Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool.

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It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives

WiveS? What is a focking Mormon? (-:
But its true. And funny.

More to the point is that two of Trumpery's wives are from countries where the women are considered second class citizens.

One thing that Trumpery will never allow is a woman who thinks for herself.

Or, for that matter, a man.

It ain't fer nuthin' that Tiny Hands, Tiny Other Things surrounds himself with yes-staff.

Are you trying to infer that they are just stupid bimbos? Seriously you want to go there? You want to explain how these women can't think for themselves?


Melania speaks five languages and has a degree in I believe architecture. Ivana was a huge asset in building his empire.

"Ivana took a major role in the Trump Organization. She became the Vice President of Interior Design for the company, spearheading the signature design of Trump Tower. Afterwards, her then husband appointed her to head up the Trump Castle Hotel and Casino as president."

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The problem is National Security. who knows what external connections these foreign born women have to their home countries. If Trump is president he is likely to share our deepest secrets with his wife. She isn't going to be vetted like he is. She would be the weak link in a Trump presidency that we cannot afford. Ol' Romney isn't a fool, he is on to something of grave import.

Yeah, the women threats we have to worry about are hot wives of successful businessmen rather than '1st ladies' who have never been proud of their country and terrorists to whom Obama hands out visa so they can come to America and kill Americans.

It's sad that Trump's wife loves this country more than Michelle Obama does.
Regardless of how you spin it, Mrs Obama is a natural born American citizen and could run for president on her own because of that. As an African-American she has some justification for not being proud of her countries treatment of Blacks. Nevertheless, her loyalty to this nation has never been questioned and she has no ties to a foreign homeland. All that makes her who she is comes from this country where she was born and bred. She is American and, is NOW proud to be one.

That can't be said of Trump's lady. We have to trust that the founding fathers meant that natural born stipulation to include the president and his wife as ONE. If his help mate's loyalty is split between this country and another's, his , by proxy, is too. Any natoinal secrets he is trusted with are at risk if he divulges them to her. This could be Mata Hari part 2!

There is that misguided and foolish notion that the birthplace of a person automatically endows loyalty. For all we know, and based on her own words, there is no reason to think that Michelle Obama could or would not be like Benedict Arnold or Ethel Rosenberg. She is bitter complainer who sees America thru past injustices, refusing to see that those injustices have been corrected otherwise she and her husband would be not be the twice elected residents of the White House. She seems to be the type of black person who will never be satisfied as long as there is a single white person alive. And as far as loyalty to foreign homeland? She call herself AFRICAN American with emphasis on the AFRICAN.

The love of new country of an immigrant who appreciates the freedom which he/she did not have in the country they left behind and found in America is far more genuine than the blathering of a person who had the luck of being born American.
I voted for him.............aka voted against Obama.............He lost........his opinion is dismissed.
No, I think his opinion is relevant to national security. For all we know his foreign wife could be another Mata Hari.
Can we really afford that kind of risk? She won't be vetted like her husband. I think the wives of candidates ought to be natural born citizens too. After all, they are closer to the president than anyone else.

Mata Hari?

Pleazzzzzzzzzze give me a break!

And what about all the Mata Haris in this Hussein Obama Administration? The Valerie Jarretts....the Humas with Clinton...the penetration of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House?????????????

What about those Mata Haris?? HUH?

No shortage of Mata Haris there.
Are any of the married to Obama? Are any of them trying to be president?


You serious???:laugh:

You must not be LOL

Damn right I am serious. The Constitution doesn't preclude foreigners from any position as long as it isn't president of the USA. A man and wife are ONE. Technically, Trump's candidacy is invalid as long as he is married to a foreigner. Now, that ought to be a USSC case brought to light in the interest of national security!

And therein lies the inane stupidity of the notion that place of birth means loyalty.

There could be a sufficient number of foreign US Senators to stifle a move by a native born President.
There could be enough foreign born Representatives to deny funds for initiatives by a native born President.
Duly elected foreign born state governors, state senators, state legislators could legally stop decisions by native born citizens.

And now you want to expand that stupidity to spouses? Cousins next? Grandparents after that?

You can go into any number of immigrant neighborhoods and find any number of foreign born citizen far more deserving of the presidency than the current resident of the White House whose only credit to that post is the lucky location of accident of birth.
You condemn her for loyalty?

For all we know Hillary might be screwing a Russian Ambassador...mor
Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.
What makes you think she would be privy to national secrets

He might talk in his sleep for all we know.

For all we know Hillary could be screwing Russian Ambassador...or his wife...

Come on, now!

Please do not insult the Russian Ambassador and/or his wife of such irrational poor taste.
I wonder how many newly-minted trump nuthuggers were saying "screw them furunurs! keep 'em all out! stop all immigration!" just months or weeks ago?

I've been saying it for a long time.

And you're the most hopeless fucking moron on this site, so there you go.

You mean I'm a moron because I've been right where dumbasses like you have been wrong?
You have been "Right wing" not right ,,,,the Right is wrong the Left is Right ...alright ? get it Right

Obviously, you read the classic "1984".

But never grasped the irony.
One thing both Ted and Tiny-Hands could agree on is that if Tiny-Hands' foreign-born wife wanted to run for president, having a foreign birth certificate would make her ineligible to run... :popcorn:
It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives
It's always fun watching the anti-PC crowd whine when others aren't PC about things they care about.
It's not funny watching the PC crowd getting good blown up in Europe.
Your non-sequitur is noted.
As is yours.

BTW, I hate spell correct.
But its true. And funny.

More to the point is that two of Trumpery's wives are from countries where the women are considered second class citizens.

One thing that Trumpery will never allow is a woman who thinks for herself.

Or, for that matter, a man.

It ain't fer nuthin' that Tiny Hands, Tiny Other Things surrounds himself with yes-staff.

Are you trying to infer that they are just stupid bimbos? Seriously you want to go there? You want to explain how these women can't think for themselves?


Melania speaks five languages and has a degree in I believe architecture. Ivana was a huge asset in building his empire.

"Ivana took a major role in the Trump Organization. She became the Vice President of Interior Design for the company, spearheading the signature design of Trump Tower. Afterwards, her then husband appointed her to head up the Trump Castle Hotel and Casino as president."

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The problem is National Security. who knows what external connections these foreign born women have to their home countries. If Trump is president he is likely to share our deepest secrets with his wife. She isn't going to be vetted like he is. She would be the weak link in a Trump presidency that we cannot afford. Ol' Romney isn't a fool, he is on to something of grave import.

Both Trump's wives, past and present, so-called "foreigners" are preferable to the "American" bitch who was never proud of her country until her husband became President.
I bet you ask every twat in bed, if they loved their country...

Did Barack ask his twat? You know, Thunder Thighs Michelle? Was she ever vetted as the confidante of the President? Quote me anything Trump's wives ever said anything as disrespectable as what Michelle said.

A wise and patriotic person would prefer a grateful foreigner to a miserable and ungrateful native born bubble brain bitch.
I wonder if Trump's wife (or ex-wives) were Mexican, would that hypocritical loser&traitor Romney mock them and call them "foreign born" or not?
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That is turns out there are jobs Americans won't do
well, you must admit he wasn't patriotic when he chose a mate was he?
I voted for him.............aka voted against Obama.............He lost........his opinion is dismissed.
No, I think his opinion is relevant to national security. For all we know his foreign wife could be another Mata Hari.
Can we really afford that kind of risk? She won't be vetted like her husband. I think the wives of candidates ought to be natural born citizens too. After all, they are closer to the president than anyone else.
So says someone who will probably vote for the Hildabeast who shouldn't even be allowed to get a security clearance.
Actually I am inclined to vote for Bernie Sanders but I want to see all the caucus results before I make up my mind. And Hillary is onnocent until proven guilty
I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.
What makes you think she would be privy to national secrets

He might talk in his sleep for all we know.
The other wives as far as I know do not have the clearance to hear these secrets either. They should all sleep in separate bedrooms based on your reasoning
All I am saying is that the America's founders didn't want foreign born people being elected to the US presidency. Traditionally, presidents have all married American born women. That precedent ought not to be trifled with.

12 February, 1775
London, England



22 years old to John Quincy Adams (11 July, 1767 - 23 February, 1848), on 26 July, 1797, London, England;

Louisa Adams Biography :: National First Ladies' Library

Your link indicates that Mrs Adam's Father was an American citizen. And although the Constitution didn't exist then she would have met the requirements of being natural born through her father even though she was born in England. Nice try but no cigar.


Joshua Johnson, born 25 June, 1744, St. Leonard, Calvert County, Maryland; U.S. Consul, merchant, businessman, Superintendent of Stamps; died 1802, Washington, D.C.
Enough has been found to justify stripping her of her security clearance...

Talk about hypocrisy....if it was a GOP candidate liberals would find them guilty in THEIR court of opinionated law, and demand he drop out.

After defending Clinton by declaring his sex life was no one's business and that adultery did not disqualify someone from being President, liberals demanded Herman Cain be forced from his Presidential race due to false charges of sexual indescressions!

The hypocrisy is unbelievable!
None of those things you mentioned have the implications of security leaks via spousal connectivity!
I don't think the wives are the problem. It's who they're sleeping with on the side. Hillary in particular. Her husband was a classic security risk, but so is she.
So you think Trump's beautiful wife is just sleeping with HIM? Gimme a break. He is as ugly as she is beautiful. A rich hottie like that isn't going to settle for quick viagra moments for too long!
I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.

Let me see if I have this correct:

Barack Obama had the support of the US Communist Party both elections.

Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

Hillary Clinton is currently under FBI investigation for her e-mail activities and the Clinton fund.

But all you're worried about is Trumps wife? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Where is Communism or Socialism prohibited in the Constitution? Besides, Americans are free to choose whatever ideology they want.
Most of us are just workers or professionals that adopt a portion of each of those ideals. That is true freedom!

Well don't you think that people who have such values are much more of a threat to our national security than somebody who's wife happens to be from another country?

Remember it was Hillary's husband responsible for China getting our technology to navigate nuclear missiles.
No I don't remember that. But he is a natural born citizen and that meant something of value to the founders of this nation. Obviously it means very little to you!

Why would it mean little to me? There is no question about Trump's citizenship, there was about Obama, and I bet anything that you voted for him.

Now can you show me in our Constitution (or founders writings) where they had a problem about a nominees wife or where she was from? She's been with him over ten years for crying out loud.

She is a hundred times less of a threat to this country than the front runner on the Democrat side. And to be honest, I don't believe for a minute Trump's wife is a concern of yours, it's just something more to bash the guy with.

Like I said, you're watching too many old James Bond movies. This is real life where if there was any inkling of nefarious activity by Melania, the Democrats would have found it long ago if not our government.

There was never a question about Obama's citizenship except for people like Trump: the man married to a foreign born woman.
Have you noticed that Trump suddenly backed off that birther nonsense, even with Cruz? His wife must have reminded him that she is foreign born and he doesn't want to raise that issue in the public eye.

But I have expounded upon the idiom within the Constitution that mandates the president be a natural born citizen. Man and wife are one, thus his foreign born wife burdens Trump with a dilemma that Romney has touched on but that his chief opponents have not yet grasped. Yes, I know the wife of John Adams was born in England but her father was born in colonial America. Melania's parents were both born abroad. Her lack of suitability as first lady doesn't end there.

Can you name any other first lady who posed nude in a magazine? While I applaud her beauty and her freedom of expression the Conservative mindset would seem to be at variance with her being the First Lady!
I voted for him.............aka voted against Obama.............He lost........his opinion is dismissed.
No, I think his opinion is relevant to national security. For all we know his foreign wife could be another Mata Hari.
Can we really afford that kind of risk? She won't be vetted like her husband. I think the wives of candidates ought to be natural born citizens too. After all, they are closer to the president than anyone else.
So says someone who will probably vote for the Hildabeast who shouldn't even be allowed to get a security clearance.
Actually I am inclined to vote for Bernie Sanders but I want to see all the caucus results before I make up my mind. And Hillary is onnocent until proven guilty
What makes you think she would be privy to national secrets

He might talk in his sleep for all we know.
The other wives as far as I know do not have the clearance to hear these secrets either. They should all sleep in separate bedrooms based on your reasoning
All I am saying is that the America's founders didn't want foreign born people being elected to the US presidency. Traditionally, presidents have all married American born women. That precedent ought not to be trifled with.

12 February, 1775
London, England



22 years old to John Quincy Adams (11 July, 1767 - 23 February, 1848), on 26 July, 1797, London, England;

Louisa Adams Biography :: National First Ladies' Library

It isn't all THAT nice. Her father was born in the American colonies.
But its true. And funny.

More to the point is that two of Trumpery's wives are from countries where the women are considered second class citizens.

One thing that Trumpery will never allow is a woman who thinks for herself.

Or, for that matter, a man.

It ain't fer nuthin' that Tiny Hands, Tiny Other Things surrounds himself with yes-staff.

Are you trying to infer that they are just stupid bimbos? Seriously you want to go there? You want to explain how these women can't think for themselves?


Melania speaks five languages and has a degree in I believe architecture. Ivana was a huge asset in building his empire.

"Ivana took a major role in the Trump Organization. She became the Vice President of Interior Design for the company, spearheading the signature design of Trump Tower. Afterwards, her then husband appointed her to head up the Trump Castle Hotel and Casino as president."

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The problem is National Security. who knows what external connections these foreign born women have to their home countries. If Trump is president he is likely to share our deepest secrets with his wife. She isn't going to be vetted like he is. She would be the weak link in a Trump presidency that we cannot afford. Ol' Romney isn't a fool, he is on to something of grave import.

Both Trump's wives, past and present, so-called "foreigners" are preferable to the "American" bitch who was never proud of her country until her husband became President.
I bet you ask every twat in bed, if they loved their country...

Did Barack ask his twat? You know, Thunder Thighs Michelle? Was she ever vetted as the confidante of the President? Quote me anything Trump's wives ever said anything as disrespectable as what Michelle said.

A wise and patriotic person would prefer a grateful foreigner to a miserable and ungrateful native born bubble brain bitch.
Michelle is a fine upstanding citizen who honestly voiced her opinion. Those people who were already hostile to an Obama presidency did and will vilify anything he and his wife does. Michelle didn't pose nude for Ebony or some popular magazine. Her reputation is impeccable and he morality by far exceeds most of the Conservatives on this board and anywhere else.
I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.

Let me see if I have this correct:

Barack Obama had the support of the US Communist Party both elections.

Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

Hillary Clinton is currently under FBI investigation for her e-mail activities and the Clinton fund.

But all you're worried about is Trumps wife? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Where is Communism or Socialism prohibited in the Constitution? Besides, Americans are free to choose whatever ideology they want.
Most of us are just workers or professionals that adopt a portion of each of those ideals. That is true freedom!

Well don't you think that people who have such values are much more of a threat to our national security than somebody who's wife happens to be from another country?

Remember it was Hillary's husband responsible for China getting our technology to navigate nuclear missiles.
No I don't remember that. But he is a natural born citizen and that meant something of value to the founders of this nation. Obviously it means very little to you!

Why would it mean little to me? There is no question about Trump's citizenship, there was about Obama, and I bet anything that you voted for him.

Now can you show me in our Constitution (or founders writings) where they had a problem about a nominees wife or where she was from? She's been with him over ten years for crying out loud.

She is a hundred times less of a threat to this country than the front runner on the Democrat side. And to be honest, I don't believe for a minute Trump's wife is a concern of yours, it's just something more to bash the guy with.

Like I said, you're watching too many old James Bond movies. This is real life where if there was any inkling of nefarious activity by Melania, the Democrats would have found it long ago if not our government.

There was never a question about Obama's citizenship except for people like Trump: the man married to a foreign born woman.
Have you noticed that Trump suddenly backed off that birther nonsense, even with Cruz? His wife must have reminded him that she is foreign born and he doesn't want to raise that issue in the public eye.

But I have expounded upon the idiom within the Constitution that mandates the president be a natural born citizen. Man and wife are one, thus his foreign born wife burdens Trump's candidacy. A fact that has yet to be fully exploited to an opponent;s advantage.
Enough has been found to justify stripping her of her security clearance...

Talk about hypocrisy....if it was a GOP candidate liberals would find them guilty in THEIR court of opinionated law, and demand he drop out.

After defending Clinton by declaring his sex life was no one's business and that adultery did not disqualify someone from being President, liberals demanded Herman Cain be forced from his Presidential race due to false charges of sexual indescressions!

The hypocrisy is unbelievable!
None of those things you mentioned have the implications of security leaks via spousal connectivity!
I don't think the wives are the problem. It's who they're sleeping with on the side. Hillary in particular. Her husband was a classic security risk, but so is she.
Well, who is Hillary sleeping with? Yoko Ono? heh heh well...when she was a hippie, maybe..but not now..... and there is no proof.
But its true. And funny.

More to the point is that two of Trumpery's wives are from countries where the women are considered second class citizens.

One thing that Trumpery will never allow is a woman who thinks for herself.

Or, for that matter, a man.

It ain't fer nuthin' that Tiny Hands, Tiny Other Things surrounds himself with yes-staff.

Are you trying to infer that they are just stupid bimbos? Seriously you want to go there? You want to explain how these women can't think for themselves?


Melania speaks five languages and has a degree in I believe architecture. Ivana was a huge asset in building his empire.

"Ivana took a major role in the Trump Organization. She became the Vice President of Interior Design for the company, spearheading the signature design of Trump Tower. Afterwards, her then husband appointed her to head up the Trump Castle Hotel and Casino as president."

Ivana Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The problem is National Security. who knows what external connections these foreign born women have to their home countries. If Trump is president he is likely to share our deepest secrets with his wife. She isn't going to be vetted like he is. She would be the weak link in a Trump presidency that we cannot afford. Ol' Romney isn't a fool, he is on to something of grave import.

Both Trump's wives, past and present, so-called "foreigners" are preferable to the "American" bitch who was never proud of her country until her husband became President.
Preferable to who? Michelle had no real responsibility to be "proud" of a country that excluded Blacks and relegated them to a status of 2nd class citizens no matter what their personal attainments were. Are you proud of any part of Black America? I think not. So why would Blacks have been proud of an America that rejected most of their aspirations to be equals.
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