Now that Hunter Biden has confirmed his laptop is real, how do we address the MASSIVE intelligence failure that claimed it was Russian disinformation?

Former Vice President Joe Biden has claimed that he has "never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings."

The Post claims that the laptop contains emails indicating otherwise, and that its hard drive also contained photos, including a picture of Hunter purportedly smoking crack. He has a well-known drug addiction.
The NY Post article was headlined, "Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad."
The alleged smoking-gun email The Post claims was on the computer in question shows Hunter Biden setting up a meeting between his father and a Ukrainian energy firm executive. Hunter Biden was paid by the firm.
The Hill reported that Bobulinski's "emails were a key part of a story published recently by the New York Post, alleging that Hunter Biden used his influence to connect a Ukrainian businessman and fellow board member at the gas company Burisma with his father when he was vice president."
That email alleged "a business arrangement involving a Chinese company and members of the Biden family," including a note reading "Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate," Fox News reported, adding that there was a "proposed equity split" referencing "20" for "H" and "10 held by H for the big guy?"

"The reference to ‘the Big Guy' in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden," Bobulinski said in a statement to Fox News.

Bobulinski told Fox News that "he does not believe Joe Biden's past claim that he did not discuss his son Hunter's business affairs with him," alleging that Hunter "frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals."

"The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist-controlled China," he told Fox News, adding, "Hunter wanted to use the company as his personal piggy bank by just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese."

The Hill also published this purported texting exchange between Bobulinski and Hunter Biden on May 2, 2017:

Obviously the laptop is and always was the "smoking gun" about illegal kicksbacks from the Ukraine and China, for quid pro quo done by Joe Biden.

Fox News has examined the claim and found no evidence to support the claim.
Fox News has examined the claim and found no evidence to support the claim.

Everyone now has re-examined the claim and found it to be valid.
That is because Hunter Biden has now admitted it is his laptop, that he did take it in to be repaired, and that its contents are real.
Check it out.

One of the pals of the Trump-traitors here stole Hunter's laptop, modified it with fake stuff, and planted it in New Jersey.

And now they want to arrest and kill anyone who points out what criminal shitbags they all are.

So, we were right the whole time about everything, and the Trump cult losers were wrong about everything.

Keep on eating shit, Trump-traitors. Hunter is will sue your Russian cocksucker pals for billions, and we'll keep laughing at you for being such cult dumbasses.
At least some of the data on the laptop has been verified by independent witnesses that have matched it to data on their systems. Trying to say it’s fake is too little, too late. People like you have been saying that since the laptop was surrendered to the FBI. They have had over two years to disprove the data and haven’t managed to do.
Not true, worse, you know that is not what happened.

After Trump left office, the Saudis, with whom Jared had a personal relationship, invested $2 billion in a private equity firm put together by Jared. Jared, as you know, has extensive experience in foreign affairs and real estate. Jared would earn $25 million a year managing the group.

However, your desperation is duly noted.
Meh. When Leftwhiner makes a claim like that, it’s presumptively a lie.
It’s Hunters laptop, but it’s not…I don’t understand what you’re saying. Can you find someone to translate please?

I assume that posters on here read multiple threads.
We have a poster on here who nows realizes that the laptop is his but is now insanely pushing the idea that on the bad stuff was planted by Russian operatives.
Catch on?
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Yeah, maybe our "senior intelligence officials" shouldn't have gone on the record lying about it, huh? What do you think?


Sorry but they were all "former".

No intelligence issue, it's been admitted that that they simply lied.
Democrat lies never have consequences.
The laptop discusses meetings, but past and future, between Joe Biden and Ukrainian or Chinese agents he claimed to have no knowledge of.

Not exactly meetings where they actually discussed anything but public interactions

Dad, I would like you to meet
Everyone now has re-examined the claim and found it to be valid.
That is because Hunter Biden has now admitted it is his laptop, that he did take it in to be repaired, and that its contents are real.

No, they found that some of the e-mails were legitimate.
Hunter Biden has not admitted it.
At least some of the data on the laptop has been verified by independent witnesses that have matched it to data on their systems. Trying to say it’s fake is too little, too late. People like you have been saying that since the laptop was surrendered to the FBI. They have had over two years to disprove the data and haven’t managed to do.

The Russians hacked the DNC servers in 2016 and mixed legitimate information with fake information. Earlier the Russians accused Hunter Biden of being involved in biolabs in Ukraine. They just happened to have e-mails that were supposed to be from Hunter Biden. This is all poppycock of course but it shows the extent to which the Russians are interfering in our internal affairs.

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