Now Is The Time To Raise The Retirement Age

The fact that you are almost certainly enjoying an overpaid pension by some leftist government institution explains your views in complete detail.

Yep would be good to cut it, Middle aged and stopped working, who do you think pays for your free shit?

Trumplings should abandon their love for the phrase "free shit"
Cuz that's what the new Republican tax plan just gave the top 1% who will now get 86% of the spoils

No, free shit is giving something to someone that is not already theirs.

If a robber pulls a gun on you, takes all your money from your wallet, then before leaving gives you twenty for cab fair, only you would classify that as accepting free shit, Right?
If you get a tax break that is paid for by charging EVERY taxpayer higher tax rates, that's accepting free shit, right?
Nope. Inless you are paying less than zero taxes, you aren't getting free shit.
there's more than one way ..

Increase worker and employer contributions. Workers and their employers currently pay 6.2 percent of earnings up to $106,800 into the Social Security system, or a maximum of $6,622 each per year. Self-employed workers are required to pay 12.4 percent of pay up to the same cap. If the contribution rate were increased by 1.1 percent to 7.3 percent of earnings, Social Security’s projected deficit would be eliminated. Using this fix, a worker making $43,451 in 2010 would face a tax increase of $478 a year, or $9.19 a week, and the employer would face an identical increase.

but nooooooooooooooooooooo $9.19 a week cuts Starbucks out of my routine.
I would prefer to vote for a D who campaigned on eliminating the cap entirely. But funneled the added revenue into the general fund to pay for greater numbers of people qualifying as disabled. That wouldn't help medicare. But the fact is we lack workers numbers. If people physically and mentally can work, imo they should.
Unless they have private means to sit.

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Lefties who claim Trump's tax revision will hurt citizens want to make up for it by hurting citizens by increasing the retirement age. Where were they when Hussein was blowing taxpayer dollars on golden parachute retirement for bankrupt solar industry people and showering plane loads of taxpayer cash and euros to a country that promotes terrorism? Advice to over heated hypocrite lefties is to relax for a year and let the economy prosper before you go craz(ier) and start punishing Americans for short term political gains.

The greedy corrupt Democrats basically looted $trillions$ from Americans by running the government without a budget for 4 years under Obama
The fact that you are almost certainly enjoying an overpaid pension by some leftist government institution explains your views in complete detail.

Yep would be good to cut it, Middle aged and stopped working, who do you think pays for your free shit?

Trumplings should abandon their love for the phrase "free shit"
Cuz that's what the new Republican tax plan just gave the top 1% who will now get 86% of the spoils

No, free shit is giving something to someone that is not already theirs.

If a robber pulls a gun on you, takes all your money from your wallet, then before leaving gives you twenty for cab fair, only you would classify that as accepting free shit, Right?
If you get a tax break that is paid for by charging EVERY taxpayer higher tax rates, that's accepting free shit, right?
Nope. Inless you are paying less than zero taxes, you aren't getting free shit.

Just as I said. This shit sails a mile over the pointy heads of you innumerate tards.

A tax break IS free shit, dumbass. It is a gift paid for by making EVERYONE pay higher taxes.

You are a LEECH.
Lefties who claim Trump's tax revision will hurt citizens want to make up for it by hurting citizens by increasing the retirement age. Where were they when Hussein was blowing taxpayer dollars on golden parachute retirement for bankrupt solar industry people and showering plane loads of taxpayer cash and euros to a country that promotes terrorism? Advice to over heated hypocrite lefties is to relax for a year and let the economy prosper before you go craz(ier) and start punishing Americans for short term political gains.
Huh? Who on the left is promoting the idea of raising the retirement age? Lowering benefits, privatizing it, raising retirement age, doing away with it altogether are all positions from the right. I sure as hell don't want to have to work until I'm ready to drop dead.
Lefties who claim Trump's tax revision will hurt citizens want to make up for it by hurting citizens by increasing the retirement age. Where were they when Hussein was blowing taxpayer dollars on golden parachute retirement for bankrupt solar industry people and showering plane loads of taxpayer cash and euros to a country that promotes terrorism? Advice to over heated hypocrite lefties is to relax for a year and let the economy prosper before you go craz(ier) and start punishing Americans for short term political gains.
Huh? Who on the left is promoting the idea of raising the retirement age? Lowering benefits, privatizing it, raising retirement age, doing away with it altogether are all positions from the right. I sure as hell don't want to have to work until I'm ready to drop dead.
Pseudocon tards make shit up in their heads. It's all scrambled pre-programmed memes up there. When they try to think for themselves instead of just parroting what they are told to parrot, that shit comes out randomly assembled into word salads. Pay them no mind.
How long til you reach retirement age?
No matter what, I plan on working until I am 70. Maybe even 80. I would not be able to stand being idle.

That's nice.

so, because YOU'RE fine with working that long, you want to make it mandatory for everyone else?
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Then go for it. dont' start collecting your SS til you are in your 70s, possibly your 80s.

But don't force it on those that want to start collecting it at 65, and taking it easy.
You want to live on the government dime longer than your hard working ancestors did.

That's some lazy bullshit.

I already have..

retired military

retired state worker

past 65, and health pretty much prevents finding a new job.


If YOU want to work til your 70s, 80s, 90s, go for it.

Just because YOU'RE a fool, dont' force your crap on the rest of the country
No matter what, I plan on working until I am 70. Maybe even 80. I would not be able to stand being idle.

That's nice.

so, because YOU'RE fine with working that long, you want to make it mandatory for everyone else?
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Then go for it. dont' start collecting your SS til you are in your 70s, possibly your 80s.

But don't force it on those that want to start collecting it at 65, and taking it easy.
You want to live on the government dime longer than your hard working ancestors did.

That's some lazy bullshit.

I already have..

retired military

retired state worker

past 65, and health pretty much prevents finding a new job.


If YOU want to work til your 70s, 80s, 90s, go for it.

Just because YOU'RE a fool, dont' force your crap on the rest of the country
Ah. That explains it.

You've never worked in the private sector. No wonder you are so entitlement minded!
That's nice.

so, because YOU'RE fine with working that long, you want to make it mandatory for everyone else?
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Then go for it. dont' start collecting your SS til you are in your 70s, possibly your 80s.

But don't force it on those that want to start collecting it at 65, and taking it easy.
You want to live on the government dime longer than your hard working ancestors did.

That's some lazy bullshit.

I already have..

retired military

retired state worker

past 65, and health pretty much prevents finding a new job.


If YOU want to work til your 70s, 80s, 90s, go for it.

Just because YOU'RE a fool, dont' force your crap on the rest of the country
Ah. That explains it.

You've never worked in the private sector. No wonder you are so entitlement minded!

and again you prove yourself to be a fool.

It's not an entitlement if you earned it.
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Then go for it. dont' start collecting your SS til you are in your 70s, possibly your 80s.

But don't force it on those that want to start collecting it at 65, and taking it easy.
You want to live on the government dime longer than your hard working ancestors did.

That's some lazy bullshit.

I already have..

retired military

retired state worker

past 65, and health pretty much prevents finding a new job.


If YOU want to work til your 70s, 80s, 90s, go for it.

Just because YOU'RE a fool, dont' force your crap on the rest of the country
Ah. That explains it.

You've never worked in the private sector. No wonder you are so entitlement minded!

and again you prove yourself to be a fool.

It's not an entitlement if you earned it.
You have not earned a longer retirement than your ancestors.

You are as entitlement minded as it gets.
Eliminate the FICA earnings cap.

Problem solved.
That would only make a small dent. It would not solve the problem.

By the way, there is no cap for the Medicare portion of FICA.
The fact that you are almost certainly enjoying an overpaid pension by some leftist government institution explains your views in complete detail.

Yep would be good to cut it, Middle aged and stopped working, who do you think pays for your free shit?

Trumplings should abandon their love for the phrase "free shit"
Cuz that's what the new Republican tax plan just gave the top 1% who will now get 86% of the spoils

No, free shit is giving something to someone that is not already theirs.

If a robber pulls a gun on you, takes all your money from your wallet, then before leaving gives you twenty for cab fair, only you would classify that as accepting free shit, Right?
If you get a tax break that is paid for by charging EVERY taxpayer higher tax rates, that's accepting free shit, right?
Nope. Inless you are paying less than zero taxes, you aren't getting free shit.

Just as I said. This shit sails a mile over the pointy heads of you innumerate tards.

A tax break IS free shit, dumbass. It is a gift paid for by making EVERYONE pay higher taxes.

You are a LEECH.

Only if spending is not cut.

Wanna bet that Bripat supports spending cuts and rising of the retirement age, too?
No matter what, I plan on working until I am 70. Maybe even 80. I would not be able to stand being idle.

That's nice.

so, because YOU'RE fine with working that long, you want to make it mandatory for everyone else?
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."
not everyone has a job sitting on your ass behind a desk all day....some people have jobs that are physical and many of those jobs break the body down...should they be forced to work until they are 70?...
Harry, I work at a desk all day....I have RA up my arms, my shoulders, my legs.....I leave work every single day, in pain. And as soon as I hit 62, I clocking OUT!!!!!
tiger i worked with a guy who had that....he said he was in such pain sometimes that he contemplated driving into the center divider on his way to i dont know how he came in and delivered a mail route.....but he did it....i dont blame you for retiring at 62 i did it.....
If we raise the retirement age, then imo we also need to alter SS disability. And it would cost money. Of course the folks who just got the biggest slice of the tax cut are sitting capped sos sec taxes.

In terms of the middle class, and underemploeyed, Trump turned out to be a charlatan. He could have ignored Obamacare for the time being (but he's got Obama's stick so far up his egotistical fat ass he can't ignore it) and called on the Turtle and Ayn to just pass a tax cut "giving" every American a thousand bucks or so, and reducing biz taxes just by eliminating tax gimmes that just mess up markets. He'd still have achieved the econ benefit we'll get from the tax cut.

And then moved to permanently set soc sec and medicare of firm econ ground.
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

Good comments but your naivete about age discrimination is showing. It's hard for anyone over the age of 55 to get hired AND it's harder to keep a job AFTER the age of 55, too.

Companies want to dump their older employees for two reasons: health insurance and wages. It's a lot cheaper to have a 35-year-old than a 55-60 year old on the payroll.
My military pension, earned from 20+ years of service, is an 'entitlement'?

Social Security, which I have paid into since I was 16, is an 'entitlement'?

Medicare, which has come out of my paychecks for 40 years, is an 'entitlement'?

are you going to continue to prove you're a fool,

or are you willing to quit while behind?
How long til you reach retirement age?
No matter what, I plan on working until I am 70. Maybe even 80. I would not be able to stand being idle.

That's nice.

so, because YOU'RE fine with working that long, you want to make it mandatory for everyone else?
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

See post #94. You are overlooking a huge problem in current employment climate.
My military pension, earned from 20+ years of service, is an 'entitlement'?

Social Security, which I have paid into since I was 16, is an 'entitlement'?

Medicare, which has come out of my paychecks for 40 years, is an 'entitlement'?

are you going to continue to prove you're a fool,

or are you willing to quit while behind?

Yes, Trump IS going after your Medicare and SS next.
Top Republicans are already talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security next
My military pension, earned from 20+ years of service, is an 'entitlement'?

Social Security, which I have paid into since I was 16, is an 'entitlement'?

Medicare, which has come out of my paychecks for 40 years, is an 'entitlement'?

are you going to continue to prove you're a fool,

or are you willing to quit while behind?
Yes, that is what Social Security and Medicare are called. Entitlements. Did you not know this?

When you heard the GOP talking about "entitlement reform" all these years, what did you think they were talking about?

You want to have a longer retirement on the federal dime than your ancestors did. You are being lazy.

You didn't earn all the money you get from Medicare and SS. You are getting far more than you paid in.
Good comments but your naivete about age discrimination is showing.
Age discrimination.

Funny, I have not heard you complaining about sexual orientation discrimination, racial discrimination, or gender discrimination. The exact opposite, in fact.

So why I should I give a shit about you feeling oppressed?

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