Now the push is for "medical" magic mushrooms

Soon, they'll be claiming that meth and heroin cures the common cold.

There's something in magic mushrooms that's shown to ease anxiety and depression in cancer patients in one dose

findings that could pry open a door closed for nearly half a century, researchers have found that psilocybin — a hallucinogen long used in traditional healing rituals — eases the depression and soothes the anxiety of patients contending with serious illness and the prospect of imminent death.

In two separate studies published Thursday, researchers report that trial subjects who received a single moderate-to-large dose of psilocybin got substantial and lasting relief from their profound distress. Among 80 cancer patients who participated in the two trials, as many as 4 in 5 continued to feel measurably less hopeless and demoralized six months after taking the drug than they had upon their recruitment.

And even years later, many reported they had gained — and retained — a profound sense of peace and meaning from the experience. Of 29 cancer patients who got psilocybin in a trial conducted at New York University’s Langone Medical Center, 20 rated it as “among the most meaningful” events of their life.

“This drug saved my life and changed my life,” said Dinah Bazer, a Brooklyn, N.Y., woman who was administered a single dose of psilocybin at a New York treatment center in 2011.

There's something in magic mushrooms that's shown to ease anxiety and depression in cancer patients in one dose
are you against all medical research?...
I'm of the mind that if you're dying? Why deny them anything that eases the pain or takes their mind off dying?

Yes this is the backlash to all the addictions happening in America. Doctors are getting an aversion to giving pain meds where truly needed. I fired a doctor that told me "pain won't kill you". Bye bye doc asshole.
Looking forward to the push for over the counter oxycodone.
oxycodone is a good reason to legalize things like pot and cow shit fungi.

Ahh.... err........ no.
Why? Oxy id addictive and can kill you. Pot isn't and wont. Mushrooms aren't and wont. At least at a rate a 1/10 less than oxy(OD)...

But it's not a reason to legalize pot and mushrooms.
Depends on how you look at it but fair enough.
Do you post here when you're high on mushrooms?

I would post while high on pot and drinking enough to enjoy the threads... I guess some mushrooms would not hurt and might make the conversation better...
yeah, you might could read something that makes sense! LOL

Or at least write something that might be consider lucid for once... ( I am writing about me and not you ):ack-1:

I say if the Mushrooms work then why not and let those dying enjoy a moment in life where the pain is not making their life a living hell... I know those that love to pop pills might be against the natural way to kill pain, but me the more natural the better even when it come to the two legged bush in life!:50:

( Nope, not a lucid moment yet but will keep on trying or not ):lmao::muahaha:
Looking forward to the push for over the counter oxycodone.
oxycodone is a good reason to legalize things like pot and cow shit fungi.

Ahh.... err........ no.
Why? Oxy id addictive and can kill you. Pot isn't and wont. Mushrooms aren't and wont. At least at a rate a 1/10 less than oxy(OD)...

But it's not a reason to legalize pot and mushrooms.
There's never been a substantive reason given for them being made illegal.
Soon, they'll be claiming that meth and heroin cures the common cold.

There's something in magic mushrooms that's shown to ease anxiety and depression in cancer patients in one dose

findings that could pry open a door closed for nearly half a century, researchers have found that psilocybin — a hallucinogen long used in traditional healing rituals — eases the depression and soothes the anxiety of patients contending with serious illness and the prospect of imminent death.

In two separate studies published Thursday, researchers report that trial subjects who received a single moderate-to-large dose of psilocybin got substantial and lasting relief from their profound distress. Among 80 cancer patients who participated in the two trials, as many as 4 in 5 continued to feel measurably less hopeless and demoralized six months after taking the drug than they had upon their recruitment.

And even years later, many reported they had gained — and retained — a profound sense of peace and meaning from the experience. Of 29 cancer patients who got psilocybin in a trial conducted at New York University’s Langone Medical Center, 20 rated it as “among the most meaningful” events of their life.

“This drug saved my life and changed my life,” said Dinah Bazer, a Brooklyn, N.Y., woman who was administered a single dose of psilocybin at a New York treatment center in 2011.

There's something in magic mushrooms that's shown to ease anxiety and depression in cancer patients in one dose
What do you have against natural medicine? They have been used for centuries, like cannabis.
Soon, they'll be claiming that meth and heroin cures the common cold.

There's something in magic mushrooms that's shown to ease anxiety and depression in cancer patients in one dose
There's something in magic mushrooms that's shown to ease anxiety and depression in cancer patients in one dose

Soon the anti-science Luddites will be claiming that surgical patients shouldn't be allowed morphine.

Or we could use science to determine whether a medicine works or not- and if it does work- not reflexively assume that a medicine is bad because some people use it recreationally.
Looking forward to the push for over the counter oxycodone.
oxycodone is a good reason to legalize things like pot and cow shit fungi.

Ahh.... err........ no.
Why? Oxy id addictive and can kill you. Pot isn't and wont. Mushrooms aren't and wont. At least at a rate a 1/10 less than oxy(OD)...

But it's not a reason to legalize pot and mushrooms.

No- that is not the reason to legalize pot. The reason to legalize pot is because it is less harmful than other legal recreational drugs, and it is stupid to make pot a black market commodity that enriches criminals.
Anything that get's you high, they'll be making a claim whatever it is "saved" their (fill in the blank).
Soon, they'll say that huffing spray paint cures emphysema.

Anything that provides relief, they'll be trying to make illegal, because 'they' are opposed to people being helped by medicine.

Soon, they'll say that morphine should be banned from surgery and lidocaine should not be used by dentists.
The idea that we've allowed our government to make illegal, any plant that God created; is the epitome of absurdity.
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