Now what! Executive order on restrooms, really?

My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.
You are a dangerous asshole.

Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.
I'm a teacher, my parents were both teachers and many of my friends and relatives are teachers. Not a single one of them is an extremist LW or a communist. There is no indoctrination/programming going on. Your propaganda shitting on America's schools is in no way constructive and is in no way based in reality.

Just because you don't wanna see the indoctrination programming, doesn't mean it's not happening. My guess is that you yourself are a Communist/Progressive zealot. So obviously you approve of the brainwashing American kids are now receiving. But others don't approve. They'll have to seek education alternatives.
Thank you for brightening my day with your zany imagination. I have nothing against people using alternatives to public education for whatever reason, but your poison garbage is anti-American and destructive.
Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.
You are a dangerous asshole.

Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.

paulitician Not so much indoctrinated but warehoused for govt contracts and control of property.
Similar to prison contracts, and public housing run for the benefit of the those in management.

I guess this teaches adults to depend on govt and give up trying to change anything.

What it teaches kids is adults say one thing and do another.
So nobody deserves the respect and audience that used to be given to authority.

Students are lucky to get a hold of a teacher who can subsist or excel in such an environment

I had such teachers when I was in school, because they were retiring out and wouldn't get fired.
But the ones today have to go along with the BS to keep their jobs, so guess who you end up with.

I bow to teachers I find teaching the truth anyway, within this system lost to bureaucracy,
when I find them fighting the good fight.

Maybe they are there to teach students the majority isn't always right,
and you have to discern who is really on target. It may be the minority dissenter, the oppressed person
getting punished by others who is really speaking the truth.

Communist/Progressive asshole teachers are too busy trying to have sex with their students, to actually teach them anymore. My God, check out all the arrests of teachers having sex with their underage students. It's mind-boggling. It really is rampant. You'd be crazy intentionally sending your children into the Public School nightmare at this point. Seek out any and all alternatives.

No paulitician the abusive types who are sick and would physically abuse relations, sex and students
are a separate condition from liberals pushing their agenda, thinking they are defending or establishing universal values.

If you mix those two, you are not doing this issue any good.
You are enforcing the same "fear of bullying" that these LGBT are USING
to ARGUE they need govt protection. That is why they try to equate
harassment with racial segregation, when people assume all blacks are crooks or inferior
or assume that "all LGBT are predators" <-- that is why they got the
political leverage to push this agenda, by arguing they needed protection from collective bullying and discrimination this way.

Please do not add fuel to the fire.
the liberals are using that to burn down the house.

Man, really check out all the daily arrests of Communist/Progressive asshole teachers being arrested for having sex with their underaged students. It really is mind-boggling. I was surprised that they're women for the most part. It's an epidemic. Seeking alternatives to Government-run schooling would be a very wise decision these days.
My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.
You are a dangerous asshole.

Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.
I'm a teacher, my parents were both teachers and many of my friends and relatives are teachers. Not a single one of them is an extremist LW or a communist. There is no indoctrination/programming going on. Your propaganda shitting on America's schools is in no way constructive and is in no way based in reality.

Just because you don't wanna see the indoctrination programming, doesn't mean it's not happening. My guess is that you yourself are a Communist/Progressive zealot. So obviously you approve of the brainwashing American kids are now receiving. But others don't approve. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

2+2=4. Communist for sure.
Pretty bad when the president has to enforce the Constitution, especially since it concerns less than .3% of the population and far less than the school population.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

Close Luddly Neddite
but you forget that religious freedom and equal protection of laws goes for people of ALL beliefs.

You can't just protect the beliefs and creed of LGBT, single them out for protection,
and PENALIZE other beliefs! That is against the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

You can't break the very laws you are trying to enforce.

You cannot react against one belief by establishing or excluding another.
That is equally wrong, and two wrongs don't make it right.
They threaten to violate the rights of both sides, so everyone feels equally wronged!

Is that your idea of equal treatment under law?
to make both sides feel imposed upon by the other by POORLY WRITTEN LAWS?

Yes, in fact that is the EXACT goal of both extremes. They don't give a shit about equal rights, they care abut the rights of whichever group they support, even if those "rights" come at the expense of others.
Their 'false' because you enjoy your child's daily Communist/Progressive brainwashing. You are a fellow Communist/Progressive, no?

We have argued on the same side many times on this board, are you a communist?

Sorry your claim is blatantly false and backed by nothing.

So you aren't a fellow Communist/Progressive? Because your cheeleading for Communist/Progressive indoctrination in schools says otherwise.

Since that isn't happening you are just another idiot in fantasy land.

Well, only a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot wouldn't see it. You enjoy your child's daily brainwashing, therefore the brainwashing doesn't exist. It is what it is.

Only a moron without kids in a public school could conclude your stupidity. You know nothing.

Nah, you're just a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot who enjoys your child's daily brainwashing. It isn't anymore complicated than that. But you have to understand, not all parents want to expose their children to that indoctrination. They'll have to seek education alternatives.
We have argued on the same side many times on this board, are you a communist?

Sorry your claim is blatantly false and backed by nothing.

So you aren't a fellow Communist/Progressive? Because your cheeleading for Communist/Progressive indoctrination in schools says otherwise.

Since that isn't happening you are just another idiot in fantasy land.

Well, only a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot wouldn't see it. You enjoy your child's daily brainwashing, therefore the brainwashing doesn't exist. It is what it is.

Only a moron without kids in a public school could conclude your stupidity. You know nothing.

Nah, you're just a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot who enjoys your child's daily brainwashing. It isn't anymore complicated than that. But you have to understand, not all parents want to expose their children to that indoctrination. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

There is a nice padded room for you somewhere. You should go there soon. Who's stupidity are you parroting today?
Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.
You are a dangerous asshole.

Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.
I'm a teacher, my parents were both teachers and many of my friends and relatives are teachers. Not a single one of them is an extremist LW or a communist. There is no indoctrination/programming going on. Your propaganda shitting on America's schools is in no way constructive and is in no way based in reality.

Just because you don't wanna see the indoctrination programming, doesn't mean it's not happening. My guess is that you yourself are a Communist/Progressive zealot. So obviously you approve of the brainwashing American kids are now receiving. But others don't approve. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

Do tell us about here indoctrination you have seen. Details please.

Hussein's latest Executive Order.
You are a dangerous asshole.

Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.
I'm a teacher, my parents were both teachers and many of my friends and relatives are teachers. Not a single one of them is an extremist LW or a communist. There is no indoctrination/programming going on. Your propaganda shitting on America's schools is in no way constructive and is in no way based in reality.

Just because you don't wanna see the indoctrination programming, doesn't mean it's not happening. My guess is that you yourself are a Communist/Progressive zealot. So obviously you approve of the brainwashing American kids are now receiving. But others don't approve. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

Do tell us about here indoctrination you have seen. Details please.

Hussein's latest Executive Order.

That is communism? Link? I didn't know Marx was pro tranny.
Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.
You are a dangerous asshole.

Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.
I'm a teacher, my parents were both teachers and many of my friends and relatives are teachers. Not a single one of them is an extremist LW or a communist. There is no indoctrination/programming going on. Your propaganda shitting on America's schools is in no way constructive and is in no way based in reality.

Just because you don't wanna see the indoctrination programming, doesn't mean it's not happening. My guess is that you yourself are a Communist/Progressive zealot. So obviously you approve of the brainwashing American kids are now receiving. But others don't approve. They'll have to seek education alternatives.
Thank you for brightening my day with your zany imagination. I have nothing against people using alternatives to public education for whatever reason, but your poison garbage is anti-American and destructive.

You really are out of touch. Who's 'teaching' your children? Do you even know, or care?
My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.

So you don't have kids in public schools. Didn't think so. You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.

Don't assume so much. And just because you won't acknowledge the Public School nightmare, doesn't mean it isn't an abysmal nightmare. Your children are being indoctrinated on Communist/Progressive zealotry.

Now if you're a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot, you don't have a problem with the brainwashing. But others have a big problem with it. I woud advise all parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling.

Listen idiot. I talk to my kids and help them with homework. They learn about math, English, science, history.... Your claims are blatantly false. Don't speak so loudly out of your ass it is embarassing.

Their 'false' because you enjoy your child's daily Communist/Progressive brainwashing. You are a fellow Communist/Progressive, no?

Dear Brain357 and paulitician
I am trying to follow your points, aside from the namecalling that is part of the online forum culture, I understand, with territorial turf issues
and identifying "who is with which gang by who they call what names," I get that already.

Can I please ask you to specify and stick to the content and not distract too much with the "collective blame for all public schools or all Catholic schools as X Y Z"

What particular policies are good and bad that we should adopt or reject?
Not all Catholic elders are pedophiles nor are all liberal teachers predators either.

Can we drop that and stick to where school policies are going wrong,
and how to get them back on track? Which schools have good working models?

What are the problems, specifically, we should steer away from and correct to stop these from getting worse?

I posted a campus model for school-based communities I think could reform
prisons, the VA, mental health, public housing, and border security:
Earned Amnesty

I think the Catholic church could offer a positive model and pilot structure
for taking back prisons and running them as corrective restorative justice programs for restitution rehab and recovery,
including housing pedophile priests in need of the same, so they stay away from other populations.

What do you think of that?
Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.
I'm a teacher, my parents were both teachers and many of my friends and relatives are teachers. Not a single one of them is an extremist LW or a communist. There is no indoctrination/programming going on. Your propaganda shitting on America's schools is in no way constructive and is in no way based in reality.

Just because you don't wanna see the indoctrination programming, doesn't mean it's not happening. My guess is that you yourself are a Communist/Progressive zealot. So obviously you approve of the brainwashing American kids are now receiving. But others don't approve. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

Do tell us about here indoctrination you have seen. Details please.

Hussein's latest Executive Order.

That is communism? Link? I didn't know Marx was pro tranny.

Well, you're a Communist/Progressive who is. And so is your President. So, do the math.
My kids have not had a communist indoctrination class yet. Your claim is BS. You must not have kids in public schools.

Ha, that's all your kids have had. Take a closer look at who's running America's Public School System at this point. It's only about the indoctrination now.
You are a dangerous asshole.

Why? Because i'm encouraging parents to seek alternatives to Government-run schooling? It is all Communist/Progressive indoctrination programming at this point. You're obviously fine with that, but others aren't. For those folks, they should seek education alternatives.
I'm a teacher, my parents were both teachers and many of my friends and relatives are teachers. Not a single one of them is an extremist LW or a communist. There is no indoctrination/programming going on. Your propaganda shitting on America's schools is in no way constructive and is in no way based in reality.

Get real, there's no more reliable left wing partner than the teachers unions. When I pointed out to my districts teachers there was no need for 'another' major increase in local school taxes, that the district actually lost 500 students vs the prior 2 year budget they turned on me like rabid dogs and told me to move away to another district.
That's not an example of communist indoctrination. Budget battles happen everywhere. People like to get paid. I'm sure you do, too.
So you aren't a fellow Communist/Progressive? Because your cheeleading for Communist/Progressive indoctrination in schools says otherwise.

Since that isn't happening you are just another idiot in fantasy land.

Well, only a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot wouldn't see it. You enjoy your child's daily brainwashing, therefore the brainwashing doesn't exist. It is what it is.

Only a moron without kids in a public school could conclude your stupidity. You know nothing.

Nah, you're just a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot who enjoys your child's daily brainwashing. It isn't anymore complicated than that. But you have to understand, not all parents want to expose their children to that indoctrination. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

There is a nice padded room for you somewhere. You should go there soon. Who's stupidity are you parroting today?

Ha, the padded room is where you send your children to be brainwashed everyday. You really don't have any idea who's 'teaching' your children.
I'm a teacher, my parents were both teachers and many of my friends and relatives are teachers. Not a single one of them is an extremist LW or a communist. There is no indoctrination/programming going on. Your propaganda shitting on America's schools is in no way constructive and is in no way based in reality.

Just because you don't wanna see the indoctrination programming, doesn't mean it's not happening. My guess is that you yourself are a Communist/Progressive zealot. So obviously you approve of the brainwashing American kids are now receiving. But others don't approve. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

Do tell us about here indoctrination you have seen. Details please.

Hussein's latest Executive Order.

That is communism? Link? I didn't know Marx was pro tranny.

Well, you're a Communist/Progressive who is. And so is your President. So, do the math.

Show me how communism is pro tranny. I'm a capitalist. He is our president.
Since that isn't happening you are just another idiot in fantasy land.

Well, only a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot wouldn't see it. You enjoy your child's daily brainwashing, therefore the brainwashing doesn't exist. It is what it is.

Only a moron without kids in a public school could conclude your stupidity. You know nothing.

Nah, you're just a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot who enjoys your child's daily brainwashing. It isn't anymore complicated than that. But you have to understand, not all parents want to expose their children to that indoctrination. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

There is a nice padded room for you somewhere. You should go there soon. Who's stupidity are you parroting today?

Ha, the padded room is where you send your children to be brainwashed everyday. You really don't have any idea who's 'teaching' your children.

Actually I do. We are very active parents. You obviously know nothing about public schools. You just keep talking out of your ass. I doubt you even have kids.
Just because you don't wanna see the indoctrination programming, doesn't mean it's not happening. My guess is that you yourself are a Communist/Progressive zealot. So obviously you approve of the brainwashing American kids are now receiving. But others don't approve. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

Do tell us about here indoctrination you have seen. Details please.

Hussein's latest Executive Order.

That is communism? Link? I didn't know Marx was pro tranny.

Well, you're a Communist/Progressive who is. And so is your President. So, do the math.

Show me how communism is pro tranny. I'm a capitalist. He is our president.

You are a Communist/Progressive, no? Maybe you're just confused as to who you are? Kinda like a Tranny, huh?
Do tell us about here indoctrination you have seen. Details please.

Hussein's latest Executive Order.

That is communism? Link? I didn't know Marx was pro tranny.

Well, you're a Communist/Progressive who is. And so is your President. So, do the math.

Show me how communism is pro tranny. I'm a capitalist. He is our president.

You are a Communist/Progressive, no? Maybe you're just confused as to who you are? Kinda like a Tranny, huh?

You must be too since we typically are arguing on the same side. For instance I think this transgender order is BS.
Well, only a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot wouldn't see it. You enjoy your child's daily brainwashing, therefore the brainwashing doesn't exist. It is what it is.

Only a moron without kids in a public school could conclude your stupidity. You know nothing.

Nah, you're just a fellow Communist/Progressive zealot who enjoys your child's daily brainwashing. It isn't anymore complicated than that. But you have to understand, not all parents want to expose their children to that indoctrination. They'll have to seek education alternatives.

There is a nice padded room for you somewhere. You should go there soon. Who's stupidity are you parroting today?

Ha, the padded room is where you send your children to be brainwashed everyday. You really don't have any idea who's 'teaching' your children.

Actually I do. We are very active parents. You obviously know nothing about public schools. You just keep talking out of your ass. I doubt you even have kids.

You don't know who's 'teaching' your children. But my guess is, you're fine with the Communist/Progressive indoctrination. That's why you don't see it.
Regardless of how you feel abut this issue, you should be PISSED that with all the serious issues facing this country, THIS is the kind of bullshit Obama chooses to focus on in between rounds of golf. Seriously people. Should the POTUS be involving himself in such petty disputes?
I don't know about you, but based on the reaction on this board to the Bathroom Law, it is anything but petty. To a lot of people who will continue to argue about it ad infinitum. He had to get involved because NC considered it to be a NOT AT ALL PETTY issue, deserving of a state law. I agree it's petty. But probably not for the same reason you do.

I think it's petty in terms of the President getting involved.

I think it's petty that the state of NC couldn't have offered up a perfectly reasonable law.

"Private businesses may conduct their bathrooms however they see fit. Government offices shall provide a proportional number of non gender specific bathrooms"

The last meaning if a goverment building has 6 bathrooms, mark 2 of them as non gender specific and move on with your fucking day.

Who could reasonably object to that compromise from either side?
It would be a great compromise on the potty issue. I don't know why NC wouldn't use it, except it doesn't cover showers and locker rooms? Many colleges have had co-ed dorms and both genders sharing shower facilities and bathrooms for years and years. No one has had issues until now, that it involves transgenders. Hmmm. Why do you suppose that is?

The fact is people are getting fed up with left continually pushing the envelope. When the issue of gay marriage came up, quite frankly anyone who opposed gays to marry was/is an idiot. Who cares who marries who, but many were concerned that it was merely the first step in a list of perversions that the left would start supporting. And when you start telling me that I MUST allow a little boy to use the same bathroom as my little girl if he wants to, you've gone too far. And when you start telling businesses that they can't make their own bathroom policy, you've definately went too far.

So far, I've seen exactly ONE liberal on here say "you know what , Obama is going too far this time" ONE PERSON. That makes me wonder, at what point will a majority of liberals stand up and say "no, that's too far" Will removing the laws against sex with children be too far? What about with animals?

Other people have rights too, not just your chosen groups.
Hussein's latest Executive Order.

That is communism? Link? I didn't know Marx was pro tranny.

Well, you're a Communist/Progressive who is. And so is your President. So, do the math.

Show me how communism is pro tranny. I'm a capitalist. He is our president.

You are a Communist/Progressive, no? Maybe you're just confused as to who you are? Kinda like a Tranny, huh?

You must be too since we typically are arguing on the same side. For instance I think this transgender order is BS.

It's exactly why our Public School System is in shambles. States need to take their schools back from the Feds. It could improve things. But i'm still inclined to advise parents to stay away from Government-run schooling. It's too much of a dangerous gamble. Don't gamble with your child's mind.

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