the 09/11 Jihadists but REFUSED to share the intel.

Go fig.

Our greatest ally...give me a fucking break. If they were our greatest ally they would have their asses outside the wire doing patrols alongside us in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet where are they? Doing what they are supposed to be doing...protecting their OWN country. When are Americans going to wake the fuck up and realize that they are being pimped?

God knows I'm no stranger to being pimped, but I usually get SOMETHING out of it.

Usually a black eye, and a sore asshole.

But still...
I guess the relevant question would be what the 3.1 B is being used for... anybody know?

The 3.1 BILLION is being used so Israel can protect itself because you know the many hundreds of Nuclear Warheads it has AND the Nuclear Bomb it has just is NOT sufficient to protect itself.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

As long as the US quits donating to fund Palestinian terrorists, ok. :dunno:
"AIPAC applauds Congress for including key provisions to help Israel address critical security challenges in the Fiscal Year 2018 Omnibus Appropriations bill. The bill provides $3.1 billion in overall security assistance to Israel. The bill also includes the Taylor Force Act—bipartisan legislation that would eliminate funding that directly benefits the Palestinian Authority (PA) if it continues its abhorrent practice of paying salaries to terrorists or their families." Statements/2018/04/Omnibus
Your dreams have come true Marion...the Palestinian Authority no longer receives the Benjamins.
Are you all behind cutting Israeli aid now?

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.

If a nation must rely on Welfare to the tune of multiple billions a year it cannot be considered a First World Nation, only Third World Shit Holes get that type of mega Welfare.

Israel = First World Nation sucking blood like a leech from America to the tune of mega billions every year.


Israel = Third World Shit Hole needs mega billions in Welfare from America every year.

You guys do realize they share important technology with the US, no?

F'rinstance, the auto-vulcans the boys in Afghanistan use. :rolleyes: If it moves, it's dead.


Carl Cameron Israeli Spies in U.S.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

Fun Facts re how American 'Aid' works, and not just for Israel, but everybody else on the planet.

Of the military financial aid Israel receives, it is obligated to spend all but 26.3% of it in the US, something that is not expected to change under the new framework.

Reported details emerge on aid package to Israel from Obama administration

They also provide intelligence and police and defense services worth a lot more than $3.1 Billion for us in the region as well, including storage depots, maintenance capabilities for our aircraft, AWACs type early warning services over the entire region. It's a very good deal for us.

Also note the current Bill is some $700 million less than the original, under Obama.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

As long as the US quits donating to fund Palestinian terrorists, ok. :dunno:
"AIPAC applauds Congress for including key provisions to help Israel address critical security challenges in the Fiscal Year 2018 Omnibus Appropriations bill. The bill provides $3.1 billion in overall security assistance to Israel. The bill also includes the Taylor Force Act—bipartisan legislation that would eliminate funding that directly benefits the Palestinian Authority (PA) if it continues its abhorrent practice of paying salaries to terrorists or their families." Statements/2018/04/Omnibus
Your dreams have come true Marion...the Palestinian Authority no longer receives the Benjamins.
Are you all behind cutting Israeli aid now?

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
This is not an either/or argument. My premise is that we are giving first world nations completely capable of supporting themselves $3.1B/yr...when WE have serious problems in this country which we cannot find the funds to deal with.
If Israel was in fact "our greatest ally" don't you think they would at least be paying their own bills?
It's a fucking scam and you brainwashed sheep cannot see it. Muh Israel...Freedumb.

If a nation must rely on Welfare to the tune of multiple billions a year it cannot be considered a First World Nation, only Third World Shit Holes get that type of mega Welfare.

Israel = First World Nation sucking blood like a leech from America to the tune of mega billions every year.


Israel = Third World Shit Hole needs mega billions in Welfare from America every year.

You guys do realize they share important technology with the US, no?

F'rinstance, the auto-vulcans the boys in Afghanistan use. :rolleyes: If it moves, it's dead.
Yeap...they sure know who else does? UK...France...Germany...Canada..pretty much every NATO nation as well as Japan, Australia, New Zealand...and guess what...not a cent in direct aid. IMAGINE THAT?! How fucking novel.

All nations have different relationships with each other. Israels is primarily strategic and even "spiritual", in regards to sharing Judeo-Christian views and a similar system, which is different from the rest of the region.

I am sure there are MANY Chinese citizens who bitch all the time as to why China buys billions of dollars in U.S T-Bills while they can't see the sun in the sky and have plenty of unpaved roads and mass poverty.
I guess the relevant question would be what the 3.1 B is being used for... anybody know?

The 3.1 BILLION is being used so Israel can protect itself because you know the many hundreds of Nuclear Warheads it has AND the Nuclear Bomb it has just is NOT sufficient to protect itself.
Is it going to Israel to spend on their military or is it going to our troops and state department officials that are stationed there?

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