Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

You keep showing the same old make up charts that have no hard evidence behind them.

You are in denial of the fact that unqualified whites get over all the time just on the strength that they are white. Why was AA created? If all things were equal there would have been NO NEED for AA.

Yep bringing back the days of Jim Crow, racist rejoice.

Why did Jews recover so quickly?

What was done to help Jews recover?

Please tell us the truth of why that happened so quickly.

The Jews were smart enough not to take a government check in place of the family unit.
Not 3 out of 4 times you go there. In fact there is an all white McDonald's about ten miles from my house. I stop there on the way home when I go to my doctor. Never got a bad order once. And, by the time I get home, the food is warmer than the McDonald's that are closer to my home.
Yea because white folks do everything perfectly, what was I thinking. Smfh.
Why did Jews recover so quickly?

What was done to help Jews recover?

Please tell us the truth of why that happened so quickly.

Probably because they didn't dwell on their past. When you see opportunity you seize the moment instead of crying poor me, look what happened to my great grandfather. It's just like people that come here from other countries. Being poor where they came from didn't mean having a government smart phone and sitting in front of a big screen eating Dorito's. Where they came from, if you're born poor, that's the way you're going to stay the rest of your life no matter what you do.

So once they get here, they work night and day seven days a week. They save every dime to open up their own business, and continue working seven days a week. Either that or they use all that money to put themselves through college.
the other mike

Why mark my post a funny? It’s a valid question. Why are men buying illegal drugs Instead of giving their spare money to their baby mamas? People are responsible for their own bad choices.

The leftists mark posts funny because they can’t counter reality.
Whites are six times your population. Per Capita is the only possible way to measure crime statistics. It's like when the lottery claims that most people that win the grand prize do so with auto-lotto. Well duh! Most people play auto-lotto.

Over 50% of US murders are committed by just 7% of our population which are black males. Your claims have zero to back up your assertions.
Per capita is an excuse whites like you use to deny your own crime prbblem. Whites have more wealth and resources. And it's been acquired by excluding non whites. Whites should have less than a 10 percent cime rate. It's time you shut your white --- up about crime because whites stole this country, then murdered and robbed millions of non whites so you can sit on your --- making excuses to deny the historical crime and depravity of the white racist subculture.
It's not normal for people to be able to feel much empathy for those who are different from them. This is universally true.

In America, whites, and especially white conservatives, don't really appreciate what is was like to be Black before the Civil Rights Revolution fifty years ago, and especially what it was like to be Black in the South. And even if they do, many of them assume it's totally different now.

I don't want to start an argument about this here (elsewhere, sure) but there is still 'statistical racism' in the US: if a policeman pulls over a car with a dead tail light, and the occupants are young Black males, they will be treated differently than if they were white. There's a valid reason for this, but if you're one of those young Black males, it might not cut much ice with you at the time.

And if you're Black, in front of an all-white jury and a white judge, you won't be crazy to think that your skin color is going to play a role in what happens.

Individuals acting in a private capacity are one thing. But the law is supposed to treat us all equally, regardless of our race, sex, or political affiliation.

But this is not always the case. Long ago, in Houston, an acquaintance of mine named Lee Otis Johnson, a Black militant who was a thorn in the side of the police, gave an undercover policeman a marijuana cigaratte ... was arrested ... was sentenced to, wait for it .... thirty years in prison. All following the letter of the law. He served four before a higher court overturned the sentence. [ Black Panther Gets 30 Years for One Joint (1968) – Hippyland ]

Equal treatment? Things have improved a lot, with respect to race and the law, but they started from a very low base. (The one area where 'Critical Race Theory', which used to be called 'Critical Legal Theory', had a point, was in the way the law could appear to be race-neutral, but in fact was not neutral. (More about that here: [ Critical Race Theory Wasn’t Always Like This ] )

Now, we're finding out what it's like when the letter of the law is followed, but the acutal application of it is unequal. Does anyone believe that if Mr Trump had continued as a Democrat, that he would now be facing felony charges? When I see pious Democrats being interviewed saying 'No one is above the law' I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Come on! Are you kidding me? Hunter Biden is not only 'high', he's high above the law.

Unequal treatment before the law, while following the letter of the law, is now going to be applied to white conservatives. We're going to get to feel what it's like. There are two positive results from this: (1) it will wake up more of our people (and maybe some others as well) as to what is happening to America, and (2) it may make us a bit more understanding of how that young Black man being pulled over for a dead tail light feels.
You patronizing prissy bitch. Nobody supports racist profiling or police abuse of any kind — much less against blacks people — to begin with (except a few retard racists). So everyone has opposed the dysfunctions of our legal system.
Diversity is not strength, but hell. Every society that is unfortunate enough to have significant tribal diversity ('tribal' because not all serious conflicts are about 'race') will see the dominant group 'privileged' in various ways. If you're a Zulu in South Africa in Xhosa-dominated area, you'll see 'Xhosa-privilege'. [ ] The same with Shona/Ndebele in Zimbabwe, Protestant and Catholic in N. Ireland, Greek and Turk (when the lived on the same land), Serb and Croat, Ukrainian and Pole, Muslim and Hindu, Sunni and Shia, Tamil and Sinhala ... it's human nature.

Now the Left wants to wag its finger at whites and make them feel guilty. But whites act just as Blacks act towards their own racial/tribal minorities where Blacks rule. What patriots have to do is to insist, insofar as it's possible, on equality before the law.

However, 'pure' equality, the assumption that we all start from a level playing field, is unrealistic. That is, it literally distorts reality. How we address this is a different discussion.
Darwin says you're a fool.

Across the whole of life on this planet diversity is why life continued despite multiple life ending events. Well, life ending for those not diverse enough to adapt.

No one says you have to live with, marry, have children with, like any of those "inferior" people. You are free to move to the wild of Alaska where your genetic line will, thankfully, come to an end. BUT...BEWARE...they have Black Bears there and the White bears vwill kill you for fun.
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Probably because they didn't dwell on their past. When you see opportunity you seize the moment instead of crying poor me, look what happened to my great grandfather. It's just like people that come here from other countries. Being poor where they came from didn't mean having a government smart phone and sitting in front of a big screen eating Dorito's. Where they came from, if you're born poor, that's the way you're going to stay the rest of your life no matter what you do.

So once they get here, they work night and day seven days a week. They save every dime to open up their own business, and continue working seven days a week. Either that or they use all that money to put themselves through college.

Now show me the payments that were given to slaves after slavery.
Whites are six times your population. Per Capita is the only possible way to measure crime statistics. It's like when the lottery claims that most people that win the grand prize do so with auto-lotto. Well duh! Most people play auto-lotto.

Over 50% of US murders are committed by just 7% of our population which are black males. Your claims have zero to back up your assertions.
ImToo always playing his silly numbers game with White/Black statistics.
Well, ain’t you stupid.

Not really a question.

First off, I never said any such thing. You asshole.

And secondly, you moron, being awake is good. Being “woke” is bullshit. 👍
Agreed. But being an entitled asshole simply based upon things you were born into and have no control over seems a supremely magaturd thing to do.
Agreed. But being an entitled asshole simply based upon things you were born into and have no control over seems a supremely magaturd thing to do.
False. No surprise. Being born a quite person of something less than middle income has nothing to do with whatever a moron like you is now babbling about.

Now show me the payments that were given to slaves after slavery.

First of all they shouldn't have gotten a dime, but it was DumBama that used our tax dollars to repay his supporters as Jewish strongly support the Democrat party. Secondly no payments went directly to the survivors. The money was given to the Jewish Federation of North America that has been providing aid to the Holocaust survivors for many years. Third is the fact this vote buying didn't elevate one Jewish person. The Jewish elevated themselves by hard work, education and taking advantage of the great things this country has to offer and they continue to do so today.
Per capita is an excuse whites like you use to deny your own crime prbblem. Whites have more wealth and resources. And it's been acquired by excluding non whites. Whites should have less than a 10 percent cime rate. It's time you shut your white --- up about crime because whites stole this country, then murdered and robbed millions of non whites so you can sit on your --- making excuses to deny the historical crime and depravity of the white racist subculture.

Very few white areas have a crime problem. That's why our property values generally increase while where blacks move they decline. Per capita is not an excuse, it's the only possible and logical way to measure crime by any particular group of people. Blacks lead the entire country in nearly all violent crime categories.

If you think whites stole this country, when are you going to move out of it if you feel that way?

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