Now Romney is mocking Trump's foreign born wives. Unreal. Uncool.

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You condemn her for loyalty?

Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.

Let me see if I have this correct:

Barack Obama had the support of the US Communist Party both elections.

Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

Hillary Clinton is currently under FBI investigation for her e-mail activities and the Clinton fund.

But all you're worried about is Trumps wife? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Where is Communism or Socialism prohibited in the Constitution? Besides, Americans are free to choose whatever ideology they want.
Most of us are just workers or professionals that adopt a portion of each of those ideals. That is true freedom!

Well don't you think that people who have such values are much more of a threat to our national security than somebody who's wife happens to be from another country?

Remember it was Hillary's husband responsible for China getting our technology to navigate nuclear missiles.
You condemn her for loyalty?

Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.
What makes you think she would be privy to national secrets

He might talk in his sleep for all we know.
You condemn her for loyalty?

Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.

Let me see if I have this correct:

Barack Obama had the support of the US Communist Party both elections.

Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

Hillary Clinton is currently under FBI investigation for her e-mail activities and the Clinton fund.

But all you're worried about is Trumps wife? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Where is Communism or Socialism prohibited in the Constitution? Besides, Americans are free to choose whatever ideology they want.
Most of us are just workers or professionals that adopt a portion of each of those ideals. That is true freedom!

Well don't you think that people who have such values are much more of a threat to our national security than somebody who's wife happens to be from another country?
Which values? Socialism? Capitalism? Something in between?
Enough has been found to justify stripping her of her security clearance...

Talk about hypocrisy....if it was a GOP candidate liberals would find them guilty in THEIR court of opinionated law, and demand he drop out.

After defending Clinton by declaring his sex life was no one's business and that adultery did not disqualify someone from being President, liberals demanded Herman Cain be forced from his Presidential race due to false charges of sexual indescressions!

The hypocrisy is unbelievable!
None of those things you mentioned have the implications of security leaks via spousal connectivity!
You condemn her for loyalty?

Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.

Let me see if I have this correct:

Barack Obama had the support of the US Communist Party both elections.

Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

Hillary Clinton is currently under FBI investigation for her e-mail activities and the Clinton fund.

But all you're worried about is Trumps wife? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Where is Communism or Socialism prohibited in the Constitution? Besides, Americans are free to choose whatever ideology they want.
Most of us are just workers or professionals that adopt a portion of each of those ideals. That is true freedom!

Well don't you think that people who have such values are much more of a threat to our national security than somebody who's wife happens to be from another country?
Which values? Socialism? Capitalism? Something in between?

Both. Socialism and Communism.
You condemn her for loyalty?

For all we know Hillary might be screwing a Russian Ambassador...mor
Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.
What makes you think she would be privy to national secrets

He might talk in his sleep for all we know.

For all we know Hillary could be screwing Russian Ambassador...or his wife...
You condemn her for loyalty?

Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.
What makes you think she would be privy to national secrets

He might talk in his sleep for all we know.
The other wives as far as I know do not have the clearance to hear these secrets either. They should all sleep in separate bedrooms based on your reasoning
More hypocrisy....

Hillary supporters strated the birther rumors because Obama was kicking her ass..
You condemn her for loyalty?

For all we know Hillary might be screwing a Russian Ambassador...mor
Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.
What makes you think she would be privy to national secrets

He might talk in his sleep for all we know.

For all we know Hillary could be screwing Russian Ambassador...or his wife...

No, that's not possible. That would take a strong stomach for an Ambassador or his wife. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
JQ is waging his own private war on women, war on foreigners, and suffering the same problem as Obama - inability to recognize the enemy. :p
You condemn her for loyalty?

Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.

Let me see if I have this correct:

Barack Obama had the support of the US Communist Party both elections.

Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the USSR.

Hillary Clinton is currently under FBI investigation for her e-mail activities and the Clinton fund.

But all you're worried about is Trumps wife? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Where is Communism or Socialism prohibited in the Constitution? Besides, Americans are free to choose whatever ideology they want.
Most of us are just workers or professionals that adopt a portion of each of those ideals. That is true freedom!

Well don't you think that people who have such values are much more of a threat to our national security than somebody who's wife happens to be from another country?
Which values? Socialism? Capitalism? Something in between?
Well, I can point to millions who would not give up their Social Security, food stamps and other benefits that they worked for in a Capitalist system. Capitalism and Communism are the two extremes btrween which most Americans meet in the middle and call it Socialism!
You condemn her for loyalty?

Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.
I know......Huma needs to go back to Lebanon where she belongs.
You condemn her for loyalty?

For all we know Hillary might be screwing a Russian Ambassador...mor
Hillary was somehow a saint for standing by her sexually harrassing, sexually assaulting, raping, adulterous husband, but Trump's wife is demonized for sticking with Trump?!

You libs are hypocritically HILARIOUS!

I a not concerned about who is sticking with whom. I am concerned about a foreigner being privy to national secrets that that could jeopardize the lives and missions of our field operatives abroad.
What makes you think she would be privy to national secrets

He might talk in his sleep for all we know.

For all we know Hillary could be screwing Russian Ambassador...or his wife...

Exactly! :laugh::laugh:
JQ is waging his own private war on women, war on foreigners, and suffering the same problem as Obama - inability to recognize the enemy. :p
Not true. If Hillary sets the precedent and wins, any American woman in the future who marries a foreigner would be just as unqualified as Trump is! That is until the USSC makes the call yay or nay!
JQ is waging his own private war on women, war on foreigners, and suffering the same problem as Obama - inability to recognize the enemy. :p
and pink elephants
Would it be crude of me to say that I wouldnt mind dying and coming back as Melania's bicycle seat?

It's threads like this that warms my heart and gives me ASSURANCE that the general election will go my way.

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