Now that Gun Control has Failed, will Obama finally Pivot To Jobs?

Now that Gun Control has failed, will Obama Pivot To Jobs

  • Yes, Obama will focus on creating jobs for ACORN workers via ObamaCare counselling!

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Yes, Obama will create jobs by dividing full time jobs into more part time ones!

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Yes, Obama will create more Golf Caddy jobs now that the weather is getting nicer!

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • No, at some point we have to realize we've have enough jobs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, more fake green jobs and pork for Obama Cronies!

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • No, it's the Gubmint's job to take care of all of us so raise taxes on The Rich!

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Squirrel!

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters
This shows Obama as he really is.
He views himself as a ruler.
As with rulers, you do not defy their will. Should you dare to do so, you earn their wrath.

Well, it's so hard to Not Be King, you know.
obama is adolescent. He will want revenge.

Indeed. He showed far more emotion over Not Getting His Way on the Gun Control Bill than he did over the attack in Boston and Benghazi.

If he had the power, he'd turn Mitch McConnell into a Jack-in-the-Box and wish the 4 Red State Dems into the cornfield.

Not enough children died in Boston for him to pay much attention.
Seems to be an excuse, not an explanation. Something made you a callous conservative, i.e., a fucked up human without empathy. Who or what? I don't believe in the Bad Seed Theory.
Good thing you don't project much! :rolleyes:

Yes it is. It's also a good thing I post the truth. You're a selfish dirt bag Odd-dude, having no empathy means that characteristic of your personality is pathological. You may chose to spew clinical terms as a pretense, and some fools actually believe there is substance to your remarks; The fact is they are all based on an absurd ideology, one which seems to fulfill some unsatisfied need of yours.
No you don't...You post borderline psychotic rantings and ravings...That's about it.

You're one fucking sick little monkey and you know I know it.
Good thing you don't project much! :rolleyes:

Yes it is. It's also a good thing I post the truth. You're a selfish dirt bag Odd-dude, having no empathy means that characteristic of your personality is pathological. You may chose to spew clinical terms as a pretense, and some fools actually believe there is substance to your remarks; The fact is they are all based on an absurd ideology, one which seems to fulfill some unsatisfied need of yours.
No you don't...You post borderline psychotic rantings and ravings...That's about it.

You're one fucking sick little monkey and you know I know it.

on the other hand, wry catcher can most probably use a hibachi without having to contact his HOA.
You're mistake that WC can be trusted with charcoal and matches.
The dude should pour 20 billion dollars into science and technology! Followed closely by money for construction of bridges, etc.

Talk to the GOP, champ. Obama offered a jobs plan which included infrastructure spending, and the GOP wouldn't even look at it.
The dude should pour 20 billion dollars into science and technology! Followed closely by money for construction of bridges, etc.

Talk to the GOP, champ. Obama offered a jobs plan which included infrastructure spending, and the GOP wouldn't even look at it.

How well did those "shovel ready" infrastructure jobs do under the Stimulus bill?
Had an interesting discussion with a customer this afternoon. The home building industry in Florida....according to undergoing a LABOR SHORTAGE. He operates a truss company...and told me that he is booked solid with orders. He is telling contractors that his lead time is 6 to 8 weeks. His primary problem moving into the summer is a LACK OF EMPLOYEES and difficulty finding new hires. is anecdotal. is a specific industry and locale. But it is a 180 degree turn from the way it was just 2 years ago.

My sales thus far this April are DOUBLE what they were through 4/18 last year. I service the construction industry here.

I believe that we have turned the corner. The bitching and moaning and obstruction that you nutters did FAILED.

have a nice day. I will.
Now that the Gun Control Bill, inspired by the never waste a Newton Massacre crisis, has gone down in flames, will Obama finally pivot to JOBS?

Why? Employment has grown since the GOP was rightly fired from the White House. Investors are just more confident since the Bushtard and his lackeys were tossed aside by the voters.

Fewer people working means employment has grown, you must be an economist.

Now that the Gun Control Bill, inspired by the never waste a Newton Massacre crisis, has gone down in flames, will Obama finally pivot to JOBS?

obama has already created millions, and millions on top of millions of job can you see the jobs growth? Can you see how well his policies have helped manage the economy? Just ask any obama fluffer here they'll tell you I am right.:eusa_whistle:
Now that the Gun Control Bill, inspired by the never waste a Newton Massacre crisis, has gone down in flames, will Obama finally pivot to JOBS?

Why? Employment has grown since the GOP was rightly fired from the White House. Investors are just more confident since the Bushtard and his lackeys were tossed aside by the voters.

"Why? Employment has grown since the GOP was rightly fired..."

1. When Obama was sworn in, 142 million had jobs.
RealClearMarkets - More Unemployed Presently, Than In 2009

2. Total employed currently: 143,286,000
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

3. Population growth is about 1% annually.
Population growth (annual %) | Data | Table

a. The population of the United States when the 'great mistake' was made, 2008, was
303,202,683 January 9, 2008
What is the population of the US in 2008

b. Thus, the population has grown by about 15 million.

So...the job growth ratio to population growth is about 1: 13.

And this is what you're proud of?

Do you wear a sign "reliable Democrat voter"?

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