Now Is The Time To Raise The Retirement Age

That's your retort to your lies , how many times you going to post that lie and tell that lie in public ?

Does that make you feel good posting the same lie over and over again?

Nah - I'll just sit back and enjoy your brilliance .. Hey, we could save a buttload of money just shutting down the CBO and putting bear513 on retainer!

That's your retort to your lies , how many times you going to post that lie and tell that lie in public ?

Does that make you feel good posting the same lie over and over again?

Nah - I'll just sit back and enjoy your brilliance .. Hey, we could save a buttload of money just shutting down the CBO and putting bear513 on retainer!


You still wan to play childish games

Ok tell us how they are getting kick off with the removal of the mandate tax?
That's your retort to your lies , how many times you going to post that lie and tell that lie in public ?

Does that make you feel good posting the same lie over and over again?

Nah - I'll just sit back and enjoy your brilliance .. Hey, we could save a buttload of money just shutting down the CBO and putting bear513 on retainer!


You still wan to play childish games

Ok tell us how they are getting kick off with the removal of the mandate tax?


You still wan to play childish games

Ok tell us how they are getting kick off with the removal of the mandate tax?

Unlikely you would understand but I'll try to dumb it down. Young healthy people under 35 who feel bulletproof will drop their insurance. That leaves 45-64 year olds who are more prone to illness - IOW, the pool is tainted and unbalanced. This forces insurance companies to raise their rates to the point that many of the older folks can no longer afford their policy.

Guess what happens then? Well, the younger folks who thought they were bulletproof get in accidents and the older folks who could no longer afford their policy and are too young for Medicare start using the emergency room as their primary physician.

Then? Hospitals raise their procedure rates because they can only take so many charity cases resulting in further premium spikes for the lucky who still have insurance.

Conservatives used to HATE freeloaders - what gives :dunno:
You still wan to play childish games

Ok tell us how they are getting kick off with the removal of the mandate tax?

Unlikely you would understand but I'll try to dumb it down. Young healthy people under 35 who feel bulletproof will drop their insurance. That leaves 45-64 year olds who are more prone to illness - IOW, the pool is tainted and unbalanced. This forces insurance companies to raise their rates to the point that many of the older folks can no longer afford their policy.

Guess what happens then? Well, the younger folks who thought they were bulletproof get in accidents and the older folks who could no longer afford their policy and are too young for Medicare start using the emergency room as their primary physician.

Then? Hospitals raise their procedure rates because they can only take so many charity cases resulting in further premium spikes for the lucky who still have insurance.

Conservatives used to HATE freeloaders - what gives :dunno:

That doesn't answer the question..

You claim by getting rid of the mandate tax , Trump kicks off 13 million Americans

So how does one kick off 13 million Americans off their health insurance by getting rid of a tax?

Answer the question?
You still wan to play childish games

Ok tell us how they are getting kick off with the removal of the mandate tax?

Unlikely you would understand but I'll try to dumb it down. Young healthy people under 35 who feel bulletproof will drop their insurance. That leaves 45-64 year olds who are more prone to illness

I am 52 I will drop it as soon as it becomes law, I have not been to a quack in 35 years

- IOW, the pool is tainted and unbalanced. This forces insurance companies to raise their rates to the point that many of the older folks can no longer afford their policy.

Because Obama care changed the policy rules

Guess what happens then? Well, the younger folks who thought they were bulletproof get in accidents and the older folks who could no longer afford their policy and are too young for Medicare start using the emergency room as their primary physician.

1. I have not been in an car crash in 30 years
2. ER visit's never went down after Obama care
3. Illegals use ERs and can't get Obama care
4. South Carolina garnish wages for hospital visits if no pay , no insurance
5. Its not my responsibility to take care of the lazy fat ass's of the world who don't want to work out

Then? Hospitals raise their procedure rates because they can only take so many charity cases resulting in further premium spikes for the lucky who still have insurance.

And Obama care changed this how?

Conservatives used to HATE freeloaders - what gives :dunno:

1. See my post above South Carolina has been garnishing wages for hospital visits since the 1980s

And what happened to liberals freedom of choice?

The only choice you want is yours, with other people's money

. .
That doesn't answer the question..
You claim by getting rid of the mandate tax , Trump kicks off 13 million Americans
So how does one kick off 13 million Americans off their health insurance by getting rid of a tax?
Answer the question?

Neither I nor the CBO said they would be "kicked off"
Damn yer slow
And yep, you'll probably end up in the ER freeloading off the rest of us ..
That doesn't answer the question..
You claim by getting rid of the mandate tax , Trump kicks off 13 million Americans
So how does one kick off 13 million Americans off their health insurance by getting rid of a tax?
Answer the question?

Neither I nor the CBO said they would be "kicked off"
Damn yer slow
And yep, you'll probably end up in the ER freeloading off the rest of us ..

You did to you stupid lyer that's why I started arguing with you in the first place

And once again tard do you Know what wage garnishment is ?

God you can't read or comprehend

Damn kid

This is your exact quote lier

We can agree on that .. people are indeed living longer.
Wonder what happens when Trumpcare kicks 13 million off their health insurance

The average life expectancy today is somewhere around 78. In 1935, when Social Security was established, it was 60. Five years UNDER the retirement age.

In 1935, only 5.4% of the population was over 65. Today, 15% of the population is over 65.

The number of workers supporting a retiree is getting smaller and smaller. This is an unsustainable trend.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

We can agree on that .. people are indeed living longer.
Wonder what happens when Trumpcare kicks 13 million off their health insurance?

Stop with the spin bullshit propaganda .....

You did to you stupid lyer that's why I started arguing with you in the first place
And once again tard do you Know what wage garnishment is ?
God you can't read or comprehend
Damn kid
This is your exact quote lier

Figure of speech in that case Dotard.
Go back and read my post about why so many will end up as freeloaders without insurance.
Otherwise, you know ...
You did to you stupid lyer that's why I started arguing with you in the first place
And once again tard do you Know what wage garnishment is ?
God you can't read or comprehend
Damn kid
This is your exact quote lier

Figure of speech in that case Dotard.
Go back and read my post about why so many will end up as freeloaders without insurance.
Otherwise, you know ...

Figure out speech my butt all you libtards have been spinning it that way ever since you got your marching orders of A comedy show ( that you guys consider news)
Did you people whine so much when Obammy added trillions to the debt?

Next question.
Well, I didn't mind UI insurance and temporary aid to states so they could keep schools and Medicaid working.

And like you I'm not against lowering taxes on business .... so long as revenue is pretty much neutral.
I've been talking about raising the SS eligibility age since coming to this forum.

These low IQ tards think they can score points with stupid assumptions about me.

They fail.
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?
The whole problem with the OP is that life expectancy is decreasing. Not increasing.
Life expectancy has increased by EIGHT YEARS since Congress raised the eligibility age in 1983.

It has increased by 18 YEARS since Social Security was established.

Put down the opioids, dude. They'll kill you.

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors. We should be working longer.

Common fricking sense.
When Trumpcare kicks in, our life expectancy will probably go back down to 60ish.
The whole problem with the OP is that life expectancy is decreasing. Not increasing.
Life expectancy has increased by EIGHT YEARS since Congress raised the eligibility age in 1983.

It has increased by 18 YEARS since Social Security was established.

Put down the opioids, dude. They'll kill you.

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors. We should be working longer.

Common fricking sense.
When Trumpcare kicks in, our life expectancy will probably go back down to 60ish.

Only if you are poor! :D
The average life expectancy today is somewhere around 78. In 1935, when Social Security was established, it was 60. Five years UNDER the retirement age.

In 1935, only 5.4% of the population was over 65. Today, 15% of the population is over 65.

The number of workers supporting a retiree is getting smaller and smaller. This is an unsustainable trend.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

We can agree on that .. people are indeed living longer.
Wonder what happens when Trumpcare kicks 13 million off their health insurance?

They will just die, decreasing the worries about overpopulation! :D
The fact that you are almost certainly enjoying an overpaid pension by some leftist government institution explains your views in complete detail.

Yep would be good to cut it, Middle aged and stopped working, who do you think pays for your free shit?

Trumplings should abandon their love for the phrase "free shit"
Cuz that's what the new Republican tax plan just gave the top 1% who will now get 86% of the spoils

What percentage of those taxes do they pay? Why do libs always forget that?

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