Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool.

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Where is Communism or Socialism prohibited in the Constitution? Besides, Americans are free to choose whatever ideology they want.
Most of us are just workers or professionals that adopt a portion of each of those ideals. That is true freedom!

Well don't you think that people who have such values are much more of a threat to our national security than somebody who's wife happens to be from another country?

Remember it was Hillary's husband responsible for China getting our technology to navigate nuclear missiles.
No I don't remember that. But he is a natural born citizen and that meant something of value to the founders of this nation. Obviously it means very little to you!

Why would it mean little to me? There is no question about Trump's citizenship, there was about Obama, and I bet anything that you voted for him.

Now can you show me in our Constitution (or founders writings) where they had a problem about a nominees wife or where she was from? She's been with him over ten years for crying out loud.

She is a hundred times less of a threat to this country than the front runner on the Democrat side. And to be honest, I don't believe for a minute Trump's wife is a concern of yours, it's just something more to bash the guy with.

Like I said, you're watching too many old James Bond movies. This is real life where if there was any inkling of nefarious activity by Melania, the Democrats would have found it long ago if not our government.

There was never a question about Obama's citizenship except for people like Trump: the man married to a foreign born woman.
Have you noticed that Trump suddenly backed off that birther nonsense, even with Cruz? His wife must have reminded him that she is foreign born and he doesn't want to raise that issue in the public eye.

But I have expounded upon the idiom within the Constitution that mandates the president be a natural born citizen. Man and wife are one, thus his foreign born wife burdens Trump's candidacy. A fact that has yet to be fully exploited to an opponent;s advantage.

Great, then after Trump is nominated, try using his wife as a means to disqualify him because "they are one." Even the liberals on the Supreme Court would laugh that one out of the court room.

Their laughs might not be nearly as loud as those heard around the world when nude photos of the First Lady begin to proliferate.
Of course, they may not proliferate if she can pass information to certain agents in her home country!
you're correct in all of that. and you haven't even gotten to how the loons mischaracterize what she said

How do you misunderstand "for the first time in my life, I'm proud of my country?"

Think she told Obama, that was the first time in my life. Sure baby, that's it, you were the first ...
Well don't you think that people who have such values are much more of a threat to our national security than somebody who's wife happens to be from another country?

Remember it was Hillary's husband responsible for China getting our technology to navigate nuclear missiles.
No I don't remember that. But he is a natural born citizen and that meant something of value to the founders of this nation. Obviously it means very little to you!

Why would it mean little to me? There is no question about Trump's citizenship, there was about Obama, and I bet anything that you voted for him.

Now can you show me in our Constitution (or founders writings) where they had a problem about a nominees wife or where she was from? She's been with him over ten years for crying out loud.

She is a hundred times less of a threat to this country than the front runner on the Democrat side. And to be honest, I don't believe for a minute Trump's wife is a concern of yours, it's just something more to bash the guy with.

Like I said, you're watching too many old James Bond movies. This is real life where if there was any inkling of nefarious activity by Melania, the Democrats would have found it long ago if not our government.

There was never a question about Obama's citizenship except for people like Trump: the man married to a foreign born woman.
Have you noticed that Trump suddenly backed off that birther nonsense, even with Cruz? His wife must have reminded him that she is foreign born and he doesn't want to raise that issue in the public eye.

But I have expounded upon the idiom within the Constitution that mandates the president be a natural born citizen. Man and wife are one, thus his foreign born wife burdens Trump's candidacy. A fact that has yet to be fully exploited to an opponent;s advantage.

Great, then after Trump is nominated, try using his wife as a means to disqualify him because "they are one." Even the liberals on the Supreme Court would laugh that one out of the court room.

Their laughs might not be nearly as loud as those heard around the world when nude photos of the First Lady begin to proliferate.
Of course, they may not proliferate if she can pass information to certain agents in her home country!

There are naked pictures of Obama's mother all over the internet. Given that fact, why should anyone give a crap about semi-nude pictures of Trump's wife when she was a professional model?

Here's a clue for you: no one gives a crap.
"Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool."

But typical of most conservatives and republicans.
Just imagine the thunderous applause these same rightards would offer Romney had he attacked Obama's wife instead of Trump's.

But no, he attacked Trump's; therefore, attacking wives is now "uncool."
Enough has been found to justify stripping her of her security clearance...

Talk about hypocrisy....if it was a GOP candidate liberals would find them guilty in THEIR court of opinionated law, and demand he drop out.

After defending Clinton by declaring his sex life was no one's business and that adultery did not disqualify someone from being President, liberals demanded Herman Cain be forced from his Presidential race due to false charges of sexual indescressions!

The hypocrisy is unbelievable!
None of those things you mentioned have the implications of security leaks via spousal connectivity!
I don't think the wives are the problem. It's who they're sleeping with on the side. Hillary in particular. Her husband was a classic security risk, but so is she.
Well, who is Hillary sleeping with? Yoko Ono? heh heh well...when she was a hippie, maybe..but not now..... and there is no proof.
Joke about this all you like. When I held my clearance, they knew who I was hanging around with, where I traveled, when I was being transferred.

Hillary is a huge security risk.

She's sleeping with Huma.....a Muslim woman she hired as a handler/helper. If you wonder why these people are so understanding when it comes to Muslims and not Christians is because they're literally sleeping with the enemy.

Russia used women during the cold war to get information from top officials and during WWII it was common for a female spy to use sex to get information out of enemy generals and government officials. Nobody is allowed to say anything about it because of political-correctness, so Hillary can continue to have contact with non-vetted individuals with ties to terrorist groups.
You have no proof that Hillary is sleeping with anyone, including Bill Clinton...let alone some dame named Huma. where did you get that...Faux News? And you can bet "Huma" was vetted before she got anywhere near the Clintons.

But here is something to refresh your short memory about Republican love affairs with Muslims:

Well don't you think that people who have such values are much more of a threat to our national security than somebody who's wife happens to be from another country?

Remember it was Hillary's husband responsible for China getting our technology to navigate nuclear missiles.
No I don't remember that. But he is a natural born citizen and that meant something of value to the founders of this nation. Obviously it means very little to you!

Why would it mean little to me? There is no question about Trump's citizenship, there was about Obama, and I bet anything that you voted for him.

Now can you show me in our Constitution (or founders writings) where they had a problem about a nominees wife or where she was from? She's been with him over ten years for crying out loud.

She is a hundred times less of a threat to this country than the front runner on the Democrat side. And to be honest, I don't believe for a minute Trump's wife is a concern of yours, it's just something more to bash the guy with.

Like I said, you're watching too many old James Bond movies. This is real life where if there was any inkling of nefarious activity by Melania, the Democrats would have found it long ago if not our government.

There was never a question about Obama's citizenship except for people like Trump: the man married to a foreign born woman.
Have you noticed that Trump suddenly backed off that birther nonsense, even with Cruz? His wife must have reminded him that she is foreign born and he doesn't want to raise that issue in the public eye.

But I have expounded upon the idiom within the Constitution that mandates the president be a natural born citizen. Man and wife are one, thus his foreign born wife burdens Trump's candidacy. A fact that has yet to be fully exploited to an opponent;s advantage.

Great, then after Trump is nominated, try using his wife as a means to disqualify him because "they are one." Even the liberals on the Supreme Court would laugh that one out of the court room.

Their laughs might not be nearly as loud as those heard around the world when nude photos of the First Lady begin to proliferate.
Of course, they may not proliferate if she can pass information to certain agents in her home country!

So what's the problem, that we finally have an attractive first lady? And there is a difference between semi-nude and nude.

Sorry, but the world will laugh at us more if we elect a woman who passed around classified information on an unsecured server and e-mail, and who's husband was also getting half-million dollar speaking fees from suspicious clients than they would a guy who married a woman with an accent that never had an outstanding parking ticket.
It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives
At least his wife came here legally and did it the right way . Unlike the endless illegals here Obama and the democraps let in
You elected congressional officials are letting them in too. Rich republicans and Rich Democrats love illegals, it is the poor and middle class republican Trump crowd AND regular democrats that feel threatened by them.
Yeah genius, that's why people got pissed about it.
the only people getting pissed about it are hateful biased Right WIngers who were pissed before Michelle said anything. They just didn't like the idea of a Black First Lady in the White House.

Doesn't this race thing ever get old with you people? Been using it for decades and it never works. Do you liberals believe you are mind readers or something; that you can tell what somebody is thinking if they happen to dislike somebody of color?
Actually it works on many, but just not us..........They double down on it for votes..........Typical Liberal tactics.

By "many" you must mean other liberals.

Republican: I hate Obama Care!
Liberal: That's because Obama is black and you're a racist.

Republican: I'm not racist. I admire Thomas Sowell, Clearance Thomas, Condi Rice.....
Liberal: That's different, they are house N***ers and Uncle Toms!

Republican: But you call ME the racist????
Liberal: That's correct.

I mean, really? These people actually think this way. Liberals have used these terms on black conservatives for years. When have you ever heard a Republican refer to a black politician using those racial terms?
Considering the populist bigotry inherent in today's GOP,as evidenced by the polling success of Trump, to include endorsements by every extreme RW cult out there, any Black person who aligns themselves with such riffraff is either mad, stupid or an insensitive opportunist willing to do anything to get a pat on the head from his RW masters.

And I thank you for proving my point.
No I don't remember that. But he is a natural born citizen and that meant something of value to the founders of this nation. Obviously it means very little to you!

Why would it mean little to me? There is no question about Trump's citizenship, there was about Obama, and I bet anything that you voted for him.

Now can you show me in our Constitution (or founders writings) where they had a problem about a nominees wife or where she was from? She's been with him over ten years for crying out loud.

She is a hundred times less of a threat to this country than the front runner on the Democrat side. And to be honest, I don't believe for a minute Trump's wife is a concern of yours, it's just something more to bash the guy with.

Like I said, you're watching too many old James Bond movies. This is real life where if there was any inkling of nefarious activity by Melania, the Democrats would have found it long ago if not our government.

There was never a question about Obama's citizenship except for people like Trump: the man married to a foreign born woman.
Have you noticed that Trump suddenly backed off that birther nonsense, even with Cruz? His wife must have reminded him that she is foreign born and he doesn't want to raise that issue in the public eye.

But I have expounded upon the idiom within the Constitution that mandates the president be a natural born citizen. Man and wife are one, thus his foreign born wife burdens Trump's candidacy. A fact that has yet to be fully exploited to an opponent;s advantage.

Great, then after Trump is nominated, try using his wife as a means to disqualify him because "they are one." Even the liberals on the Supreme Court would laugh that one out of the court room.

Their laughs might not be nearly as loud as those heard around the world when nude photos of the First Lady begin to proliferate.
Of course, they may not proliferate if she can pass information to certain agents in her home country!

So what's the problem, that we finally have an attractive first lady? And there is a difference between semi-nude and nude.

Sorry, but the world will laugh at us more if we elect a woman who passed around classified information on an unsecured server and e-mail, and who's husband was also getting half-million dollar speaking fees from suspicious clients than they would a guy who married a woman with an accent that never had an outstanding parking ticket.
She isn't all THAT attractive.I've seen better looking American women who are a damn sight more curvy and voluptuous. You have insulted every attractive First Lady that has occupied the White House including Michelle Obama and Jaqueline Kennedy. American bred and born, every one of them except Mrs. Adams whose father was born an American.
the only people getting pissed about it are hateful biased Right WIngers who were pissed before Michelle said anything. They just didn't like the idea of a Black First Lady in the White House.

Doesn't this race thing ever get old with you people? Been using it for decades and it never works. Do you liberals believe you are mind readers or something; that you can tell what somebody is thinking if they happen to dislike somebody of color?
Actually it works on many, but just not us..........They double down on it for votes..........Typical Liberal tactics.

By "many" you must mean other liberals.

Republican: I hate Obama Care!
Liberal: That's because Obama is black and you're a racist.

Republican: I'm not racist. I admire Thomas Sowell, Clearance Thomas, Condi Rice.....
Liberal: That's different, they are house N***ers and Uncle Toms!

Republican: But you call ME the racist????
Liberal: That's correct.

I mean, really? These people actually think this way. Liberals have used these terms on black conservatives for years. When have you ever heard a Republican refer to a black politician using those racial terms?
Considering the populist bigotry inherent in today's GOP,as evidenced by the polling success of Trump, to include endorsements by every extreme RW cult out there, any Black person who aligns themselves with such riffraff is either mad, stupid or an insensitive opportunist willing to do anything to get a pat on the head from his RW masters.

And I thank you for proving my point.
Yeah genius, that's why people got pissed about it.
the only people getting pissed about it are hateful biased Right WIngers who were pissed before Michelle said anything. They just didn't like the idea of a Black First Lady in the White House.

Doesn't this race thing ever get old with you people? Been using it for decades and it never works. Do you liberals believe you are mind readers or something; that you can tell what somebody is thinking if they happen to dislike somebody of color?
Actually it works on many, but just not us..........They double down on it for votes..........Typical Liberal tactics.

See post # 217
Yeah so............
So sew!
"Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool."

But typical of most conservatives and republicans.
Just imagine the thunderous applause these same rightards would offer Romney had he attacked Obama's wife instead of Trump's.

But no, he attacked Trump's; therefore, attacking wives is now "uncool."

You mean, sort of like the way the left attacked Palin's children? Attacking family members is something the left does. Just admit it and move on.
But its true. And funny.

More to the point is that two of Trumpery's wives are from countries where the women are considered second class citizens.

One thing that Trumpery will never allow is a woman who thinks for herself.

Or, for that matter, a man.

It ain't fer nuthin' that Tiny Hands, Tiny Other Things surrounds himself with yes-staff.
Or for that matter the Democratic Party.
"Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool."

But typical of most conservatives and republicans.
Just imagine the thunderous applause these same rightards would offer Romney had he attacked Obama's wife instead of Trump's.

But no, he attacked Trump's; therefore, attacking wives is now "uncool."

You mean, sort of like the way the left attacked Palin's children? Attacking family members is something the left does. Just admit it and move on.
the only people getting pissed about it are hateful biased Right WIngers who were pissed before Michelle said anything. They just didn't like the idea of a Black First Lady in the White House.

Doesn't this race thing ever get old with you people? Been using it for decades and it never works. Do you liberals believe you are mind readers or something; that you can tell what somebody is thinking if they happen to dislike somebody of color?
Actually it works on many, but just not us..........They double down on it for votes..........Typical Liberal tactics.

See post # 217
Yeah so............
So sew!

Whatever..............enjoy the show........those pushing the agenda will get their own mud in their eyes.......
Why would it mean little to me? There is no question about Trump's citizenship, there was about Obama, and I bet anything that you voted for him.

Now can you show me in our Constitution (or founders writings) where they had a problem about a nominees wife or where she was from? She's been with him over ten years for crying out loud.

She is a hundred times less of a threat to this country than the front runner on the Democrat side. And to be honest, I don't believe for a minute Trump's wife is a concern of yours, it's just something more to bash the guy with.

Like I said, you're watching too many old James Bond movies. This is real life where if there was any inkling of nefarious activity by Melania, the Democrats would have found it long ago if not our government.

There was never a question about Obama's citizenship except for people like Trump: the man married to a foreign born woman.
Have you noticed that Trump suddenly backed off that birther nonsense, even with Cruz? His wife must have reminded him that she is foreign born and he doesn't want to raise that issue in the public eye.

But I have expounded upon the idiom within the Constitution that mandates the president be a natural born citizen. Man and wife are one, thus his foreign born wife burdens Trump's candidacy. A fact that has yet to be fully exploited to an opponent;s advantage.

Great, then after Trump is nominated, try using his wife as a means to disqualify him because "they are one." Even the liberals on the Supreme Court would laugh that one out of the court room.

Their laughs might not be nearly as loud as those heard around the world when nude photos of the First Lady begin to proliferate.
Of course, they may not proliferate if she can pass information to certain agents in her home country!

So what's the problem, that we finally have an attractive first lady? And there is a difference between semi-nude and nude.

Sorry, but the world will laugh at us more if we elect a woman who passed around classified information on an unsecured server and e-mail, and who's husband was also getting half-million dollar speaking fees from suspicious clients than they would a guy who married a woman with an accent that never had an outstanding parking ticket.
She isn't all THAT attractive.I've seen better looking American women who are a damn sight more curvy and voluptuous. You have insulted every attractive First Lady that has occupied the White House including Michelle Obama and Jaqueline Kennedy. American bred and born, every one of them except Mrs. Adams whose father was born an American.
Moochelle is one of the ugliest women ever to infest the White House. Jaqueline Kennedy wasn't that attractive either. Have you ever seen a photo of her in a swim suit?
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