Now Iraq Wants Russian Help

ISIS killin' Iraqi civilians...

UN report: Iraqi civilians dying at a 'staggering' rate
Jan 19,`16 -- Iraq witnessed a sharp increase in civilian deaths following the fall of large swaths of territory to the Islamic State group in the summer of 2014. Now despite a string of recent battlefield losses for IS, civilians in Iraq continue to die at a "staggering" rate, according to a new United Nations report.
At least 18,802 civilians were killed and another 36,245 were wounded in Iraq between the start of 2014 and Oct. 31 of last year, according to the U.N. report released Tuesday. In just one six-month period between May and October last year, more than 10,000 civilians were killed. "Despite their steady losses to pro-government forces, the scourge of ISIL continues to kill, maim and displace Iraqi civilians in the thousands and to cause untold suffering," U.N. envoy Jan Kubis said in a statement, using an alternative acronym for the extremist group. The numbers are nowhere near the death tolls recorded during Iraq's bloody civil war. In 2006 alone more than 34,000 civilians were killed, according to U.N. data.


People carry the body of a victim killed in a truck bombing in Jameela market in the predominantly Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City, Baghdad, Iraq. According to a U.N. report released Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016, nearly 19,000 civilians have been killed in under 2 years.​

The following year the Iraqi government refused to provide the U.N. with death toll statistics, stating that the government wanted to prevent the data from painting a negative image of the country. But civilian casualties since the rise of IS in Iraq are considerably higher than the preceding years of relative stability. In 2011, the number of civilian deaths due to violence was at its lowest since the civil war, with fewer than 2,800 killed. U.N. human rights chief Zeid Raad al-Hussein said the civilian death toll may actually be considerably higher. "Even the obscene casualty figures fail to accurately reflect exactly how terribly civilians are suffering in Iraq," he said in a statement.

The U.N. report also documented a wide range of human rights abuses, including the IS group's conscription of some 3,500 people into slavery. Many of those are women and children from the Yazidi religious minority who were taken hostage in the summer of 2014 and forced into sexual slavery. It said another 800 to 900 children were abducted from Iraq's second largest city, Mosul, for religious and military training. A number of IS child soldiers were killed by the extremists when they tried to flee fighting in the western Anbar province, it said. "ISIL in particular has used the most gruesome methods to execute people by running bulldozers over them, by burning them alive. In one case, people were put in a cage and the cage was put into the water," Ravina Shamdasani, a UN spokeswoman told The Associated Press in Geneva. "I think this kind of violence will affect our society for the long term," said veteran Iraqi human rights activist Hana Adwar. "The culture of violence is rooted in Iraq now, it's not something that's easy to combat."

“We welcome Russian airstrikes in Iraq to help hit Islamic State headquarters, target Islamic State supply lines from Syria and target the oil smuggling lines,”

Iraqi Shiite Politicians Call for Russian Airstrikes on Islamic State

the title of this thread SHOULD be ----"Iraqi Shiites are ALLIES of IRAN"
The Shiites of Iraq constitute the "VICHY GOVERNMENT OF THE

You seem to be completely bigoted towards Muslim people, Shias in particular. It is good that Iraq is trying to protect itself from Israeli supported IS.
“We welcome Russian airstrikes in Iraq to help hit Islamic State headquarters, target Islamic State supply lines from Syria and target the oil smuggling lines,”

Iraqi Shiite Politicians Call for Russian Airstrikes on Islamic State

the title of this thread SHOULD be ----"Iraqi Shiites are ALLIES of IRAN"
The Shiites of Iraq constitute the "VICHY GOVERNMENT OF THE

You seem to be completely bigoted towards Muslim people, Shias in particular. It is good that Iraq is trying to protect itself from Israeli supported IS.

Your LIES are just that until you produced unbiased and non partisan evidence that Israel is supporting daesh. Any time this century will do
“We welcome Russian airstrikes in Iraq to help hit Islamic State headquarters, target Islamic State supply lines from Syria and target the oil smuggling lines,”

Iraqi Shiite Politicians Call for Russian Airstrikes on Islamic State

the title of this thread SHOULD be ----"Iraqi Shiites are ALLIES of IRAN"
The Shiites of Iraq constitute the "VICHY GOVERNMENT OF THE

You seem to be completely bigoted towards Muslim people, Shias in particular. It is good that Iraq is trying to protect itself from Israeli supported IS.

Your LIES are just that until you produced unbiased and non partisan evidence that Israel is supporting daesh. Any time this century will do

Phoenall, you just have to roll your eyes and let what Vikrant says go in one ear and out the other. Here he is speaking of the Internet, but can he show us a legitimate site where it tells about Israelis sneaking into refugee camps and stealing the organs of the Syrian refugees. No doubt the only place you would find such nonsense is on some NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site which Vikrant probably runs to. Say, just the other day I was reading an article by an Iranian Jewish woman professor at UCLA which was very complementary toward the Iranian Muslims. In the article she pointed out this about the head Ayatollah.......

"Thirty-six years ago, Ayatollah Khomeini and his allies managed to convince many Iranian Muslims that the battlefields of the war with Iraq led believers to the gates of heaven. A million deaths later, those promises ring absurdly hollow for the survivors. So does the fairy tale of the men of God being endowed with greater purity of soul and intentions than secular leaders: While the rest of the country has been chafing under economic hardship, only one mullah, Ayatollah Khamenei, has estimated holdings of $95 billion in the West — most of it in the United States. After inflation, this is around 30 times more than the shah is believed to have been worth."

Maybe Vikrant is on this guy's payroll and that is why he is always at the ready of saying something derogatory about Israel. Perhaps he can explain to us why those Iranians released here the other day didn't high tail it back to Iran.

Since Vikrant is dragging up the Internet and how knowledgeable we should be, of course we are aware of things going on, things that Vikrant would never in his wildest imagination mention.

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