Now what! Executive order on restrooms, really?

Meh, depends on where you live, my kids attend public school and I assure you we will never have to consider the issue of transgendered kids.

Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.

No they are not actually. Funny claim though. You must not have kids.


My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

So you don't have kids in public schools. Didn't think so. You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.
Regardless of how you feel abut this issue, you should be PISSED that with all the serious issues facing this country, THIS is the kind of bullshit Obama chooses to focus on in between rounds of golf. Seriously people. Should the POTUS be involving himself in such petty disputes?
I don't know about you, but based on the reaction on this board to the Bathroom Law, it is anything but petty. To a lot of people who will continue to argue about it ad infinitum. He had to get involved because NC considered it to be a NOT AT ALL PETTY issue, deserving of a state law. I agree it's petty. But probably not for the same reason you do.
Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms

Okay, now it's really time to separate public from private policy and funding of schools.
Maybe of govt run-facilities all together.

Maybe each city, district or community should own all facilities privately
and RENT just the space to govt management while still owning the property.

If we cannot separate public from private policy as long as govt owns the property,
maybe it's time to divorce and separate.

That's how the issue of the Cross on public property was settled,
by a private group buying out the land.


Ironically I thought it was going to be the other way.
I thought, for public safety and national security,
govt would own prisons and hospitals and then just
let the programs inside be owned operated and managed by private groups.

But with this nonsense, I'm thinking it should be the other way.

Return all ownership locally so it's private and up to citizens, not govt, to decide private policies.
and then the citizens can vote to delegate/hire things out to govt
and RENT the space that is agreed upon, and retain control.

Whatever way works, but this nonsense has to stop.

People decide their own bathroom policies fine in their own homes.
What do we have to do to respect people's privacy WITHOUT resorting
to threats of penalties for everything from choice of managing
your own health care, birth control, and now bathroom policies. Really?

If the Founding Fathers aren't turning over in their graves,
they must have fled to another universe to get away from this!
This is not even recognizably the same govt system under the Constitution they set up
and left behind. What the ....????
Why would the founding fathers even know what transgendered people are? Stop pretending like you know how they would have thought about this.
There were a lot of Nancy boys back in the day, of course they knew. They were protected by the crown, just like the leftists want now.
Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms

Okay, now it's really time to separate public from private policy and funding of schools.
Maybe of govt run-facilities all together.

Maybe each city, district or community should own all facilities privately
and RENT just the space to govt management while still owning the property.

If we cannot separate public from private policy as long as govt owns the property,
maybe it's time to divorce and separate.

That's how the issue of the Cross on public property was settled,
by a private group buying out the land.


Ironically I thought it was going to be the other way.
I thought, for public safety and national security,
govt would own prisons and hospitals and then just
let the programs inside be owned operated and managed by private groups.

But with this nonsense, I'm thinking it should be the other way.

Return all ownership locally so it's private and up to citizens, not govt, to decide private policies.
and then the citizens can vote to delegate/hire things out to govt
and RENT the space that is agreed upon, and retain control.

Whatever way works, but this nonsense has to stop.

People decide their own bathroom policies fine in their own homes.
What do we have to do to respect people's privacy WITHOUT resorting
to threats of penalties for everything from choice of managing
your own health care, birth control, and now bathroom policies. Really?

If the Founding Fathers aren't turning over in their graves,
they must have fled to another universe to get away from this!
This is not even recognizably the same govt system under the Constitution they set up
and left behind. What the ....????
Why would the founding fathers even know what transgendered people are? Stop pretending like you know how they would have thought about this.

They would have thrown up in their porridge
Meh, depends on where you live, my kids attend public school and I assure you we will never have to consider the issue of transgendered kids.

Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.

No they are not actually. Funny claim though. You must not have kids.


My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.
You are a dangerous asshole.
Regardless of how you feel abut this issue, you should be PISSED that with all the serious issues facing this country, THIS is the kind of bullshit Obama chooses to focus on in between rounds of golf. Seriously people. Should the POTUS be involving himself in such petty disputes?
I don't know about you, but based on the reaction on this board to the Bathroom Law, it is anything but petty. To a lot of people who will continue to argue about it ad infinitum. He had to get involved because NC considered it to be a NOT AT ALL PETTY issue, deserving of a state law. I agree it's petty. But probably not for the same reason you do.

I think it's petty in terms of the President getting involved.

I think it's petty that the state of NC couldn't have offered up a perfectly reasonable law.

"Private businesses may conduct their bathrooms however they see fit. Government offices shall provide a proportional number of non gender specific bathrooms"

The last meaning if a goverment building has 6 bathrooms, mark 2 of them as non gender specific and move on with your fucking day.

Who could reasonably object to that compromise from either side?
Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.

No they are not actually. Funny claim though. You must not have kids.


My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

So you don't have kids in public schools. Didn't think so. You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.

Don't assume so much. And just because you won't acknowledge the Public School nightmare, doesn't mean it isn't an abysmal nightmare. Your children are being indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive zealotry.

Now if you're a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot, you don't have a problem with the brainwashing. But others have a big problem with it. I would advise all parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling.
Last edited:
Don't be so sure about that. The Public School System was hijacked by Communist/Progressive zealots a long time ago. It's all about the indoctrination mind-fuck now. Parents really should consider avoiding Government-run schooling.

No they are not actually. Funny claim though. You must not have kids.


My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.
You are a dangerous asshole.

Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.
No they are not actually. Funny claim though. You must not have kids.


My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

So you don't have kids in public schools. Didn't think so. You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.

Don't assume so much. And just because you won't acknowledge the Public School nightmare, doesn't mean it isn't an abysmal nightmare. Your children are being indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive zealotry.

Now if you're a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot, you don't have a problem with the brainwashing. But others have a big problem with it. I woud advise all parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling.

Listen idiot. I talk to my kids and help them with homework. They learn about math, English, science, history.... Your claims are blatantly false. Don't speak so loudly out of your ass it is embarassing.
No they are not actually. Funny claim though. You must not have kids.


My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

So you don't have kids in public schools. Didn't think so. You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.

Don't assume so much. And just because you won't acknowledge the Public School nightmare, doesn't mean it isn't an abysmal nightmare. Your children are being indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive zealotry.

Now if you're a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot, you don't have a problem with the brainwashing. But others have a big problem with it. I woud advise all parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling.

See, you blame the government. I blame teacher's unions. Break the unions and teacher support for liberal policy will drop in half, I guarantee. That's why you see most of the problems in schools in states where teacher's unions are strong. We have fairly weak teachers' unions here so our teachers are fairly conservative.

My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

So you don't have kids in public schools. Didn't think so. You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.

Don't assume so much. And just because you won't acknowledge the Public School nightmare, doesn't mean it isn't an abysmal nightmare. Your children are being indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive zealotry.

Now if you're a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot, you don't have a problem with the brainwashing. But others have a big problem with it. I woud advise all parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling.

See, you blame the government. I blame teacher's unions. Break the unions and teacher support for liberal policy will drop in half, I guarantee. That's why you see most of the problems in schools in states where teacher's unions are strong. We have fairly weak teachers' unions here so our teachers are fairly conservative.

Yes break the unions and then all teachers will be paid as poorly as private school teachers. Great idea.
Every passing day Obama and liberals demonstrate their disdain for freedom / liberty and their goal of totalitarian RULE...
So if schools don't comply Obama will punish the children and withhold needed money. Good Lord, Obama is a dictator.

My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

So you don't have kids in public schools. Didn't think so. You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.

Don't assume so much. And just because you won't acknowledge the Public School nightmare, doesn't mean it isn't an abysmal nightmare. Your children are being indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive zealotry.

Now if you're a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot, you don't have a problem with the brainwashing. But others have a big problem with it. I woud advise all parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling.

Listen idiot. I talk to my kids and help them with homework. They learn about math, English, science, history.... Your claims are blatantly false. Don't speak so loudly out of your ass it is embarassing.

Their 'false' because you enjoy your child's daily Communist/Progressive brainwashing. You are a fellow Communist/Progressive, no?
Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms

Okay, now it's really time to separate public from private policy and funding of schools.
Maybe of govt run-facilities all together.

Maybe each city, district or community should own all facilities privately
and RENT just the space to govt management while still owning the property.

If we cannot separate public from private policy as long as govt owns the property,
maybe it's time to divorce and separate.

That's how the issue of the Cross on public property was settled,
by a private group buying out the land.


Ironically I thought it was going to be the other way.
I thought, for public safety and national security,
govt would own prisons and hospitals and then just
let the programs inside be owned operated and managed by private groups.

But with this nonsense, I'm thinking it should be the other way.

Return all ownership locally so it's private and up to citizens, not govt, to decide private policies.
and then the citizens can vote to delegate/hire things out to govt
and RENT the space that is agreed upon, and retain control.

Whatever way works, but this nonsense has to stop.

People decide their own bathroom policies fine in their own homes.
What do we have to do to respect people's privacy WITHOUT resorting
to threats of penalties for everything from choice of managing
your own health care, birth control, and now bathroom policies. Really?

If the Founding Fathers aren't turning over in their graves,
they must have fled to another universe to get away from this!
This is not even recognizably the same govt system under the Constitution they set up
and left behind. What the ....????
Why would the founding fathers even know what transgendered people are? Stop pretending like you know how they would have thought about this.

They would have thrown up in their porridge

Thank you Trump.Stamped
I'm thinking more along the lines of laughing or choking
so hard their soup goes up their noses.
Macaroni noodles are especially painful to extract after the fact
(much like too much power being given to govt that doesn't belong there either)

If you've ever experienced that pain and shock, of elbow macaroni going
up your nose at an unexpected guffaw during dinner, that might describe the LEVEL of feeling or reaction I imagine in my mind...
My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

So you don't have kids in public schools. Didn't think so. You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.

Don't assume so much. And just because you won't acknowledge the Public School nightmare, doesn't mean it isn't an abysmal nightmare. Your children are being indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive zealotry.

Now if you're a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot, you don't have a problem with the brainwashing. But others have a big problem with it. I woud advise all parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling.

Listen idiot. I talk to my kids and help them with homework. They learn about math, English, science, history.... Your claims are blatantly false. Don't speak so loudly out of your ass it is embarassing.

Their 'false' because you enjoy your child's daily Communist/Progressive brainwashing. You are a fellow Communist/Progressive, no?

We have argued on the same side many times on this board, are you a communist?

Sorry your claim is blatantly false and backed by nothing.

My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

So you don't have kids in public schools. Didn't think so. You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.

Don't assume so much. And just because you won't acknowledge the Public School nightmare, doesn't mean it isn't an abysmal nightmare. Your children are being indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive zealotry.

Now if you're a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot, you don't have a problem with the brainwashing. But others have a big problem with it. I woud advise all parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling.

See, you blame the government. I blame teacher's unions. Break the unions and teacher support for liberal policy will drop in half, I guarantee. That's why you see most of the problems in schools in states where teacher's unions are strong. We have fairly weak teachers' unions here so our teachers are fairly conservative.

I can no longer support Government-run schooling. It's all about the Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming now. However, if the States could take their schools back, there could be some improvement.

But States taking more control, requires sacrificing Federal Money. And most States won't do it. So at this point i have to advise parents to seek education alternatives. Home-Schooling is one great alternative, but there are others.
My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

So you don't have kids in public schools. Didn't think so. You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.

Don't assume so much. And just because you won't acknowledge the Public School nightmare, doesn't mean it isn't an abysmal nightmare. Your children are being indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive zealotry.

Now if you're a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot, you don't have a problem with the brainwashing. But others have a big problem with it. I woud advise all parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling.

See, you blame the government. I blame teacher's unions. Break the unions and teacher support for liberal policy will drop in half, I guarantee. That's why you see most of the problems in schools in states where teacher's unions are strong. We have fairly weak teachers' unions here so our teachers are fairly conservative.

Yes break the unions and then all teachers will be paid as poorly as private school teachers. Great idea.

Another idiot who doesn't educate themselves before opining on a subject.

Why Are Private-School Teachers Paid Less Than Public-School Teachers?
Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

So you don't have kids in public schools. Didn't think so. You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.

Don't assume so much. And just because you won't acknowledge the Public School nightmare, doesn't mean it isn't an abysmal nightmare. Your children are being indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive zealotry.

Now if you're a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot, you don't have a problem with the brainwashing. But others have a big problem with it. I woud advise all parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling.

Listen idiot. I talk to my kids and help them with homework. They learn about math, English, science, history.... Your claims are blatantly false. Don't speak so loudly out of your ass it is embarassing.

Their 'false' because you enjoy your child's daily Communist/Progressive brainwashing. You are a fellow Communist/Progressive, no?

We have argued on the same side many times on this board, are you a communist?

Sorry your claim is blatantly false and backed by nothing.

So you aren't a fellow Communist/Progressive? Because your cheeleading for Communist/Progressive indoctrination in schools says otherwise.

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