Now that Sayoc is arrested, which USMB poster goes suddenly quiet?

Word has it that Sayoc was an avid internet commentator. I'd be surprised if he never found his way to USMB. So, who do you think will suddenly go quiet now that Sayoc is unable to access the interwebs?
We had a poster who shot up a movie theater once

2015 Lafayette shooting - Wikipedia
It's OK, Trump had his back.

I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.
I still say it's a false flag and I ALSO said just after they caught him that there would be a mass shooting because he was caught so quickly...BOTH of these are intended to make the news about attacks from "trump supporters" right before an election instead of the issues. Problem is they REALLY fucked up on vetting this new patsy...dumb ass hates Trump lol

Word has it that Sayoc was an avid internet commentator. I'd be surprised if he never found his way to USMB. So, who do you think will suddenly go quiet now that Sayoc is unable to access the interwebs?
We had a poster who shot up a movie theater once

2015 Lafayette shooting - Wikipedia

Cool. Oh and I am not the bomber! :D

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