Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

Darwin says you're a fool.

Across the whole of life on this planet diversity is why life continued despite multiple life ending events. Well, life ending for those not diverse enough to adapt.

No one says you have to live with, marry, have children with, like any of those "inferior" people. You are free to move to the wild of Alaska where your genetic line will, thankfully, come to an end. BUT...BEWARE...they have Black Bears there and the White bears vwill kill you for fun.
Does "Darwin say that I'm a fool"? Well, yes, so he does. And he says that you are one as well, and that the whole human species are fools ... from a Darwinian point of view, and for more than one reason.

What Dadoalex is probably trying to say is this: from a species-survival standpoint, it is advantageous for sub-populations of a species to inter-breed. If sub-species A has developed a mutation that natural selection favors -- say, longer and sharper claws -- and sub-species B has devleoped a different advantageous mutation -- say, a paler coat that allows it to blend into the natural background, which itself has changed to become 'paler' -- then interbreeding between populations A & B, producing offpring with both longer & sharper claws, and a paler coat, will be evolutionarily advantageous for the species.

We see the inverse of this with too much in-breeding. For example, cousin marriages -- common in certain parts of the world, like Pakistan -- increase the risk of producing offspring that carry both recessive alleles of a gene, giving rise to a defective phenotype [assuming the recessive variant is unfavorable from a survival viewpoint and the dominant one is favorable]. (Which wouldn't happen if the recessive allele were paired with a dominant one.)

So, yes, mix those genes up, to increase the chances of producing high-survival variants of the species.

However, when two different tribes are inter-mingled, they don't take the goal of producing higher-quality offspring into account. Even if they were theoretically aware of the advantages of inter-breeding, they don't tend to do it.

Yes, Serbs should marry Croats, Ukrainians should marry Poles, Tamils should marry Sinhalese, Sunni should marry Shia -- I'm using 'marry' here to mean 'produce offspring with' -- but .... they don't. Rather, they periodically kill each other in large numbers. (There is some inter-breeding of course, since they tend to rape each other's women. But presumably this is not something Dadoalex is urging. And they often kill the women when everyone has had a turn.)

I suppose it would be nice if we were all so high-minded that our actions were taken solely from the point of view of making our species flourish, but that's not how the human race works.

Actually, come to think of it, it might not be so nice. If producing genetically-healthy, sound, offspring were our driving ambition -- we would kill off the genetically-defective at, or before, birth. (Well, okay, we're on the way there.) Sounds like the practice of a certain group a few decades ago. I think they called it "Life not worthy of life" ( or Lebensunwertes Leben in the original German).

And ... we wouldn't have invented nuclear weapons.

The reality is, with tribal diversity -- where different tribal groups (races, religions) are intermingled, you have the standing possibility of bloody civil war.

Most Americans know little beyond the fantasies shown them on their TVs. so they're not really aware of this ugly reality, although the last fifty years have given us numerous examples of this truth: Cyprus, Yugoslavia, Sri Lanka, Northern Ireland.

DadoAlex's motive is a noble one: we should all just get along. No decent person can disagree. And, given American realities, we have to try. But we shouldn't be muddled by confusing what we would like reality to be, with what it actually is.

In this, we should indeed emulate old Darwin, who brought into the public awareness the unsettling reality that we are made in the image of, descended from, apes, not angels.
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You patronizing prissy bitch. Nobody supports racist profiling or police abuse of any kind — much less against blacks people — to begin with (except a few retard racists). So everyone has opposed the dysfunctions of our legal system.
So, if everyone has opposed it, and nobody supports it ... it must never ever occur, right?
Black Zionism means a separate country, according to the parallel you draw with Jews. Surely you don’t mean that?
That's exactly what I mean. Of course, it could only come about in the context of a massive upheaval and disruption of the existing system of governments and states ... wait ... come to think of it, that's just how Israel came about!

Right now, it seems very improbable, for several reasons. So Blacks will just have to try to fit within the American system, and whites will just have to whatever we can to help them do so.

But, when we look at the very dysfunctional Black ghetto, if we try to be as objective and hard-headed as we can, we can see what tremendous barriers there are to that. It's not accidental that even in places with a sympathetic liberal government -- the Northern states and cities -- where there have been innumerable programs and billions of dollars spent to address the problem, there has been little success. In fact, things have become worse.

Everyone, Left or Right, have a look at this video. It's only 7 minutes long.
It may change the way you think about our race problem in the US. And it doesn't score points for Left or Right.

It's called "The 1950s Inner-city Black Communities Were Strong"

[ ]

Then read the comments by Black people below it -- I'll copy some of them here:
"This generation was far poorer than we are now, but their communities were far safer. The difference is their family structures were largely intact and ours aren't. You cannot have a functioning community without men leading and mentoring their youth. A community without fathers will always crumble. No amount of money, or programs, or grants can take the place of an entire community where men are in the home. That is the ingredient missing from our communities today. "

"Even though I was born in 1988, I am familiar with the Black America he speaks of. My parents held these values and taught them to myself and I have not abandoned them. Baby momma/baby daddy culture has destroyed traditional Black America."

"I’m 74 and black and can attest to what this guy is saying. We were poor but didn’t even know it. Take me back to yesteryear."

"Wow what a powerful and incredible interview. I grew up in this era. It was amazingly wonderful. Everyone respected one another. There was so much support around. Black people were poor but we were “rich.” We had everything. We loved our teachers, neighbors, parents, churches, friends etc. We never saw drugs, violence, sex, bullying, cursing etc. Everyone respected everyone else. Peace was everywhere. You could travel anywhere and no one bothered you. These were the good old days."

"The 70’s & 80’s,was when the drug epidemic began to burn through black communities. That epidemic destroyed black men and women, which led to the arrest, incarceration and death of a lot of black men and women. It caused the break up of the black family structure."

"I am 44 years old, in 2020. I grew up in a small town in Alabama in the 1980's, early 1990's. I managed to catch the tail end of the Black community that he speaks of. Those days are gone. So sad."

" “Integration was never our goal. We never saw integration as a solution to the problems. We were seeking desegregation. And I think confusion on that point has continued to erode the collective self-confidence of the black community today.”

"He literally speaks like my uncle. My black parents and uncles also grew up in 1950s black South Philadelphia Pa. My parents, especially my father LOVED the 50s as a black teenager. He loved the cars, clothes, doo wop and cool jazz music, the cowboy movies. The only thing he complained about the 50s was the lack of sex and how risky it was to get a girl pregnant."

"I was born in 62' to young responsible, hardworking parents. Two sets of grandparents. Aunts that were ladies. Uncles that were hard working men, some worked on the railroads. My family had pride. I never once heard I was a victim or less than anyone! I was told as a little boy i could do anything i wanted. And i eventually did just that making myself well off by age 40.
By the 80s my family was hardly recognizable. In fact, i don't recognize black people at ALL today,. Especially disappointing are how relentless black men bitch and moan about everything! They're PROUD to be thought of as victims! I never once heard my father, grandfathers or uncles complain once. They had plenty to complain about, believe me. It was instilled in me by example. "A man never complains or explains himself." "Be a man of action and few words"

"What this video reminds me of is how history has been revised today about the 50s. People, especially young blacks, are brainwashed to believe the 1950s were only good times for WHITES. Its sickening the lies!"

"Closing in on my 57th birthday i don't even recognize the country i love. Feels like I'm living in a twilight zone! God help us!! "

So, what happened? It's a long story, and one which I don't fully understand, but it's part of what happened to America, for good or ill: the birth control pill; the Civil Rights movement and Vietnam which made a whole generation of young people cynical about their country; unprecedented prosperity in a nation which dominated the world, but which also saw, via automation and globalization, the loss of well-paying working class jobs; video-recorders and the internet; greatly increased enrollment in college. And probably other factors, some of which we may not even be aware.

Anyway, I don't think "business as usual" is going to solve our race problem. On the other hand, I strongly suspect we're moving into a period where "business as usual" will be a thing of the past.
That's exactly what I mean. Of course, it could only come about in the context of a massive upheaval and disruption of the existing system of governments and states ... wait ... come to think of it, that's just how Israel came about!

Right now, it seems very improbable, for several reasons. So Blacks will just have to try to fit within the American system, and whites will just have to whatever we can to help them do so.

But, when we look at the very dysfunctional Black ghetto, if we try to be as objective and hard-headed as we can, we can see what tremendous barriers there are to that. It's not accidental that even in places with a sympathetic liberal government -- the Northern states and cities -- where there have been innumerable programs and billions of dollars spent to address the problem, there has been little success. In fact, things have become worse.

Everyone, Left or Right, have a look at this video. It's only 7 minutes long.
It may change the way you think about our race problem in the US. And it doesn't score points for Left or Right.

It's called "The 1950s Inner-city Black Communities Were Strong"

[ ]

Then read the comments by Black people below it -- I'll copy some of them here:
"This generation was far poorer than we are now, but their communities were far safer. The difference is their family structures were largely intact and ours aren't. You cannot have a functioning community without men leading and mentoring their youth. A community without fathers will always crumble. No amount of money, or programs, or grants can take the place of an entire community where men are in the home. That is the ingredient missing from our communities today. "

"Even though I was born in 1988, I am familiar with the Black America he speaks of. My parents held these values and taught them to myself and I have not abandoned them. Baby momma/baby daddy culture has destroyed traditional Black America."

"I’m 74 and black and can attest to what this guy is saying. We were poor but didn’t even know it. Take me back to yesteryear."

"Wow what a powerful and incredible interview. I grew up in this era. It was amazingly wonderful. Everyone respected one another. There was so much support around. Black people were poor but we were “rich.” We had everything. We loved our teachers, neighbors, parents, churches, friends etc. We never saw drugs, violence, sex, bullying, cursing etc. Everyone respected everyone else. Peace was everywhere. You could travel anywhere and no one bothered you. These were the good old days."

"The 70’s & 80’s,was when the drug epidemic began to burn through black communities. That epidemic destroyed black men and women, which led to the arrest, incarceration and death of a lot of black men and women. It caused the break up of the black family structure."

"I am 44 years old, in 2020. I grew up in a small town in Alabama in the 1980's, early 1990's. I managed to catch the tail end of the Black community that he speaks of. Those days are gone. So sad."

" “Integration was never our goal. We never saw integration as a solution to the problems. We were seeking desegregation. And I think confusion on that point has continued to erode the collective self-confidence of the black community today.”

"He literally speaks like my uncle. My black parents and uncles also grew up in 1950s black South Philadelphia Pa. My parents, especially my father LOVED the 50s as a black teenager. He loved the cars, clothes, doo wop and cool jazz music, the cowboy movies. The only thing he complained about the 50s was the lack of sex and how risky it was to get a girl pregnant."

"I was born in 62' to young responsible, hardworking parents. Two sets of grandparents. Aunts that were ladies. Uncles that were hard working men, some worked on the railroads. My family had pride. I never once heard I was a victim or less than anyone! I was told as a little boy i could do anything i wanted. And i eventually did just that making myself well off by age 40.
By the 80s my family was hardly recognizable. In fact, i don't recognize black people at ALL today,. Especially disappointing are how relentless black men bitch and moan about everything! They're PROUD to be thought of as victims! I never once heard my father, grandfathers or uncles complain once. They had plenty to complain about, believe me. It was instilled in me by example. "A man never complains or explains himself." "Be a man of action and few words"

"What this video reminds me of is how history has been revised today about the 50s. People, especially young blacks, are brainwashed to believe the 1950s were only good times for WHITES. Its sickening the lies!"

"Closing in on my 57th birthday i don't even recognize the country i love. Feels like I'm living in a twilight zone! God help us!! "

So, what happened? It's a long story, and one which I don't fully understand, but it's part of what happened to America, for good or ill: the birth control pill; the Civil Rights movement and Vietnam which made a whole generation of young people cynical about their country; unprecedented prosperity in a nation which dominated the world, but which also saw, via automation and globalization, the loss of well-paying working class jobs; video-recorders and the internet; greatly increased enrollment in college. And probably other factors, some of which we may not even be aware.

Anyway, I don't think "business as usual" is going to solve our race problem. On the other hand, I strongly suspect we're moving into a period where "business as usual" will be a thing of the past.

You can’t make a parallel between Israel and forming a black nation. Israel came about because 2/3rds of European Jews (my dad’s grandmother, aunt and uncle, and four cousins among them) were genocided, and they had nowhere to go. Nazis had stolen their homes and money, and killed their relatives. (FDR sure didn’t want them.)

Blacks are not being genocided in America, and in fact the opposite has happened for the last 40 years - given special favor for college admissions, jobs, and promotions. Nobody is stealing their homes. They HAVE a country - America - with unlimited possibilities for anyway with the brains and drive to go after them.

So a big NO to a black country, which of course America would have to fund. If blacks in this country want to live in a black country, there are already many of them in Africa.
The liar is you clown, because you want to keep pushing this racist narrative that is a lie. I have posted over and over showing how white women benefit more from AA than anyone.

The NAACP was founded by white folks, so what?

No shit, but there was a time they weren't allowed to participate in the Miss America pageant.

So what?

Go and get up to speed on the issues before you make yourself look even more like a fool.
your racist narrative is convincing no one. rant away, no one is listening to your lies.
As for "Koreans shooting at Black people," you literally don't know what you're talking about. Black people burned down Korean shops, inflicting hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of damage. The Koreans admirably defended themselves. They didn't need to shoot anybody. Of course, the Left like to blame the police for not protecting the Koreans. If they had protected the Koreans, the Left would have blamed them for brutalizing the Black rioters.

A couple of points here, Fake Hippy Doug.

Um, yeah, the police DID leave the Koreans to their own devices. They deployed their forces to keep the riots from spilling over into affluent white neighborhoods. This is why I don't think you are as old as you claim you are, if you had lived through those times, you'd know this stuff.

The reason why those shops were targeted was because they had a long history of abusing the customer base by selling expired food, charging ridiculous prices because the big supermarket chains wouldn't set up there, etc. There were also false rumors that the government gave them special grants that black people couldn't get.
So, if everyone has opposed it, and nobody supports it ... it must never ever occur, right?
if the majority of crimes were committed by curly haired irishmen, do you think the police might stop more of them on the street? But they don't, know why? because blacks commit a disproportionate number or crimes in the USA today.
You can’t make a parallel between Israel and forming a black nation. Israel came about because 2/3rds of European Jews (my dad’s grandmother, aunt and uncle, and four cousins among them) were genocided, and they had nowhere to go. Nazis had stolen their homes and money, and killed their relatives. (FDR sure didn’t want them.)

So that made it okay to steal land from the Palestinians?

Blacks are not being genocided in America, and in fact the opposite has happened for the last 40 years - given special favor for college admissions, jobs, and promotions. Nobody is stealing their homes. They HAVE a country - America - with unlimited possibilities for anyway with the brains and drive to go after them.

Uh, I've been in the working world for about 32 years post military, and frankly, I've seen all of ONE person who only had a job because of Affirmative Action, and that might have been for her Gender as well as her race.

on the other hand, I've seen a lot of people who have jobs because they were friends of the boss, sleeping with the boss, or one of the boss' idiot relatives.

The latter is far, far worse to deal with, because you can't really do anything about them without risking your own job.
First of all they shouldn't have gotten a dime, but it was DumBama that used our tax dollars to repay his supporters as Jewish strongly support the Democrat party. Secondly no payments went directly to the survivors. The money was given to the Jewish Federation of North America that has been providing aid to the Holocaust survivors for many years. Third is the fact this vote buying didn't elevate one Jewish person. The Jewish elevated themselves by hard work, education and taking advantage of the great things this country has to offer and they continue to do so today.
Show us where the money went and this started long b4 Pres Obama.
You can’t make a parallel between Israel and forming a black nation. Israel came about because 2/3rds of European Jews (my dad’s grandmother, aunt and uncle, and four cousins among them) were genocided, and they had nowhere to go. Nazis had stolen their homes and money, and killed their relatives. (FDR sure didn’t want them.)

Blacks are not being genocided in America, and in fact the opposite has happened for the last 40 years - given special favor for college admissions, jobs, and promotions. Nobody is stealing their homes. They HAVE a country - America - with unlimited possibilities for anyway with the brains and drive to go after them.

So a big NO to a black country, which of course America would have to fund. If blacks in this country want to live in a black country, there are already many of them in Africa.
Zionism began fifty years before the Holocaust. When it began, most European Jews believed that things were getting better in Europe, and that they would eventually become an accepted minority there. They turned out to be wrong. And the pogroms and discrimination faced by Jews before the Holocaust were not worse than that faced by Blacks in America during the same period. (Or, for that matter, by other minority groups before and since.) The Holocaust was different, and it propelled Jews to escape to a place where they would be the majority. I can't blame them.

And ... founding a nation under the circumstances that they had to found one, transformed the Jews of Europe. Before Israel, European Jews were known as people who had a prominent place at the peak of many human endeavors: in the arts, in philosophy, in mathematics, in science. But not in warfare. (In fact, for centuries, they had been forbidden to even own arms.) But circumstances changed them, as they have changed other peoples. (Sometimes in the opposite direction: the fierce Vikings became the sweet Danes.)

I'm not especially advocating a Black nation -- that's up to the Black people themselves. But should circumstances come about that it became a practical possibility, we should support it. The very process of founding a nation might cause a profound transformation of the collective character of the founders, since they would be, for the first time, totally in charge of their own destiny.

Is the potential there? The news tends to show us the worst of the Black community: the horrible dysfunction, welfare dependency, violence. But there are tens of thousands of Blacks who are high achievers, operating within the confines of white society. These men and women would become the new leaders of a free Black nation. (Look at these young women, for example: [ New Orleans teens’ Pythagorean proof gains compelling evidence ]

Another point: Black nationalists tend to be demonized, and there is certainly a basis for this -- their anti-Semitism in particular. But they also hold deeply conservative values. It doesn't take a genius to know that what a people needs are strong families, discipline, self-reliance, hard work. And those are exactly the values that groups like the Nation of Islam uphold among their members. Take a look at this short article from the Encylopedia Britannica: [ Nation of Islam | History, Founder, Beliefs, & Facts ]
An excerpt from it, describing the founder of the group: His teachings included many of the basic tenets of Islam, including monotheism, submission to Allah, and a strong family life, and these tenets were promoted in the Nation’s parochial schools. Elijah also borrowed from traditional Islamic behavioral practices, including the refusal to eat pork or to use tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs.

Yes, Blacks have been given unparalleled opportunities within America, and their oppression today is far less than it was even within my own lifetime. But those opportunities are to flourish as individuals, in a society where they are a minority (and a feared one at that). And these opportunities, tied to globalization of the economy, have been the same as those for whites: okay for the upper half, college-educated, but for the bottom half, not so much.

Therefore, should presently-unimaginable events occur such that founding a separate Black nation becomes a practical possibility, and should a significant number of Black people want it ... conservatives should support it. In the meantime, we should support the general right of self-determination, and specifically should look upon Black nationalism with sympathy.

Oh yes: the idea that American Blacks already have a country, or rather, many countries, in Africa. The genes may be the same, but the culture is completely different. There are many accounts by American Blacks of visiting Africa, and realizing how non-African they really are. They're Black Westerners, not Africans.

Anyway, if they went to any particular African country in any numbers, they'd end up running the place, because of their superior, modern culture, and be resented by the indigenous people, maybe lethally so. That's what happened in Liberia. [ Liberia - Wikipedia ]
A couple of points here, Fake Hippy Doug.

Um, yeah, the police DID leave the Koreans to their own devices. They deployed their forces to keep the riots from spilling over into affluent white neighborhoods. This is why I don't think you are as old as you claim you are, if you had lived through those times, you'd know this stuff.

The reason why those shops were targeted was because they had a long history of abusing the customer base by selling expired food, charging ridiculous prices because the big supermarket chains wouldn't set up there, etc. There were also false rumors that the government gave them special grants that black people couldn't get.
Now, for anyone just joining this thread, you may want to know why Little CowardLiar Joe calls me a 'fake hippy'. It's because I mentioned that when I was young (back in the 60s and 70s) I was active in the Civil Rights and Anti-War movements. (I never claimed to be a 'hippy' -- quite the contrary, we were angry at the hippies because they 'turned on, tuned in and dropped out' instead of fighting the system). The 'hippy' reference is just a lie within a lie! (Example: I was the editor of an anti-war newsletter aimed at fellow GIs when I was in the Army during the Vietnam War.)

Anyway, I offered Little CowardLiarJoe $10 000 if a group of three people whom we both agreed on examined my evidence and concluded I was lying. They could all three be on the Left, since I know there are honest people on the Left. In fact, I even nominated two of them: one is the head of the Communist Party in Houston, the other is someone, a former ATT technician, who blew the whistle on the government's spying on us, about 20 years ago.

But the catch was ... if they concluded I was telling the truth, then Little CowardLiar Joe has to pay me $10 000. Of course, both of us would put up our money with a third party beforehand, and make it all legal.

And ... for some reason ... Little CowardLiar Joe won't take up my offer! $10 000!!! Taken from a nasty old rightwinger!

Dear reader, why do you think that is? Why won't he do it?

Now show me the payments that were given to slaves after slavery.

Now show me the payments that were given to slaves after slavery.

Here you go……


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Does "Darwin say that I'm a fool"? Well, yes, so he does. And he says that you are one as well, and that the whole human species are fools ... from a Darwinian point of view, and for more than one reason.

What Dadoalex is probably trying to say is this: from a species-survival standpoint, it is advantageous for sub-populations of a species to inter-breed. If sub-species A has developed a mutation that natural selection favors -- say, longer and sharper claws -- and sub-species B has devleoped a different advantageous mutation -- say, a paler coat that allows it to blend into the natural background, which itself has changed to become 'paler' -- then interbreeding between populations A & B, producing offpring with both longer & sharper claws, and a paler coat, will be evolutionarily advantageous for the species.

We see the inverse of this with too much in-breeding. For example, cousin marriages -- common in certain parts of the world, like Pakistan -- increase the risk of producing offspring that carry both recessive alleles of a gene, giving rise to a defective phenotype [assuming the recessive variant is unfavorable from a survival viewpoint and the dominant one is favorable]. (Which wouldn't happen if the recessive allele were paired with a dominant one.)

So, yes, mix those genes up, to increase the chances of producing high-survival variants of the species.

However, when two different tribes are inter-mingled, they don't take the goal of producing higher-quality offspring into account. Even if they were theoretically aware of the advantages of inter-breeding, they don't tend to do it.

Yes, Serbs should marry Croats, Ukrainians should marry Poles, Tamils should marry Sinhalese, Sunni should marry Shia -- I'm using 'marry' here to mean 'produce offspring with' -- but .... they don't. Rather, they periodically kill each other in large numbers. (There is some inter-breeding of course, since they tend to rape each other's women. But presumably this is not something Dadoalex is urging. And they often kill the women when everyone has had a turn.)

I suppose it would be nice if we were all so high-minded that our actions were taken solely from the point of view of making our species flourish, but that's not how the human race works.

Actually, come to think of it, it might not be so nice. If producing genetically-healthy, sound, offspring were our driving ambition -- we would kill off the genetically-defective at, or before, birth. (Well, okay, we're on the way there.) Sounds like the practice of a certain group a few decades ago. I think they called it "Life not worthy of life" ( or Lebensunwertes Leben in the original German).

And ... we wouldn't have invented nuclear weapons.

The reality is, with tribal diversity -- where different tribal groups (races, religions) are intermingled, you have the standing possibility of bloody civil war.

Most Americans know little beyond the fantasies shown them on their TVs. so they're not really aware of this ugly reality, although the last fifty years have given us numerous examples of this truth: Cyprus, Yugoslavia, Sri Lanka, Northern Ireland.

DadoAlex's motive is a noble one: we should all just get along. No decent person can disagree. And, given American realities, we have to try. But we shouldn't be muddled by confusing what we would like reality to be, with what it actually is.

In this, we should indeed emulate old Darwin, who brought into the public awareness the unsettling reality that we are made in the image of, descended from, apes, not angels.
your quote

:"Diversity is not strength, but hell. ":

Trying to explain away your racism fails.

Racial purity was part of WW2, the American Civil please name a civil war during the last 50 years bought on by racial/cultural diversity.

Look at the top athletes in every sort. Mixed race people dominate in far greater numbers that their population suggests.
Intelligence? The Obamas vs the Trumps, nuff said

I like italian food, greek food, Latin foods, ...this diversity has made dining a broader and more enjoyable experience.

What you'd like is what happened among the White people in Haiti study up

So, if everyone has opposed it, and nobody supports it ... it must never ever occur, right?
It obviously happens. That’s why it is universally opposes.

Try to follow along, you pinhead. The claim that republicans support it is false.
your quote

:"Diversity is not strength, but hell. ":

Trying to explain away your racism fails.

Racial purity was part of WW2, the American Civil please name a civil war during the last 50 years bought on by racial/cultural diversity.

Look at the top athletes in every sort. Mixed race people dominate in far greater numbers that their population suggests.
Intelligence? The Obamas vs the Trumps, nuff said

I like italian food, greek food, Latin foods, ...this diversity has made dining a broader and more enjoyable experience.

What you'd like is what happened among the White people in Haiti study up

I lost more than half of my property value thanks to "diversity.
Show us where the money went and this started long b4 Pres Obama.

You're the one that cited DumBama, not me.

The Obama administration has awarded $12 million for assistance to Holocaust survivors.

The allocation from the Department of Health and Human Services to the Jewish Federations of North America, to be disbursed over five years, is part of an initiative launched in late 2013 by Vice President Joe Biden to address the needs of survivors in the United States, a quarter of whom live below the poverty line.

So that made it okay to steal land from the Palestinians?

Uh, I've been in the working world for about 32 years post military, and frankly, I've seen all of ONE person who only had a job because of Affirmative Action, and that might have been for her Gender as well as her race.

on the other hand, I've seen a lot of people who have jobs because they were friends of the boss, sleeping with the boss, or one of the boss' idiot relatives.

The latter is far, far worse to deal with, because you can't really do anything about them without risking your own job.
No land was stolen from any Palestinians. There was never any entity called Palestinians who held sovereign control of any land. There were never recognized borders to any geographic area known as Pal'istan.

Copying and pasting slogans you got from MSNBC is rather pointless.

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