Now The Mystery Voice From the White House, a building, Says tRump Would Accep Less Money for a Wall


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2018
My response would be is for tRump to go screw himself and his mystery White House voices. This is because a real America does not negotiate with hostage taking terrorist who use a partial shutdown as a tactic to extort money from Congress and the taxpayer:

White House says Trump would accept less money for border wall
WASHINGTON (AP) — A top White House official signaled Sunday that President Donald Trump is willing to accept less money than he's been demanding to build a U.S.-Mexico border wall, but a senior congressional Democrat said that, while their own offer could be sweetened, they still will not agree to a wall."

source: ktvo .com
My response would be is for tRump to go screw himself and his mystery White House voices. This is because a real America does not negotiate with hostage taking terrorist who use a partial shutdown as a tactic to extort money from Congress and the taxpayer:

White House says Trump would accept less money for border wall
WASHINGTON (AP) — A top White House official signaled Sunday that President Donald Trump is willing to accept less money than he's been demanding to build a U.S.-Mexico border wall, but a senior congressional Democrat said that, while their own offer could be sweetened, they still will not agree to a wall."

source: ktvo .com
Something not mentioned often in this kind of discussion. The Mexican drug cartels are skilled at building small scale submarines to transport drugs into the US. Should we be expecting a different cargo ? If these vessels are anything like the people smugglers have used to tranport asylum seakers into Australia we may also expect lots of deaths at sea, not that the right wing in the US will object to that.
Well, if he didn’t get his wishes with a Republican controlled Congress, it should be vividly clear that he will get even less when the old congressional business expires and the new congress with a DEM controlled House takes over on 1/3.
Trump may take less than $5.7B if his other department heads can make up the difference. $5.7B builds 220 miles of fencing plus the DOD already has the funds to build another 31 miles of fencing across the Gila Gunnery Range. That's a good chunk of territory in addition to the 642 miles Chertoff built before Obama had Janet Napolitano order it stopped.
Well, if he didn’t get his wishes with a Republican controlled Congress, it should be vividly clear that he will get even less when the old congressional business expires and the new congress with a DEM controlled House takes over on 1/3.

Good for the Dems. Can they pass a spending bill with veto override?
My response would be is for tRump to go screw himself and his mystery White House voices. This is because a real America does not negotiate with hostage taking terrorist who use a partial shutdown as a tactic to extort money from Congress and the taxpayer:

White House says Trump would accept less money for border wall
WASHINGTON (AP) — A top White House official signaled Sunday that President Donald Trump is willing to accept less money than he's been demanding to build a U.S.-Mexico border wall, but a senior congressional Democrat said that, while their own offer could be sweetened, they still will not agree to a wall."

source: ktvo .com
That should be: Now The Mystery Voices From the White House, a building, Says tRump Would Accept Less Money for a Wall
Well, if he didn’t get his wishes with a Republican controlled Congress, it should be vividly clear that he will get even less when the old congressional business expires and the new congress with a DEM controlled House takes over on 1/3.

Good for the Dems. Can they pass a spending bill with veto override?
Why would they?

If they don’t want the President to have a say in what gets past in the bill, then a veto override bill can do it. Or do they just want to keep the shutdown going as long as possible?
Well, if he didn’t get his wishes with a Republican controlled Congress, it should be vividly clear that he will get even less when the old congressional business expires and the new congress with a DEM controlled House takes over on 1/3.

Good for the Dems. Can they pass a spending bill with veto override?
Why would they?

If they don’t want the President to have a say in what gets past in the bill, then a veto override bill can do it. Or do they just want to keep the shutdown going as long as possible?

If I’m the Democrats in the House, from a political standpoint, there is zero reason to cave on the CR. Clearly the public sentiment is on their side in this since the President has said he’s proud to shut down the government
Well, if he didn’t get his wishes with a Republican controlled Congress, it should be vividly clear that he will get even less when the old congressional business expires and the new congress with a DEM controlled House takes over on 1/3.

Good for the Dems. Can they pass a spending bill with veto override?
Why would they?

If they don’t want the President to have a say in what gets past in the bill, then a veto override bill can do it. Or do they just want to keep the shutdown going as long as possible?

If I’m the Democrats in the House, from a political standpoint, there is zero reason to cave on the CR. Clearly the public sentiment is on their side in this since the President has said he’s proud to shut down the government

Americans want the wall, at least the pro-America types. For the money we will save by pulling out of Syria and draw down in Afghanistan, we can easily afford to build the wall. It will also create jobs, funnny how regressives we’re all about infrastructure and jobs, now suddenly they can’t do it.
Well, if he didn’t get his wishes with a Republican controlled Congress, it should be vividly clear that he will get even less when the old congressional business expires and the new congress with a DEM controlled House takes over on 1/3.

Good for the Dems. Can they pass a spending bill with veto override?
Why would they?

If they don’t want the President to have a say in what gets past in the bill, then a veto override bill can do it. Or do they just want to keep the shutdown going as long as possible?

If I’m the Democrats in the House, from a political standpoint, there is zero reason to cave on the CR. Clearly the public sentiment is on their side in this since the President has said he’s proud to shut down the government

Americans want the wall, at least the pro-America types. For the money we will save by pulling out of Syria and draw down in Afghanistan, we can easily afford to build the wall. It will also create jobs, funnny how regressives we’re all about infrastructure and jobs, now suddenly they can’t do it.


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