Now that Gun Control has Failed, will Obama finally Pivot To Jobs?

Now that Gun Control has failed, will Obama Pivot To Jobs

  • Yes, Obama will focus on creating jobs for ACORN workers via ObamaCare counselling!

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Yes, Obama will create jobs by dividing full time jobs into more part time ones!

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Yes, Obama will create more Golf Caddy jobs now that the weather is getting nicer!

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • No, at some point we have to realize we've have enough jobs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, more fake green jobs and pork for Obama Cronies!

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • No, it's the Gubmint's job to take care of all of us so raise taxes on The Rich!

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Squirrel!

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters
Congress, you mean? The more some of you say, the dumber you get.

It wasn't Congress standing at a podium, in the Rose Garden, crying because the Senate killed his pet bill


Right. It was congress that voted down legislation that 90% of Americans support.

Public opinion polls aren't votes which bind the actions of Congress, bub.

I bet you picked "squirrel" in the poll.
Gun control hasn't failed. The only ones who have failed are the Senators who are too cowardly to let it come up for a vote.


I will try to ask this one more fucking time.

Would a background check prevented Adam Lanza from stealing his mom's guns and opening fire in a school?

And, once again, Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons Ban" on the books. (maybe his mom's guns were 'grandfathered' in, IDK)

But what about an Assault Weapons Ban or Background Checks would have prevented Sandy Hook?

I know it makes your tummy feel better when you think you're doing something noble and good.
But this is just political posturing and pissing in the wind....not to mention the faces of law abiding citizens that don't feel Uncle Sam should have unbridled access to our lives.

Adam Lanza violated, somewhere in the neighborhood of, 43 laws that day.
Do you think he would have really given two flying fucks if he broke 45 laws instead?

Gun control hasn't failed. The only ones who have failed are the Senators who are too cowardly to let it come up for a vote.


I will try to ask this one more fucking time.

Would a background check prevented Adam Lanza from stealing his mom's guns and opening fire in a school?

And, once again, Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons Ban" on the books. (maybe his mom's guns were 'grandfathered' in, IDK)

But what about an Assault Weapons Ban or Background Checks would have prevented Sandy Hook?

I know it makes your tummy feel better when you think you're doing something noble and good.
But this is just political posturing and pissing in the wind....not to mention the faces of law abiding citizens that don't feel Uncle Sam should have unbridled access to our lives.

Adam Lanza violated, somewhere in the neighborhood of, 43 laws that day.
Do you think he would have really given two flying fucks if he broke 45 laws instead?


It does get old don't it?
Gun control hasn't failed. The only ones who have failed are the Senators who are too cowardly to let it come up for a vote.


I will try to ask this one more fucking time.

Would a background check prevented Adam Lanza from stealing his mom's guns and opening fire in a school?

And, once again, Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons Ban" on the books. (maybe his mom's guns were 'grandfathered' in, IDK)

But what about an Assault Weapons Ban or Background Checks would have prevented Sandy Hook?

I know it makes your tummy feel better when you think you're doing something noble and good.
But this is just political posturing and pissing in the wind....not to mention the faces of law abiding citizens that don't feel Uncle Sam should have unbridled access to our lives.

Adam Lanza violated, somewhere in the neighborhood of, 43 laws that day.
Do you think he would have really given two flying fucks if he broke 45 laws instead?


Or, would the bill prevent a buyer and a seller from completing a sale in the parking lot of a gun show ? No.

Would the bill have changed the way guns are currently bought and and sold online ? No.

Would the bill have changed anything at all ? No. The authors said as much. It was nothing more then legacy building.
Scared 'em off with facts again.

How long before they start another thread?
Seems to be an excuse, not an explanation. Something made you a callous conservative, i.e., a fucked up human without empathy. Who or what? I don't believe in the Bad Seed Theory.
Good thing you don't project much! :rolleyes:

Yes it is. It's also a good thing I post the truth. You're a selfish dirt bag Odd-dude, having no empathy means that characteristic of your personality is pathological. You may chose to spew clinical terms as a pretense, and some fools actually believe there is substance to your remarks; The fact is they are all based on an absurd ideology, one which seems to fulfill some unsatisfied need of yours.

Empathy? For what? Or whom?
You mean all his illegal immigrant help moved on to go build around the fraking boom towns, and he cant find help because he wants to pay his countrymen slave wages with no benefits. By the way, truss building is the lowest on the totem pole of trades. Its the equivalent of working at McDonalds and is hardly an indicator of the job market nationwide.

It is hard work....and his personnel is Hispanic, for the most part. But they are not illegal and they are not unskilled. Your point.....even though you wrapped it in snarky nutter bullshit....about labor moving to boom towns has merit. But.....the jobs are coming back here. My point stands. Two years ago, his plant was a fucking ghost town. Now...he is operating three shifts.

You suck...and your attempt to harsh my mellow sucks too.

The work is so easy teenagers can do it with one hour of training. If you can read a tape, and not cut your fingers off then you are good. They are indeed unskilled, or at best, minimally skilled. You see this in there sloppy work on the houses they build here around the fracking boom towns. You have no mallow to harsh dude. You suck.
When I was doing structured wiring, I dealt with plenty of superintendents. Most of the framing, roofing, drywall and insulation crews were made up primarily of Latinos. Most of whom are here illegally. They get the work because they work cheap. Employer pays no taxes. Carries worker's comp on just a few to make it look good. The super's number one problem was lengthy punch lists as a result of all the fucked up work.
Now that the Gun Control Bill, inspired by the never waste a Newton Massacre crisis, has gone down in flames, will Obama finally pivot to JOBS?
With unemployment at 7.7%, down from 10%, and with the Fed predicting a 6.7% rate in 2014 and 6% in 2015, I serious doubt there will be any additional programs aimed at reducing unemployment. More likely is less fed bond buying and and higher interest.

The next major bill will be immigration reform.

Dude the media was fit to be tied back in 2003 and 2004 when unemployment went from 5.4 to 5.6 and you think 6% is acceptable?

Unemployment rates will never be that low again. This administration has done so much damage it will take 10 to 15 years to correct it.
Now that the Gun Control Bill, inspired by the never waste a Newton Massacre crisis, has gone down in flames, will Obama finally pivot to JOBS?

No, he is nothing but a reactionary. He's just waiting for the next adventure to pounce on. On the other hand, he could just be holed up in the oval office snacking on a little dog that wandered out of its own yard.
rw's just get dummer and dummer.

Repubs filibuster and obstruct every single jobs bill.
Repubs do not vote or debate even one jobs bill.
Repubs have not introduced even one jobs bill.

We all know that the president has indeed produced jobs but just what would you numbnuts have him do?

This is still the US and we still have three branches of government.

How many jobs bills have the Rs sent to the president for his signature?
Scared 'em off with facts again.

How long before they start another thread?

Its pretty sad to. They need only go to, look something up, say AK-47. Works just like evilbay. Hit buy and see what happens. Dont worry, you are not committed to the sale until you select an FFL to receive your fire arm and do your background check.
The dude should pour 20 billion dollars into science and technology! Followed closely by money for construction of bridges, etc.

Nobody wants to pay for it, but we need to be spending about $200 billion per year on infrastructure. It'll happen eventually. Despite everything conservatives have done to destroy the economy, it's about to take off on a long period of exceptional growth.
With unemployment at 7.7%, down from 10%, and with the Fed predicting a 6.7% rate in 2014 and 6% in 2015, I serious doubt there will be any additional programs aimed at reducing unemployment. More likely is less fed bond buying and and higher interest.

The next major bill will be immigration reform.

Dude the media was fit to be tied back in 2003 and 2004 when unemployment went from 5.4 to 5.6 and you think 6% is acceptable?

Compared to the 10% rate that Bush's policies gave us, 6% sounds great

Yer kidding right? Your brain is on standby. There is no more blaming Bush. It's OVER. Time to grow up!
Jan 2009.....The President was Barack Hussein Obama....UE was 7.8%..
Where did you get 10% from?
With unemployment at 7.7%, down from 10%, and with the Fed predicting a 6.7% rate in 2014 and 6% in 2015, I serious doubt there will be any additional programs aimed at reducing unemployment. More likely is less fed bond buying and and higher interest.

The next major bill will be immigration reform.

Dude the media was fit to be tied back in 2003 and 2004 when unemployment went from 5.4 to 5.6 and you think 6% is acceptable?

Unemployment rates will never be that low again. This administration has done so much damage it will take 10 to 15 years to correct it.

Wrong again -

Paying the Costs of Iraq, for Decades to Come - James Fallows - The Atlantic

The Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, taken together, will be the most expensive wars in US history -- totaling somewhere between $4 to $6 trillion.
rw's just get dummer and dummer.

Repubs filibuster and obstruct every single jobs bill.
Repubs do not vote or debate even one jobs bill.
Repubs have not introduced even one jobs bill.

We all know that the president has indeed produced jobs but just what would you numbnuts have him do?

This is still the US and we still have three branches of government.

How many jobs bills have the Rs sent to the president for his signature?

Senate tables every jobs Bill passed by the House
Harry Reid won't even call a vote on a House bill

President produces jobs????

How many, you ask?

October 29, 2011

Instead of blaming Republicans, Obama needs to harass his Democrat-controlled Senate to pass at least some of the 16 jobs bills -- including yesterday's 3% withholding tax repeal on job creators -- which the House Republicans have sent over to the Senate and which are being blocked for partisan reasons by the Democrats.
As "The Hill" newspaper reported today in an article entitled "GOP calls on Dems not to wait, back House-passed ‘jobs’ bills"
Dude the media was fit to be tied back in 2003 and 2004 when unemployment went from 5.4 to 5.6 and you think 6% is acceptable?

Compared to the 10% rate that Bush's policies gave us, 6% sounds great

Yer kidding right? Your brain is on standby. There is no more blaming Bush. It's OVER. Time to grow up!
Jan 2009.....The President was Barack Hussein Obama....UE was 7.8%..
Where did you get 10% from?

In case you can't find it, the link I just posted -
Paying the Costs of Iraq, for Decades to Come - James Fallows - The Atlantic


rw's are willfully ignorant. They refuse to learn and they take pride in their ignorance.
rw's just get dummer and dummer.

Repubs filibuster and obstruct every single jobs bill.
Repubs do not vote or debate even one jobs bill.
Repubs have not introduced even one jobs bill.

We all know that the president has indeed produced jobs but just what would you numbnuts have him do?

This is still the US and we still have three branches of government.

How many jobs bills have the Rs sent to the president for his signature?

There is no such thing as a 'jobs' bill. These are spending programs labeled as job creation in order to to create more spending.
If the President would send a sensible bill that creates no new taxes, adds NOTHING to the deficit and offers DIRECT incentives to the PRIVATE sector, THAT would be a job creation bill.
Every single one of these schemes is so loaded with pork, not even democrats will vote for them.
[ame=]Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free: Charles P. Pierce: 9780767926157: Books[/ame]

Idiot America

I strongly recommend this book. Not to the ignorant rw's. Its too late for them. But, reading it is helpful to the intelligent and educated "elitists". Along with the elections the Rs are losing, it gives one hope. :)
rw's just get dummer and dummer.

Repubs filibuster and obstruct every single jobs bill.
Repubs do not vote or debate even one jobs bill.
Repubs have not introduced even one jobs bill.

We all know that the president has indeed produced jobs but just what would you numbnuts have him do?

This is still the US and we still have three branches of government.

How many jobs bills have the Rs sent to the president for his signature?

Senate tables every jobs Bill passed by the House
Harry Reid won't even call a vote on a House bill

President produces jobs????

How many, you ask?

October 29, 2011

Instead of blaming Republicans, Obama needs to harass his Democrat-controlled Senate to pass at least some of the 16 jobs bills -- including yesterday's 3% withholding tax repeal on job creators -- which the House Republicans have sent over to the Senate and which are being blocked for partisan reasons by the Democrats.
As "The Hill" newspaper reported today in an article entitled "GOP calls on Dems not to wait, back House-passed ‘jobs’ bills"

Aw, cut it out already. You're making me feel so sorry for you that I'm even tempted to restore the childish rep system you say you need so badly.

Naw. Never mind. You're just gonna have to keep following me around, hoping I'll toss a few crumbs your way. :cuckoo:

Edited to add -

And, HurtyHorty, I'm logging off now. G'night. :)
Wow, these conservatives really hate Obama. It's painful to watch people so full of hate past the point of delusion. Republicans never saw his re-election coming. They simply assumed everyone was filled with as much hate as them.

They say liberals hated Bush. But liberals hated what Bush and the Republicans did to the country. Republicans hate Obama to the point of keeping him from fixing their mess. So pathetic.

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