Now that Gun Control has Failed, will Obama finally Pivot To Jobs?

Now that Gun Control has failed, will Obama Pivot To Jobs

  • Yes, Obama will focus on creating jobs for ACORN workers via ObamaCare counselling!

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Yes, Obama will create jobs by dividing full time jobs into more part time ones!

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Yes, Obama will create more Golf Caddy jobs now that the weather is getting nicer!

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • No, at some point we have to realize we've have enough jobs!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, more fake green jobs and pork for Obama Cronies!

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • No, it's the Gubmint's job to take care of all of us so raise taxes on The Rich!

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Squirrel!

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters
The work is so easy teenagers can do it with one hour of training. If you can read a tape, and not cut your fingers off then you are good. They are indeed unskilled, or at best, minimally skilled. You see this in there sloppy work on the houses they build here around the fracking boom towns. You have no mallow to harsh dude. You suck.
When I was doing structured wiring, I dealt with plenty of superintendents. Most of the framing, roofing, drywall and insulation crews were made up primarily of Latinos. Most of whom are here illegally. They get the work because they work cheap. Employer pays no taxes. Carries worker's comp on just a few to make it look good. The super's number one problem was lengthy punch lists as a result of all the fucked up work.

I worked on golf courses for 20 years producing course guides, I saw a lot of this across the country. A whole grounds crew that had one guy who could speak english, paid in cash on Fridays. I saw one black guy in Palm Springs driving a fairway mower...... I asked him how he was working on a grounds crew......I told him I hadn't seen any brothers in this business ever. He told me that he just liked the work and most "brothers" didn't like the sun. He said the Latinos handled it much better and would work for very little and cash.

That is what is so silly about the whole immigration thing, if the illegals become legal, they will be required to be paid minimum wage with very little skill, who will hire them?
Yep, how these gold course managements arrived at the conclusion that maintaining a golf course in a reasonable quality condition was just about cutting the grass, is a mystery.
Last Saturday I played in a tournament ( at a course that was poorly maintained. I think the director is going to drop it from the schedule. I saw some of the workers on the course. All Latino.

When it was 10; they said it wouldn't break 9; when it was 9, they said it wouldn't break 8. Yes it will get to 5.4. Although unemployment is cyclic, naysayers will always claim, the economy has been damaged so badly, it will never come back, at least not until their man gets in office.
Oh..Ok....You guys have been blaming Bush. Saying he wrecked the economy. Now that YOUR guy is in the Office, the economy suddenly is going to fix itself.

Fix itself?

Where the heck have you been.'s not fixing itself.

TARP, Auto industry bailout, stimulus and QE have been fixing it.

and you think Obama is any better? Honestly, he did far worse and has been president for the last 4.5 years under the worse economy since the depression for this country. Was Bush to blame for the economic mess, YES!!!! Is Obama any better, fuck no. Meet the new boss, same as the old one, but worse.
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It is hard work....and his personnel is Hispanic, for the most part. But they are not illegal and they are not unskilled. Your point.....even though you wrapped it in snarky nutter bullshit....about labor moving to boom towns has merit. But.....the jobs are coming back here. My point stands. Two years ago, his plant was a fucking ghost town. Now...he is operating three shifts.

You suck...and your attempt to harsh my mellow sucks too.

You have never built a truss, have you? You don't even need to worry about hammering straight anymore, just slap down the tooth plate and hit a few times.
Yep...All that is needed is a good crane operator and 4 idiots. Two to guide the thing and two that can use a nail gun..Yeah, a freakin nail gun. More structural unsoundness in stick built homes than ever because of nail guns. Operators do not properly use the nail gun. The result is the nails are not properly set in the material.
One would be hard pressed to find a square corner in a typical production builder type home. It's awful

We need background checks on nail guns.
This is likely the result of so many people having already moved to welfare or disability. They are getting a check and don't need his.
Or they're working for me at the restaurant, in the AC, in a more secure job
(or any number of other jobs....some are self-employed Subs now too)

I was on unemployment for nearly a year. Believe me..I very much wanted to get back to work.

I don;t doubt it.
I'm just saying that some are taking jobs in restaurants or lawncare, or any number of other things until construction turns around
Now that the Gun Control Bill, inspired by the never waste a Newton Massacre crisis, has gone down in flames, will Obama finally pivot to JOBS?

You actually think the fight for gun control is over???
Right. It was congress that voted down legislation that 90% of Americans support.

Public opinion polls aren't votes which bind the actions of Congress, bub.

I bet you picked "squirrel" in the poll.

Polls are fairly accurate gauges of the opinions of the country as a whole. Politicians cite them all the time. The NRA has been touting its own poll. Here's the thing; you don't gewt 90% support for anything from a poll. Let's say it was off by 20%; that's still 70% support for background checks.

Ok, bub?

Strange, a couple of years ago there were plenty of polls that showed that a majority of Americans opposed SSM, yet you argued that we should do it anyway. Not polls are showing that a majority of Americans want something, and you think that is a reason to do it.

Can you at least be consistent about your position?
rw's just get dummer and dummer.

Repubs filibuster and obstruct every single jobs bill.
Repubs do not vote or debate even one jobs bill.
Repubs have not introduced even one jobs bill.

We all know that the president has indeed produced jobs but just what would you numbnuts have him do?

This is still the US and we still have three branches of government.

How many jobs bills have the Rs sent to the president for his signature?

Senate tables every jobs Bill passed by the House
Harry Reid won't even call a vote on a House bill

President produces jobs????

How many, you ask?

October 29, 2011

Instead of blaming Republicans, Obama needs to harass his Democrat-controlled Senate to pass at least some of the 16 jobs bills -- including yesterday's 3% withholding tax repeal on job creators -- which the House Republicans have sent over to the Senate and which are being blocked for partisan reasons by the Democrats.
As "The Hill" newspaper reported today in an article entitled "GOP calls on Dems not to wait, back House-passed ‘jobs’ bills"

Cutting taxes doesn't create jobs...unless you do it for small start ups.

What does create jobs is providing states enough cash to hire cops, teachers, firefighters and start or maintain infrastructure.

Reagan did it.
Clinton did it.
Bush II did it.
After the 2010 election? That all stopped.

Two lies in two posts, at least you are consistent.
I thought you geniuses say the government doesn't create jobs.

Of course the government can help create jobs. All they have to do is get out of the way.

Government was out of the way in West, Texas.

How'd that work out?

And should government stand out of the way while they rebuild? Doesn't seem like they want that. Seems like they are coming to the Fed..hat in hand.

Why would the feds get involved? It hasn't been declared a disaster area by Obama, it would be a ridiculous waste of resources. Texas is quite capable of handling it, and actually has cash on hand.
Dude the media was fit to be tied back in 2003 and 2004 when unemployment went from 5.4 to 5.6 and you think 6% is acceptable?

Unemployment rates will never be that low again. This administration has done so much damage it will take 10 to 15 years to correct it.
When it was 10; they said it wouldn't break 9; when it was 9, they said it wouldn't break 8. Yes it will get to 5.4. Although unemployment is cyclic, naysayers will always claim, the economy has been damaged so badly, it will never come back, at least not until their man gets in office.

When it was 7.8 we were told it would not get above 8 if we just passed the stimulus bill.
With unemployment at 7.7%, down from 10%, and with the Fed predicting a 6.7% rate in 2014 and 6% in 2015, I serious doubt there will be any additional programs aimed at reducing unemployment. More likely is less fed bond buying and and higher interest.

The next major bill will be immigration reform.

Dude the media was fit to be tied back in 2003 and 2004 when unemployment went from 5.4 to 5.6 and you think 6% is acceptable?

Compared to the 10% rate that Bush's policies gave us, 6% sounds great

it hit 10 when obama was president. It hit 8 when democrats had control of Congress. I have a million more do you want to do this?
Now that the Gun Control Bill, inspired by the never waste a Newton Massacre crisis, has gone down in flames, will Obama finally pivot to JOBS?

You actually think the fight for gun control is over???

Yep..You're not getting them. Now if you wish to bypass the legislative process, take your best shot....Pun intended.
For the record. I think the gun show loophole should be closed.
Unemployment rates will never be that low again. This administration has done so much damage it will take 10 to 15 years to correct it.
When it was 10; they said it wouldn't break 9; when it was 9, they said it wouldn't break 8. Yes it will get to 5.4. Although unemployment is cyclic, naysayers will always claim, the economy has been damaged so badly, it will never come back, at least not until their man gets in office.

When it was 7.8 we were told it would not get above 8 if we just passed the stimulus bill.
U-3 means nothing. It's a bullshit stat. The real unenmployment rate is U-6 which counts ALL eligible workers. That rate is about 14%

When it was 10; they said it wouldn't break 9; when it was 9, they said it wouldn't break 8. Yes it will get to 5.4. Although unemployment is cyclic, naysayers will always claim, the economy has been damaged so badly, it will never come back, at least not until their man gets in office.

When it was 7.8 we were told it would not get above 8 if we just passed the stimulus bill.
U-3 means nothing. It's a bullshit stat. The real unenmployment rate is U-6 which counts ALL eligible workers. That rate is about 14%

I know but what I was doing was pointing out what obama had said.

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