Now Republicans Are Keeping Their Obamacare Plans A Secret


Gold Member
May 28, 2012

lol. Maybe this is why.

Now Republicans Are Keeping Their Obamacare Plans A Secret | The Huffington Post
So what, it was their plan frm the beginning, straight outta the Heritage Foundation.
So what, it was their plan frm the beginning, straight outta the Heritage Foundation.

The heritage foundation is completely out of touch with rank & file repubs. The personel freedoms and smaller government part anyway.
Inane cartoons that pass for political analysis in the low information mind aside, it was the democrat party that literally locked republicans out of meetings about the ironically named "affordable healthcare act". The grinning president with a majority in both houses actually said "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back". Democrats didn't even read the thing after locking Republicans out and using intimidation and threats and bribes to get their own party to sign on to the 500 pound mess that passes for a law. The then Speaker of the House actually told Americans "you can find out what's in it after it is passed". What "it" was turned out to be lies and a mish-mash of confusing laws that put the middle class in the poor house if they got sick.
Inane cartoons that pass for political analysis in the low information mind aside, it was the democrat party that literally locked republicans out of meetings about the ironically named "affordable healthcare act". The grinning president with a majority in both houses actually said "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back". Democrats didn't even read the thing after locking Republicans out and using intimidation and threats and bribes to get their own party to sign on to the 500 pound mess that passes for a law. The then Speaker of the House actually told Americans "you can find out what's in it after it is passed". What "it" was turned out to be lies and a mish-mash of confusing laws that put the middle class in the poor house if they got sick.

Dude you're way to literal. Grow up. As for your bullshit story! Nothing could be further from the truth.
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Who said this: I will repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE.

Any trump supporters call him out on that lie yet?
The truth is that no matter what the new plan will be, not everyone will be covered. The only people who support the ACA are those who pay a premium of not more than $20 a month, or those who need to have a blood transfusion every week.

It is impossible to have affordable health insurance when there's people who leach off of those who never go to the doctor. If you make too many car insurance claims, your insurance will drop you because you cost too much money not only for the company, but everyone else who is insured with them. With health insurance, the same idea should happen. Apparently many, many people do not understand the basic foundation of insurance. It's called "insurance", not "entitlement."

It doesn't matter what the terms are of this new healthcare bill will be, people will still complain, because America is a bunch of whiners, some groups more than others. Maybe if people exercised regularly and ate healthy food, most Americans wouldn't have the health problems they do today such as type II diabetes and obesity.
The truth is that no matter what the new plan will be, not everyone will be covered. The only people who support the ACA are those who pay a premium of not more than $20 a month, or those who need to have a blood transfusion every week.

It is impossible to have affordable health insurance when there's people who leach off of those who never go to the doctor. If you make too many car insurance claims, your insurance will drop you because you cost too much money not only for the company, but everyone else who is insured with them. With health insurance, the same idea should happen. Apparently many, many people do not understand the basic foundation of insurance. It's called "insurance", not "entitlement."

It doesn't matter what the terms are of this new healthcare bill will be, people will still complain, because America is a bunch of whiners, some groups more than others. Maybe if people exercised regularly and ate healthy food, most Americans wouldn't have the health problems they do today such as type II diabetes and obesity.

In comparison, it would be like government taking over auto insurance. Under Auto Bama, you get insurance no matter how many accidents you had, how many DUI's you had, or how many points you have on your license. Plus you get the insurance at the same price as a perfect driver. But only a liberal would believe that will bring down the cost of premiums for everybody

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The truth is that no matter what the new plan will be, not everyone will be covered. The only people who support the ACA are those who pay a premium of not more than $20 a month, or those who need to have a blood transfusion every week.

It is impossible to have affordable health insurance when there's people who leach off of those who never go to the doctor. If you make too many car insurance claims, your insurance will drop you because you cost too much money not only for the company, but everyone else who is insured with them. With health insurance, the same idea should happen. Apparently many, many people do not understand the basic foundation of insurance. It's called "insurance", not "entitlement."

It doesn't matter what the terms are of this new healthcare bill will be, people will still complain, because America is a bunch of whiners, some groups more than others. Maybe if people exercised regularly and ate healthy food, most Americans wouldn't have the health problems they do today such as type II diabetes and obesity.

In comparison, it would be like government taking over auto insurance. Under Auto Bama, you get insurance no matter how many accidents you had, how many DUI's you had, or how many points you have on your license. Plus you get the insurance at the same price as a perfect driver. But only a liberal would believe that will bring down the cost of premiums for everybody

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And the only way I can see the insurance industry actually working for both people who constantly use the system, and people who never use the system, is by charging by how much people use health services. A 25 year old non-smoker who never goes to the doctor shouldn't be paying $475 a month/bronze plan while a 60 year old smoker with diabetes also pays $475 a month (assuming they make the same income and go through the marketplace). In this case, the 25 year old should be paying $80/month while the 60 year old smoker with Diabetes should be paying $700 a month or use an HSA combined plan for $600/month.

Can the prices fluctuate? Sure, if the 25 year old begins to attend psychologist sessions twice a week, then up his monthly bill to $150. If the 60 year old stops smoking, lower their premium another $50/month.

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