At what point does a thread get kicked down to Badlands?

I do? The post you responded to--Foxy offering “good information”--made everyone crack up. There is no more intellectually dishonest poster on the internet who truly thinks her shit doesn’t stink.
Do you have multiple[le personalities thus referencing this imaginary "everyone" of yours?
Somehow, I missed them loading people into cattle cars and sending them off to special facilities to exterminate them.

These sorts of outrageous, psychotic lies of yours say much about you, but nothing about Jews

The Zionists have killed over 40,000 Palestinians so far,

I think that says far more about Jews than it does about me. I haven't killed anyone.
The antisemites - with their talk of “Jew supremacy,” “Zionist tentacles,” and other atrocious terms - are descending on threads that have opened to discuss the horrible treatment of innocent American Jews, and seem to enjoy harassing Jewish posters.

Is it now the policy of USMB, given there is no more Zone 1 protections, to just allow the Jew-haters to turn threads into antisemitic propaganda tools? (I imagine some of the worst of the worst are paid by HAMAS-related organizations to spread the hate.)

Short of just advising Jews to ignore the antisemites, is there anything that can be done to make it more difficult for the Jew-haters to spread antisemitic attitudes? It’s bad enough on the streets, and liberal college campuses, but they’re invading here too.
How much do they pay?
I have been recently enlightened by an expert, that those Jewish interest laws were 1,000 years ago. Jewish people pay interest just like everyone else.
I was curious about this - since it was a foreign concept to me - and it comes from the Torah. So it wasn’t from 1000 years ago but from 3000 years ago. Perhaps in Jesus’ time, the Jews were still practicing it.

But for my entire life, and very involved in the Jewish community, never once have I heard of this. Everyone in my family, and all my friends, always borrowed money from the bank (or car dealer) like everyone else, and paid the same interest rate.

Perhaps it refers to small, personal loans. My dad once lent his cousin $1500, and he certainly didn’t charge interest. But it wasn’t because of “Halacha,” he just didn’t want to make money off of her. I too have lent people money over the years - the last time $600 to a friend who needed it - and it never occurred to me to ask for interest. (This friend is not Jewish, either - so it makes no difference.)
OK….back to the topic.

Perhaps if we want to stick with the new approach - in which blatant antisemitism that may contribute to the ongoing violence against Jews will not be tolerated - we can forbid a few key phrases or “wishes”:

1) Any suggestion that the Jews be murdered, especially when couched with Hitler-era terms (I.e., Third Reich)

2) Saying that Jews are behaving like Nazis, drawing a false parallel between Israel and Nazi Germany, or otherwise advancing the genocide lie

3) Using the word Zionist in a subhuman manner, such as referring to Zionists’ “tentacles”

4) Referring to Israel as the “Jew Supremacist state,” since leftists keep saying that criticism of Israel has nothing to do with hostility to Jews

As far as “free speech,” that refers to the government’s actions. A private entity, such as the USMB, has every right to censor incendiary language that contributes to the skyrocketing antisemitism so as to keep this site from becoming another Stromfront, and for that they are to be commended.
OK….back to the topic.

Perhaps if we want to stick with the new approach - in which blatant antisemitism that may contribute to the ongoing violence against Jews will not be tolerated - we can forbid a few key phrases or “wishes”:

1) Any suggestion that the Jews be murdered, especially when couched with Hitler-era terms (I.e., Third Reich)

Okay, that would be fine, as long as the same standard is applied to right-wingers who suggest murdering gays, trans, liberals, or minorities.

2) Saying that Jews are behaving like Nazis, drawing a false parallel between Israel and Nazi Germany, or otherwise advancing the genocide lie

Nope. That's a valid criticism. As of this week, the death toll in Gaza has hit 40,000.

3) Using the word Zionist in a subhuman manner, such as referring to Zionists’ “tentacles”

Again, no, Zionism is a political philosophy, and as long as operations like AIPAC are spending money to get rid of members of Congress they don't like, we should all be concerned about their tentacles. Heck, you guys lost your shit because some Chinese babe was dating a Congressman.

4) Referring to Israel as the “Jew Supremacist state,” since leftists keep saying that criticism of Israel has nothing to do with hostility to Jews

No, it's a completely valid criticism, considering the Jews make Arabs second-class citizens in their own country.

As far as “free speech,” that refers to the government’s actions. A private entity, such as the USMB, has every right to censor incendiary language that contributes to the skyrocketing antisemitism so as to keep this site from becoming another Stromfront, and for that they are to be commended.

Or here's an idea, Lisa. Why don't you to go to a forum where you won't hear anything that might offend your little sensibilities.
Okay, that would be fine, as long as the same standard is applied to right-wingers who suggest murdering gays, trans, liberals, or minorities.

Nope. That's a valid criticism. As of this week, the death toll in Gaza has hit 40,000.

Again, no, Zionism is a political philosophy, and as long as operations like AIPAC are spending money to get rid of members of Congress they don't like, we should all be concerned about their tentacles. Heck, you guys lost your shit because some Chinese babe was dating a Congressman.

No, it's a completely valid criticism, considering the Jews make Arabs second-class citizens in their own country.

Or here's an idea, Lisa. Why don't you to go to a forum where you won't hear anything that might offend your little sensibilities.
Why you don’t stop spreading your antisemitic lies and false comparison? Your lies fit the very definition of antisemitism, according to the U.S. Department of State.

1) As far as the other minorities, nobody is comparing blacks and gays to Nazis. Nobody is spitting on them, yanking them out of dorm rooms, blocking their way to class, or pinning them against the wall. That treatment is targeted to Jews, and that hate is being advanced by Jew-haters such as yourself.

2) Israel is not like Nazi Germany, and the smears making that comparison convince gullible and ignorant young people to hate Jews - as one cannot separate Israel and Jewish people. (Otherwise, innocent Jews would not be subjected to the abuse they are on liberal-run college campuses.)

The question now is: to what extent does the USMB want to allow antisemites such as yourself to spread your anti-Jew propaganda and become more like Stromfront?
Why you don’t stop spreading your antisemitic lies and false comparison? Your lies fit the very definition of antisemitism, according to the U.S. Department of State.

I thought you had me on ignore? Oh, never mind. I don't really care what the US State Department says. I personally have been tired of Washington being Zionist occupied territory. Been tired of it ever since I had to make out my will at 28 because the Zionist Lobby said we just had to get Saddam. (Not what I signed up for.)

1) As far as the other minorities, nobody is comparing blacks and gays to Nazis. Nobody is spitting on them, yanking them out of dorm rooms, blocking their way to class, or pinning them against the wall. That treatment is targeted to Jews, and that hate is being advanced by Jew-haters such as yourself.

That wasn't the standard you set. You said that ANYONE advocating murder should be banned. Okay, let's apply it across the board to anyone who suggest killing anyone. Just to make it fair.

2) Israel is not like Nazi Germany, and the smears making that comparison convince gullible and ignorant young people to hate Jews - as one cannot separate Israel and Jewish people. (Otherwise, innocent Jews would not be subjected to the abuse they are on liberal-run college campuses.)

Palestinians would disagree with you. What is happening in Gaza is horrible, to the point where you just can't cover it up anymore. If it weren't for the Zionist Tentacles in our government, Israel would have been condemned in the UN a long time ago.


The question now is: to what extent does the USMB want to allow antisemites such as yourself to spread your anti-Jew propaganda and become more like Stromfront?

Naw, the question is, why do you come to a place where you know people are going to disagree with you if you are going to get your panties in a bunch?

You like to pretend the attrocities in Palestine aren't happening, but they are. Those college kids can see it, which is why they are protesting.

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