Now meteorologists have to fear for their lives

J6 was an attempt to not leave office and the whole world watched it.
If you believe that, you are even dumber than I thought. There is no connection to the groups that showed up there before Trump had even fished his speech miles down the road, and if that was an attempt not to leave office, then why was it peaceful until antagonized with smoke and bang bombs by the Cap Police? Why didn't they bring weapons to force the Senate into certifying Trump? And why didn't they even have a floor plan of the building to know where to go much less tools to gain rapid entry? And why did the police let them wander peacefully around the building doing nothing?

All J6 was, was the predictable outrage of having so damaged and flawed an election as 2020 shoved quickly down their throats while telling them they couldn't even ask questions about it much less get any answers.

A danger to Democracy is correct.
The only real danger to the republic is staring you in the mirror. America isn't a democracy so, the only one you must be referring to is the false one erected by the DNC.

He lost an election
That is right, more ballots for Biden were counted, problem is how many were illegal? We are still finding out.

and invited his thugs to vandalize his former workplace and beat up 130 cops and you`re okay with that?
Now all we need is the evidence. Where is the evidence? Where is this imaginary invitation? It wasn't found in the 2nd impeachment, it wasn't produced by weeks of the J6 Committee, and it still hasn't been produced by the so-called criminal trial.

Must be made of unobtainium. :auiqs.jpg:
This is just getting worse. This is a madness, a group pathology. How bad will this get, especially when it's being pushed by "leaders"?

Katie Nickolaou, a Michigan-based meteorologist, said that she and her colleagues have borne the brunt of much of these conspiracies, having received messages claiming there are category 6 hurricanes (there aren’t), that meteorologists or the government are creating and directing hurricanes (they aren’t) and even that scientists should be killed and radar equipment be demolished.

“I’ve never seen a storm garner so much misinformation, we have just been putting out fires of wrong information everywhere,” Nickolaou said.

“I have had a bunch of people saying I created and steered the hurricane, there are people assuming we control the weather. I have had to point out that a hurricane has the energy of 10,000 nuclear bombs and we can’t hope to control that. But it’s taken a turn to more violent rhetoric, especially with people saying those who created Milton should be killed.”

One post aimed at Nickolaou said: “Stop the breathing of those that made them and their affiliates.” She responded: “Murdering meteorologists won’t stop hurricanes. I can’t believe I just had to type that.”

“People have called me a plethora of curse words, people telling me to shut up and sit down, people who think it’s OK to take out Doppler radar because they think it is controlling the weather,” Nickolaou said. “It is eating up a lot of work and free time to deal with all of this. It’s very tiring.”

Oh God, another anti Trump screed with 0 proof. 'People have called me'...'meteorologist, said'...'a bunch of people saying'...'People have called me' and on, and on, and on. Absolutely no proof. Talk about Democrat panic.
One of your party leaders said that people can control the weather so I`m not surprised that her boss loves the uneducated.
She is hardly a "party leader". As your link mentioned, she was stripped of her committee assignments and booted from the Freedom Caucus over her antics.

You also ignore the 5 or 6 republicans the Axios piece quoted saying she was just wrong.

Or her follow-on post that she was referring to small scale weather modification like cloud seeding experiments, and referencing the NOAA database for examples...

Where are all the other meteorologists who received threats? Was it just this one?

Sounds fishy to me...:icon_rolleyes:
Florida will disappear!

Florida, at least coastal living, is no longer a viable enterprise. Insurers are already pulling out and the fed govt should not be on the hook for rebuilding selfish dreams of living in “paradise”.
IMO, paradise does not include rebuilding my life every few years. Madness.
Death Threats are a little too much, but in defense of the people… in what other public service job (other than politics) can you be wrong 85% of the time and keep your job other than meteorologists
CBO economist, BLS statistician, any liberal arts college professor, pretty much anyone at NOAA or NASA who is part of the AGW cult...

Getting it right is not a requirement to make it in Gov't and higher Education...
Hahaha. HFS. The Sahara desert is not greening because of CO2.

"One of the driest regions on earth is shifting green, as an influx of heavy rainfall causes vegetation to grow in the typically barren landscape.

Satellite images released by NASA show pockets of plant life popping up all over the Sahara Desert after an extratropical cyclone drenched a large swath of northwestern Africa on Sept. 7 and Sept. 8."
I’ve read quite a lot about this. I find it fascinating to see how quickly the desert can spring to life.
I think it's gotten to the point at which congressional Republicans have to step up, put the country before their careers, and put a stop to this.

They may be the only people who can do it now.
Put a stop to what Mac? Random Democrat supporters pretending to be Republicans saying stupid threatening shit? How do you suppose that Congressional Republicans by themselves could do anything to stop anything? What a retarded thread, get a grip Mac.

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