Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

You’re not American-born, are you? You continue to give it away with the same “tell” in every post.

Shhhh... Fake Hippy Doug is really an 80 year old conservative who started out as a liberal who marched with Dr. King and was a draft resistor.

And he'll get very upset if you suggest otherwise.

But, yeah, he does kind of come off as a Russian Troll.
You’re not trying to claim that blacks couldn’t go to colleges and universities other HBCUs, are you? There were plenty of blacks in my dad’s college, as well as my mom’s, back in the 1940s.
were they 13% of enrollment? they aren't 13% of enrollment now.

Democrats have violated the Constitution, broken laws, violated Anericans' Constitutional Rights, comitted treason, etc... for 7 years attempting to 'Get Trump' ... and because of that whites now understand how blacks feel?!
Um, no. They keep trying to "Get Trump" because the Orange Shitgibbon kept breaking the law.
Yes, I wasn't addressing myself to Mr Trump here. When I need to advise him, I write him a letter.
I was talking to my fellow conservatives here. We have to get smart, and work out ways to reach non-whites. This means thinking before we speak.
The method for doing that would be spectacularly simple: Hold your own accountable for their words and actions. Not doing so is only enabling more, and perhaps the biggest part of the problem.

THEN you can challenge the LEFT to do the SAME THING on THEIR end. They play a full role in this mess, too.

So the question is, which end is going to be the first to be the adult in the room?
We're not talking about the rest of the world, we're talking about our US government since you are trying to compare black reparations to the Jewish plight.
Fair enough, let's look at who has rec'd reparations for injustices that were done to them by this country.

Native Americans

Jewish Folks




For some reason though they hatred for black folks is so deep that you refuse to come to grip with the injustices that were done.
Here's the better question... why are you so wedded to a fake internet persona?

Actually, the region was known as Palestine since the Roman Days, when after the Romans expelled the Judean fanatics, they renamed the province.
Actually, the province was a Sanjak of the Ottoman empire under which there was never a geographic area called Palestine.

Actually, there's a geographic region in the US called the Bible Belt but that geographic region was never a sovereign state.
it would have been easier than that: the Arabs could have just accepted the 1947 Partition Plan, but their hatred of Jews didn’t allow it. (Also, don’t overlook that many Arabs WERE paid for their arid land - overpaid, in fact. You left that part out.) And Jews have offered land, a two-state solution, since then - but Arabs’ antisemitism wouldn’t allow them to accept it, as they want Israel WIPED OUT.

Yes, the problem IS fatherless young males, and only blacks themselves can change that. They need to reduce the percentage of babies they have out of wedlock - a SHAMEFUL 72% - and focus on completing high school, getting additional job training via Pell Grants, and delaying children until both parents are married and employed.

No, totally opposed to emboldening militant black racists to promote further anti-white racism. That would be the result of a “black nation” within America.

We already have all-black schools (just look at DC), where twice as much money is allocated per child than nearby suburban Virginia schools, and the black children still perform miserably in comparison. So since money doesn’t solve the problem, and we already have all-black schools, how do you propose we turn them into schools where black children can get an excellent education?
Everything you say is true. (And, with respect to the Israel/Palestine thing, although Arabs fled Israel, a large number of Jews fled Arab countries, losing their property. Plenty of blame to go around on all sides, as in all inter-communal struggles. The Jews of Europe jumped out of a burning building, and landed on the Palestinians. It's pointless to point the finger of blame. Rather, we have to try to work out the least-worst deal for everyone now. Unfortunately, pride and nationalism are powerful forces, and the Palestinians keep electing militant Islamists to represent them, as they did in Gaza. I think Israel has undergone changes over the last few years, but for a while, had a Palestinian leadership that genuinely wanted peace -- one supported by the Palestinian people -- offered a deal to the Israelis, we could have had one. But the one thing the Jews have learned is that if they are not able to defend themselves, with every bit of modern schrechlikeit available, then, if they sart being genocided, the world will look away. So I'm pessimistic, not for the Jews in the Middle East, but for the Iranians, who look on course to commit nuclear-suicide-by-cop, and for the Palestinians in the West Bank, who I fear are going to give the hardliners in Israel an excuse to drive them out in a second nakba. Whoa, Liz, darn it, you've got me started on a thread within a thread ... one where I can again offend both sides!)

Yes, I use the DC schools, where the expenditure per pupil is twice that of Florida's with much worse results, as a test-in-practice of why just spending more money won't get better results.

So what would get better results? Schools like Michaela, where the discipline is real and the teaching is of the sort that produced Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein., before 'progressive education' infected the teacher training establishment. You can only get that through School Choice (just as Michaela was a result of School Choice.)

And perhaps just that alone would suffice, although I would also favor Michaela-type teaching in rural military academies.

The point is this: we need something dramatic, radical, to totally change the outlook of young Blacks. Just telling them to pull up their socks and hit the books isn't working. There are lots of Black people who understand the problem.... but we don't have a solution.

So ... I re-examined people I have always, in the past, dismissed, the varous Black Islamic groups, and in particular the various incarnations of the Nation of Islam, the Black Muslims. (They've had various splits and transformations over the years, so there is not just one continuous group of Black Muslims.)

And guess what? They preach, and their followers observe, all the personal characteristics that conservatives honor! In fact, they're more puritan than most of us: they don't even drink alcohol. They honor the traditional family. They preach self-reliance and self-discipline. they instill a sense of pride -- genuine pride, not the phoney 'pride' of the entertainment industry -- in their members.

Now, I know that there are Black Christian groups that try to do this as well, and all honor to them. But if you become a Black Muslim, you can feel that you're rejecting the white man's religion, (and one that tells you to "turn the other cheek", not that the white man ever did that to you), that you're defying him, that you're not just trying to imitate whites and be a good little boy.

In a sense, it's what military service, expecially in a branch of the service like the Marine Corps or the Airborne, does on an individual level: show you how to be hard and tough and respected, without being an enemy of society.

There are two things that can pull people out of just following their immediate self-interest, that can make them make extraordinary efforts in pursuit of a greater good than just themselves and their immediate families: religion, and patriotism. Hook those two together, and you've got a powerful tool for personal transformation.

This is what the Black Nationalists do -- the real ones, I mean. (As in much else, including the conservative movement, there are plenty of hustlers using this powerful idea -- see one Ron Karenga.)[ Maulana Karenga - Wikipedia ]

Isn't there possibly something there that we ought to look at more closely?
Um, no. They keep trying to "Get Trump" because the Orange Shitgibbon kept breaking the law.

After 7 years you assholes are still trying - and failing - to prove that.

Democrats violated the Constitution and more laws trying to frame Trump than Trump committed.

Democrats perjured themselves, made up non-existent whistleblowers, doctored transcripts, and manufactured false evidence, and STILL couldn't 'Get Trump.

What a bunch of criminal f*-ups!
Everything you say is true. (And, with respect to the Israel/Palestine thing, although Arabs fled Israel, a large number of Jews fled Arab countries, losing their property. Plenty of blame to go around on all sides, as in all inter-communal struggles. The Jews of Europe jumped out of a burning building, and landed on the Palestinians. It's pointless to point the finger of blame. Rather, we have to try to work out the least-worst deal for everyone now. Unfortunately, pride and nationalism are powerful forces, and the Palestinians keep electing militant Islamists to represent them, as they did in Gaza. I think Israel has undergone changes over the last few years, but for a while, had a Palestinian leadership that genuinely wanted peace -- one supported by the Palestinian people -- offered a deal to the Israelis, we could have had one. But the one thing the Jews have learned is that if they are not able to defend themselves, with every bit of modern schrechlikeit available, then, if they sart being genocided, the world will look away. So I'm pessimistic, not for the Jews in the Middle East, but for the Iranians, who look on course to commit nuclear-suicide-by-cop, and for the Palestinians in the West Bank, who I fear are going to give the hardliners in Israel an excuse to drive them out in a second nakba. Whoa, Liz, darn it, you've got me started on a thread within a thread ... one where I can again offend both sides!)

The Palestinians are not electing Islamic terrorists intent on driving Israel into the sea out of pride or nationalism - it‘s out of hatred for Jews. Also, please don’t call me Liz - I hate that nickname (now more than ever, thanks to Liz Chaney.)
Yes, I use the DC schools, where the expenditure per pupil is twice that of Florida's with much worse results, as a test-in-practice of why just spending more money won't get better results.

So what would get better results? Schools like Michaela, where the discipline is real and the teaching is of the sort that produced Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein., before 'progressive education' infected the teacher training establishment. You can only get that through School Choice (just as Michaela was a result of School Choice.)

So how to blacks instill the discipline necessary to achieve a school like Michaela? Certainly you’re not implying that whites have to do that for them?
And perhaps just that alone would suffice, although I would also favor Michaela-type teaching in rural military academies.

The point is this: we need something dramatic, radical, to totally change the outlook of young Blacks. Just telling them to pull up their socks and hit the books isn't working. There are lots of Black people who understand the problem.... but we don't have a solution.
No, there‘s nothing more that whites should be expected to do to change the behavior and outlook of young blacks. I believe in personal responsibility. It is up to blacks to convey how great America is, and the opportunities it affords, rather than do the OPPOSITE - which is what they and liberals are doing with their racist nonsense.
So ... I re-examined people I have always, in the past, dismissed, the varous Black Islamic groups, and in particular the various incarnations of the Nation of Islam, the Black Muslims. (They've had various splits and transformations over the years, so there is not just one continuous group of Black Muslims.)

And guess what? They preach, and their followers observe, all the personal characteristics that conservatives honor! In fact, they're more puritan than most of us: they don't even drink alcohol. They honor the traditional family. They preach self-reliance and self-discipline. they instill a sense of pride -- genuine pride, not the phoney 'pride' of the entertainment industry -- in their members.

Nope, no way am I going to encourage strengthening Black Muslim groups. Farrakhan‘s 500,000 adherents is more than enough, tyvm.
Now, I know that there are Black Christian groups that try to do this as well, and all honor to them. But if you become a Black Muslim, you can feel that you're rejecting the white man's religion, (and one that tells you to "turn the other cheek", not that the white man ever did that to you), that you're defying him, that you're not just trying to imitate whites and be a good little boy.

In a sense, it's what military service, expecially in a branch of the service like the Marine Corps or the Airborne, does on an individual level: show you how to be hard and tough and respected, without being an enemy of society.

There are two things that can pull people out of just following their immediate self-interest, that can make them make extraordinary efforts in pursuit of a greater good than just themselves and their immediate families: religion, and patriotism. Hook those two together, and you've got a powerful tool for personal transformation.

This is what the Black Nationalists do -- the real ones, I mean. (As in much else, including the conservative movement, there are plenty of hustlers using this powerful idea -- see one Ron Karenga.)[ Maulana Karenga - Wikipedia ]

Isn't there possibly something there that we ought to look at more closely?
You're right individual folks write the Laws and then a group of individuals vote those policies into Law.
Yup….a group of individuals elected by the people to represent their interests. That’s the way our great country operates.
it would have been easier than that: the Arabs could have just accepted the 1947 Partition Plan, but their hatred of Jews didn’t allow it. (Also, don’t overlook that many Arabs WERE paid for their arid land - overpaid, in fact. You left that part out.) And Jews have offered land, a two-state solution, since then - but Arabs’ antisemitism wouldn’t allow them to accept it, as they want Israel WIPED OUT.

Uh, besides the fact that Arabs are a Semitic people, (more than the European Squatters, really). I want you to imagine the following.

I'm going to force you to give your house to a black family because I feel really bad about slavery. Of course, you had nothing to do with that, but hey, it seems fair. And the black family will let you live in the garage and pay you a token amount for the house. So that makes it okay, right?

The British had no business giving away half of Palestine to Zionist settlers.

Yes, the problem IS fatherless young males, and only blacks themselves can change that. They need to reduce the percentage of babies they have out of wedlock - a SHAMEFUL 72% - and focus on completing high school, getting additional job training via Pell Grants, and delaying children until both parents are married and employed.

Not this tired lie again. Unmarried does not mean "uninvolved".

New York Times columnist Charles Blow previously took on this myth. Blow started with the basis for much of the idea: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data that showed 71.5 percent of black, non-Hispanic children in 2013 were born to unmarried women, compared with 29.3 percent of white, non-Hispanic children.

But as Josh Levs pointed out in his new book All In, 2.5 million of 4.2 million black fathers — or about 59.5 percent — live with their children. Levs's numbers suggest that it's not true, as the CDC figures suggests, that 71.5 percent of black dads are absent from their homes — but rather that many of them are simply unmarried

No, totally opposed to emboldening militant black racists to promote further anti-white racism. That would be the result of a “black nation” within America.

Uh, your side wants to make the red states their own country because you keep losing elections. I personally don't think such a national divorce is a good idea no matter who advocates it.

We already have all-black schools (just look at DC), where twice as much money is allocated per child than nearby suburban Virginia schools, and the black children still perform miserably in comparison. So since money doesn’t solve the problem, and we already have all-black schools, how do you propose we turn them into schools where black children can get an excellent education?

Like a blind squirrel occassionally finding a nut, you might have a point here.

The thing is, those suburban schools are able to spend less because they aren't having to deal with the issues of security, nutrition, special education, etc. that the urban schools have to deal with.

Not to say there isn't a lot of waste in these schools, and that the public school bureaucracies often hinder more than help.

But it's an apples to oranges comparison.
After 7 years you assholes are still trying - and failing - to prove that.
Well, until now.


Democrats violated the Constitution and more laws trying to frame Trump than Trump committed.

Not really... Trump is acting under the Nixon Doctrine of "If the President does it, it's not illegal". It didn't work then and it won't work now.

Democrats perjured themselves, made up non-existent whistleblowers, doctored transcripts, and manufactured false evidence, and STILL couldn't 'Get Trump.
The only reason why Trump didn't go the way of Nixon is the inability of your party to hold him to account, even though most of you KNOW he's toxic.
Whites were not here first. Whites commit more crime because more whites are criminals. There are 6 times more whites and whites have 15 times the money. If there was the same number of blacks as there are whites crime by blacks would not increase 6 times the rate it is now. If we have the same wealth and population as whites we would not have the amount of crime whites do. When a white billionaire defrauds people out of money that is depravity at an unprecedented level. But you have excuses for that just like you have for filthy poor white trash.

Yes, there is racism in property appraisal.

If you want to see crime and violence, look in the mirror. The white man has been and continues to be, the most violent and criminal element in America. The record of white crime and violence is documented. It's called American history

Between you and SuperBadBreath you remind me of an old George Carling Joke: If you and another guy are in an elevator and one of you farts, you both know who did it.

The biggest problem with the black race is you refuse to address your own problems. Instead, try to skew statistics to make it look like nothing is wrong with the way you and your people conduct yourselves. We both know that per group, blacks nearly double or over double the amount of violent crime of whites in every category; in fact lead every other racial group in the country. Every graph and every statistic points that out. But instead of coming to terms with that, you just :lalala:

I had an immediate family member with an alcohol problem many years ago. When we went to seek help, the first thing they asked is if this person realizes they have a problem? Because you see, if a person refuses to admit they have a problem, you can't solve a problem that isn't there........ at least in their mind.

Property values are calculated based on what houses of similar build sell for in an area. Race plays no part in evaluation. My property value didn't sink because a white guy two streets down embezzled a quarter million dollars from his company, my property values plummeted because of all the robberies that closed down our stores, all the noise particularly that jungle music blaring, garbage all over the street, and the gunfire that happens nearly every night. The more blacks move in, the more often it happens, so there goes your flawed theory that if there were more blacks, those problems would reverse themselves.

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