Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

The United States of America represents freedom and greatness.…. it has since its inception.
We are supposed to one country all Americans. But ever sence martin luther kind died the black try to kill his dream seperating themselves from all the rest. . With all black this and that business. spitting in face of everyone who worked hard yo end segregation. disgraceful. Spoiled brats they are. Do not appreciate what they have in America.
It's difficult to argue with someone who doesn't bother to read what I wrote. In fact, I wonder
if you even read what you wrote, since your arguments are not coherent.

When different tribes live side-by-side, and one of them is not overwhelmingly dominant, then
the possibility is always there for bloody civil war between them -- or a bloody repression of one tribe by the other. This is especially true if it's physically possible for the minority tribe to overturn the rule of the majority one, and set up its own state, or merge with a nearby state where the minority is the majority.

Don't you know anything about (1) Northern Ireland, (2) East and Central Europe between the wars (how many Poles did the Ukrainians slaughter?), (3) Greeks and Turks just after WWI, (4) Greeks and Turks on Cyprus in 1973, (5) the Bihari minority in what is now Bangladesh when that country (then part of Pakistan) broke away ... I could go on and on.

I know they don't teach much reality in the American school system. But if you want to know how the world really works, put that Playstation down and do some unacustomed reading. (I would post photographs of how inter-penetrated tribes express their brotherly love for each other from time to time, except the Mods here have told me Board rules forbid posting 'morbid' photographs.)

Here's just a sample of what you could read about, or have someone read to you:

"Rural and urban areas across East Pakistan saw extensive military operations and air strikes to suppress the tide of civil disobedience that formed following the 1970 election stalemate. The Pakistan Army, which had the backing of Islamists, created radical religious militias—the Razakars, Al-Badr and Al-Shams—to assist it during raids on the local populace. Members of the Pakistani military and supporting militias engaged in mass murder, deportation and genocidal rape, pursuing a systematic campaign of annihilation against nationalist Bengali civilians, students, intelligentsia, religious minorities and armed personnel. The capital, Dhaka, was the scene of numerous massacres, including the Dhaka University massacre. Sectarian violence also broke out between Bengalis and Urdu-speaking Biharis. An estimated 10 million Bengali refugees fled to neighbouring India, while 30 million were internally displaced."
[ Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia ]

"Biharis were ethnic Urdu-speakers and largely maintained a pro-Pakistani stance, supported the Pakistan Armed Forces and opposed the independence of Bangladesh and the Bengali language movement. Biharis faced reprisals from Mukti Bahini and militias and from 500,000[ to 550,000 were killed. "
[ Persecution of Biharis in Bangladesh - Wikipedia ]

Maybe you've never heard of 'Yugoslavia' -- but it used to be a socialist 'Federation' of different South Slav peoples.
(Note, all of them were 'white', and most of them were 'Christians'. This sort of thing takes place all the time in Africa, but don't think it's restricted to that continent. I've refrained from listing all the horrible inter-tribal slaughters in Africa.)
[ List of massacres in Yugoslavia - Wikipedia ]

"On the tenth anniversary of the end of Sri Lanka’s three decade-long internal armed conflict, Amnesty International calls on the government of Sri Lanka to end impunity and put accountability for crimes under international law and human rights violations and abuses at the heart of its transitional justice process.

The horrific Easter Sunday attacks on 21 April 2019, that killed more than 250 people at three churches and three hotels, and the attacks that followed in its aftermath, are a reminder of the violence continues to haunt Sri Lanka"
[ Impunity in Sri Lanka fuels recurrence of violence ]

The nice civilized Europeans have killed each other by the bushel basket -- and not just the Jews.

[ Category:Ethnic cleansing in Europe - Wikipedia ]

It's a human universal:

[ Category:Lists of massacres by country - Wikipedia ]

In America, we're stuck with ethnic diversity. We'll have to try to make it work. When a country is on the way up, or at the top, there's lots of goodies to go around. When it's not ... when it's been humiliated in a war, or when economic hard times arrive ... look out!
rewrite your racist claptrap absent the racism and maybe both sentences will be worthy of response.

You mistake the power grabbing of the GOP (and others you mention) who use race, religion, and ethnicity to divide, conquer, and gain power.

Was the American civil war between Blacks and Whites?
What were the racial separations that bought about the civil war?

Truth for you...
Whitey has seen his day and is on the clock to Cro Magna-ville.
It's called evolution and all your whining and desire for separation won't change what will happen.

You know that the Inuit are, in their natural state, more knowledgeable of evolution and the importance of diversity than you with whatever knowledge you pretend to possess.

Do you understand why the impacts of the Roman Empire are widely evident today while the Greek, Egyptian, Babylonian, and Mongol empires are but a few paragraphs in history books? The Romans bought diversity. The others robbed, stole, murdered and destroyed but built nothing. No diversity.

So, let's give you what you want.
White vs Multi racial
Football, basketball the best white players would want to plan in the other league.
Hockey, golf, tennis...:poC are beginning to dominate there as well
You willing to pick apples for a buck a bushel?

How about how diversity improves your life every day.

Understand, if you got what you wanted in 100 years the White population of the US would be a bunch of retarded inbred morons.

Are you really that freakin ignorant? HBCUs were created because black folks couldn't go to white colleges and universities, idiot. There are plenty of white students that attend HBCUs.
You’re not trying to claim that blacks couldn’t go to colleges and universities other HBCUs, are you? There were plenty of blacks in my dad’s college, as well as my mom’s, back in the 1940s.
It's not normal for people to be able to feel much empathy for those who are different from them. This is universally true.

In America, whites, and especially white conservatives, don't really appreciate what is was like to be Black before the Civil Rights Revolution fifty years ago, and especially what it was like to be Black in the South. And even if they do, many of them assume it's totally different now.

I don't want to start an argument about this here (elsewhere, sure) but there is still 'statistical racism' in the US: if a policeman pulls over a car with a dead tail light, and the occupants are young Black males, they will be treated differently than if they were white. There's a valid reason for this, but if you're one of those young Black males, it might not cut much ice with you at the time.

And if you're Black, in front of an all-white jury and a white judge, you won't be crazy to think that your skin color is going to play a role in what happens.

Individuals acting in a private capacity are one thing. But the law is supposed to treat us all equally, regardless of our race, sex, or political affiliation.

But this is not always the case. Long ago, in Houston, an acquaintance of mine named Lee Otis Johnson, a Black militant who was a thorn in the side of the police, gave an undercover policeman a marijuana cigaratte ... was arrested ... was sentenced to, wait for it .... thirty years in prison. All following the letter of the law. He served four before a higher court overturned the sentence. [ Black Panther Gets 30 Years for One Joint (1968) – Hippyland ]

Equal treatment? Things have improved a lot, with respect to race and the law, but they started from a very low base. (The one area where 'Critical Race Theory', which used to be called 'Critical Legal Theory', had a point, was in the way the law could appear to be race-neutral, but in fact was not neutral. (More about that here: [ Critical Race Theory Wasn’t Always Like This ] )

Now, we're finding out what it's like when the letter of the law is followed, but the acutal application of it is unequal. Does anyone believe that if Mr Trump had continued as a Democrat, that he would now be facing felony charges? When I see pious Democrats being interviewed saying 'No one is above the law' I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Come on! Are you kidding me? Hunter Biden is not only 'high', he's high above the law.

Unequal treatment before the law, while following the letter of the law, is now going to be applied to white conservatives. We're going to get to feel what it's like. There are two positive results from this: (1) it will wake up more of our people (and maybe some others as well) as to what is happening to America, and (2) it may make us a bit more understanding of how that young Black man being pulled over for a dead tail light feels.

Democrats have violated the Constitution, broken laws, violated Anericans' Constitutional Rights, comitted treason, etc... for 7 years attempting to 'Get Trump' ... and because of that whites now understand how blacks feel?!

Biden / Democrats and their partisanly weaponized govt agencies have targeted, singked out, attacked, punished Conservatives, and because of it Whites know how blacks feel / have felt?!

How does it feel to have old white, elitist millionaire racist Democrats call black people 'predators', say they are not as 'diverse' as Latinos, call Blacks wo oppose failed racist Democrat policies and agendas 'Uncle Toms', claim 'you aten't black' if you don't vote for a rich white old dementia ravaged racist politician, and keep voting for Democrats who have promised the world to blacks for 100 years and have never delivered on those promises?

Tell me how THAT feels.
Has America been a racist country when it comes to folks of color?

Are/have a lot of the policies in America been racist towards folks of color?

Was the Constitution not written by white men for white men?

CRT is American History and a lot of that history has been racist, please point out where that is false.
A country isn’t racist, individual people are. What policies today are racist?
Hey, little Liar Coward Joe! Have you come up with a new excuse yet, for not taking up my offer?

For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, re. an 'offer'. Little Lying Coward Joe says I'm a "fake hippy" because I mentioned that in the 1960s and 1970s I was an active Leftist, in the Civil Rights and Anti-War movements. I've made the following offer to him: we both put up $10 000, a group of three people whom we both trust look at my evidence, and if they decide I'm lying, he gets my money, if they decide I'm telling the truth, I get his.

The three can all be on the Left -- I know there are many honest people on the Left.

I've even proposed a couple of possible judges: the fellow who was in the news about 20 years ago, for being a whistleblower about government spying on it. Here's his story: [ Mark Klein - Wikipedia ]

A second judge I proposed was the head of the Communist Party in Houston, this fellow:
[ Bernard Sampson - KeyWiki ]

What could be fairer than that? But ... for some reason ... he won't take up my offer! $10 000!!!!

Now, dear reader, why do you think that is?????? I can think of basically two possible reasons:

(1) He genuinely believes I'm lying, but being a kind and generous man, he doesn't want to take my money.
(2) He knows he's lying, and that he'd lose his money.

What do you think?
That $10,000 is a lot of money to a lot of people, why would anyone risk losing it?

You be a racist, you promote racism. you attempt to profit from pay the price.

Only a commie would say that pointing out the truth is racist. How did I attempt to profit from racism, by simply making real estate investments?
Very few white areas have a crime problem. That's why our property values generally increase while where blacks move they decline. Per capita is not an excuse, it's the only possible and logical way to measure crime by any particular group of people. Blacks lead the entire country in nearly all violent crime categories.

If you think whites stole this country, when are you going to move out of it if you feel that way?
Him bringing up whites stealing land is irrelevant. None of us stole it. Blacks and whites all live in this country, on stolen land.
Very few white areas have a crime problem. That's why our property values generally increase while where blacks move they decline. Per capita is not an excuse, it's the only possible and logical way to measure crime by any particular group of people. Blacks lead the entire country in nearly all violent crime categories.

If you think whites stole this country, when are you going to move out of it if you feel that way?
Whites lead in 27 or 28 out of the 30 categories of crime listed in the UCR every year. So white communities do indeed have a crime problem. Whites lead in violent and property crime. Apparently you won't believe that defrauding people out of their lifes savings is a serious or violent crime. Whites lead in that category every ear. Per Capita is indeed an excuse especially when you only use it for one thing. Total crime by race is the only logical measure of crime by race.

Racism is involved in property appraisal

Whites stole this country. Move YOUR thieving asses back to Europe.
Whites lead in 27 or 28 out of the 30 categories of crime listed in the UCR every year. So white communities do indeed have a crime problem. Whites lead in violent and property crime. Apparently you won't believe that defrauding people out of their lifes savings is a serious or violent crime. Whites lead in that category every ear. Per Capita is indeed an excuse especially when you only use it for one thing. Total crime by race is the only logical measure of crime by race.

Racism is involved in property appraisal

Whites stole this country. Move YOUR thieving asses back to Europe.
Whites today are no more responsible for stealing land than you are.
Whites stole this country Molly. Your sorry ass, "I wasn't there" or "I didn't do it" excuses goes nowhere here. Blacks were bought here and it wasn't because blacks ran up to whites offering slaves for sale.
Whites lead in 27 or 28 out of the 30 categories of crime listed in the UCR every year. So white communities do indeed have a crime problem. Whites lead in violent and property crime. Apparently you won't believe that defrauding people out of their lifes savings is a serious or violent crime. Whites lead in that category every ear. Per Capita is indeed an excuse especially when you only use it for one thing. Total crime by race is the only logical measure of crime by race.

Racism is involved in property appraisal

Whites stole this country. Move YOUR thieving asses back to Europe.

We were here first. You move. I'm not the one complaining about stolen land, you are. Besides, if whites did move out, the country would collapse. If you move out, the country would be ten times better.

Again, whites lead in crime only because we are six times your population. How stupid are you not to be able to figure that out? How else but per capita can we tell which group leads in various categories of crime? Explain that one to me.

Nothing racist about property values. Nobody wants to live around you, so when you move in, good people move out. We don't want to live with the filth, the violence, and particularly the noise; nobody does. When nobody wants to live in an area, property values go down because you can't sell your property for any kind of money. Nobody will pay it.
Whites stole this country Molly. Your sorry ass, "I wasn't there" or "I didn't do it" excuses goes nowhere here. Blacks were bought here and it wasn't because blacks ran up to whites offering slaves for sale.
You idiot. Whites were born here, blacks were born here. Nobody today was brought over here. I didn’t steal this country you dimwit. You are not being forced to live on stolen land. You are as guilty as any white person today is. Which is NO GUILT.

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