Now that Sayoc is arrested, which USMB poster goes suddenly quiet?

I found a UK website that claimed Sayoc was Native American. Could it be that Lakhota is a closet Trump supporter?
Another website posted pictures of Sayoc in high school with black frizzy hair and black features. Others posted his adult pictures with white skin and a blackish scalp. His differing photos are all over the map. I'm confused as to his background, but don't care. The man is a career criminal, a domestic violence creature against his grandma, and a drug pusher.
Never admit you made a mistake, as the board go's quiet now that so far no Democrats are found involved.
LOL at the name stormy daniels.

How did things work out for that disgraceful slut and her pipsqueak lawyer?

Liberals are fucking losers.
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

Clearly, the Left hired or at least coerced him into action. I mean did you get a load of all the POTUS pics plastered all over his van? Come on, man—you don't smell something fishy—even when its right there, smelling fishy in front of your face? And right before the election? Get outta here!
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

Clearly, the Left hired or at least coerced him into action. I mean did you get a load of all the POTUS pics plastered all over his van? Come on, man—you don't smell something fishy—even when its right there, smelling fishy in front of your face? And right before the election? Get outta here!
Stop over thinking the obvious. As Maya Angelou wrote, when someone shows you who they are believe them. Here it is plain who he was, what he stood for, and what he wanted to accomplish.
Place your bets ladies, gentlemen, and deplorables!
I have become religious after seeing how perfectly Trumptarded this guy is. It's like he was a mail-order Trumptard who happened to do everything to benefit the Democrats in late October. It was a god-send.

I now believe in God, who is a Democrat.

I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

Clearly, the Left hired or at least coerced him into action. I mean did you get a load of all the POTUS pics plastered all over his van? Come on, man—you don't smell something fishy—even when its right there, smelling fishy in front of your face? And right before the election? Get outta here!
Stop over thinking the obvious. As Maya Angelou wrote, when someone shows you who they are believe them. Here it is plain who he was, what he stood for, and what he wanted to accomplish.

While I appreciate the quote and Maya's work, I'm gonna have to remain skeptical until a bit later, after all the rampant emotional bulls have finished doing their best to crash through the China shop
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.

Clearly, the Left hired or at least coerced him into action. I mean did you get a load of all the POTUS pics plastered all over his van? Come on, man—you don't smell something fishy—even when its right there, smelling fishy in front of your face? And right before the election? Get outta here!
No, no, NO. This guy is the perfect Trumptard. He is just like ALL Trumptards. God made him do it so Democrats can win.

It was the PERFECT gift-wrapped talking point device that ONLY helps the Democrats and NONE of them came within miles of getting hurt. It was divine. Deity is at work here.

God MUST be a Democrat.

I am voting blue from now on. I cannot deny this miracle.


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