Now Is The Time To Raise The Retirement Age

How long til you reach retirement age?
No matter what, I plan on working until I am 70. Maybe even 80. I would not be able to stand being idle.

That's nice.

so, because YOU'RE fine with working that long, you want to make it mandatory for everyone else?
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."
not everyone has a job sitting on your ass behind a desk all day....some people have jobs that are physical and many of those jobs break the body down...should they be forced to work until they are 70?...
Yes. The 65 year old physical laborer of today is in better shape than the 65 year old physical laborer of 1935.

As I pointed out in an earlier post, the blue collar workers were even more disadvantaged in 1935 than today as far as living to collect Social Security goes.

We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common fricking sense.

Anyone who wants to have a longer retirement on the government dime than their ancestors did is lazy. That is the entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.
you can tell you sit on your ass all day...
The other half of these reforms should be that we shorten the work week to 35 hours. Maybe even 30.

Automation is replacing American workers at a faster and faster clip. Politicians are lying out of their asses when they say they are going to bring jobs back.

Unless those politicians plan on going all Luddite and outlawing robots and software, the jobs are not coming back.

So...shorten the work week. Instead of three 40 hour workers, you have four 30 hour workers.

And you work until you are 70.
Nobody knows when they are going to retire. It's nice to have an "age" but in in reality, you may have to quit working due to health reasons, getting downsized, etc. There are also many jobs one cannot do into their 70's.
Nobody knows when they are going to retire. It's nice to have an "age" but in in reality, you may have to quit working due to health reasons, getting downsized, etc. There are also many jobs one cannot do into their 70's.
That's just as true with the retirement age set to ANY age.

And thus meaningless to a discussion about entitlement reform.











The other half of these reforms should be that we shorten the work week to 35 hours. Maybe even 30.

Automation is replacing American workers at a faster and faster clip. Politicians are lying out of their asses when they say they are going to bring jobs back.

Unless those politicians plan on going all Luddite and outlawing robots and software, the jobs are not coming back.

So...shorten the work week. Instead of three 40 hour workers, you have four 30 hour workers.

And you work until you are 70.
So...shorten the work week. Instead of three 40 hour workers, you have four 30 hour workers.

and how is that going to work out pay wise?

Workers making less because of less hours, are you going to suggest working 3-4 jobs a week?

or raise the minimum wage to cover it?
Maybe we need to stop calling it "retirement" age and just call it the "age to collect SS' instead?
The other half of these reforms should be that we shorten the work week to 35 hours. Maybe even 30.

Automation is replacing American workers at a faster and faster clip. Politicians are lying out of their asses when they say they are going to bring jobs back.

Unless those politicians plan on going all Luddite and outlawing robots and software, the jobs are not coming back.

So...shorten the work week. Instead of three 40 hour workers, you have four 30 hour workers.

And you work until you are 70.
So...shorten the work week. Instead of three 40 hour workers, you have four 30 hour workers.

and how is that going to work out pay wise?

Workers making less because of less hours, are you going to suggest working 3-4 jobs a week?

or raise the minimum wage to cover it?
Same salary, less hours.

That would be true "trickle down". Instead of concentrating all the wealth into their hands, CEOs will have to hire and pay more workers.
Wealth is being unnaturally concentrated. I could, and have, started topics about this subject alone.

Every job which is automated away puts more money into a CEOs pocket.

They should be trickling that down to their ever dwindling slave labor force.
Maybe we need to stop calling it "retirement" age and just call it the "age to collect SS' instead?
I used "retirement" in the topic title as a rhetorical shortcut due to limited title length allowed.

However, you can see in my OP, and in every topic I have ever talked about entitlement reform, I say, "Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70."
The other half of these reforms should be that we shorten the work week to 35 hours. Maybe even 30.

Automation is replacing American workers at a faster and faster clip. Politicians are lying out of their asses when they say they are going to bring jobs back.

Unless those politicians plan on going all Luddite and outlawing robots and software, the jobs are not coming back.

So...shorten the work week. Instead of three 40 hour workers, you have four 30 hour workers.

And you work until you are 70.
So...shorten the work week. Instead of three 40 hour workers, you have four 30 hour workers.

and how is that going to work out pay wise?

Workers making less because of less hours, are you going to suggest working 3-4 jobs a week?

or raise the minimum wage to cover it?
Same salary, less hours.

That would be true "trickle down". Instead of concentrating all the wealth into their hands, CEOs will have to hire and pay more workers.

Gs idea factory











































How long til you reach retirement age?
No matter what, I plan on working until I am 70. Maybe even 80. I would not be able to stand being idle.

That's nice.

so, because YOU'RE fine with working that long, you want to make it mandatory for everyone else?
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

See post #94. You are overlooking a huge problem in current employment climate.
Just because one cannot find a job doesn't mean they are left to starve or go without HC. However, these two middle class entitlement programs are premised on tax schemes that are not sustainable. Without the W tax cuts we could have paid down privately/foreign help public debt to maybe borrow our way though the boomers ... but the millennials will be even .... Yuuuger.
The other half of these reforms should be that we shorten the work week to 35 hours. Maybe even 30.

Automation is replacing American workers at a faster and faster clip. Politicians are lying out of their asses when they say they are going to bring jobs back.

Unless those politicians plan on going all Luddite and outlawing robots and software, the jobs are not coming back.

So...shorten the work week. Instead of three 40 hour workers, you have four 30 hour workers.

And you work until you are 70.
So...shorten the work week. Instead of three 40 hour workers, you have four 30 hour workers.

and how is that going to work out pay wise?

Workers making less because of less hours, are you going to suggest working 3-4 jobs a week?

or raise the minimum wage to cover it?
Same salary, less hours.

That would be true "trickle down". Instead of concentrating all the wealth into their hands, CEOs will have to hire and pay more workers.

Gs idea factory

I'm sure back in the age of the robber barons, people like you thought a 40-hour work week was insane.

I'm ahead of the curve. Always have been.
Retirement is awesome. I highly recommend it. Any idiot who tells you I love working is beyond anti american. To all young working people: do not marry and do not have kids. Put every cent away ands invest carefully and retirement at 55 at the latest. If every single working person does this they are smart.
How long til you reach retirement age?
No matter what, I plan on working until I am 70. Maybe even 80. I would not be able to stand being idle.

That's nice.

so, because YOU'RE fine with working that long, you want to make it mandatory for everyone else?
We are living longer, we should be working longer. Don't be so lazy. Your attitude is the exact entitlement mindset which is destroying our country.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

See post #94. You are overlooking a huge problem in current employment climate.
Just because one cannot find a job doesn't mean they are left to starve or go without HC. However, these two middle class entitlement programs are premised on tax schemes that are not sustainable. Without the W tax cuts we could have paid down privately/foreign help public debt to maybe borrow our way though the boomers ... but the millennials will be even .... Yuuuger.

With medical advances, it is possible our children will live to be 150 years old.

Then my idea of retiring at 70 will seem incredibly short-sighted except for the fact I always append "and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward."

People of the future are going to wonder who the genius G5000 was who was so far ahead of the curve. :D
Retirement is awesome. I highly recommend it. Any idiot who tells you I love working is beyond anti american. To all young working people: do not marry and do not have kids. Put every cent away ands invest carefully and retirement at 55 at the latest. If every single working person does this they are smart.
The more prosperous nations become, the lower their birth rate.

Which then proceeds to crush their economic growth.
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

SS isn't an entitlement dip shit. I paid for it. How fucking stupid are you really?
Retirement is awesome. I highly recommend it. Any idiot who tells you I love working is beyond anti american. To all young working people: do not marry and do not have kids. Put every cent away ands invest carefully and retirement at 55 at the latest. If every single working person does this they are smart.

People who are active in retirement and can afford it are very happy.

However, less and less people are able to afford retirement. They are entirely dependent on Social Security.

Wealth is being sucked right out of the lower 90 percent and concentrated at the top.
The Republican tax bill will add to our federal debt. This glaring truth causes the monkeys to slap their hands over their eyes. "We no care bout debt any more!"

Because of PayGo, these deficits caused by the tax bill will have to be paid for by cutting spending on entitlement programs. You know, we have to tear those lazy, shiftless poor people away from their steak and champagne dinners and get them into the fields picking cotton.

But here's a better, saner idea to save our national treasury: Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index them to 9 percent of the US population.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common sense.

SS isn't an entitlement dip shit. I paid for it. How fucking stupid are you really?
You didn't pay for it. When you retire, you will be drawing out much more than you paid in.

The 2.9 Americans carrying you on their backs are paying for your retirement.

How stupid are you for not know this?

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