Now what! Executive order on restrooms, really?

Only a moron without kids in a public school could conclude your stupidity. You know nothing.

Nah, you're just a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot who enjoys your child's daily brainwashing. It isn't anymore complicated than that. But you have to understand, not all parents want to expose their children to that indoctrination. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

There is a nice padded room for you somewhere. You should go there soon. Who's stupidity are you parroting today?

Ha, the padded room is where you send your children to be brainwashed everyday. You really don't have any idea who's 'teaching' your children.

Actually I do. We are very active parents. You obviously know nothing about public schools. You just keep talking out of your ass. I doubt you even have kids.

You don't know who's 'teaching' your children. But my guess is, you're fine with the Communist/Progressive indoctrination. That's why you don't see it.

You probably don't have children and definitely know nothing about public schools.
Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.
You are a dangerous asshole.

Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.
I'm a teacher, my parents were both teachers and many of my friends and relatives are teachers. Not a single one of them is an extremist LW or a communist. There is no indoctrination/programming going on. Your propaganda shitting on America's schools is in no way constructive and is in no way based in reality.

Get real, there's no more reliable left wing partner than the teachers unions. When I pointed out to my districts teachers there was no need for 'another' major increase in local school taxes, that the district actually lost 500 students vs the prior 2 year budget they turned on me like rabid dogs and told me to move away to another district.
That's not an example of communist indoctrination. Budget battles happen everywhere. People like to get paid. I'm sure you do, too.

In many districts the teachers unions are vampires on the poor and middle class, they don't care so long as they get theirs. This is where you tell us 'its for the kids' right? Public sector unions are the Democratic party's cash cow, you people are connected at the hip with these freak liberals who have taken over the Democratic party.
Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms

Okay, now it's really time to separate public from private policy and funding of schools.
Maybe of govt run-facilities all together.

Maybe each city, district or community should own all facilities privately
and RENT just the space to govt management while still owning the property.

If we cannot separate public from private policy as long as govt owns the property,
maybe it's time to divorce and separate.

That's how the issue of the Cross on public property was settled,
by a private group buying out the land.


Ironically I thought it was going to be the other way.
I thought, for public safety and national security,
govt would own prisons and hospitals and then just
let the programs inside be owned operated and managed by private groups.

But with this nonsense, I'm thinking it should be the other way.

Return all ownership locally so it's private and up to citizens, not govt, to decide private policies.
and then the citizens can vote to delegate/hire things out to govt
and RENT the space that is agreed upon, and retain control.

Whatever way works, but this nonsense has to stop.

People decide their own bathroom policies fine in their own homes.
What do we have to do to respect people's privacy WITHOUT resorting
to threats of penalties for everything from choice of managing
your own health care, birth control, and now bathroom policies. Really?

If the Founding Fathers aren't turning over in their graves,
they must have fled to another universe to get away from this!
This is not even recognizably the same govt system under the Constitution they set up
and left behind. What the ....????

It is not an EO, that's a lie.

It's perfectly appropriate for Justice to notify school districts that to discriminate against transgender students violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
That is communism? Link? I didn't know Marx was pro tranny.

Well, you're a Communist/Progressive who is. And so is your President. So, do the math.

Show me how communism is pro tranny. I'm a capitalist. He is our president.

You are a Communist/Progressive, no? Maybe you're just confused as to who you are? Kinda like a Tranny, huh?

You must be too since we typically are arguing on the same side. For instance I think this transgender order is BS.

It's exactly why our Public School System is in shambles. States need to take their schools back from the Feds. It could improve things. But i'm still inclined to advise parents to stay away from Government-run schooling. It's too much of a dangerous gamble. Don't gamble with your child's mind.

My children learn valuable things each day. Do tell why you think you know so much about public schools?
Pretty bad when the president has to enforce the Constitution, especially since it concerns less than .3% of the population and far less than the school population.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

Except that it's not a civil rights violation to tell someone with a package between their legs to use the restroom that corresponds to their physical assets. It's common sense.

Liberals are disgusting and depraved I don't think you are going to change their minds on that.
Nah, you're just a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot who enjoys your child's daily brainwashing. It isn't anymore complicated than that. But you have to understand, not all parents want to expose their children to that indoctrination. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

There is a nice padded room for you somewhere. You should go there soon. Who's stupidity are you parroting today?

Ha, the padded room is where you send your children to be brainwashed everyday. You really don't have any idea who's 'teaching' your children.

Actually I do. We are very active parents. You obviously know nothing about public schools. You just keep talking out of your ass. I doubt you even have kids.

You don't know who's 'teaching' your children. But my guess is, you're fine with the Communist/Progressive indoctrination. That's why you don't see it.

You probably don't have children and definitely know nothing about public schools.

You assume too much.
You are a dangerous asshole.

Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.
I'm a teacher, my parents were both teachers and many of my friends and relatives are teachers. Not a single one of them is an extremist LW or a communist. There is no indoctrination/programming going on. Your propaganda shitting on America's schools is in no way constructive and is in no way based in reality.

Get real, there's no more reliable left wing partner than the teachers unions. When I pointed out to my districts teachers there was no need for 'another' major increase in local school taxes, that the district actually lost 500 students vs the prior 2 year budget they turned on me like rabid dogs and told me to move away to another district.
That's not an example of communist indoctrination. Budget battles happen everywhere. People like to get paid. I'm sure you do, too.

In many districts the teachers unions are vampires on the poor and middle class, they don't care so long as they get theirs. This is where you tell us 'its for the kids' right? Public sector unions are the Democratic party's cash cow, you people are connected at the hip with these freak liberals who have taken over the Democratic party.

Based on education and job importance teachers are low paid.
There is a nice padded room for you somewhere. You should go there soon. Who's stupidity are you parroting today?

Ha, the padded room is where you send your children to be brainwashed everyday. You really don't have any idea who's 'teaching' your children.

Actually I do. We are very active parents. You obviously know nothing about public schools. You just keep talking out of your ass. I doubt you even have kids.

You don't know who's 'teaching' your children. But my guess is, you're fine with the Communist/Progressive indoctrination. That's why you don't see it.

You probably don't have children and definitely know nothing about public schools.

You assume too much.

Well waiting for you to explain where you get your crazy ideas from.
Well, you're a Communist/Progressive who is. And so is your President. So, do the math.

Show me how communism is pro tranny. I'm a capitalist. He is our president.

You are a Communist/Progressive, no? Maybe you're just confused as to who you are? Kinda like a Tranny, huh?

You must be too since we typically are arguing on the same side. For instance I think this transgender order is BS.

It's exactly why our Public School System is in shambles. States need to take their schools back from the Feds. It could improve things. But i'm still inclined to advise parents to stay away from Government-run schooling. It's too much of a dangerous gamble. Don't gamble with your child's mind.

My children learn valuable things each day. Do tell why you think you know so much about public schools?

Depends on what you consider 'valuable.' For instance, is scaring the kids to death over the 'Global Warming' Boogeyman a valuable thing?
Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms

Okay, now it's really time to separate public from private policy and funding of schools.
Maybe of govt run-facilities all together.

Maybe each city, district or community should own all facilities privately
and RENT just the space to govt management while still owning the property.

If we cannot separate public from private policy as long as govt owns the property,
maybe it's time to divorce and separate.

That's how the issue of the Cross on public property was settled,
by a private group buying out the land.


Ironically I thought it was going to be the other way.
I thought, for public safety and national security,
govt would own prisons and hospitals and then just
let the programs inside be owned operated and managed by private groups.

But with this nonsense, I'm thinking it should be the other way.

Return all ownership locally so it's private and up to citizens, not govt, to decide private policies.
and then the citizens can vote to delegate/hire things out to govt
and RENT the space that is agreed upon, and retain control.

Whatever way works, but this nonsense has to stop.

People decide their own bathroom policies fine in their own homes.
What do we have to do to respect people's privacy WITHOUT resorting
to threats of penalties for everything from choice of managing
your own health care, birth control, and now bathroom policies. Really?

If the Founding Fathers aren't turning over in their graves,
they must have fled to another universe to get away from this!
This is not even recognizably the same govt system under the Constitution they set up
and left behind. What the ....????

It is not an EO, that's a lie.

It's perfectly appropriate for Justice to notify school districts that to discriminate against transgender students violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

It's not a lie by the OP moron. The article first reported that it was an order and has since clarified.

Oh, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 , besides being unconstitutional. does NOT afford protections to "transgenders"

Actually that is incorrect, if you classify "transgender" as a mental illness, then yes they do get extra protection due t the disabilities act.

So, you must support allowing them to use the handicapped parking out front too eh?
Show me how communism is pro tranny. I'm a capitalist. He is our president.

You are a Communist/Progressive, no? Maybe you're just confused as to who you are? Kinda like a Tranny, huh?

You must be too since we typically are arguing on the same side. For instance I think this transgender order is BS.

It's exactly why our Public School System is in shambles. States need to take their schools back from the Feds. It could improve things. But i'm still inclined to advise parents to stay away from Government-run schooling. It's too much of a dangerous gamble. Don't gamble with your child's mind.

My children learn valuable things each day. Do tell why you think you know so much about public schools?

Depends on what you consider 'valuable.' For instance, is scaring the kids to death over the 'Global Warming' Boogeyman a valuable thing?

I can only eat fish once a week due to pollution. It is real moron. And it is science. They shouldn't learn science now? Back to the dark ages?
The restrooms designated for the sexes has facilitated the needs of all people for ages. Only now when the rage is rights for the "sexually confused." If someone has a penis, he goes to the Men's bathroom and vaginas go to the ladies restroom. Is that so hard to understand? Soon there will be bathrooms for bi-polars as well. Stop the madness!

The government screws up everything they attempt to do. They don't have to mess with the bathrooms.

Dear Jackson Yes I agree that BIOLOGICAL gender should be the criteria.
but the NC laws in question were trying to restrict this to just birth certificate (similar problem in Texas that doesn't recognize gender CHANGES),
and as Mudda pointed out, part of the argument is that this would contradict what you just posted!
You are a Communist/Progressive, no? Maybe you're just confused as to who you are? Kinda like a Tranny, huh?

You must be too since we typically are arguing on the same side. For instance I think this transgender order is BS.

It's exactly why our Public School System is in shambles. States need to take their schools back from the Feds. It could improve things. But i'm still inclined to advise parents to stay away from Government-run schooling. It's too much of a dangerous gamble. Don't gamble with your child's mind.

My children learn valuable things each day. Do tell why you think you know so much about public schools?

Depends on what you consider 'valuable.' For instance, is scaring the kids to death over the 'Global Warming' Boogeyman a valuable thing?

I can only eat fish once a week due to pollution. It is real moron. And it is science. They shouldn't learn science now? Back to the dark ages?
For the good of the fish industry I heard Obama is going to mandate you eat fish 3 times a week...'or else'.

Obama to Order Public Schools: Allow Transgender Students Access to Bathrooms

Okay, now it's really time to separate public from private policy and funding of schools.
Maybe of govt run-facilities all together.

Maybe each city, district or community should own all facilities privately
and RENT just the space to govt management while still owning the property.

If we cannot separate public from private policy as long as govt owns the property,
maybe it's time to divorce and separate.

That's how the issue of the Cross on public property was settled,
by a private group buying out the land.


Ironically I thought it was going to be the other way.
I thought, for public safety and national security,
govt would own prisons and hospitals and then just
let the programs inside be owned operated and managed by private groups.

But with this nonsense, I'm thinking it should be the other way.

Return all ownership locally so it's private and up to citizens, not govt, to decide private policies.
and then the citizens can vote to delegate/hire things out to govt
and RENT the space that is agreed upon, and retain control.

Whatever way works, but this nonsense has to stop.

People decide their own bathroom policies fine in their own homes.
What do we have to do to respect people's privacy WITHOUT resorting
to threats of penalties for everything from choice of managing
your own health care, birth control, and now bathroom policies. Really?

If the Founding Fathers aren't turning over in their graves,
they must have fled to another universe to get away from this!
This is not even recognizably the same govt system under the Constitution they set up
and left behind. What the ....????

It is not an EO, that's a lie.

It's perfectly appropriate for Justice to notify school districts that to discriminate against transgender students violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

It's not a lie by the OP moron. The article first reported that it was an order and has since clarified.

Oh, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 , besides being unconstitutional. does NOT afford protections to "transgenders"

Actually that is incorrect, if you classify "transgender" as a mental illness, then yes they do get extra protection due t the disabilities act.

So, you must support allowing them to use the handicapped parking out front too eh?

Dear @Fair&Balance and C_Clayton_Jones where
civil rights equal protections would apply to both sides equally
is recognizing them both as Creeds or Beliefs, not judging them by content which gets into regulating religion.

If they are both respected and included under law as Creeds,
then they can be treated equally.

As for ADA and disability, where the policies might work in common
is having licensed professionals assess and make the determinations
of gender (similar to confirming a real disability that qualifies) instead of relying on "faith based beliefs or feelings," which
in the case of ADA isn't enough to meet the legal requirements on other conditions requiring accommodations by law.

A. if you are going to treat it as a personal private choice or belief,
then treat it as a CREED where it is private and outside govt jurisdiction.

B. if you are going to address gender as a physical condition
then fully regulate it as with disabilities under ADA that require medical documentation

You can't mix A and B and abuse Govt to regulate something on the level of a BELIEF or CREED.
The restrooms designated for the sexes has facilitated the needs of all people for ages. Only now when the rage is rights for the "sexually confused." If someone has a penis, he goes to the Men's bathroom and vaginas go to the ladies restroom. Is that so hard to understand? Soon there will be bathrooms for bi-polars as well. Stop the madness!

The government screws up everything they attempt to do. They don't have to mess with the bathrooms.

Dear Jackson Yes I agree that BIOLOGICAL gender should be the criteria.
but the NC laws in question were trying to restrict this to just birth certificate (similar problem in Texas that doesn't recognize gender CHANGES),
and as Mudda pointed out, part of the argument is that this would contradict what you just posted!

Emily, there is NO such thing as gender change. There is only body mutilation.

Unless and until science figures out a way to alter chromosomes to actually change a person's gender.
You are a dangerous asshole.

Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.
I'm a teacher, my parents were both teachers and many of my friends and relatives are teachers. Not a single one of them is an extremist LW or a communist. There is no indoctrination/programming going on. Your propaganda shitting on America's schools is in no way constructive and is in no way based in reality.

Just because you don't wanna see the indoctrination programming, doesn't mean it's not happening. My guess is that you yourself are a Communist/Progressive zealot. So obviously you approve of the brainwashing American kids are now receiving. But others don't approve. They'll have to seek education alternatives.
Thank you for brightening my day with your zany imagination. I have nothing against people using alternatives to public education for whatever reason, but your poison garbage is anti-American and destructive.

You really are out of touch. Who's 'teaching' your children? Do you even know, or care?
I hesitate to go down this path any further with you, for two reasons
1- you're a total nut, and if anyone is one of Putin's boys, it's you. Total waste of energy talking to an Anti-American Fruitcake.
2- I'm not sure Emily wanted this thread to go down this path. She was talking about a completely different topic and we should probably respect that.
You are a Communist/Progressive, no? Maybe you're just confused as to who you are? Kinda like a Tranny, huh?

You must be too since we typically are arguing on the same side. For instance I think this transgender order is BS.

It's exactly why our Public School System is in shambles. States need to take their schools back from the Feds. It could improve things. But i'm still inclined to advise parents to stay away from Government-run schooling. It's too much of a dangerous gamble. Don't gamble with your child's mind.

My children learn valuable things each day. Do tell why you think you know so much about public schools?

Depends on what you consider 'valuable.' For instance, is scaring the kids to death over the 'Global Warming' Boogeyman a valuable thing?

I can only eat fish once a week due to pollution. It is real moron. And it is science. They shouldn't learn science now? Back to the dark ages?

I rest my case. You approve of your child's daily brainwashing because it fits your own political zealotry. That's why you don't see it as a problem. But others don't wanna subject their children to your zealotry. That's why more & more Americans are bailing from Government-run schooling. But hey, you do what you do. Enjoy.
The restrooms designated for the sexes has facilitated the needs of all people for ages. Only now when the rage is rights for the "sexually confused." If someone has a penis, he goes to the Men's bathroom and vaginas go to the ladies restroom. Is that so hard to understand? Soon there will be bathrooms for bi-polars as well. Stop the madness!

The government screws up everything they attempt to do. They don't have to mess with the bathrooms.

Dear Jackson Yes I agree that BIOLOGICAL gender should be the criteria.
but the NC laws in question were trying to restrict this to just birth certificate (similar problem in Texas that doesn't recognize gender CHANGES),
and as Mudda pointed out, part of the argument is that this would contradict what you just posted!

Emily, there is NO such thing as gender change. There is only body mutilation.

Unless and until science figures out a way to alter chromosomes to actually change a person's gender.

The belief that one's biological assignment can be changed is a mass hysteria not unlike the Salem Witch Trials, the Alar scare and the nationwide ritual child abuse scare at daycare centers.

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