Now meteorologists have to fear for their lives

Put a stop to what Mac? Random Democrat supporters pretending to be Republicans saying stupid threatening shit? How do you suppose that Congressional Republicans by themselves could do anything to stop anything? What a retarded thread, get a grip Mac.
Because, as we all know, Republicans are very, very powerful people. If there's even one in a Congressional chamber with a bunch of democrats, the democrats will immediately seize up and be completely unable to function as normal human beings, they are that afraid a Republican will look at them sideways. This is also why democrats are acting like there was never an election in 2020, TRUMP! is still in office and to blame for everything from sunspots to people wearing white after Labor Day to dogs and cats living together.
How have these people gotten this fucked up in the head?

How do they believe this? Or Qanon? Or Flat Earth? Or Trump?
Dangerously stupid + zero self awareness = MAGA cult.
All kidding aside… I believe what someone else already said. That these guys, by themselves, were dumb and felt powerless. Together though they have power and influence and none of them are going to give it up regardless of how dumb it gets. A good number of them probably don’t even recognize this stuff as dumb. You can see they don’t by the comparisons they make. Zero self awareness.
Exactly right. I've been saying all along that this has never been about Trump. It's never about The One Guy. It's about those who enable him. Worst of all those in Congress. Next are those in the media who spread the lies for him. The street level rubes are just the pawns, the soldiers who don't question.

Yeah, this is about who we are. I learned in 2016 that I had totally overestimated us as a society. Nothing has changed.
This whole MAGA finger pointing & hateful rhetoric has been building for 30 years with Limbaugh on the air doing radio for 3 hours a day 5 days a weeks pounding this stuff into ditto heads for all that time until the Big C finally put an end to his hate rants. He was another louse who right up to his last day on the air claimed that the election was stolen from Don Trump.

And no Rush, Brinks trucks don't visit cemetaries.

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