Now Is The Time To Raise The Retirement Age

No matter what, I plan on working until I am 70. Maybe even 80. I would not be able to stand being idle.

That's nice.

so, because YOU'RE fine with working that long, you want to make it mandatory for everyone else?
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

See post #94. You are overlooking a huge problem in current employment climate.
Just because one cannot find a job doesn't mean they are left to starve or go without HC. However, these two middle class entitlement programs are premised on tax schemes that are not sustainable. Without the W tax cuts we could have paid down privately/foreign help public debt to maybe borrow our way though the boomers ... but the millennials will be even .... Yuuuger.

With medical advances, it is possible our children will live to be 150 years old.

Then my idea of retiring at 70 will seem incredibly short-sighted except for the fact I always append "and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward."

People of the future are going to wonder who the genius G5000 was who was so far ahead of the curve. :D
There will have to be a fundamental reshaping of how we live our lives. You are right that the tax schemes of 1932 will not work anymore. Medicare was never intended to provide the abundance of care seniors consume. Reagan has been proven correct on that one. It was thing to provide care to those who can't afford it, but quite another thing to create an entitlement program.

I got rear ended by some guy at least ten years younger than me yesterday. My car's old, and not much damage, and I don't much care. But the poor schmuck makes a living installing fire alarms, and I assume burglar alarms. He's fatter than me. I had jobs like that once. I'll very likely outlive him, and I'll probably out work him.
Someone who retires today will receive 33 percent more than they paid into Social Security.

A person who retired in 1980 received 300 percent more than they paid in.

A person who retired in 1960 received 800 percent more than they paid in.

See the trend?

Unsustainable. Because you are living longer than the retiree of 1960.
Someone who retires today will receive 33 percent more than they paid into Social Security.

A person who retired in 1980 received 300 percent more than they paid in.

A person who retired in 1960 received 800 percent more than they paid in.

See the trend?

Unsustainable. Because you are living longer than the retiree of 1960.
Fewer workers per retiree as well. And that trend will not entirely reverse ... evah.

And despite what we spend on Medicare, our life expectencies did not grow in relation. That trend will reverse.

One definition of old may be not being sure you want to be around to see the changes. LOL
When Social Security was invented, it was not intended for everyone to collect on it.

That's why the check you get is called an "INSURANCE" check.

Social Security was intended for those few people who lived beyond the mean.

Today, everyone considers it an entitlement. They have forgotten it is insurance. Everyone thinks they are owed the money.
Someone who retires today will receive 33 percent more than they paid into Social Security.

A person who retired in 1980 received 300 percent more than they paid in.

A person who retired in 1960 received 800 percent more than they paid in.

See the trend?

Unsustainable. Because you are living longer than the retiree of 1960.
Fewer workers per retiree as well. And that trend will not entirely reverse ... evah.
It will if we index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population.

It will reverse and then stabilize.
We paid in....we are owed. Easy call. I am entitled to the money I paid in. ENTITLED.....I could cadre less what some rich guy who never worked says.
Oh for shit - Angry Lil Boy b angry as FUK!!

Back to that 33 percent figure.

If you invested wisely over your entire working life, you should end up with a lot more than 33 percent above your entire investment.

Key word: Wisely.

Unfortunately, there are too many rubes who would invest their entire nest egg in a Trump U real estate seminar and be wiped out. Then they would be pounding on Congress's door to feed them, and our Treasury would be in even more disrepair.

But you see, if you invested wisely over your entire working life, there is no way you would have an 800% return. That's why Social Security made sense for someone who retired in 1960.

And that exposes just how cowardly these privatization creeps are. They don't have the stones to do what needs to be done and they want to toss you into the street where the Trumps of New York are beckoning you into their fake universities and bucket shops rather than make the obvious fix.

They don't have the guts I had to tell you that you need to work until you are 70 because you are living DECADES longer than your ancestors did.
Social security is one of thee greatest things this nation has ever done. Without it people work until they die.....which is embarrassing and ANTI LIFE as well as anti american.
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

Nope. Unfair to people who do physical labor. Sorry.
Bullshit. Tell white collar workers that they only pay on a portion of their income ( caps ) and then give them another 8 years of benefits.

If anything, the fucking cap should be raised and those doing manual labor should be permitted to retire earlier so they can get a few good years in before they croak.
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

SS isn't an entitlement dip shit. I paid for it. How fucking stupid are you really?
You didn't pay for it. When you retire, you will be drawing out much more than you paid in.

The 2.9 Americans carrying you on their backs are paying for your retirement.

How stupid are you for not know this?

Apparently you are truely stupid. It’s still not an entitlement. You are wrong dumbass.

Besides that, all the money I paid in since 1974 should have earned interest. Of course I’ll be taking more out.

Learn something moron.
Good comments but your naivete about age discrimination is showing.
Age discrimination.

Funny, I have not heard you complaining about sexual orientation discrimination, racial discrimination, or gender discrimination. The exact opposite, in fact.

So why I should I give a shit about you feeling oppressed?

Don't dodge my point just because you can't answer it honestly and choose to attack me personally.
YOU are the one who brought up age: you say 70 should be the new eligibility point for SS and Medicare.
And I am right, corporations and businesses try to dump employees after they hit 55.
And they discriminate blatantly against job applicants over 50-55.
You purport yourself as a business know-it-all here and you won't acknowledge that?
Join the other phonies here. You aren't alone.
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

SS isn't an entitlement dip shit. I paid for it. How fucking stupid are you really?
You didn't pay for it. When you retire, you will be drawing out much more than you paid in.

The 2.9 Americans carrying you on their backs are paying for your retirement.

How stupid are you for not know this?

Apparently you are truely stupid. It’s still not an entitlement. You are wrong dumbass.

Besides that, all the money I paid in since 1974 should have earned interest. Of course I’ll be taking more out.

Learn something moron.

You probably shouldn't call someone stupid in the same sentence you misspell the word truly. ;)
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

SS isn't an entitlement dip shit. I paid for it. How fucking stupid are you really?
You didn't pay for it. When you retire, you will be drawing out much more than you paid in.

The 2.9 Americans carrying you on their backs are paying for your retirement.

How stupid are you for not know this?

Apparently you are truely stupid. It’s still not an entitlement. You are wrong dumbass.

Besides that, all the money I paid in since 1974 should have earned interest. Of course I’ll be taking more out.

Learn something moron.

He is correct, the politicians spent it all.
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

Nope. Unfair to people who do physical labor. Sorry.

He doesn't even recognize age discrimination in the work place. So don't be surprised if he doesn't know the difference between someone who works on a scaffold outside in crappy weather or drives a truck cross-country as opposed to a nerd who sits at a computer all day.

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