Now that Gun Control has Failed, will Obama finally Pivot To Jobs?

Now that Gun Control has failed, will Obama Pivot To Jobs

  • Yes, Obama will focus on creating jobs for ACORN workers via ObamaCare counselling!

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Yes, Obama will create jobs by dividing full time jobs into more part time ones!

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Yes, Obama will create more Golf Caddy jobs now that the weather is getting nicer!

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • No, at some point we have to realize we've have enough jobs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, more fake green jobs and pork for Obama Cronies!

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • No, it's the Gubmint's job to take care of all of us so raise taxes on The Rich!

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Squirrel!

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters
The only way Obie knows how to create jobs is to expand the federal government. Let's hire a bunch of incompetent assholes to administer Obamacare and other wasteful government programs.

Ahh, the indoctrination has taken. I thought so.
Obama doesnt give a rats ass about jobs. Never has.

When you fuck over small business and promote anti-growth economic policies, your agenda is to support trickle-up poverty. Its a win-win for the Dums.

What are you talking about? Or, what I should say is, how does your memorized propaganda talking points actually apply to the real world?
Obama doesnt give a rats ass about jobs. Never has.

When you fuck over small business and promote anti-growth economic policies, your agenda is to support trickle-up poverty. Its a win-win for the Dums.

What are you talking about? Or, what I should say is, how does your memorized propaganda talking points actually apply to the real world?


Obama doesnt give a rats ass about jobs. Never has.

When you fuck over small business and promote anti-growth economic policies, your agenda is to support trickle-up poverty. Its a win-win for the Dums.

What are you talking about? Or, what I should say is, how does your memorized propaganda talking points actually apply to the real world?



The only talking points I've memorized are the ones I get from Republicans.

Feed the poor and they will breed.

Let him die.

He's a Kenyan Colonial Mau Mau.

Hungry children work harder.

I won't represent 47% of America.

Educaiton is for snobs.
obama is adolescent. He will want revenge.

Yup, and he will come like a ton of led. His legacy is at stake and he suffered a huge defeat. As for the democrats ? Wonder if he will call them out by name, specifically Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) and thees guys here, Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK)Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR). And ol Dirty Harry, wonder if Oblama will come out against him ?
obama is adolescent. He will want revenge.

Indeed. He showed far more emotion over Not Getting His Way on the Gun Control Bill than he did over the attack in Boston and Benghazi.

If he had the power, he'd turn Mitch McConnell into a Jack-in-the-Box and wish the 4 Red State Dems into the cornfield.
5 years of this guy not letting a good crisis go to waste.

Seems to be an excuse, not an explanation. Something made you a callous conservative, i.e., a fucked up human without empathy. Who or what? I don't believe in the Bad Seed Theory.
Good thing you don't project much! :rolleyes:

Yes it is. It's also a good thing I post the truth. You're a selfish dirt bag Odd-dude, having no empathy means that characteristic of your personality is pathological. You may chose to spew clinical terms as a pretense, and some fools actually believe there is substance to your remarks; The fact is they are all based on an absurd ideology, one which seems to fulfill some unsatisfied need of yours.
This shows Obama as he really is.
He views himself as a ruler.
As with rulers, you do not defy their will. Should you dare to do so, you earn their wrath.
Seems to be an excuse, not an explanation. Something made you a callous conservative, i.e., a fucked up human without empathy. Who or what? I don't believe in the Bad Seed Theory.
Good thing you don't project much! :rolleyes:

Yes it is. It's also a good thing I post the truth. You're a selfish dirt bag Odd-dude, having no empathy means that characteristic of your personality is pathological. You may chose to spew clinical terms as a pretense, and some fools actually believe there is substance to your remarks; The fact is they are all based on an absurd ideology, one which seems to fulfill some unsatisfied need of yours.

Yuo = Moron

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