Now what! Executive order on restrooms, really?

Regardless of how you feel abut this issue, you should be PISSED that with all the serious issues facing this country, THIS is the kind of bullshit Obama chooses to focus on in between rounds of golf. Seriously people. Should the POTUS be involving himself in such petty disputes?
I don't know about you, but based on the reaction on this board to the Bathroom Law, it is anything but petty. To a lot of people who will continue to argue about it ad infinitum. He had to get involved because NC considered it to be a NOT AT ALL PETTY issue, deserving of a state law. I agree it's petty. But probably not for the same reason you do.

I think it's petty in terms of the President getting involved.

I think it's petty that the state of NC couldn't have offered up a perfectly reasonable law.

"Private businesses may conduct their bathrooms however they see fit. Government offices shall provide a proportional number of non gender specific bathrooms"

The last meaning if a goverment building has 6 bathrooms, mark 2 of them as non gender specific and move on with your fucking day.

Who could reasonably object to that compromise from either side?
It would be a great compromise on the potty issue. I don't know why NC wouldn't use it, except it doesn't cover showers and locker rooms? Many colleges have had co-ed dorms and both genders sharing shower facilities and bathrooms for years and years. No one has had issues until now, that it involves transgenders. Hmmm. Why do you suppose that is?

Maybe because one system is voluntary, the other, not so much. I guess this administration didn't learn a damn thing when the supreme court told them they can't withhold existing federal funds just because a State refuses to implement a new mandate.
There just may be fights and bullies will let the gay individuals have it. Can you imagine a tomboy walking into a boy's restroom in high school? Restrooms are generally free areas from the watchful eye of adults. Or a man dressed as a woman to rape in an ususpecting young girl...This idea of Obama's is just another ludicrous idea and EO.
Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms

Okay, now it's really time to separate public from private policy and funding of schools.
Maybe of govt run-facilities all together.

Maybe each city, district or community should own all facilities privately
and RENT just the space to govt management while still owning the property.

If we cannot separate public from private policy as long as govt owns the property,
maybe it's time to divorce and separate.

That's how the issue of the Cross on public property was settled,
by a private group buying out the land.


Ironically I thought it was going to be the other way.
I thought, for public safety and national security,
govt would own prisons and hospitals and then just
let the programs inside be owned operated and managed by private groups.

But with this nonsense, I'm thinking it should be the other way.

Return all ownership locally so it's private and up to citizens, not govt, to decide private policies.
and then the citizens can vote to delegate/hire things out to govt
and RENT the space that is agreed upon, and retain control.

Whatever way works, but this nonsense has to stop.

People decide their own bathroom policies fine in their own homes.
What do we have to do to respect people's privacy WITHOUT resorting
to threats of penalties for everything from choice of managing
your own health care, birth control, and now bathroom policies. Really?

If the Founding Fathers aren't turning over in their graves,
they must have fled to another universe to get away from this!
This is not even recognizably the same govt system under the Constitution they set up
and left behind. What the ....????

It is not an EO, that's a lie.

It's perfectly appropriate for Justice to notify school districts that to discriminate against transgender students violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Right, except that's a lie.
Schools are fighting back on this one because they don't want student enrollment to drop. Plus, testosterone infused boys in the girls bathroom in Jr High and High school What could go wrong? Lawsuits anyone?

Some schools are telling Obama to fuck off:

OCALA, Fla. - A school board in north Florida plans to restrict access to school bathrooms based on a person's biological gender. The Ocala Star-Banner reports that the Marion County School Board reached a consensus on Thursday on a resolution to ban transgender students from using bathrooms for the gender with which they identify. The board plans to take a final vote in the coming days. The resolution states that "transgender people are not a protected class under federal or state law or under Marion County Public Schools policy." Florida school board votes to restrict transgender bathroom choices
Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms

Okay, now it's really time to separate public from private policy and funding of schools.
Maybe of govt run-facilities all together.

Maybe each city, district or community should own all facilities privately
and RENT just the space to govt management while still owning the property.

If we cannot separate public from private policy as long as govt owns the property,
maybe it's time to divorce and separate.

That's how the issue of the Cross on public property was settled,
by a private group buying out the land.


Ironically I thought it was going to be the other way.
I thought, for public safety and national security,
govt would own prisons and hospitals and then just
let the programs inside be owned operated and managed by private groups.

But with this nonsense, I'm thinking it should be the other way.

Return all ownership locally so it's private and up to citizens, not govt, to decide private policies.
and then the citizens can vote to delegate/hire things out to govt
and RENT the space that is agreed upon, and retain control.

Whatever way works, but this nonsense has to stop.

People decide their own bathroom policies fine in their own homes.
What do we have to do to respect people's privacy WITHOUT resorting
to threats of penalties for everything from choice of managing
your own health care, birth control, and now bathroom policies. Really?

If the Founding Fathers aren't turning over in their graves,
they must have fled to another universe to get away from this!
This is not even recognizably the same govt system under the Constitution they set up
and left behind. What the ....????

I support three rest rooms----Male, Female, and "OTHER"
Just give them one nasty, dirty, dark outhouse and they will just wait..
Alternate headline: "Obama just cut millions of votes from the democratic party this Fall". How many parents will be good with teenage boys accessing their girls' bathroom at school?

I think Obama is trying to sabotage Hillary...
I think he's sabotaging the country for the next pres to make him look good
Welcome to post-gay marriage America. I warned you all about this when we were debating gay marriage. Oh, Boss.... it's just two people who love each other wanting what others have... why can't you let them have it? I was called a bigot, homophobe, hater, racist... every name in the book because I couldn't get behind this push to allow gay marriage. My argument all along was simple... you CANNOT legitimize sexual behavior under the law. Once you have made that leap, the doors are wide open. There is not a sexual behavior that can't be legitimized under the law... Equal Protection... And that's where we now find ourselves.

It doesn't stop here... this is just the tip of the iceberg... we've not even really started down the rabbit hole yet. Just hang in there pedophiles, we'll get to your deviancy soon. We've not added your letter to the growing acronym yet but it's not because we're bigots. This isn't even about our politics anymore, it's all settled law now. We've established that sexual behavior can be legitimized through the law and if it's not accepted, that's a violation of your civil rights. So your day in the sun is coming soon... you'll be able to fondle children with impunity under Title IX in our schools, and there won't be a damn thing the "bigots" can do to stop you.
The restrooms designated for the sexes has facilitated the needs of all people for ages. Only now when the rage is rights for the "sexually confused." If someone has a penis, he goes to the Men's bathroom and vaginas go to the ladies restroom. Is that so hard to understand? Soon there will be bathrooms for bi-polars as well. Stop the madness!

The government screws up everything they attempt to do. They don't have to mess with the bathrooms.

Dear Jackson Yes I agree that BIOLOGICAL gender should be the criteria.
but the NC laws in question were trying to restrict this to just birth certificate (similar problem in Texas that doesn't recognize gender CHANGES),
and as Mudda pointed out, part of the argument is that this would contradict what you just posted!

Emily, there is NO such thing as gender change. There is only body mutilation.

Unless and until science figures out a way to alter chromosomes to actually change a person's gender.

Dear Fair&Balanced

A. If you want to refuse medical designation otherwise, I would recognize your right to contest bathroom policies in your district that affect you and your children and constituents who share your beliefs.
I don't think Govt can force anyone to change their beliefs.

B. However, by recognizing your beliefs, I also recognize beliefs of others who DO recognize someone's gender identity as part of their spiritual path and process.

I cannot put your beliefs over others, or others over yours, and neither should govt.

I would support a consensus on policy, either single stalled, or neutral/unisex restrooms.

I personally do believe some people are spiritually a different gender than their physical body is born.
And if they change to all male, or all female, and medically this is confirmed they are anatomically
that gender, they should be able to change their designation. Especially where people can be born with sex organs of both genders, and choose to remove one, it is only fair to let them change to the one they choose to identify with and fully change to.

this should be biological and medically confirmed, similar to a disability.

Still Fair&Balanced I respect your beliefs on this, and it only makes sense to include
your beliefs, even if it is only a small minority, since the same can be said of the transgender as a minority.

All should be included in local policies that affect those populations,
and govt should not be in any position to dictate faith based issues of beliefs.

If you'd like to form a coalition of consultants on this issue,
I would want to make sure your position is included and represented.
Whatever policies are proposed should be able to pass by your standards
as not imposing any faith based policy through govt. would have to be completely neutral
and not pushing anything not proven by science, and agreed upon as valid. Thank you!
Welcome to post-gay marriage America. I warned you all about this when we were debating gay marriage. Oh, Boss.... it's just two people who love each other wanting what others have... why can't you let them have it? I was called a bigot, homophobe, hater, racist... every name in the book because I couldn't get behind this push to allow gay marriage. My argument all along was simple... you CANNOT legitimize sexual behavior under the law. Once you have made that leap, the doors are wide open. There is not a sexual behavior that can't be legitimized under the law... Equal Protection... And that's where we now find ourselves.

It doesn't stop here... this is just the tip of the iceberg... we've not even really started down the rabbit hole yet. Just hang in there pedophiles, we'll get to your deviancy soon. We've not added your letter to the growing acronym yet but it's not because we're bigots. This isn't even about our politics anymore, it's all settled law now. We've established that sexual behavior can be legitimized through the law and if it's not accepted, that's a violation of your civil rights. So your day in the sun is coming soon... you'll be able to fondle children with impunity under Title IX in our schools, and there won't be a damn thing the "bigots" can do to stop you.

Dear Boss I'd hope citizens are smarter than that, and prepare to pull out now before the ship goes down.

Go ahead and start meeting with local businesses, civic groups, churches, nonprofits, police and teachers unions and ask for support to privatize, buying back school property and flipping them to private.

Say, I'm sorry, but I have Constitutional beliefs that are only protected this way.
I can't fund or support where this is going.

I thought the division over the health care mandates would be enough to instigate this.

Maybe Obama can take his exchanges and what is left of the public schools after citizens who object pull their funding and support, and shift them to the Democratic party to run based on that platform they elected to follow.

I would support a separation by party, so people can fund their own
social programs, policies, studies and experimental pilot projects.
On their OWN funding, not the public. And when things are proven
to work, then offer programs to the public to choose whether to support or not.
Dear Boss I'd hope citizens are smarter than that...

I would have thought the citizens were smart enough to know that men don't go in the little girl's room. This isn't about the citizens, dear.... have you not noticed that? This is an out of control liberal movement that will eventually take a fucking WAR to stop. They've taken over the courts, our schools, our institutions, our government... and they are crazed with power.

All my children are grown and out of school. I had two grandkids in public school but as of today, they are being home schooled. My daughter has made the decision to pull them out of public school over this nonsense. I would encourage ANYONE out there, pull your kids and grandkids out today... don't wait... do it now. We HAVE to stand up as a society and say NO... HELL NO!
You don't need a war to stop this. I lean left and do not agree with men using women restrooms or vice versa.

The case for kids, I sincerely hope the matter could be resolved quietly with the child psych and counselor sitting down to discuss why little johnny should be allowed to use the girls restroom. Then some kind of arrangements could have been made without freaking everyone out.

Then Obamas big mouth throws everything into chaos.
You don't need a war to stop this. I lean left and do not agree with men using women restrooms or vice versa.

The case for kids, I sincerely hope the matter could be resolved quietly with the child psych and counselor sitting down to discuss why little johnny should be allowed to use the girls restroom. Then some kind of arrangements could have been made without freaking everyone out.

Then Obamas big mouth throws everything into chaos.

Well sorry, I am a conservative and I lean right. I was raised in a society that respected the individual right to privacy when going to the bathroom. Even in my own family, we respected this intimate right to personal privacy under our roof. I can't speak for monkeys in the zoo. I'm not sure how they handle their bathroom arrangements. I don't wish for our society to copy them.

I think I stand with a majority of women and men when I say that we don't want persons with penises in women's bathrooms out in public. There is too much of a threat and danger and it invades personal privacy.

I think about my dear old mom who passed away a couple of years ago... Sitting there doing her business and notices a cell phone from the next stall, filming her while she pees! I can imagine the fear and shock running through her mind as she grapples with what to do. She was a little frail petite woman, she wouldn't physically confront anybody.... but here some creep is, doing a digital peeping-tom on her because he can get access to the ladies room now in spite of his genitals. Now I can imagine mom freaking out and going to the manager to complain... but now what? Who wants a Civil Rights lawsuit slapped on them by the Federal Government?

Proponents want to ACT like I am somehow afraid of transgenders... it's NOT the transgenders... it's the perverts! If you are transgender who happens to still have a penis... use the men's room... for your own good.
You don't need a war to stop this.

I've said this all along and I'll keep saying it... call me a kook all you like... this kind of movement is only eliminated by force of action. There is no other way.... it cannot ever be appeased. We're all free to hold out hope, to believe we can turn the ship around... that something will change the winds of politics or something... it's futile.... this movement will continue until brave men have to give up their lives to put it down. So the war IS coming, it's just a matter of when.
You don't need a war to stop this.

I've said this all along and I'll keep saying it... call me a kook all you like... this kind of movement is only eliminated by force of action. There is no other way.... it cannot ever be appeased. We're all free to hold out hope, to believe we can turn the ship around... that something will change the winds of politics or something... it's futile.... this movement will continue until brave men have to give up their lives to put it down. So the war IS coming, it's just a matter of when.
The reason I say you won't need a war because most people on the left disagree with Obama.

All this issue does is produce infighting for Democrats
Why would the founding fathers even know what transgendered people are? Stop pretending like you know how they would have thought about this.

Lol, are you trying to be stupid on this topic or does it come naturally?


Back in the time fo the Founding Fathers, they would have put such people in an insane asylum where they belong.
You don't need a war to stop this.

I've said this all along and I'll keep saying it... call me a kook all you like... this kind of movement is only eliminated by force of action. There is no other way.... it cannot ever be appeased. We're all free to hold out hope, to believe we can turn the ship around... that something will change the winds of politics or something... it's futile.... this movement will continue until brave men have to give up their lives to put it down. So the war IS coming, it's just a matter of when.
I see no reason why it cant be smothered at the level of urban unrest.

There is maybe 2% of the population that really has any skin in this, and they wouldnt take long to put down and/or imprison for crimes of associated with rioting.

The rest are just partisan hacks that mindlessly follow the DNC talking points, and the DNC right now is controlled by a lesbian cartel.
The article says Obama is 'calling on' public schools to allow access to restrooms that they self-identify with.

Where does it show an order from the President?

All the school districts have to do is decline the federal funding.

I would tell the President to kiss my ass.

It is way past time to severe the Federali fund strings that make our school districts effectively puppets of the Federali government and Presidential EO's.

People are looking at this as a fateful 'order' when it is actually an opportunity to cut the Federali strings. IF Moochelle's lunch menus weren't enough, this should tip the scales in most places.

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