Now what! Executive order on restrooms, really?

Hey Jim, if you are not being stupid about this topic, answer a real question if you can.

When a person walks into a restroom stall, what is it you want done to assure yourself that it is man in the stall in the men's room?

Or a woman in the stall in a women's restroom.

How are you going to check this out so you KNOW?
You don't need a war to stop this.

I've said this all along and I'll keep saying it... call me a kook all you like... this kind of movement is only eliminated by force of action. There is no other way.... it cannot ever be appeased. We're all free to hold out hope, to believe we can turn the ship around... that something will change the winds of politics or something... it's futile.... this movement will continue until brave men have to give up their lives to put it down. So the war IS coming, it's just a matter of when.
The reason I say you won't need a war because most people on the left disagree with Obama.

All this issue does is produce infighting for Democrats
As a resident of progressive MD, there are many women, girls, men, families who are against this.

We may be mostly Democrat here but that does not mean we are all progressive. An example being the election of a Republican Governor.

The subject has moved from trans-gendered just using the bathroom to the fear of pre-op boys in the locker rooms. I have granddaughters in the schools and they and their female friends, as well as their parents, do not want them disrobing nor wish to disrobe in their presence.

They are aware of co-ed facilities in colleges but view college students as adults. Even some of these girls have complained that the men are just disrobing in the middle of the room.

I could go on but it will be futile as these girls have an issue with this and their voices are not being heard.
rosie is here------you lucky posters..... My contribution to the situation is----people should have a right to CHANGE GENDERS legally in a sealed proceeding before a
judge who JUDGES according to some sort of reasonable stated standards
All the school districts have to do is decline the federal funding.

But they CAN'T... that's the whole problem.

Why cant they?

Because they have to pay their bills... they have to pay the teachers. Federal funding is a HUGE part of their budget and they simply can't keep the doors open without it. I would LOVE for us to abolish the Department of Education and send the Federal funds directly to the States... that needs to happen. But expecting the schools to somehow manage without any federal funding is simply ignorance of the system we have. It can't be done.
The subject has moved from trans-gendered just using the bathroom to the fear of pre-op boys in the locker rooms. I have granddaughters in the schools and they and their female friends, as well as their parents, do not want them disrobing nor wish to disrobe in their presence.

You better get on the stick... The Obama Administration issued a directive to all public schools last week, that this is a Title IX issue and federal funding would be cut to schools not in compliance. That means, transgenders are now covered under Title IX for all intents and purposes... ALL intents and purposes.
All the school districts have to do is decline the federal funding.

But they CAN'T... that's the whole problem.

Why cant they?

Because they have to pay their bills... they have to pay the teachers. Federal funding is a HUGE part of their budget and they simply can't keep the doors open without it. I would LOVE for us to abolish the Department of Education and send the Federal funds directly to the States... that needs to happen. But expecting the schools to somehow manage without any federal funding is simply ignorance of the system we have. It can't be done.

They could do it if the issue was important enough to them.

Suppose the Feds said that they would cut off funds unless the local school districts began to segregate by race again?

I think the chool districts would find a way to survive without the federal funds.
They could do it if the issue was important enough to them.

Well, no... they couldn't do it. You can think that they could but you have no idea what you're talking about. They would have to lay off nearly all their teachers, cut pensions to all retired teachers, close most of their facilities and stop providing most of the extracurricular services they have. They are barely functional as it is... that would essentially END public schools.

Now... let's imagine for a moment that you have a good-paying job with great benefits and job security... it's a fantastic job and you totally love it. The boss comes in one day and says... you all have to work as volunteers this Saturday at the benefit car wash or you won't get a paycheck next week. Now... you may not LIKE that, but what are you most likely going to do? Quit your nice cushy job over principle or suck it up and work the car wash?

School administrators and officials are not about to cut their own throats over principle.... that's just not a realistic expectation.... you can believe they should.... but it's simply not going to happen in this universe of reality.
Now... all that said, here is what COULD happen.... Citizens could stand up and start removing their children from public schools all over the country. Start home schooling or private schooling and just have a mass exodus from the public school system... then it crumbles. But don't expect the schools to stand up to the Federal tyranny... they can't.
RW's would rather their 8 year old son see a toe tapin' republican wearing mens clothing and sucking another mans cock in a restroom ... a dude wearing a dress would blow his young mind ..

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