Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

Slight improvement on that whole brevity thing. But your “humor” still lacks wit.
Okay, tell me your limits: how many words per post can you handle? And is there
a maximum sentence length?
Look, it's not that, for some mysterious reason, our leaders, Left and Right, suddenly started to behave badly, and if only they would mind their manners, all would be okay.

There are deep social reasons for the ongoing disintegration of the United States -- and in fact it's happening in other Western countries as well, at a slower tempo. I doubt that we can do more than delay it a bit, which will give patriots time to prepare for the actual collapse, however it happens.

We have an entitled, soft, self-centred generation of young people. Our ruling elite has gone globalist -- it no longer even cares about its own military.

At the same time, the US is rapidly losing its place as unchallenged world supreme power, although our foreign policy establishment doesn't understand that.

Our industry has been hollowed out -- automated, shipped abroad. The white working class is following the Black into irresponsible behavior. We're not having enough babies. Our educational standards are being destroyed in order to accommodate people who can't or won't meet them. We can't or won't control our own borders.

It won't go on indefinitely. There will be consequences. But they'll be mediated through unpredicatable historic events, like a humiliating military defeat in the S. China sea, or a war with Iran, or something else that will come out of the blue.
I believe that most of the biggest problems we face are cultural at their foundation, so we would probably have some agreements there.

Cultural/sociological problems are far more difficult to fix.
You’re not American-born, are you? You continue to give it away with the same “tell” in every post.
Houston, Texas, 1943, where my primary and secondary education was. Left at 18, and couldn't wait to get away from the place, I have to say.[ And learned to suppress my native accent, because when you Yankees hear a Southern accent, you automatically deduct 30 points from our IQs] But I've lived abroad for a long time. (And I even lived in the Soviet Union for a few months in 1985, accompanying my brilliant Fulbright Exchange Scholar wife, who taught economics at the Economics-Engineering Institute in Kharkov, as it then was. A first-hand lesson in the delights of socialism.)
When you post my tolerance level is low.

Some posts are worth lengthier sentences.

Yours? Not at all.
Ah, you're much more intelligent than I am, that's clear. Much better read. I bore you with
the simplicity and obviousness of what I write. Well, as I say, the "ignore" feature is your friend!
Then you can get back to work on a new translation of the Iliad, or whatever engages your
fine mind.
Ah, you're much more intelligent than I am, that's clear.

Much better read.
That goes without saying. You should, too.
I bore you with
the simplicity and obviousness of what I write.

You are boring. That’s true.
Well, as I say, the "ignore" feature is your friend!
Do you say that? Wow. You’re even more dull than I had thought.
Then you can get back to work on a new translation of the Iliad, or whatever engages your
fine mind.
Keep working on that whole brevity thing. It would also help if you’d try to say anything worth posting in the first place.
Since when, 1990? Your posts scream "Millenial" Fake Hippy Doug.

No, we haven't come a long way. The fact that blacks are experiencing a different America than white people do shows we haven't fixed the problems.
Okay, then why don't you take up the $10 000 challenge??? I put up $10 000, you do the same, with a person, a lawyer, we both trust.

We choose three judges we both trust. I've already proposed two, Leftwingers. We could find a third from this Board.
I submit my evidence that I'm just what I say I am. They decide. If I lose you get my money, if you do, I get yours.

What could be fairer? But for some strange reason ... you won't do it!!!! $10 000!!!

Well, of course, the reason you won't do it is you know that, in this, as no doubt in many other things, you're lying. You know you're lying. You're the kind of liar who just casually slanders people ... a liar with no conscience.

And a coward.
Here's the better question... why are you so wedded to a fake internet persona?

Actually, the region was known as Palestine since the Roman Days, when after the Romans expelled the Judean fanatics, they renamed the province.
No, the better question is, why are you so transfixed with letting everyone see what a liar and a coward you are?

That goes without saying. You should, too.

You are boring. That’s true.

Do you say that? Wow. You’re even more dull than I had thought.

Keep working on that whole brevity thing. It would also help if you’d try to say anything worth posting in the first place.
Well, we all have our own ideas of what 'worth' is. That's why I'll try to get around to staring a "You're a Mean Old Poopy-Head" thread, which I know you'll enjoy contributing to.
I believe that most of the biggest problems we face are cultural at their foundation, so we would probably have some agreements there.

Cultural/sociological problems are far more difficult to fix.
The main problem is, we're on the inside of the situation looking out, so it's hard to see what's going on.
If we haven't destroyed ourselves by then, it will be easier to see what brought America down, a hundred years from now. In fact there will probably be a dozen PhD's a year awarded at Beijing University, with the causes of our decline and fall as their subject. (There are, I read, over 250 theories about the decline and fall of Rome, in part because we actually know a lot about Rome, as compared to other ancient empires. So the enormous amount of material on America will provide fodder for grateful grad students for centuries to come.)
It is whites who organized CRIME in America and made it a billion dollar industry.
this whole thread is racist. its against white folks. we are american's not crayola crayons.
Yes. For starters, School Choice. I won't go into detail about it here, but ... we need to be pro-active, and creative. How about, if we get control of the national government next time, funding a national conference on Black education, foregrounding school choice, and bringing Katherine Birbalsingh over to speak about how she started Michaela School and how she runs it to get such marvellous results? And get the Black Muslims to participate.

School choice doesn't work, Fake Hippy Doug. It will just lead to a further gap between the haves and have nots in our system.

I explained this to you clearly, but you didn't really understand it.

Here's why School Choice won't work, and I'll use my own experiences.

I was a product of the Catholic School system. But the reason that worked for me was my parents were shelling out their own money (except my last two years of High School, I contributed to that working minimum wage jobs) and they were committing their own resources.

Giving a parent who isn't that committed a voucher isn't going to suddenly make them committed, just because they checked what Charter Scam was able to get the best Yelp reviews.

It will, however, reduce the money available for education.

First, everyone currently shelling out their own money will now demand their voucher. Heck, they are entitled! Taking Chicago as an example, there are 61K Students enrolled in Catholic Schools and 341K in Public schools. That means the pot is going to increase by 18%. (and that's not counting the non-Catholic private schools, that will also be looking for THEIR vouchers.

Secondly, there are only a finite number of teachers available. So, yeah, you'll have some new private schools opening, making sure they get some of that sweet, sweet voucher money, and you might attract some of the teachers away from the Public Schools, but you are just as likely to get unqualified teachers as well.

Or do you think Union Teachers are going to be happy working harder for less money?

Third, there will be children left behind. To keep qualifying for that sweet, sweet voucher money, the Charters are going to have meet scores that are high enough. What's the fastest ways to do that? Only select the kids who aren't going to be a problem is one. Don't take the special needs kids, the troubled youth or the English as Second Language learners. NOPE! Just take the ones you know will score well, and then teach them to the test.

Human nature is to take the path of least resistance.

(I don't expect Fake Hippy Doug to address any of this, so expect him to whine about how I won't let him Dox me.)
It is whites who organized CRIME in America and made it a billion dollar industry.

Um, okay.

You mean they organized crime to provide services (drugs, alcohol, gambling, prostitution) that some people wanted and other people were a bunch of prudes with sticks up their asses.

Which has nothing to do with street crime. Street crime is happening because you got your wish. The police have been defunded, and all they do now is clean up the mess afterwards.

this whole thread is racist. its against white folks. we are american's not crayola crayons.
That’s why I’m opposed to Doug‘s idea to encourage militant blacks in the formation of a Black Nation rather than unify all Americans regardless of color.
The main problem is, we're on the inside of the situation looking out, so it's hard to see what's going on.

Believing in the leftist theory that blacks are like the kids on the short school bus. We are not on the inside looking out. The civil rights act didn't pass in 2020. Most all of us start from the same place at the same time. I can't make responsible and smart choices for anybody else and neither can you. It's not up to "us" as you keep inferring. It's up to them to lower their crime rate, lower their out of wedlock birth rate, stay out of trouble with the law, make investments instead of spending all their money on kids they either barely can afford or can't afford at all.
The media doesn’t report cops killing whites, which they do more often than blacks,
They don't need to, because when cops murder someone white they are brought to the Bar of Justice.
school curriculum? Such as?
Just look at what is happening in Florida, DeSatan is pretty much removing black history from the schools. Is shouldn't even be called Black History it is American History.
There are rogue people in every walk of life, the Justice System isn’t perfect but is blamed for things that aren’t always true.
Slavery was the LAW of the Land, it wasn't rogue folks, it was the American way.

Jim Crow was the LAW of the Land, it wasn't a few rogue folks, it was the American way.

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