Now subpoenaed EPA emails have been *lost* as well...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the IRS share a problem: officials say they cannot provide the emails a congressional committee has requested because an employee’s hard drive crashed.
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy confirmed to the House Oversight Committee Wednesday that her staff is unable to provide lawmakers all of the documents they have requested on the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska, because of a 2010 computer crash."

The committee suspects that Phillip North, who worked for the EPA in Alaska, decided with his colleagues to veto the proposed Pebble Mine near Bristol Bay in 2009, before the agency even began researching its potential impacts on the environment.
Committee staffers have been trying for about a year to interview North, but he has been in New Zealand and refuses to cooperate, they said.
“We have tried to serve a subpoena on your former employee and we have asked for the failed hard drive from this Alaskan individual who now is in New Zealand, and seems to never be returning,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the committee’s chairman, said Wednesday.

Another agency tells Congress: File not found | TheHill
In better times, the majority of the parasites in DC would be taken out and walked to the gallows. This is sick shit we are dealing with and what's sicker is they will get away with it.
Next we'll hear Sasquatch came in and ate the hard drives at the EPA, nothing on the Servers either.
Is this what happens when the gummint is defunded?
No money for equipment maintenance/upgrades.
No money to pay people to look for emails.

Maybe all the gear is just clapped out and they can't afford to fix it.
These are the same idiots who are in trouble for shitting in the hallways.

These guys are lefty heroes.
Is this what happens when the gummint is defunded?
No money for equipment maintenance/upgrades.
No money to pay people to look for emails.

Maybe all the gear is just clapped out and they can't afford to fix it.

Maybe you should ask that question to all the Fed employees at the VA and IRS who get yearly bonuses......
Is this what happens when the gummint is defunded?
No money for equipment maintenance/upgrades.
No money to pay people to look for emails.

Maybe all the gear is just clapped out and they can't afford to fix it.

Maybe you should ask that question to all the Fed employees at the VA and IRS who get yearly bonuses......

I don't understand the connection.
Is this what happens when the gummint is defunded?
No money for equipment maintenance/upgrades.
No money to pay people to look for emails.

Maybe all the gear is just clapped out and they can't afford to fix it.

No, this is what happens when the government thinks it's above the law.
In other words, not a hint of wrongdoing, but the GOP shills are still going to lie proudly and brazenly by claiming there is.

Look, when you've demanded the emails of essentially everyone in the entire government, a few get lost. Honest people can see right through the GOP scam here. They don't care about the emails. They want some emails to get lost, just so they have reasons to lies about Obama.

Yes, ODSers, it is that obvious. To everyone. Why are even trying to lie about something that obvious? It just makes you look dishonest on top of looking seditious.

Sadly, we may, after the proper trials, eventually be forced to give a few of these seditious Republicans a very public introduction to Mr. Hemp Noose. It may be the only way to discourage the right from further sedition.
Got some links showing that the IRS and the EPA have rec. LESS funds?


Didn't think so, because it NEVER HAPPENED!!!!

I said "nope" because I didn't bother to look.
The GAO disagrees with you by the way.
IRS has absorbed approximately $900 million in budget cuts since fiscal year 2010 through savings and efficiencies and by reducing, delaying, or eliminating services.
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