Now that Sayoc is arrested, which USMB poster goes suddenly quiet?

Here's one way to determine who's missing today:

Recent Activity | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh, what a creepy link. I had no idea that there was that type of surveillance reporting here on the board. Ick.

You should see how many Russians are on this board.
Wait....Righties say Russians are good...Putin is good....Russians are good...Putin is good.....

View attachment 225025

You can post all the silly memes you want, but these are the facts according to the web metrics: Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa
Alexa (not affiliated with Amazon) has been measuring web traffic for over 15 years.

We might as well trade in our clothes now and put on grey jumpsuits if we are to believe liberal run web metrics, comrade.
Here's one way to determine who's missing today:

Recent Activity | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh, what a creepy link. I had no idea that there was that type of surveillance reporting here on the board. Ick.

You should see how many Russians are on this board.
Wait....Righties say Russians are good...Putin is good....Russians are good...Putin is good.....

View attachment 225025

You can post all the silly memes you want, but these are the facts according to the web metrics: Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa
Alexa (not affiliated with Amazon) has been measuring web traffic for over 15 years.

Oh bla h blah blah so sleepy....zzzzzz

If you are so freaked out about ROOOSIAN influence, why are you here if you think this board is full of ROOOOSIANS?

Oh so typical of a pseudo-con caught with their foot in their mouth.
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

Clearly, the Left hired or at least coerced him into action. I mean did you get a load of all the POTUS pics plastered all over his van? Come on, man—you don't smell something fishy—even when its right there, smelling fishy in front of your face? And right before the election? Get outta here!
I know, right? I mean, whoever heard of a political supporter putting stickers on their car before an election?
Was the Trump Hollywood star destroyed or not?

Is there not a maniac going around destroying Ted Cruz signs?
Here's one way to determine who's missing today:

Recent Activity | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh, what a creepy link. I had no idea that there was that type of surveillance reporting here on the board. Ick.

You should see how many Russians are on this board.
Wait....Righties say Russians are good...Putin is good....Russians are good...Putin is good.....

View attachment 225025

You can post all the silly memes you want, but these are the facts according to the web metrics: Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa
Alexa (not affiliated with Amazon) has been measuring web traffic for over 15 years.

We might as well trade in our clothes now and put on grey jumpsuits if we are to believe liberal run web metrics, comrade.

What makes you think is liberal?
This isn't the talking device sold by Amazon.
They've been online since 1997.
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

No they won't you ought to see my local newspaper facebook page, people are still saying it was a set up because those sticker's all over his van would have been faded in the Florida sun or the paint would melt in the Florida sun. They're saying those were put on by the FBI and it's a dem inspired. They never will retract.
Once you believe in the deep state, false flags, and a conspiratorial media, your mind is already shot. Your mind has become trapped in this twisted maze of confusion, distrust and delusion. They need medication, and need it now.

Wow, your ignorance is astounding. How do those boots taste, dupe?
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

Clearly, the Left hired or at least coerced him into action. I mean did you get a load of all the POTUS pics plastered all over his van? Come on, man—you don't smell something fishy—even when its right there, smelling fishy in front of your face? And right before the election? Get outta here!
I know, right? I mean, whoever heard of a political supporter putting stickers on their car before an election?
Was the Trump Hollywood star destroyed or not?

Is there not a maniac going around destroying Ted Cruz signs?

Somebody busting up a piece of sidewalk cannot be compared to someone mailing 13-14 active mail bombs to people's home address.
The first is an act of destroying public property.
The other is an act of terrorism.

Are you getting it yet????
Oh, what a creepy link. I had no idea that there was that type of surveillance reporting here on the board. Ick.

You should see how many Russians are on this board.
Wait....Righties say Russians are good...Putin is good....Russians are good...Putin is good.....

View attachment 225025

You can post all the silly memes you want, but these are the facts according to the web metrics: Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa
Alexa (not affiliated with Amazon) has been measuring web traffic for over 15 years.

Oh bla h blah blah so sleepy....zzzzzz

If you are so freaked out about ROOOSIAN influence, why are you here if you think this board is full of ROOOOSIANS?

Oh so typical of a pseudo-con caught with their foot in their mouth.

As if anyone with a brain trusts web stats these days.
Oh, what a creepy link. I had no idea that there was that type of surveillance reporting here on the board. Ick.

You should see how many Russians are on this board.
Wait....Righties say Russians are good...Putin is good....Russians are good...Putin is good.....

View attachment 225025

You can post all the silly memes you want, but these are the facts according to the web metrics: Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa
Alexa (not affiliated with Amazon) has been measuring web traffic for over 15 years.

We might as well trade in our clothes now and put on grey jumpsuits if we are to believe liberal run web metrics, comrade.

What makes you think is liberal?
This isn't the talking device sold by Amazon.
They've been online since 1997.

I guess Ukranians have no knowledge of algorithms.
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

Clearly, the Left hired or at least coerced him into action. I mean did you get a load of all the POTUS pics plastered all over his van? Come on, man—you don't smell something fishy—even when its right there, smelling fishy in front of your face? And right before the election? Get outta here!
I know, right? I mean, whoever heard of a political supporter putting stickers on their car before an election?
Was the Trump Hollywood star destroyed or not?

Is there not a maniac going around destroying Ted Cruz signs?

Somebody busting up a piece of sidewalk cannot be compared to someone mailing 13-14 active mail bombs to people's home address.
Does someone pay you to be this stupid?

We are talking about the fucking stickers.
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

No they won't you ought to see my local newspaper facebook page, people are still saying it was a set up because those sticker's all over his van would have been faded in the Florida sun or the paint would melt in the Florida sun. They're saying those were put on by the FBI and it's a dem inspired. They never will retract.
It is a far better explanation than the one the media is giving.

Those stickers are obviously new.
Give it a rest. Not everything is a conspiracy or has a boogeyman beyond the obvious. Get a grip.
Says the moron who thinks Russia gave Trump the presidency.....
I never said that. Try again,
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

Clearly, the Left hired or at least coerced him into action. I mean did you get a load of all the POTUS pics plastered all over his van? Come on, man—you don't smell something fishy—even when its right there, smelling fishy in front of your face? And right before the election? Get outta here!
I know, right? I mean, whoever heard of a political supporter putting stickers on their car before an election?
Was the Trump Hollywood star destroyed or not?

Is there not a maniac going around destroying Ted Cruz signs?
Yeah, a maniac destroying signs is obviously the same as a maniac mailing pipe bombs.
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.
They weren’t real bombs.. obviously


This is why I don't trust the right.

They lie.

They learned to lie exactly as Trump trained them to.

Mail bombs allegedly sent by Florida man to Trump critics were 'not hoax devices,' FBI says
Mail bombs allegedly sent by Florida man to Trump critics were 'not hoax devices,' FBI says
The guy had no clue what he was doing, that’s why they did not go off. He thought they were real but obviously they were not

His ignorance about bomb-making doesn't excuse his intent.
Jesus, I can't believe how low the right has gone.
Enjoy the bottom of your cesspool.
The FBI director said there are active explosive materials in the bombs.

I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.
They weren’t real bombs.. obviously


This is why I don't trust the right.

They lie.

They learned to lie exactly as Trump trained them to.

Mail bombs allegedly sent by Florida man to Trump critics were 'not hoax devices,' FBI says
Mail bombs allegedly sent by Florida man to Trump critics were 'not hoax devices,' FBI says
The guy had no clue what he was doing, that’s why they did not go off. He thought they were real but obviously they were not

His ignorance about bomb-making doesn't excuse his intent.
Jesus, I can't believe how low the right has gone.
Enjoy the bottom of your cesspool.
The FBI director said there are active explosive materials in the bombs.


These packages got jostled and thrown, etc., and not one went off.
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

Clearly, the Left hired or at least coerced him into action. I mean did you get a load of all the POTUS pics plastered all over his van? Come on, man—you don't smell something fishy—even when its right there, smelling fishy in front of your face? And right before the election? Get outta here!
I know, right? I mean, whoever heard of a political supporter putting stickers on their car before an election?
Was the Trump Hollywood star destroyed or not?

Is there not a maniac going around destroying Ted Cruz signs?
Yeah, a maniac destroying signs is obviously the same as a maniac mailing pipe bombs.
Another fucking idiot shows himself....

For the last fucking time, we were talking about the stickers.

If you can't even support Republicans in Texas without getting your signs ripped up and you can't even maintain your Hollywood star without someone taking a jackhammer to it in public just because you are Donald J Trump then you sure as hell can't drive around in, park, or even leave a van in your driveway covered in Trump and anti-Democrat stickers without any vandalism to the van or even the stickers themselves.
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

No they won't you ought to see my local newspaper facebook page, people are still saying it was a set up because those sticker's all over his van would have been faded in the Florida sun or the paint would melt in the Florida sun. They're saying those were put on by the FBI and it's a dem inspired. They never will retract.
Once you believe in the deep state, false flags, and a conspiratorial media, your mind is already shot. Your mind has become trapped in this twisted maze of confusion, distrust and delusion. The y need medication, and need it now.

Wow, your ignorance is astounding. How do those boots taste, dupe?
You didn't refute my post with any arguments. Who's the dope?
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.
They weren’t real bombs.. obviously


This is why I don't trust the right.

They lie.

They learned to lie exactly as Trump trained them to.

Mail bombs allegedly sent by Florida man to Trump critics were 'not hoax devices,' FBI says
Mail bombs allegedly sent by Florida man to Trump critics were 'not hoax devices,' FBI says
The guy had no clue what he was doing, that’s why they did not go off. He thought they were real but obviously they were not

So a Trump University graduated got it!
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

No they won't you ought to see my local newspaper facebook page, people are still saying it was a set up because those sticker's all over his van would have been faded in the Florida sun or the paint would melt in the Florida sun. They're saying those were put on by the FBI and it's a dem inspired. They never will retract.
Once you believe in the deep state, false flags, and a conspiratorial media, your mind is already shot. Your mind has become trapped in this twisted maze of confusion, distrust and delusion. The y need medication, and need it now.

Wow, your ignorance is astounding. How do those boots taste, dupe?
You didn't refute my post with any arguments. Who's the dupe?
If you do not understand that false flags occur, then you’re ignorant of history, and blind to what is going on in recent times as well.

Here’s something for you to watch, and keep in mind that she is not a conservative, she was a Democrat and still leans liberal even though I think she is now a libertarian.

I found a UK website that claimed Sayoc was Native American. Could it be that Lakhota is a closet Trump supporter?
Another website posted pictures of Sayoc in high school with black frizzy hair and black features. Others posted his adult pictures with white skin and a blackish scalp. His differing photos are all over the map. I'm confused as to his background, but don't care. The man is a career criminal, a domestic violence creature against his grandma, and a drug pusher.
And a registered Republican.

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