Now what! Executive order on restrooms, really?

Alternate headline: "Obama just cut millions of votes from the democratic party this Fall". How many parents will be good with teenage boys accessing their girls' bathroom at school?

I think Obama is trying to sabotage Hillary...
Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms

Okay, now it's really time to separate public from private policy and funding of schools.
Maybe of govt run-facilities all together.

Maybe each city, district or community should own all facilities privately
and RENT just the space to govt management while still owning the property.

If we cannot separate public from private policy as long as govt owns the property,
maybe it's time to divorce and separate.

That's how the issue of the Cross on public property was settled,
by a private group buying out the land.


Ironically I thought it was going to be the other way.
I thought, for public safety and national security,
govt would own prisons and hospitals and then just
let the programs inside be owned operated and managed by private groups.

But with this nonsense, I'm thinking it should be the other way.

Return all ownership locally so it's private and up to citizens, not govt, to decide private policies.
and then the citizens can vote to delegate/hire things out to govt
and RENT the space that is agreed upon, and retain control.

Whatever way works, but this nonsense has to stop.

People decide their own bathroom policies fine in their own homes.
What do we have to do to respect people's privacy WITHOUT resorting
to threats of penalties for everything from choice of managing
your own health care, birth control, and now bathroom policies. Really?

If the Founding Fathers aren't turning over in their graves,
they must have fled to another universe to get away from this!
This is not even recognizably the same govt system under the Constitution they set up
and left behind. What the ....????
Why would the founding fathers even know what transgendered people are? Stop pretending like you know how they would have thought about this.

So they didn't exist back then? This is a modern mental condition?
I really believe there would not be very many gay people if the media did not endorse it the way they do. It encourages people to "experiment" and go outside the boundaries of normal relationships.

I think the homosexual conditions that are "made by man" are by abuse and forced on people that way.
the environments where people "choose" to come out freely are if they are naturally that way and this is going to manifest sooner or later.

some of the bisexual, or fluid gender people might experiment,
but so do HETEROSEXUAL people experiment with multiple relations which opens the door to abuse of sex relations as well.

I think the "open experimentation" applies more to heterosexual by numbers alone.

BTW the "modern mental condition" is that
a. people are more open to coming out in the open with their incest issues, their sexual questioning and relationships,
not just for this issue but their alcohol and drug addiction issues. People always have had predilections
to certain behaviors passed down generationally, and with the internet and the free speech culture, all this
"recovery and group therapy sharing" has become a part of society, especially with free access to media.

b. the generational causes and build up of issues collectively is progressing in stages and seeking closure.

It is like humanity going through the stages of grief and recovery:

Moving from "denial and numbness" to openly expressing rage/anger
and then talking through bargaining and resolution to make PEACE.

It's a progression, and one of the stages is to open confront and quit denying these things exist.

We can work it out from there, and this is just one of the phases
of "coming out in public" with it.

Jackson Brain357 Billy000
thanks for your input and contributions to this discussion
just because I may not agree with everything you say
doesn't mean I don't appreciate the necessity of hearing all this out
I think it's all important, and I wish the entire nation could
finish the discussion with the same level of thoughtful, intelligent
sharing and civility as this forum allows us here. Thank you for that!
Obama is acting like King Obama now..

Dear Silhouette: Although I totally disagree with him abusing the office to threaten punishments for people's BELIEFS,
the saddest part of this is I truly believe he and AG Lynch are sincere in wanting to express sympathy and support for
minorities who feel threatened and run over by the religious right.

Remember, parents have lost loved ones to suicide over these and related issues.
A prominent pastor could have lost his own son from trying to convert him from homosexuality when he may not be able to change.

These are serious issues that are hurting people on all sides.

The outrage on the right is as real as the fear on the left.

I feel for both sides, though it is clearly NOT the job of federal govt to dictate policy on this much less penalties!

If Obama, Lynch and Democrats want to preach, we can do so as private citizens and not abuse office to push our beliefs.

We ask this of Christians all the time, if not demand to separate beliefs from govt policies.
Surely we should adhere to our own policies of "free choice and inclusion" and enforce them by example!
If someone is going to commit suicide over not being able to use a particular barhroom, the world is better off with them gone.
Keep your kids away from Government-run schools. The Public School System is an abysmal nightmare. It's all just a Communist/Progressive indoctrination mind-fuck. If possible, avoid Government-run schooling. More Americans should seriously consider Home-Schooling as an alternative.
Regardless of how you feel abut this issue, you should be PISSED that with all the serious issues facing this country, THIS is the kind of bullshit Obama chooses to focus on in between rounds of golf. Seriously people. Should the POTUS be involving himself in such petty disputes?
Keep your kids away from Government-run schools. The Public School System is an abysmal nightmare. It's all just a Communist/Progressive indoctrination mind-fuck. If possible, avoid Government-run schooling. More Americans should seriously consider Home-Schooling.

Meh, depends on where you live, my kids attend public school and I assure you we will never have to consider the issue of transgendered kids.
Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms

Okay, now it's really time to separate public from private policy and funding of schools.
Maybe of govt run-facilities all together.

Maybe each city, district or community should own all facilities privately
and RENT just the space to govt management while still owning the property.

If we cannot separate public from private policy as long as govt owns the property,
maybe it's time to divorce and separate.

That's how the issue of the Cross on public property was settled,
by a private group buying out the land.


Ironically I thought it was going to be the other way.
I thought, for public safety and national security,
govt would own prisons and hospitals and then just
let the programs inside be owned operated and managed by private groups.

But with this nonsense, I'm thinking it should be the other way.

Return all ownership locally so it's private and up to citizens, not govt, to decide private policies.
and then the citizens can vote to delegate/hire things out to govt
and RENT the space that is agreed upon, and retain control.

Whatever way works, but this nonsense has to stop.

People decide their own bathroom policies fine in their own homes.
What do we have to do to respect people's privacy WITHOUT resorting
to threats of penalties for everything from choice of managing
your own health care, birth control, and now bathroom policies. Really?

If the Founding Fathers aren't turning over in their graves,
they must have fled to another universe to get away from this!
This is not even recognizably the same govt system under the Constitution they set up
and left behind. What the ....????

I support three rest rooms----Male, Female, and "OTHER"

Dear irosie91, yes I think this is part of the solution.
I've seen cases of neutral, unisex, and single stalls working just fine to avert these conflicts.

If the issue is STUDENTS and kids, then maybe we need
to look at schools that have faculty using different restrooms if that
gives people better ideas how to solve this if and when it comes up.

I assume each community or case might lead it its own solutions.

Thanks irosie91 !
Its disgusting.
The thing is, no one can explain how BOTH sexes using the bathroom in the SAME way is discrimination.
Its equality. Period.

I can explain it. I never enter any bathroom which accommodates both males and females without KNOCKING on the door------Most such places are in private homes and are constructed to accmodate ONE PERSON at a time-----a few (one person at a time) places are located in public places----thus I always KNOCK) I do not like to witness male urination or defecation. Public restrooms for MEN---include urinals which amount OPEN URINATION. Also---public restrooms for females include women doing semiprivate things in the view of other women----like fixing up make up and hair and----undergarments and dealing with issues of menstruation. The idea of
placing ten year old kids in that situation horrifies me

Thanks again, irosie91
May I write an official recommendation for you to Obama
as the national bathroom czar? We need someone with
common sense, and you seem to be a natural.

Maybe the First Lady should take this on as an antibullying campaign
since both sides feel they are being bullied into submission.

Why not just talk and work things out? Your points are right on, Exactly!
Keep your kids away from Government-run schools. The Public School System is an abysmal nightmare. It's all just a Communist/Progressive indoctrination mind-fuck. If possible, avoid Government-run schooling. More Americans should seriously consider Home-Schooling.

Meh, depends on where you live, my kids attend public school and I assure you we will never have to consider the issue of transgendered kids.

Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.
Keep your kids away from Government-run schools. The Public School System is an abysmal nightmare. It's all just a Communist/Progressive indoctrination mind-fuck. If possible, avoid Government-run schooling. More Americans should seriously consider Home-Schooling.

Meh, depends on where you live, my kids attend public school and I assure you we will never have to consider the issue of transgendered kids.

Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.

No they are not actually. Funny claim though. You must not have kids.
Keep your kids away from Government-run schools. The Public School System is an abysmal nightmare. It's all just a Communist/Progressive indoctrination mind-fuck. If possible, avoid Government-run schooling. More Americans should seriously consider Home-Schooling.

Meh, depends on where you live, my kids attend public school and I assure you we will never have to consider the issue of transgendered kids.

Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.

Be a long time before that garbage comes around here. We have one of the lower instances of mental illness in the nation.
Keep your kids away from Government-run schools. The Public School System is an abysmal nightmare. It's all just a Communist/Progressive indoctrination mind-fuck. If possible, avoid Government-run schooling. More Americans should seriously consider Home-Schooling.

Meh, depends on where you live, my kids attend public school and I assure you we will never have to consider the issue of transgendered kids.

Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.

No they are not actually. Funny claim though. You must not have kids.

Obama is ordering air raids to crack acorns over all this.
And I have a feeling he's going to push it as stubbornly as he stood his ground when the Republicans shut down the government until he gutted Obamacare. How did that work out?
Keep your kids away from Government-run schools. The Public School System is an abysmal nightmare. It's all just a Communist/Progressive indoctrination mind-fuck. If possible, avoid Government-run schooling. More Americans should seriously consider Home-Schooling.

Meh, depends on where you live, my kids attend public school and I assure you we will never have to consider the issue of transgendered kids.

Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.

Be a long time before that garbage comes around here. We have one of the lower instances of mental illness in the nation.
Most of our businesses are so small the bathrooms are one-holers. Couldn't conduct my own informal survey.
Keep your kids away from Government-run schools. The Public School System is an abysmal nightmare. It's all just a Communist/Progressive indoctrination mind-fuck. If possible, avoid Government-run schooling. More Americans should seriously consider Home-Schooling.

Meh, depends on where you live, my kids attend public school and I assure you we will never have to consider the issue of transgendered kids.

Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.

No they are not actually. Funny claim though. You must not have kids.


My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.
No doubt about it, the Obama Administration is stepping way over the line on this one, and he is going to alienate even people who are sympathetic to gay rights.
Keep your kids away from Government-run schools. The Public School System is an abysmal nightmare. It's all just a Communist/Progressive indoctrination mind-fuck. If possible, avoid Government-run schooling. More Americans should seriously consider Home-Schooling.

Meh, depends on where you live, my kids attend public school and I assure you we will never have to consider the issue of transgendered kids.

Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.

Be a long time before that garbage comes around here. We have one of the lower instances of mental illness in the nation.

I think States really are gonna have to take their schools back. They'll have to sacrifice and stop taking the Fed money, but it'll be well-worth it in the end. However till that happens, parents really should consider alternatives to Government-run schooling.
No doubt about it, the Obama Administration is stepping way over the line on this one, and he is going to alienate even people who are sympathetic to gay rights.

Too bad more liberals can't express rational thoughts like that on a variety of subjects. And I'm not saying you couldn't say the same about conservatives on many issues. so don't feel like I'm picking on liberals. I'm just saying we need MORE people to stand up and say "hey I'm pretty ______, but we have to draw the line "

Obama is a bully, using the Presidency as a club to beat his opponents over the head. It's sickening.
Keep your kids away from Government-run schools. The Public School System is an abysmal nightmare. It's all just a Communist/Progressive indoctrination mind-fuck. If possible, avoid Government-run schooling. More Americans should seriously consider Home-Schooling.

Meh, depends on where you live, my kids attend public school and I assure you we will never have to consider the issue of transgendered kids.

Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.

No they are not actually. Funny claim though. You must not have kids.


My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

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