Now that Sayoc is arrested, which USMB poster goes suddenly quiet?

Sayoc is an ex-con who should have been off the streets but nobody was injured by the "suspicious packages". The former president's political adviser and friend is an unrepentant domestic terrorist who is responsible for about a hundred felonies including the death of his girlfriend and should have been off the streets but somehow has gained prominence in the democrat party. What the hell happened to America?
He delivered the package to Soros???
I found a UK website that claimed Sayoc was Native American. Could it be that Lakhota is a closet Trump supporter?
Another website posted pictures of Sayoc in high school with black frizzy hair and black features. Others posted his adult pictures with white skin and a blackish scalp. His differing photos are all over the map. I'm confused as to his background, but don't care. The man is a career criminal, a domestic violence creature against his grandma, and a drug pusher.
And a registered Republican.
Not before 2016. Smells the same as the false witness testimony against Kavanaugh that was never spoken by pro-DNC activist, Dr. C. Ford in 2012, right after Kavanaugh became a Federal Judge. The DNC allegedly received her complaint in writing right after the announcement was made he had been recommended for Supreme Court Justice, but Diane Feinstein held back until the last minute to publicly humiliate him with this bilge that was fiction after 36 years when no evidence was presented, no hospital visit was made, no test was run for DNA, no complaint was on file with the local police, no address, no remembrance of the day, and all 4 "witnesses" cited had no knowledge of any such meeting with each other. None. And in the following weeks, every point of the claim Dr. Ford made was shown to be inaccurate. It was a smarm job timed and likely preplanned in case Judge Kavanaugh was ever recommended for the Supreme Court.

By the same bent, the career criminal only registered in 2016 to be a "Trump Supporter," and the same people who planned Kavanaugh's demise were likely the ones who tapped Sayoc to send bombs to named suspects who needed public forgiveness for their parts in shenanigans that angered the public, including two former Presidents, and all Democrats, too. Criminals can follow plots. They do not follow political parties because they're likely to be exposed to police if they do. This criminal was a savvy creep. He beat the dickens out of his own grandmother, for pete's sake. This whole idiotic thing sounds like more smarm trying to buy sympathy so enough people in the voting booths will vote for Democrats, and the Ford fiasco cut deeply into the DNC's desire to retake the house and destroy all vestiges of the Constitutional Republic we are trying to keep. The Democrats have already screamed at the top of their voices they will destroy the Executive branch the American people chose most recently by going after President Trump with hatchets sharpened against him. Now they're trying to garner public sympathy by making people think the DNC leaders were endangered by making the claim that a registered Republican represents the entire party. That is hubris, and you know it too, don't you.
Here's one way to determine who's missing today:

Recent Activity | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh, what a creepy link. I had no idea that there was that type of surveillance reporting here on the board. Ick.

You should see how many Russians are on this board.
Wait....Righties say Russians are good...Putin is good....Russians are good...Putin is good.....

View attachment 225025

You can post all the silly memes you want, but these are the facts according to the web metrics: Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa
Alexa (not affiliated with Amazon) has been measuring web traffic for over 15 years.

Do you know how to read? You say Alexa is not affiliated with Amazon when everybody knows Alexa is an Amazon product.

And your link clearly says "An Amazon company" at the top.

And that same link says a mere 2.7% of visitors are from Russia.
Here's one way to determine who's missing today:

Recent Activity | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh, what a creepy link. I had no idea that there was that type of surveillance reporting here on the board. Ick.

You should see how many Russians are on this board.
Wait....Righties say Russians are good...Putin is good....Russians are good...Putin is good.....

View attachment 225025

You can post all the silly memes you want, but these are the facts according to the web metrics: Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa
Alexa (not affiliated with Amazon) has been measuring web traffic for over 15 years.

Do you know how to read? You say Alexa is not affiliated with Amazon when everybody knows Alexa is an Amazon product.

And your link clearly says "An Amazon company" at the top.

And that same link says a mere 2.7% of visitors are from Russia.

AHAHAHAHA!!!! Too funny!

I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.
They weren’t real bombs.. obviously


This is why I don't trust the right.

They lie.

They learned to lie exactly as Trump trained them to.

Mail bombs allegedly sent by Florida man to Trump critics were 'not hoax devices,' FBI says
Mail bombs allegedly sent by Florida man to Trump critics were 'not hoax devices,' FBI says
The guy had no clue what he was doing, that’s why they did not go off. He thought they were real but obviously they were not

His ignorance about bomb-making doesn't excuse his intent.
Jesus, I can't believe how low the right has gone.
Enjoy the bottom of your cesspool.
The FBI director said there are active explosive materials in the bombs.

He had more than a dozen so-called bombs not one of them went off… There’s something more to this.
Here's one way to determine who's missing today:

Recent Activity | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh, what a creepy link. I had no idea that there was that type of surveillance reporting here on the board. Ick.

You should see how many Russians are on this board.
Wait....Righties say Russians are good...Putin is good....Russians are good...Putin is good.....

Russians are okay. Putin's a shithead.
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

Clearly, the Left hired or at least coerced him into action. I mean did you get a load of all the POTUS pics plastered all over his van? Come on, man—you don't smell something fishy—even when its right there, smelling fishy in front of your face? And right before the election? Get outta here!
I know, right? I mean, whoever heard of a political supporter putting stickers on their car before an election?
Was the Trump Hollywood star destroyed or not?

Is there not a maniac going around destroying Ted Cruz signs?
Yeah, a maniac destroying signs is obviously the same as a maniac mailing pipe bombs.
Another fucking idiot shows himself....

For the last fucking time, we were talking about the stickers.

If you can't even support Republicans in Texas without getting your signs ripped up and you can't even maintain your Hollywood star without someone taking a jackhammer to it in public just because you are Donald J Trump then you sure as hell can't drive around in, park, or even leave a van in your driveway covered in Trump and anti-Democrat stickers without any vandalism to the van or even the stickers themselves.
I didn’t see anyone tearing down the MAGA Bombers stickers
Clearly, the Left hired or at least coerced him into action. I mean did you get a load of all the POTUS pics plastered all over his van? Come on, man—you don't smell something fishy—even when its right there, smelling fishy in front of your face? And right before the election? Get outta here!
I know, right? I mean, whoever heard of a political supporter putting stickers on their car before an election?
Was the Trump Hollywood star destroyed or not?

Is there not a maniac going around destroying Ted Cruz signs?
Yeah, a maniac destroying signs is obviously the same as a maniac mailing pipe bombs.
Another fucking idiot shows himself....

For the last fucking time, we were talking about the stickers.

If you can't even support Republicans in Texas without getting your signs ripped up and you can't even maintain your Hollywood star without someone taking a jackhammer to it in public just because you are Donald J Trump then you sure as hell can't drive around in, park, or even leave a van in your driveway covered in Trump and anti-Democrat stickers without any vandalism to the van or even the stickers themselves.
I didn’t see anyone tearing down the MAGA Bombers stickers
Which is why we know they are new.
Place your bets ladies, gentlemen, and deplorables!


One of Trump's honks is Scott Adams (Dilbert). The subtitle of his book was:

“Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don’t Matter.”

They'll deny any reference to their wild conspiracy theories.
I know, right? I mean, whoever heard of a political supporter putting stickers on their car before an election?
Was the Trump Hollywood star destroyed or not?

Is there not a maniac going around destroying Ted Cruz signs?
Yeah, a maniac destroying signs is obviously the same as a maniac mailing pipe bombs.
Another fucking idiot shows himself....

For the last fucking time, we were talking about the stickers.

If you can't even support Republicans in Texas without getting your signs ripped up and you can't even maintain your Hollywood star without someone taking a jackhammer to it in public just because you are Donald J Trump then you sure as hell can't drive around in, park, or even leave a van in your driveway covered in Trump and anti-Democrat stickers without any vandalism to the van or even the stickers themselves.
I didn’t see anyone tearing down the MAGA Bombers stickers
Which is why we know they are new.
Evidently, he has been driving his Trumpmobile for some time
Was the Trump Hollywood star destroyed or not?

Is there not a maniac going around destroying Ted Cruz signs?
Yeah, a maniac destroying signs is obviously the same as a maniac mailing pipe bombs.
Another fucking idiot shows himself....

For the last fucking time, we were talking about the stickers.

If you can't even support Republicans in Texas without getting your signs ripped up and you can't even maintain your Hollywood star without someone taking a jackhammer to it in public just because you are Donald J Trump then you sure as hell can't drive around in, park, or even leave a van in your driveway covered in Trump and anti-Democrat stickers without any vandalism to the van or even the stickers themselves.
I didn’t see anyone tearing down the MAGA Bombers stickers
Which is why we know they are new.
Evidently, he has been driving his Trumpmobile for some time
His vehicle isn’t street legal, so that is impossible.
Yeah, a maniac destroying signs is obviously the same as a maniac mailing pipe bombs.
Another fucking idiot shows himself....

For the last fucking time, we were talking about the stickers.

If you can't even support Republicans in Texas without getting your signs ripped up and you can't even maintain your Hollywood star without someone taking a jackhammer to it in public just because you are Donald J Trump then you sure as hell can't drive around in, park, or even leave a van in your driveway covered in Trump and anti-Democrat stickers without any vandalism to the van or even the stickers themselves.
I didn’t see anyone tearing down the MAGA Bombers stickers
Which is why we know they are new.
Evidently, he has been driving his Trumpmobile for some time
His vehicle isn’t street legal, so that is impossible.

Sending bombs to people is illegal. That didn't stop him.

Word has it that Sayoc was an avid internet commentator. I'd be surprised if he never found his way to USMB. So, who do you think will suddenly go quiet now that Sayoc is unable to access the interwebs?
We had a poster who shot up a movie theater once

2015 Lafayette shooting - Wikipedia

Do you actually know he used to post here, or are you just speculating?
No...he did post here
Used his real name
Think they deleted his account
That makes three then, we had the Colorado Abortion Clinic shooter and the Holocaust Museum shooter as members too at one time.
Maybe we should preemptively have all the RWNJs here investigated.

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