November 2012 your side what?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Imagine the worst your side loses and all the:eusa_drool: usmb posters you can't stand start gloating

Is hell really any worse
the liberals will convince the staff that no gloating should be allowed.. wait for it.
November 2012 your side what?
That would give Republicans (thanks to Teabaggers) re-think their ignorant, White-Trash strategy.....before they can (even) THINK-about another shot at The Presidency.

Imagine the worst your side loses and all the:eusa_drool: usmb posters you can't stand start gloating

Is hell really any worse

If Democrats lose, I will be momentarily relieved that the 4 year long Republican whine-a-thon will finally be over.

But soon thereafter, I will remember that where one whine-a-thon ends, another begins.

I think this what you call hell.
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Imagine the worst your side loses and all the:eusa_drool: usmb posters you can't stand start gloating

Is hell really any worse

If Democrats lose, I will be relieved that the 4 year long Republican whine-a-thon will finally be over.

But I suppose where one whine-a-thon ends, another begins.

I think this what you call hell.

Hell, the democrats whined loudest when they won.. fuck that shit.. I like white Republican whining better.
They can gloat all they want. Pride comes before the fall. It's not going to stop me from seeking out and living the truth. Nor is it going to silence me from speaking out for what's right.
Imagine the worst your side loses and all the:eusa_drool: usmb posters you can't stand start gloating

Is hell really any worse
Judging from most political forums, they wouldn't gloat for long. It's a tough job defending Washington regardless of who's in power. I would say the number of members on the Left would increase and the number on the Right would decrease. The party out of power has little to defend and party in power has everything to defend.

There's no one on this board I can't stand. Without them it wouldn't be any fun.
the liberals will convince the staff that no gloating should be allowed.. wait for it.

Willow did start a thread on this a couple months ago but I thought she was referring to the Dem's making a clean- sweep and wanting to prevent Progressives, like myself :afro: , from gloating :eusa_boohoo:
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Imagine the worst your side loses and all the:eusa_drool: usmb posters you can't stand start gloating

Is hell really any worse

If Democrats lose, I will be relieved that the 4 year long Republican whine-a-thon will finally be over.

But I suppose where one whine-a-thon ends, another begins.

I think this what you call hell.

Hell, the democrats whined loudest when they won.. fuck that shit.. I like white Republican whining better.
:confused: :eusa_hand: :mad:
Imagine the worst your side loses and all the:eusa_drool: usmb posters you can't stand start gloating

Is hell really any worse


I don't expect Mitt to win, so dealing with that grand standing won't be a bother.

If the dems take both Houses.....

I'll prolly have to quit my job as I won't be able to afford to drive to it, buy a bike and work at McDonalds.
If Obama doesn't get re-elected I suspect lots of dumb assed liberal Democrats that post here will throw their computers in the trash never to be heard from again... They won't be able to stand the shame... Nobody will listen to their chants of the election being stolen from them by Republicans. They simply won't be able to stand the CHANGE that I have HOPE for.
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Since I am in support of the people of the United States, I already know my side is going to lose. Regardless of which candidate wins, we the people of the United States will lose. As long as we keep electing big spenders and corrupt individuals we will lose.

The only thing I can continue to do is pray that we survive another four years.


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