Now We Know Why Clinton and Obama Had Lunch on Thursday


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008

RUSH: I guess now we know why, ladies and gentlemen, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton had lunch yesterday. They had to get their stories straight. You know who this is, and you know what this is, so let's go.

JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny south Florida, it's Open Line Friday!

RUSH: There is no major media figure like I who takes this great a career risk every week. On Friday when we go to the phones the content of this program is totally yours, unlike Monday through Thursday where you have to talk about things I care about -- 'cause I don't want to be bored because if I'm bored, the audience will be bored and nobody will listen. But on Friday, ever you want to talk about is fine, if I don't care, I'm fake it. I'm pretty good at that. It's a golden opportunity for you to discuss things you think haven't been discussed or to pretend that you, too, are a real radio announcer. Telephone number if you want to be on the program, 800-282-2882, the e-mail address, [email protected].

As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, hurricanes could be... (interruption) Yes! I'm going to get to Sestak in a minute. Just keep your pants on. "Hurricanes could be stronger than usual because black oil would heat water faster and accelerate formation." So the hurricane geniuses are now revising their forecasts because of all the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. The theory is the oil is dark, it's black. It gets hot faster than the water does, and if a hurricane comes along, I mean it's over. Why don't we all just commit suicide and be done with this? Let's just be done with it. Every waking moment is a disaster waiting to happen. The Drive-By Media cannot wait for it.

Okay, now we know why Clinton and Obama had lunch yesterday. They had to get their stories straight on this Sestak business. It is... (laughing) Folks, this is just too rich. Isn't it great? Here's what happened. Apparently Rahm Emanuel went to Clinton and said, "Look, would you go talk to Sestak informally? See if he's interested in taking a nonpaid -- an unpaid job -- high position job, unpaid here in the administration." And Clinton, of course, said (impression), "Hey, Mr. President, whatever you want. You know, I said, 'You're going to have to kiss my ass' back during the campaign if you wanted my support 'cause of the way you called me racist and so forth, the way you portrayed me and Hillary. Now you gotta come kiss my ass. So fine you're kissing my ass." I got the story right here. Clinton said that. Sit tight.

Now We Know Why Clinton and Obama Had Lunch on Thursday

I guess you and Rush are still living in the 1950's.

We have a little thing called the telephone and internet now. A novel concept, where you don't have to meet in person to have a conversation. :eek:
for a cover up sandwich
How dumb does Obama think the public is with this unpaid appointment excuse?
Hey Obama no one is buy this!!!!!
can you say busted!!!!!
I did not bribe this man
so, they didn't have lunch? is that your claim?

Nope. I'm disagreeing that's why they had lunch though.

So what's your best guess?

Just catchin up on old times? Rehashing that nasty little racial remark Bill fired off during the campaign? Trying to get some gift ideas for Hillary's birthday? What?

Maybe they were trying to come up with the nerve to call "W" to ask him about the oil spill, seein' as how he is the "oil guy".

See rd, I've noticed that when you don't have a good reason why something fishy happens within the walls of your democrat world, you simply deny them and try to diminish them in hopes that they will go away. I don't think that's going to happen on this subject. When people who are subjects of suspicion and they begin to other suspicious things, it raises the curiosity level of those who are questioning those individuals having lunch with Clinton the day before this rather simple explanation that took so many days to come up with, and, just so happened to include Bill Clinton, was probably not the best idea...

But, please, feel free to speculate.
So what's your best guess?

Just catchin up on old times? Rehashing that nasty little racial remark Bill fired off during the campaign? Trying to get some gift ideas for Hillary's birthday? What?

Maybe they were trying to come up with the nerve to call "W" to ask him about the oil spill, seein' as how he is the "oil guy".

See rd, I've noticed that when you don't have a good reason why something fishy happens within the walls of your democrat world, you simply deny them and try to diminish them in hopes that they will go away. I don't think that's going to happen on this subject. When people who are subjects of suspicion and they begin to other suspicious things, it raises the curiosity level of those who are questioning those individuals having lunch with Clinton the day before this rather simple explanation that took so many days to come up with, and, just so happened to include Bill Clinton, was probably not the best idea...

But, please, feel free to speculate.

Actually, it's called common sense. If I'm trying to cover up a crime if I were in Obama shoes, the last thing I'd do is meet in public with one of the people involved the day before I make a announcement.

I think you are out of your mind if you think I'm a Democrat or even support a lot of them.
So what's your best guess?

Just catchin up on old times? Rehashing that nasty little racial remark Bill fired off during the campaign? Trying to get some gift ideas for Hillary's birthday? What?

Maybe they were trying to come up with the nerve to call "W" to ask him about the oil spill, seein' as how he is the "oil guy".

See rd, I've noticed that when you don't have a good reason why something fishy happens within the walls of your democrat world, you simply deny them and try to diminish them in hopes that they will go away. I don't think that's going to happen on this subject. When people who are subjects of suspicion and they begin to other suspicious things, it raises the curiosity level of those who are questioning those individuals having lunch with Clinton the day before this rather simple explanation that took so many days to come up with, and, just so happened to include Bill Clinton, was probably not the best idea...

But, please, feel free to speculate.

Actually, it's called common sense. If I'm trying to cover up a crime if I were in Obama shoes, the last thing I'd do is meet in public with one of the people involved the day before I make a announcement.

I think you are out of your mind if you think I'm a Democrat or even support a lot of them.

I'm not sure about this whole deal, but that may be exactly why they would feel safe in meeting, or they're just too arrogant to really care.
I guess you and Rush are still living in the 1950's.

We have a little thing called the telephone and internet now. A novel concept, where you don't have to meet in person to have a conversation. :eek:

I immediately thought the same thing. It's amazing how superior minds see through wingnut idiocy with remarkable consistency.
The only thing wrong with this latest wingnut dumbass conspiracy theory, the whole Sestak thing, is that it doesn't lend itself to a good -er word, as in birther or truther.
I'm not sure about this whole deal, but that may be exactly why they would feel safe in meeting, or they're just too arrogant to really care.

As much as we both may have a issue with some of their stances on issues (though probably different issues) they did not get where they are currently due to stupidity and arrogance. They are both intelligent men.

That being said, I don't think any crime was committed here. Even under the Hatch Act, the POTUS and VPOTUS are exempt from these laws. It makes sense too, as the POTUS is the leader of his party and it's by making moves he finds where exactly he stands.

The law itself was put in place in the first place to prevent incumbents from bribing away their prospective opponents.
I'm not sure about this whole deal, but that may be exactly why they would feel safe in meeting, or they're just too arrogant to really care.

As much as we both may have a issue with some of their stances on issues (though probably different issues) they did not get where they are currently due to stupidity and arrogance. They are both intelligent men.

That being said, I don't think any crime was committed here. Even under the Hatch Act, the POTUS and VPOTUS are exempt from these laws. It makes sense too, as the POTUS is the leader of his party and it's by making moves he finds where exactly he stands.

The law itself was put in place in the first place to prevent incumbents from bribing away their prospective opponents.

Of course you don't believe any crime has been committed. Why? Because you're a Nutter who will support Obama no matter what. Now keep drinking your Kool-aid so your support of Obama doesn't waver. You need your nose as far up his butt as possible.
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Of course you don't believe any crime has been committed. Why? Because you're a Nutter who will support Obama no matter what. Now keep drinking your Kool-aid so your support of Obama doesn't waver. You need your nose as far up his butt as possible.

Not at all. Keep on trying to troll though. :thup:

I disagree with Obama on more issues than I agree with him nowadays if I decided to count them up most likely.

Every POTUS going back a long time has probably done something very similar to this. Hell, when candidates are running for office, they sometimes "bribe" their fellow opponent to drop out with the promise of a VP position or something else.

As I said previously though, nothing has been proven yet. There have been no investigations, etc. So at this point it's all speculation either way.
Of course you don't believe any crime has been committed. Why? Because you're a Nutter who will support Obama no matter what. Now keep drinking your Kool-aid so your support of Obama doesn't waver. You need your nose as far up his butt as possible.

Not at all. Keep on trying to troll though. :thup:

I disagree with Obama on more issues than I agree with him nowadays if I decided to count them up most likely.

Every POTUS going back a long time has probably done something very similar to this. Hell, when candidates are running for office, they sometimes "bribe" their fellow opponent to drop out with the promise of a VP position or something else.

As I said previously though, nothing has been proven yet. There have been no investigations, etc. So at this point it's all speculation either way.

It's speculation either way, but let's believe Obama since he's such a bastion of integrity and transparency. :lol: I must say, I've tried to keep up with your troll posts, but you're a far better troller than me. I bow to your trolliness.
It's speculation either way, but let's believe Obama since he's such a bastion of integrity and transparency. :lol: I must say, I've tried to keep up with your troll posts, but you're a far better troller than me. I bow to your trolliness.

I never said he was a bastion of integrity and transparency. I'm just surprised some people think he wouldn't of made sure what he was doing was legal before going through it. You think he'd seriously risk his entire Presidency and legacy for one seat? :cuckoo:

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