Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

My ancestors were kicked out of Europe and put on boats and came here and settled in Nova Scotia and south LA. When I get my reparations blacks will get theirs.
You may be verbose but at least you’re pointless.
Television and the internet were wonderful steps forward for humanity.

But their impact has not been 100% positive. One bad thing that they
have done is to bring up new generations with short attention spans, people
who are used to getting their information from seeing moving images,
and for whom the printed word is mainly familiar in the form of two or
three sentences of advertising copy. It's not their fault.

For these people, it's almost physically impossible to read something that
might take two minutes to read.

I would love to be able to communicate to these people using only
memes and short 30-second videos, full of sound and color, with cartoon
characters, avoiding big words and complex ideas, something that could
hold their attention briefly.

Enterpreneurs!!!! Here's an idea for you!!!
That $10,000 is a lot of money to a lot of people, why would anyone risk losing it?
But LittleCowardLiarJoe doesn't believe it's a risk! He very confidently says I just made it all up ... I was never in the Army, I didn't edit an anti-war newsletter, I didn't take part in Freedom Summer. So, if he really believes what he said, he would jump at the chance to take $10 000 off me. It's not a risk at all.

And remember, he would have to approve the three judges. I've already proposed two, both of them serious leftwingers -- one is the man who exposed the government's spying on us, about 20 years ago, and the other is the head of the Communist Party in Houston. Not mean old rightwingers like me!

And yet ... for some reason, he won't accept my offer! Very strange.
We were here first. You move. I'm not the one complaining about stolen land, you are. Besides, if whites did move out, the country would collapse. If you move out, the country would be ten times better.

Again, whites lead in crime only because we are six times your population. How stupid are you not to be able to figure that out? How else but per capita can we tell which group leads in various categories of crime? Explain that one to me.

Nothing racist about property values. Nobody wants to live around you, so when you move in, good people move out. We don't want to live with the filth, the violence, and particularly the noise; nobody does. When nobody wants to live in an area, property values go down because you can't sell your property for any kind of money. Nobody will pay it.
Whites were not here first. Whites commit more crime because more whites are criminals. There are 6 times more whites and whites have 15 times the money. If there was the same number of blacks as there are whites crime by blacks would not increase 6 times the rate it is now. If we have the same wealth and population as whites we would not have the amount of crime whites do. When a white billionaire defrauds people out of money that is depravity at an unprecedented level. But you have excuses for that just like you have for filthy poor white trash.

Yes, there is racism in property appraisal.

If you want to see crime and violence, look in the mirror. The white man has been and continues to be, the most violent and criminal element in America. The record of white crime and violence is documented. It's called American history
Democrats have violated the Constitution, broken laws, violated Anericans' Constitutional Rights, comitted treason, etc... for 7 years attempting to 'Get Trump' ... and because of that whites now understand how blacks feel?!

Biden / Democrats and their partisanly weaponized govt agencies have targeted, singked out, attacked, punished Conservatives, and because of it Whites know how blacks feel / have felt?!

How does it feel to have old white, elitist millionaire racist Democrats call black people 'predators', say they are not as 'diverse' as Latinos, call Blacks wo oppose failed racist Democrat policies and agendas 'Uncle Toms', claim 'you aten't black' if you don't vote for a rich white old dementia ravaged racist politician, and keep voting for Democrats who have promised the world to blacks for 100 years and have never delivered on those promises?

Tell me how THAT feels.
It feels pretty bad. If you were accused of something -- some trivial act, like reporting one expense as another -- and was going to be tried by a jury in New York City -- the city, remember, where the City Council voted to honor the Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg -- would you have confidence in the justice system?

Of course you wouldn't.

Now, whether they're right or wrong, many Blacks feel the same way if they're being tried by an all- or mainly- white jury. If you pushed me on it, I would say that in most cases, they'll get justice. (Although if anyone has references to serious studies about this issue -- say, something done by "The Innocence Project" -- I'd be grateful to see them.)

It wasn't always this way, even within living memory. And when it's not that way, when there is prejudice, it's not mainly because of the sort of 'racism' that used to exist -- that word has been worked to death by the dishonest Left -- it's because of 'statistical racism' -- the fact of the very high Black crime rate. (Young Black males make up about 3% of the population and commit about 50% of the homicides.)

So a jury will tend to presume guilt on the part of a young Black male, where they wouldn't on the part of an elderly Chinese woman, on the exact same evidence. It's not some sort of evil plot, it's just the way we are, all people, of all colors. We generalize on our experience and on what we hear about the experience of others.

The reason I started this thread is this: we -- patriots/conservatives -- need to reach out to Blacks and Hispanics and win as many as possible away from the Left. This isn't some moral issue, it's just cold-blooded practical politics.

But if this Board is anything to go by, there are some conservatives whose attitude will repel them, not attract them. These people have disdain for all Blacks. This is wrong: many Blacks and Hispanics, although they may vote Democrat at the moment, have strong conservative values. We can reach them. But not if we project an attitude of contempt towards them.
It's not normal for people to be able to feel much empathy for those who are different from them. This is universally true.

In America, whites, and especially white conservatives, don't really appreciate what is was like to be Black before the Civil Rights Revolution fifty years ago, and especially what it was like to be Black in the South. And even if they do, many of them assume it's totally different now.

I don't want to start an argument about this here (elsewhere, sure) but there is still 'statistical racism' in the US: if a policeman pulls over a car with a dead tail light, and the occupants are young Black males, they will be treated differently than if they were white. There's a valid reason for this, but if you're one of those young Black males, it might not cut much ice with you at the time.

And if you're Black, in front of an all-white jury and a white judge, you won't be crazy to think that your skin color is going to play a role in what happens.

Individuals acting in a private capacity are one thing. But the law is supposed to treat us all equally, regardless of our race, sex, or political affiliation.

But this is not always the case. Long ago, in Houston, an acquaintance of mine named Lee Otis Johnson, a Black militant who was a thorn in the side of the police, gave an undercover policeman a marijuana cigaratte ... was arrested ... was sentenced to, wait for it .... thirty years in prison. All following the letter of the law. He served four before a higher court overturned the sentence. [ Black Panther Gets 30 Years for One Joint (1968) – Hippyland ]

Equal treatment? Things have improved a lot, with respect to race and the law, but they started from a very low base. (The one area where 'Critical Race Theory', which used to be called 'Critical Legal Theory', had a point, was in the way the law could appear to be race-neutral, but in fact was not neutral. (More about that here: [ Critical Race Theory Wasn’t Always Like This ] )

Now, we're finding out what it's like when the letter of the law is followed, but the acutal application of it is unequal. Does anyone believe that if Mr Trump had continued as a Democrat, that he would now be facing felony charges? When I see pious Democrats being interviewed saying 'No one is above the law' I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Come on! Are you kidding me? Hunter Biden is not only 'high', he's high above the law.

Unequal treatment before the law, while following the letter of the law, is now going to be applied to white conservatives. We're going to get to feel what it's like. There are two positive results from this: (1) it will wake up more of our people (and maybe some others as well) as to what is happening to America, and (2) it may make us a bit more understanding of how that young Black man being pulled over for a dead tail light feels.
I've been pulled over for that and I followed Chris Rock's advice!!!!

rewrite your racist claptrap absent the racism and maybe both sentences will be worthy of response.

You mistake the power grabbing of the GOP (and others you mention) who use race, religion, and ethnicity to divide, conquer, and gain power.

Was the American civil war between Blacks and Whites?
What were the racial separations that bought about the civil war?

Truth for you...
Whitey has seen his day and is on the clock to Cro Magna-ville.
It's called evolution and all your whining and desire for separation won't change what will happen.

You know that the Inuit are, in their natural state, more knowledgeable of evolution and the importance of diversity than you with whatever knowledge you pretend to possess.

Do you understand why the impacts of the Roman Empire are widely evident today while the Greek, Egyptian, Babylonian, and Mongol empires are but a few paragraphs in history books? The Romans bought diversity. The others robbed, stole, murdered and destroyed but built nothing. No diversity.

So, let's give you what you want.
White vs Multi racial
Football, basketball the best white players would want to plan in the other league.
Hockey, golf, tennis...:poC are beginning to dominate there as well
You willing to pick apples for a buck a bushel?

How about how diversity improves your life every day.

Understand, if you got what you wanted in 100 years the White population of the US would be a bunch of retarded inbred morons.

It may be the case that, over the centuries to come, the human race melds back together, reversing the evolutionary steps that led to its present division into many separate tribes. I hope it does so. The logic of economics pushes in this direction. (And, advances in genetic engineering will probably allow us to choose the skin color, IQ, physical appearance, etc of our descendants anyway, by-passing the whole process).

But at the moment, the reality is, when you have two tribes sharing the same geography, interpentrated, and one of them is not confidently dominant ... you've got the potential for civil war. It's interesting that you don't comment on this at all, but it's also obvious why you don't, since the dozens of examples available show how laughable the ridiculous "Diversity is Strength" slogan is. (It's right up there with 'War is Peace' and 'Ignorance is Strength' from a famous novel you've probably never heard of.)

As for your theory of history .... dear God, I've heard a lot of laughable explanations for the rise and fall of empires, but this one takes the biscuit! Of course the Roman Empire was diverse! You conquer a lot of foreign tribes, and, if you're smart, you incorporate their ruling elites into your system. This works fine, so long as they and their warriors are a thousand miles away from your homeland. But when the Visigoths visited Rome in numbers in 410 A.D., I doubt the Romans were shouting, "Oh, wonderful! Diversity is Strength!"

(Wait ... I just did some reading about the sack of Rome, and ... apparently there was one fellow who ran out to greet the invaders, shouting "Welcome, welcome, how happy we are to see you, dear Visigoths, bringing lovely diversity to our city!" He seems to have met an unpleasant end. Your ancestor, perhaps?)
yet we all marched together for us all to be one. talk about spitting in the face of martin luther king and their own people. a disgrace.;
King was a tactically-smart man. He did just the right thing to advance Black interests at the time. (I don't want to start another contentious thread-within-a-thread, but if the Palestinians, after being ejected from Israel, had had a Martin Luther King or a Gandhi as their leader, had been non-violent and appealed to the Jewish conscience, they could have been recompensed for the land they lost five times over, had their own state next door to Israel, supplied labor to Israeli farms and factories (while learning how to run successful businesses), and Israel/Palestine would be the Hong Kong of the Middle East, and beyond. But human nature is what it is. We're hairless, tailless apes.)

And the thing is, there are plenty of Martin Luther Kings right now. I suspect even the most angry Black militant understands that the central problem of Black people in America is the destruction of the family ... which, by the way, is now starting to happen among poorer whites. (See Charles Murray's Coming Apart. (This is a very important book for patriots to know about. See a summary here: [ Coming Apart (book) - Wikipedia ] )

Why the Black family has been under attack is another matter. Conservatives tend to blame the welfare system, Black militants probably blame a nebulous 'white racism'. The loss of unskilled jobs due to automation and other factors (illegal immigration?) is probably important as well.

But the reality is, fatherless young males being raised up in the Black ghetto where the only serious money to be made is by selling drugs to white college kids, have the deck stacked against them. (Lefties: if you think this is a conservative-only trope, please have a look at this fellow, a very intelligent Leftist who knows what he's talking about when it comes to urban problems: [ The Discourse Lounge | Darrell Owens | Substack ] )

How do you reverse this trend? Beats the hell out of me. In the meantime, I would love to see militant Black nationalists who want to raise a generation of doctors, lawyers, engineers, skilled tradesmen, nurses, soliders -- the sort of people you need if you want to make a nation -- open old-fashioned schools in all Black ghettoes, where Black pride is not something taught by patronizing white liberals. (And where the kids are certainly not taught literal nonsense as they are in the Portland School District, which teaches Black children that their ancestors had psionic powers! I kid you not.)

We know it can be done. See the wonderful 'free school', a School Choice poster-child, called Michaela, in the UK, which takes non-white children and gives them an education equal to or better than the best that wealthy white private schools can give.
[ Michaela Community School - Wikipedia ]
The woman who founded it explains it all here:
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]

Actually, it has already been done, and in Chicago, no less. Read about this remarkable Black woman:
[ Marva Collins - Wikipedia ]
To your well thought out points here is the issue at hand. How were other countries of the world treating their minorities in the 1890s the 1920s the 1940s what about that? This is a core part of this debate my friend.

According to the late Walter E Williams The black divorce rate was far lower in the American Past than it is today., black Children born out of wedlock was much lower in the American past compared to today. The black middle-class was stronger in the American past compared to today. All of this also applies to white Americans of the past compared to today. There it is my friend there is the argument. It cannot be beaten. The American past was better for all Americans compared to today.

We can also talk about the times of slavery. You see when black Americans were enslaved in America.., white people were enslaved in north Africa and were owned by Black people.

Lots of Americans today including rich Black people and rich white people don’t know the struggle that poor black Americans and poor white Americans went through in the 20th century. But through hard work and determination many black Americans and white Americans worked up into the middle class and the upper class in the 20th century.
Yes, everything you say is true. My parents were perfect examples of this. My mother was born in West Texas in 1918, picked cotton for 50 cents a bag, was in a WPA home. My father had a similar background -- he was a boilermaker, and, too old for the military, went to Egypt to work during the war. They started their own small business in Houston in the 1950s, and did well. (Not getting-rich well, but enough to own their own home, buy a piece of land in the country, etc.) (And, by the way, they were very strong supporters of FDR -- my mother practically worshipped Eleanor Roosevelt. They hated Republicans like death itself, not that there were any in Texas.)

The problem is, (1) What caused the deterioration, and (2) What can we do about it?
Have you read Charles Murray's Coming Apart?
Is that why racist don't want CRT taught, there are thousands of us that know what life was like before the CRA.

lol yeah, you had to get jobs, and the dope trade wasn't as big, neither was your murder rates. No tech 9's for your grade school lunch box. Pure hell by your 'standards'. No tennis shoes with blinking lights either.
Whites were not here first. Whites commit more crime because more whites are criminals. There are 6 times more whites and whites have 15 times the money. If there was the same number of blacks as there are whites crime by blacks would not increase 6 times the rate it is now. If we have the same wealth and population as whites we would not have the amount of crime whites do. When a white billionaire defrauds people out of money that is depravity at an unprecedented level. But you have excuses for that just like you have for filthy poor white trash.

Yes, there is racism in property appraisal.

If you want to see crime and violence, look in the mirror. The white man has been and continues to be, the most violent and criminal element in America. The record of white crime and violence is documented. It's called American history

lol It's Tyrone Green! rotflmao
It's not normal for people to be able to feel much empathy for those who are different from them. This is universally true.

In America, whites, and especially white conservatives, don't really appreciate what is was like to be Black before the Civil Rights Revolution fifty years ago, and especially what it was like to be Black in the South. And even if they do, many of them assume it's totally different now.

I don't want to start an argument about this here (elsewhere, sure) but there is still 'statistical racism' in the US: if a policeman pulls over a car with a dead tail light, and the occupants are young Black males, they will be treated differently than if they were white. There's a valid reason for this, but if you're one of those young Black males, it might not cut much ice with you at the time.

And if you're Black, in front of an all-white jury and a white judge, you won't be crazy to think that your skin color is going to play a role in what happens.

Individuals acting in a private capacity are one thing. But the law is supposed to treat us all equally, regardless of our race, sex, or political affiliation.

But this is not always the case. Long ago, in Houston, an acquaintance of mine named Lee Otis Johnson, a Black militant who was a thorn in the side of the police, gave an undercover policeman a marijuana cigaratte ... was arrested ... was sentenced to, wait for it .... thirty years in prison. All following the letter of the law. He served four before a higher court overturned the sentence. [ Black Panther Gets 30 Years for One Joint (1968) – Hippyland ]

Equal treatment? Things have improved a lot, with respect to race and the law, but they started from a very low base. (The one area where 'Critical Race Theory', which used to be called 'Critical Legal Theory', had a point, was in the way the law could appear to be race-neutral, but in fact was not neutral. (More about that here: [ Critical Race Theory Wasn’t Always Like This ] )

Now, we're finding out what it's like when the letter of the law is followed, but the acutal application of it is unequal. Does anyone believe that if Mr Trump had continued as a Democrat, that he would now be facing felony charges? When I see pious Democrats being interviewed saying 'No one is above the law' I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Come on! Are you kidding me? Hunter Biden is not only 'high', he's high above the law.

Unequal treatment before the law, while following the letter of the law, is now going to be applied to white conservatives. We're going to get to feel what it's like. There are two positive results from this: (1) it will wake up more of our people (and maybe some others as well) as to what is happening to America, and (2) it may make us a bit more understanding of how that young Black man being pulled over for a dead tail light feels.
Trump is not a Conservative.
King was a tactically-smart man. He did just the right thing to advance Black interests at the time. (I don't want to start another contentious thread-within-a-thread, but if the Palestinians, after being ejected from Israel, had had a Martin Luther King or a Gandhi as their leader, had been non-violent and appealed to the Jewish conscience, they could have been recompensed for the land they lost five times over, had their own state next door to Israel, supplied labor to Israeli farms and factories (while learning how to run successful businesses), and Israel/Palestine would be the Hong Kong of the Middle East, and beyond. But human nature is what it is. We're hairless, tailless apes.)
it would have been easier than that: the Arabs could have just accepted the 1947 Partition Plan, but their hatred of Jews didn’t allow it. (Also, don’t overlook that many Arabs WERE paid for their arid land - overpaid, in fact. You left that part out.) And Jews have offered land, a two-state solution, since then - but Arabs’ antisemitism wouldn’t allow them to accept it, as they want Israel WIPED OUT.
And the thing is, there are plenty of Martin Luther Kings right now. I suspect even the most angry Black militant understands that the central problem of Black people in America is the destruction of the family ... which, by the way, is now starting to happen among poorer whites. (See Charles Murray's Coming Apart. (This is a very important book for patriots to know about. See a summary here: [ Coming Apart (book) - Wikipedia ] )

Why the Black family has been under attack is another matter. Conservatives tend to blame the welfare system, Black militants probably blame a nebulous 'white racism'. The loss of unskilled jobs due to automation and other factors (illegal immigration?) is probably important as well.

But the reality is, fatherless young males being raised up in the Black ghetto where the only serious money to be made is by selling drugs to white college kids, have the deck stacked against them. (Lefties: if you think this is a conservative-only trope, please have a look at this fellow, a very intelligent Leftist who knows what he's talking about when it comes to urban problems: [ The Discourse Lounge | Darrell Owens | Substack ] )

Yes, the problem IS fatherless young males, and only blacks themselves can change that. They need to reduce the percentage of babies they have out of wedlock - a SHAMEFUL 72% - and focus on completing high school, getting additional job training via Pell Grants, and delaying children until both parents are married and employed.
How do you reverse this trend? Beats the hell out of me. In the meantime, I would love to see militant Black nationalists who want to raise a generation of doctors, lawyers, engineers, skilled tradesmen, nurses, soliders -- the sort of people you need if you want to make a nation -- open old-fashioned schools in all Black ghettoes, where Black pride is not something taught by patronizing white liberals. (And where the kids are certainly not taught literal nonsense as they are in the Portland School District, which teaches Black children that their ancestors had psionic powers! I kid you not.)
No, totally opposed to emboldening militant black racists to promote further anti-white racism. That would be the result of a “black nation” within America.

We know it can be done. See the wonderful 'free school', a School Choice poster-child, called Michaela, in the UK, which takes non-white children and gives them an education equal to or better than the best that wealthy white private schools can give.
[ Michaela Community School - Wikipedia ]
The woman who founded it explains it all here:
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]

Actually, it has already been done, and in Chicago, no less. Read about this remarkable Black woman:
[ Marva Collins - Wikipedia ]

We already have all-black schools (just look at DC), where twice as much money is allocated per child than nearby suburban Virginia schools, and the black children still perform miserably in comparison. So since money doesn’t solve the problem, and we already have all-black schools, how do you propose we turn them into schools where black children can get an excellent education?
Trump is not a Conservative.
Yes, I wasn't addressing myself to Mr Trump here. When I need to advise him, I write him a letter.
I was talking to my fellow conservatives here. We have to get smart, and work out ways to reach non-whites. This means thinking before we speak.
Yes, I wasn't addressing myself to Mr Trump here. When I need to advise him, I write him a letter.
I was talking to my fellow conservatives here. We have to get smart, and work out ways to reach non-whites. This means thinking before we speak.
You’re not American-born, are you? You continue to give it away with the same “tell” in every post.
And ... for some reason ... Little CowardLiar Joe won't take up my offer! $10 000!!! Taken from a nasty old rightwinger!
Here's the better question... why are you so wedded to a fake internet persona?

No land was stolen from any Palestinians. There was never any entity called Palestinians who held sovereign control of any land. There were never recognized borders to any geographic area known as Pal'istan.

Copying and pasting slogans you got from MSNBC is rather pointless.

Actually, the region was known as Palestine since the Roman Days, when after the Romans expelled the Judean fanatics, they renamed the province.
Yes, we've come a long way, just in my lifetime. But it would be naive to assume that every white, including every white in a position of power, is utterly fair and scrupulous when dealing with Blacks. (And vice versa, when that occurs. See the OJ Simpson trial.)

Since when, 1990? Your posts scream "Millenial" Fake Hippy Doug.

No, we haven't come a long way. The fact that blacks are experiencing a different America than white people do shows we haven't fixed the problems.

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