Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool.

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I wonder how many newly-minted trump nuthuggers were saying "screw them furunurs! keep 'em all out! stop all immigration!" just months or weeks ago?

Like Trumpery, Mittens hired illegals. If you remember, he even let it slip on the debate stage that he had JUST fired them because he was running for prez.

RWNJs made excuses for him. Good practice for all the excuses they're making from Trumpery hiring illegals, foreigners over Americans and sending all of his own business to Mexico, China and Bangladesh.
Romney who...............
It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives
well, you must admit he wasn't patriotic when he chose a mate was he?
I voted for him.............aka voted against Obama.............He lost........his opinion is dismissed.
No, I think his opinion is relevant to national security. For all we know his foreign wife could be another Mata Hari.
Can we really afford that kind of risk? She won't be vetted like her husband. I think the wives of candidates ought to be natural born citizens too. After all, they are closer to the president than anyone else.
So says someone who will probably vote for the Hildabeast who shouldn't even be allowed to get a security clearance.
You condemn her for loyalty?

Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.

Let me see if I have this correct:

Barack Obama had the support of the US Communist Party both elections.

Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

Hillary Clinton is currently under FBI investigation for her e-mail activities and the Clinton fund.

But all you're worried about is Trumps wife? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Where is Communism or Socialism prohibited in the Constitution? Besides, Americans are free to choose whatever ideology they want.
Most of us are just workers or professionals that adopt a portion of each of those ideals. That is true freedom!

Well don't you think that people who have such values are much more of a threat to our national security than somebody who's wife happens to be from another country?

Remember it was Hillary's husband responsible for China getting our technology to navigate nuclear missiles.
No I don't remember that. But he is a natural born citizen and that meant something of value to the founders of this nation. Obviously it means very little to you!
Romney who...............
It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives
well, you must admit he wasn't patriotic when he chose a mate was he?
I voted for him.............aka voted against Obama.............He lost........his opinion is dismissed.
No, I think his opinion is relevant to national security. For all we know his foreign wife could be another Mata Hari.
Can we really afford that kind of risk? She won't be vetted like her husband. I think the wives of candidates ought to be natural born citizens too. After all, they are closer to the president than anyone else.
So says someone who will probably vote for the Hildabeast who shouldn't even be allowed to get a security clearance.
Actually I am inclined to vote for Bernie Sanders but I want to see all the caucus results before I make up my mind. And Hillary is onnocent until proven guilty
You condemn her for loyalty?

Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.
What makes you think she would be privy to national secrets

He might talk in his sleep for all we know.
The other wives as far as I know do not have the clearance to hear these secrets either. They should all sleep in separate bedrooms based on your reasoning
All I am saying is that the America's founders didn't want foreign born people being elected to the US presidency. Traditionally, presidents have all married American born women. That precedent ought not to be trifled with.
You condemn her for loyalty?

For all we know Hillary might be screwing a Russian Ambassador...mor
Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.
What makes you think she would be privy to national secrets

He might talk in his sleep for all we know.

For all we know Hillary could be screwing Russian Ambassador...or his wife...
I doubt that!
Romney who...............
It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives
well, you must admit he wasn't patriotic when he chose a mate was he?

Why not?
See post #23

Refresh our memory.
"Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool."

It’s both interesting and amusing how many on the right are suddenly becoming aware of the generally reprehensible nature of their fellow republican politicians and candidates – something known to those of us neither conservative nor republican for decades.
It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives
That meme's been floating around for awhile. Why are you blaming Romney for a very funny, and true, comment?

He tweeted it, dingbat. Now he owns it. Your opinion of its veracity only proves that you're as ill mannered as Romney. Furthermore, I thought the candidate's family was supposed to be off limits. Do leftwing douche bags ever follow the rules the want to impose on Republicans?
"Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool."

It’s both interesting and amusing how many on the right are suddenly becoming aware of the generally reprehensible nature of their fellow republican politicians and candidates – something known to those of us neither conservative nor republican for decades.

That's ironic coming from someone who is going to vote for Hillary - if she isn't in prison, that is.
But its true. And funny.

More to the point is that two of Trumpery's wives are from countries where the women are considered second class citizens.

One thing that Trumpery will never allow is a woman who thinks for herself.

Or, for that matter, a man.

It ain't fer nuthin' that Tiny Hands, Tiny Other Things surrounds himself with yes-staff.

They treated women like second class citizens in the people's republic of Czechoslovakia? I thought socialism was supposed to end patriarchy.
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You condemn her for loyalty?

Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.

Let me see if I have this correct:

Barack Obama had the support of the US Communist Party both elections.

Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

Hillary Clinton is currently under FBI investigation for her e-mail activities and the Clinton fund.

But all you're worried about is Trumps wife? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Where is Communism or Socialism prohibited in the Constitution? Besides, Americans are free to choose whatever ideology they want.
Most of us are just workers or professionals that adopt a portion of each of those ideals. That is true freedom!

Well don't you think that people who have such values are much more of a threat to our national security than somebody who's wife happens to be from another country?

Remember it was Hillary's husband responsible for China getting our technology to navigate nuclear missiles.
No I don't remember that. But he is a natural born citizen and that meant something of value to the founders of this nation. Obviously it means very little to you!

Why would it mean little to me? There is no question about Trump's citizenship, there was about Obama, and I bet anything that you voted for him.

Now can you show me in our Constitution (or founders writings) where they had a problem about a nominees wife or where she was from? She's been with him over ten years for crying out loud.

She is a hundred times less of a threat to this country than the front runner on the Democrat side. And to be honest, I don't believe for a minute Trump's wife is a concern of yours, it's just something more to bash the guy with.

Like I said, you're watching too many old James Bond movies. This is real life where if there was any inkling of nefarious activity by Melania, the Democrats would have found it long ago if not our government.
Romney who...............
It was bad enough that his people at the super pac tried to slut shame Melania. But now this. Way out of line. Going after his wives is over the top.

This is going to get ugly really fast unless Cruz starts to condemn the shit his camp is doing.


Romney roasts Trump for foreign wives
well, you must admit he wasn't patriotic when he chose a mate was he?
I voted for him.............aka voted against Obama.............He lost........his opinion is dismissed.
No, I think his opinion is relevant to national security. For all we know his foreign wife could be another Mata Hari.
Can we really afford that kind of risk? She won't be vetted like her husband. I think the wives of candidates ought to be natural born citizens too. After all, they are closer to the president than anyone else.
So says someone who will probably vote for the Hildabeast who shouldn't even be allowed to get a security clearance.
Actually I am inclined to vote for Bernie Sanders but I want to see all the caucus results before I make up my mind. And Hillary is onnocent until proven guilty
You condemn her for loyalty?

Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.
What makes you think she would be privy to national secrets

He might talk in his sleep for all we know.
The other wives as far as I know do not have the clearance to hear these secrets either. They should all sleep in separate bedrooms based on your reasoning
All I am saying is that the America's founders didn't want foreign born people being elected to the US presidency. Traditionally, presidents have all married American born women. That precedent ought not to be trifled with.

12 February, 1775
London, England



22 years old to John Quincy Adams (11 July, 1767 - 23 February, 1848), on 26 July, 1797, London, England;

Louisa Adams Biography :: National First Ladies' Library
Enough has been found to justify stripping her of her security clearance...

Talk about hypocrisy....if it was a GOP candidate liberals would find them guilty in THEIR court of opinionated law, and demand he drop out.

After defending Clinton by declaring his sex life was no one's business and that adultery did not disqualify someone from being President, liberals demanded Herman Cain be forced from his Presidential race due to false charges of sexual indescressions!

The hypocrisy is unbelievable!
None of those things you mentioned have the implications of security leaks via spousal connectivity!
I don't think the wives are the problem. It's who they're sleeping with on the side. Hillary in particular. Her husband was a classic security risk, but so is she.
I wonder how many newly-minted trump nuthuggers were saying "screw them furunurs! keep 'em all out! stop all immigration!" just months or weeks ago?

I've been saying it for a long time.

And you're the most hopeless fucking moron on this site, so there you go.

You mean I'm a moron because I've been right where dumbasses like you have been wrong?
You have been "Right wing" not right ,,,,the Right is wrong the Left is Right ...alright ? get it Right
I wonder how many newly-minted trump nuthuggers were saying "screw them furunurs! keep 'em all out! stop all immigration!" just months or weeks ago?

I've been saying it for a long time.

And you're the most hopeless fucking moron on this site, so there you go.

You mean I'm a moron because I've been right where dumbasses like you have been wrong?
You have been "Right wing" not right ,,,,the Right is wrong the Left is Right ...alright ? get it Right
I wonder how many newly-minted trump nuthuggers were saying "screw them furunurs! keep 'em all out! stop all immigration!" just months or weeks ago?

I've been saying it for a long time.

And you're the most hopeless fucking moron on this site, so there you go.

You mean I'm a moron because I've been right where dumbasses like you have been wrong?
You have been "Right wing" not right ,,,,the Right is wrong the Left is Right ...alright ? get it Right
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