Now a total of 340 Sanctuary Cities

McConnell's senate will be drafting legislation to pull grant money away from these cites and give more to those that cooperate
Think about that sentence for a while. Ruminate on it. Ponder how it fits, or doesn't fit, into Republican principles of small, decentralized government.

Federal power being used to coerce local governments.

Whatever happened to the principle that local governments know what their people want better than the federal government does?

as long as you agree that local govts can ignore any federal law im all in. for instance, if localities in many states want to eliminate estate taxes and and exempt business from federal income taxes you would agree?
No, that is not what I am saying.

I have time and again pointed out to the rubes that their benchmarks will come back and snap them in their faces one day.

Today is that day.

They cheered when their right wing heroes disobeyed or refused to enforce federal laws. So their whining about other people ignoring federal laws rings hollow and hypocritical.
Sanctuary cities usually turn over to the feds any undocumented alien who is also a wanted. However, they have no authority to bring someone to court and find him guilty of being an illegal alien. Therefor, as far as the city is concerned, nobody is an illegal alien.

the left-wing idiot capacity to defend the indefensible with mindless stupidity is simply astounding!!


Don't give up your day job to practice law, Bed.

wow really??? what are you going to have to say when the next Republican President witholds federal funds from sanctuary cities/??

I will say, "Gee! So THIS is what the tea party means when they say that they hate big, intrusive government!"
A city is not under legal obligation to enforce federal law. They usually cooperate with federal authorities, but they don't have to. If they were required to enforce federal law, they would have been held to that legal standard in a court of law. If the feds want to pass a law penalizing the cities for failure to cooperate with the feds, then they are trampling on cities legal jurisdiction. This would be a bad precedent, but it will not happen anyway, since Obama has already said that he would veto it.
BREAKINGBOMBSHELL: This just in. The 340 "sanctuary cities" are also Muslim no-go zones! Zombie Mexican jihadists are roaming the streets, eating the brains of hapless tourists who wander into the quarantined areas.


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Sanctuary cities usually turn over to the feds any undocumented alien who is also a wanted. However, they have no authority to bring someone to court and find him guilty of being an illegal alien. Therefor, as far as the city is concerned, nobody is an illegal alien.

the left-wing idiot capacity to defend the indefensible with mindless stupidity is simply astounding!!


Don't give up your day job to practice law, Bed.

wow really??? what are you going to have to say when the next Republican President witholds federal funds from sanctuary cities/??

I will say, "Gee! So THIS is what the tea party means when they say that they hate big, intrusive government!"

the Right believes the government should be smaller, but protecting the people is still a basic function. nobody on the right is for not enforcing immigration laws; especially when innocent Americans are being murdered in the streets by people that arent supposed to even be here in the first place

it's awkward having to reveal the obvious to self-impressed left-wing morons
A city is not under legal obligation to enforce federal law. They usually cooperate with federal authorities, but they don't have to. If they were required to enforce federal law, they would have been held to that legal standard in a court of law. If the feds want to pass a law penalizing the cities for failure to cooperate with the feds, then they are trampling on cities legal jurisdiction. This would be a bad precedent, but it will not happen anyway, since Obama has already said that he would veto it.

so a city can violate any federal law??

like environmental laws?
civil right's laws?
worker laws??

really??? interesting
Sanctuary cities usually turn over to the feds any undocumented alien who is also a wanted. However, they have no authority to bring someone to court and find him guilty of being an illegal alien. Therefor, as far as the city is concerned, nobody is an illegal alien.

the left-wing idiot capacity to defend the indefensible with mindless stupidity is simply astounding!!


Don't give up your day job to practice law, Bed.

wow really??? what are you going to have to say when the next Republican President witholds federal funds from sanctuary cities/??

I will say, "Gee! So THIS is what the tea party means when they say that they hate big, intrusive government!"

the Right believes the government should be smaller, but protecting the people is still a basic function. nobody on the right is for not enforcing immigration laws; especially when innocent Americans are being murdered in the streets by people that arent supposed to even be here in the first place

it's awkward having to reveal the obvious to self-impressed left-wing morons

But, of course, if the law breaker is a RW hero, like Clive Bundy, then they hold that the feds are just a bunch of bullies for trying to enforce the law.

Got it!
A city is not under legal obligation to enforce federal law. They usually cooperate with federal authorities, but they don't have to. If they were required to enforce federal law, they would have been held to that legal standard in a court of law. If the feds want to pass a law penalizing the cities for failure to cooperate with the feds, then they are trampling on cities legal jurisdiction. This would be a bad precedent, but it will not happen anyway, since Obama has already said that he would veto it.

so a city can violate any federal law??

like environmental laws?
civil right's laws?
worker laws??

really??? interesting

Again, there is no law requiring a city to enforce a federal law. If you think there is, feel free to cite it, chapter and verse. Oh, and be sure to notify the Attorney General. He would like to use it to prosecute city officials all over the country.
A city is not under legal obligation to enforce federal law. They usually cooperate with federal authorities, but they don't have to. If they were required to enforce federal law, they would have been held to that legal standard in a court of law. If the feds want to pass a law penalizing the cities for failure to cooperate with the feds, then they are trampling on cities legal jurisdiction. This would be a bad precedent, but it will not happen anyway, since Obama has already said that he would veto it.

so a city can violate any federal law??

like environmental laws?
civil right's laws?
worker laws??

really??? interesting

Again, there is no law requiring a city to enforce a federal law. If you think there is, feel free to cite it, chapter and verse.

and AGAIN; are you ok with cities not enforcing any of the other laws too???
it's a yes or no question dummy; put your money where your big mouth is. should cities also be allowed to ignore other federal laws???
A city is not under legal obligation to enforce federal law. They usually cooperate with federal authorities, but they don't have to. If they were required to enforce federal law, they would have been held to that legal standard in a court of law. If the feds want to pass a law penalizing the cities for failure to cooperate with the feds, then they are trampling on cities legal jurisdiction. This would be a bad precedent, but it will not happen anyway, since Obama has already said that he would veto it.

so a city can violate any federal law??

like environmental laws?
civil right's laws?
worker laws??

really??? interesting

Again, there is no law requiring a city to enforce a federal law. If you think there is, feel free to cite it, chapter and verse.

and AGAIN; are you ok with cities not enforcing any of the other laws too???

I am perfectly content with cities enforcing city law, and feds enforcing federal law. I really don't think that it is a good idea for the FBI to arrest me for exceeding the speed limit in my town.
A city is not under legal obligation to enforce federal law. They usually cooperate with federal authorities, but they don't have to. If they were required to enforce federal law, they would have been held to that legal standard in a court of law. If the feds want to pass a law penalizing the cities for failure to cooperate with the feds, then they are trampling on cities legal jurisdiction. This would be a bad precedent, but it will not happen anyway, since Obama has already said that he would veto it.

so a city can violate any federal law??

like environmental laws?
civil right's laws?
worker laws??

really??? interesting

Again, there is no law requiring a city to enforce a federal law. If you think there is, feel free to cite it, chapter and verse.

and AGAIN; are you ok with cities not enforcing any of the other laws too???

I am perfectly content with cities enforcing city law, and feds enforcing federal law. I really don't think that it is a good idea for the FBI to arrest me for exceeding the speed limit in my town.

laughable deflection
I hereby propose those who are outraged over Vineland's flaunting of federal laws immediately migrate there and start picking lettuce. Don't let those spics steal your jobs!

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