Now Is The Time To Raise The Retirement Age

The fact that you are almost certainly enjoying an overpaid pension by some leftist government institution explains your views in complete detail.

Yep would be good to cut it, Middle aged and stopped working, who do you think pays for your free shit?

Trumplings should abandon their love for the phrase "free shit"
Cuz that's what the new Republican tax plan just gave the top 1% who will now get 86% of the spoils

No, free shit is giving something to someone that is not already theirs.

If a robber pulls a gun on you, takes all your money from your wallet, then before leaving gives you twenty for cab fair, only you would classify that as accepting free shit, Right?
If you get a tax break that is paid for by charging EVERY taxpayer higher tax rates, that's accepting free shit, right?
It's more about getting the benefit of the gummit still spending, but giving the bill to future Americans. So it is accepting shit that someone else gets the bill for.

Now the gop is coming after Soc Sec and Medicare before the 18 elections too.

Bull droppings!
Did you people whine so much when Obammy added trillions to the debt?

Next question.
Well, I didn't mind UI insurance and temporary aid to states so they could keep schools and Medicaid working.

And like you I'm not against lowering taxes on business .... so long as revenue is pretty much neutral.
I've been talking about raising the SS eligibility age since coming to this forum.

These low IQ tards think they can score points with stupid assumptions about me.

They fail.
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?

No we can let anyone 50 or over decide to stay on SS or take their money and actually get a return on it

But if any of you future SS dependents ever bothered to do the math you'd know that you would have been far better off investing your and your employer's contributions to payroll taxes on your own than letting the morons in the government have it
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My military pension, earned from 20+ years of service, is an 'entitlement'?

Social Security, which I have paid into since I was 16, is an 'entitlement'?

Medicare, which has come out of my paychecks for 40 years, is an 'entitlement'?

are you going to continue to prove you're a fool,

or are you willing to quit while behind?

That's what I hate about the word "entitlement". Yes, these should be called entitlements because you are entitled to them because of your contributions.

The definition has been bastardized to include anything such as AFDFC, TANF, and a host of other "welfare" programs.

It is simply a testament to our own stupidity.
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The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

Wow! When did anyone hear a Progressive whining about the debt?

I do agree that the age for receiving Social Security and Medicare needs to be increased. Seventy sounds fine to me. Then, in 10 years, raise it another two years.

However.... Apparently Obamacare has pushed people into addicts of opioids lowering our life expectancy.

Life expectancy in the U.S. decreased for the second year in a row in 2016, largely because of rising drug overdose deaths in younger Americans, the CDC said.

American life expectancy is now 78.6 years, down by 0.1 years from 2015 and also down from 2014, according to new data released Thursday by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.

The last time life expectancy decreased for two years in a row was 1963.

Drug overdose deaths drive US life expectancy down for second year
That's nice.

so, because YOU'RE fine with working that long, you want to make it mandatory for everyone else?
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

See post #94. You are overlooking a huge problem in current employment climate.
Just because one cannot find a job doesn't mean they are left to starve or go without HC. However, these two middle class entitlement programs are premised on tax schemes that are not sustainable. Without the W tax cuts we could have paid down privately/foreign help public debt to maybe borrow our way though the boomers ... but the millennials will be even .... Yuuuger.

With medical advances, it is possible our children will live to be 150 years old.

Then my idea of retiring at 70 will seem incredibly short-sighted except for the fact I always append "and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward."

People of the future are going to wonder who the genius G5000 was who was so far ahead of the curve. :D
There will have to be a fundamental reshaping of how we live our lives. You are right that the tax schemes of 1932 will not work anymore. Medicare was never intended to provide the abundance of care seniors consume. Reagan has been proven correct on that one. It was thing to provide care to those who can't afford it, but quite another thing to create an entitlement program.

I got rear ended by some guy at least ten years younger than me yesterday. My car's old, and not much damage, and I don't much care. But the poor schmuck makes a living installing fire alarms, and I assume burglar alarms. He's fatter than me. I had jobs like that once. I'll very likely outlive him, and I'll probably out work him.

We really don't need to know the details of your homosexual lifestyle. :D
Yes, this just has to happen.

When Democracy becomes a competition between who can offer most free stuff paid for by debt we are all in a lot of trouble.

There is zero difference between an entitlement program and a tax cut in this regard, both sides will claim the spending (government or private) will stimulate the economy but it just ends in more bonds in the Chinese treasury.

Actually, doesn't hold all that much of our debt. We do. Yep, we are borrowing from ourselves.
That's your retort to your lies , how many times you going to post that lie and tell that lie in public ?

Does that make you feel good posting the same lie over and over again?

Nah - I'll just sit back and enjoy your brilliance .. Hey, we could save a buttload of money just shutting down the CBO and putting bear513 on retainer!


You still wan to play childish games

Ok tell us how they are getting kick off with the removal of the mandate tax?

You did to you stupid lyer that's why I started arguing with you in the first place
And once again tard do you Know what wage garnishment is ?
God you can't read or comprehend
Damn kid
This is your exact quote lier

Figure of speech in that case Dotard.
Go back and read my post about why so many will end up as freeloaders without insurance.
Otherwise, you know ...

Figure of speech? The fact is you lied and then swore you didn't!

What an asshat!
Did you people whine so much when Obammy added trillions to the debt?

Next question.
Well, I didn't mind UI insurance and temporary aid to states so they could keep schools and Medicaid working.

And like you I'm not against lowering taxes on business .... so long as revenue is pretty much neutral.
I've been talking about raising the SS eligibility age since coming to this forum.

These low IQ tards think they can score points with stupid assumptions about me.

They fail.
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?

What about the millions of people who put in social security and died before they collected ?

What do you tell them go fuck your self thanks for your money?

Next question.
Well, I didn't mind UI insurance and temporary aid to states so they could keep schools and Medicaid working.

And like you I'm not against lowering taxes on business .... so long as revenue is pretty much neutral.
I've been talking about raising the SS eligibility age since coming to this forum.

These low IQ tards think they can score points with stupid assumptions about me.

They fail.
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?

What about the millions of people who put in social security and died before they collected ?

What do you tell them go fuck your self thanks for your money?

How would they do that if they are dead?
The other half of these reforms should be that we shorten the work week to 35 hours. Maybe even 30.

Automation is replacing American workers at a faster and faster clip. Politicians are lying out of their asses when they say they are going to bring jobs back.

Unless those politicians plan on going all Luddite and outlawing robots and software, the jobs are not coming back.

So...shorten the work week. Instead of three 40 hour workers, you have four 30 hour workers.

And you work until you are 70.
(QUOTE) An interesting thought, like it better than making a manual laborer work 40 hrs till 70.

Next question.
Well, I didn't mind UI insurance and temporary aid to states so they could keep schools and Medicaid working.

And like you I'm not against lowering taxes on business .... so long as revenue is pretty much neutral.
I've been talking about raising the SS eligibility age since coming to this forum.

These low IQ tards think they can score points with stupid assumptions about me.

They fail.
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?

What about the millions of people who put in social security and died before they collected ?

What do you tell them go fuck your self thanks for your money?
Tell them whatever you want. They're dead. Just like millions more will be if the retirement age is raised to 70.
Well, I didn't mind UI insurance and temporary aid to states so they could keep schools and Medicaid working.

And like you I'm not against lowering taxes on business .... so long as revenue is pretty much neutral.
I've been talking about raising the SS eligibility age since coming to this forum.

These low IQ tards think they can score points with stupid assumptions about me.

They fail.
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?

What about the millions of people who put in social security and died before they collected ?

What do you tell them go fuck your self thanks for your money?

How would they do that if they are dead?

They could of gotten rid of social security when they were alive.
The other half of these reforms should be that we shorten the work week to 35 hours. Maybe even 30.

Automation is replacing American workers at a faster and faster clip. Politicians are lying out of their asses when they say they are going to bring jobs back.

Unless those politicians plan on going all Luddite and outlawing robots and software, the jobs are not coming back.

So...shorten the work week. Instead of three 40 hour workers, you have four 30 hour workers.

And you work until you are 70.
(QUOTE) An interesting thought, like it better than making a manual laborer work 40 hrs till 70.
Employers would probably like the 30 hour model. They wouldn't have to pay anyone full time benefits.
Well, I didn't mind UI insurance and temporary aid to states so they could keep schools and Medicaid working.

And like you I'm not against lowering taxes on business .... so long as revenue is pretty much neutral.
I've been talking about raising the SS eligibility age since coming to this forum.

These low IQ tards think they can score points with stupid assumptions about me.

They fail.
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?

What about the millions of people who put in social security and died before they collected ?

What do you tell them go fuck your self thanks for your money?
Tell them whatever you want. They're dead. Just like millions more will be if the retirement age is raised to 70.

That's the entire point why social security was made in the first place it wasn't supposed to Be a retirement fund for the mases the age of social security today should be 75 years old

Another case of liberals not thinking ahead..
I've been talking about raising the SS eligibility age since coming to this forum.

These low IQ tards think they can score points with stupid assumptions about me.

They fail.
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?

What about the millions of people who put in social security and died before they collected ?

What do you tell them go fuck your self thanks for your money?
Tell them whatever you want. They're dead. Just like millions more will be if the retirement age is raised to 70.

That's the entire point why social security was made in the first place it wasn't supposed to Be a retirement fund for the mases the age of social security today should be 75 years old

Another case of liberals not thinking ahead..
Who would pay into it if there was no likelihood you would ever live to collect anything?
Why raise the age instead of tying to get rid of the SS scam?
Yeah, and what about the millions of seniors who depend on SS and Medicare? Let them die?

What about the soon to be retired who have put into the system for 50 years? Sorry bub, go fuck yourself?

All the people who don't have golden parachutes? Sorry pal, should have been born a Trump?

What about the millions of people who put in social security and died before they collected ?

What do you tell them go fuck your self thanks for your money?
Tell them whatever you want. They're dead. Just like millions more will be if the retirement age is raised to 70.

That's the entire point why social security was made in the first place it wasn't supposed to Be a retirement fund for the mases the age of social security today should be 75 years old

Another case of liberals not thinking ahead..
Who would pay into it if there was no likelihood you would ever live to collect anything?

Yea it was voluntary at first .

You really don't know the history of it do you?

That's why the ones like me who know the history always calls it a Ponzi scheme, only a few were supposed to collect.

The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.
I plan to die at my desk. What the hell else is there to do when you are old and ugly?

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