Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

Except that that is extremely rare

What usually happens is that the black suspect resists attest and winds up dead, which could have been avoided if he had cooperated and obeyed commands of the cops
Yes, that's exactly right. Low impulse control. But ... not always. It's rare, but it does happen.

More importantly, the fact that American Black young males commit a very high proportion of violent crime, compared to their numbers in the population, means that everyone is afraid of a young Black male in situations where they wouldn't be afraid of some one of the same age and sex of another race. (And by 'everyone', I mean Blacks as well, as we know from that famous Jesse Jackson quote.)

But most young Black males are not violent criminals. Yet they get that reaction from others. It's not their fault, it's not the reactor's fault.

What we have to do is brush aside all the leftist cant, all the "you're a victim" bullshit, and deal with the situation. But if we pretend that Blacks are starting from equal, starting from a level playing field, why should we be listened to?

The first step in a solution is to get whatever fraction of young Black people we can, out of the toxic state school system, where even Black teachers don't want to teach, and where academic success is called 'acting white' -- the crab pot effect. That's why we need massive School Choice.

If we get that, we have a chance to have schools like Michaela School in the UK, a 'school choice' school that has mainly non-white pupils, and gets stellar academic results, because it has an old-fashioned ethos for behavior.

And you know who I would try to get to teach in newly-liberated Free Schools? The Black Muslims. They are living examples that you can reject the entirety of white society, and still have the virtues that conservatives prize: self-control, discipline, pride. Right now, a young Black who is told to work hard at school has, at best, the motivation that he or she will do well, personally, in white society. That is, they'll be more like white people. With the Muslims, you have the powerful additional motivation that you are building your nation.

Anyone who has not heard of Michaela School should watch these videos. I promise, you will be amazed, and inspired.

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Are we?

Parents at local school boards show up at school board meeting to protest school policies and they are labeled terrorists

Which falls under the preview of the corrupt and politically biased FBI

Remember the Tea Party, Lois Learner and the IRS?
Oh yes. There is no question that people on the Right will be targets of government scrutiny, and where possible, action against us, on the basis of our politics. The national government, at the moment, and many state governments and municipalities, are in the hands of people who do not believe in the rule of law any more. It's the 'legal' equivalent to breaking up conservative meetings on campus, or shouting down conservative speakers.

In other words, the government is not 'us'. Racial/religious/tribal minorities feel the same way, in many countries. The law is technically neutral, but it's used by people whose default attitude towards you (if you're a minority) is that you're probably guilty of something.
You're actually pretending you don't remember what Comey did days before the election? Seriously? Come on. Everyone knows you're not really that stupid.

The FBI despised Hillary. The whole media despised Hillary. TheSwamp busted their butts to put Trump in office. Trump is the head swamp creature, and he filled it with more putrid scum than anyone thought possible. That's one big reason why conservatives love Trump -- they love the corruption of the swamp.

Remember, dumbasses, you can't gaslight normal people. We were alive in 2016, so we know you're all lying, very badly, for TheGloryOfTheParty.

This is James Comey, btw, for those who don't know:

At least they were willing to serve you! I was at a McDonalds some months ago, and the POC wouldn’t even take my order. I was left standing at the counter for 20 minutes, and the first time I requested service, she snapped “you can wait,” and the second time, she said “what are you complaining about?”

I eventually left.

Well I was in the drive-thru so they had no choice but to serve me.

The girl hands me a nearly empty bag. It had nothing in there but condiments. I told her I ordered a big breakfast with hotcakes. Even a mentally retarded person could pick up a bag and feel there's nothing in it. So then she asks for my receipt. She reads it and her supervisor is yelling at her that she handed me an empty bag! So she puts the order in the bag. Upon examination there was no has brown. I waived her down and told her the big breakfast with hotcakes comes with a hash brown. Once again she asked for my receipt that she just looked at 30 seconds ago. You don't need the receipt moron, the breakfast comes with a hash brown. So then she tells me the hash brown was in the paper bag with the condiments, and I told her it was not in there. Finally she goes back and gets the hash brown.

I mean, this is McDonald's for crying out loud. If you're too stupid to do that job, what are you going to do if you get a real job?
moving from denying it exists, to justifying why it exists.

thats progress, i guess.

It's just a simple matter of placing the blame where it belongs. I know that goes against liberal philosophy, but that's what we on the right do.

Police gain nothing by pulling over black drivers. It's not like they get a bonus for each one. In fact today, police avoid pulling them over in fear of a confrontation. They would sooner pull over a white person that is less likely to give them a hard time.

someone hacked into Doug’s account.
Nah. In the first place, Doug's a natural contrarian. And in the second place, he's above all someone who thinks a lot about how our side can win. And to win -- whatever that means in the coming turmoil -- we have to have as many people on our side, actively, passively or at worst neutral, as we can.

Blacks make up 13% of American society. Only about 10% of them vote for conservative candidates, but three times that number identify as 'conservative', by which they mean they believe in religion, the family -- the things that have made for orderly, successful societies in the past. We need to reach these people -- we're talking about, roughly, ten million people here.

But many whites don't have any understanding of what it's like to be Black in America. You see people on this forum casually talking in such a way as to insult all Blacks, using terms like "darkies" etc. This is a gift to the enemy.

It's like people who criticized the Jews for fleeing Europe after the Nazis were defeated. "Why didn't you stay? Why did you go to Palestine when you didn't have to?" People who said that sort of thing acted as if the Jews had lived happily as a minority among kindly neighbors, and then the Nazis suddenly appeared. But the reality was, many East and Central Europeans were as bad as the Nazis, or even worse. There was a horrible pogrom in Poland after the Nazis were defeated. From the Jewish point of view, Europe was on fire, and they jumped from a burning building.

Because the Left has learned that the racial, not the class, fracture line is the best way to attack America, they play the "Everything is racist, you're a victim" card as hard as they can. Naturally, there are elements in the Black community that respond to this. But we mustn't just put a minus where they put a plus, and pretend that Blacks are just another minority, like Armenians. Doing this plays into the hands of the Left.
It's not normal for people to be able to feel much empathy for those who are different from them. This is universally true.

In America, whites, and especially white conservatives, don't really appreciate what is was like to be Black before the Civil Rights Revolution fifty years ago, and especially what it was like to be Black in the South. And even if they do, many of them assume it's totally different now.

I don't want to start an argument about this here (elsewhere, sure) but there is still 'statistical racism' in the US: if a policeman pulls over a car with a dead tail light, and the occupants are young Black males, they will be treated differently than if they were white. There's a valid reason for this, but if you're one of those young Black males, it might not cut much ice with you at the time.

And if you're Black, in front of an all-white jury and a white judge, you won't be crazy to think that your skin color is going to play a role in what happens.

Individuals acting in a private capacity are one thing. But the law is supposed to treat us all equally, regardless of our race, sex, or political affiliation.

But this is not always the case. Long ago, in Houston, an acquaintance of mine named Lee Otis Johnson, a Black militant who was a thorn in the side of the police, gave an undercover policeman a marijuana cigaratte ... was arrested ... was sentenced to, wait for it .... thirty years in prison. All following the letter of the law. He served four before a higher court overturned the sentence. [ Black Panther Gets 30 Years for One Joint (1968) – Hippyland ]

Equal treatment? Things have improved a lot, with respect to race and the law, but they started from a very low base. (The one area where 'Critical Race Theory', which used to be called 'Critical Legal Theory', had a point, was in the way the law could appear to be race-neutral, but in fact was not neutral. (More about that here: [ Critical Race Theory Wasn’t Always Like This ] )

Now, we're finding out what it's like when the letter of the law is followed, but the acutal application of it is unequal. Does anyone believe that if Mr Trump had continued as a Democrat, that he would now be facing felony charges? When I see pious Democrats being interviewed saying 'No one is above the law' I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Come on! Are you kidding me? Hunter Biden is not only 'high', he's high above the law.

Unequal treatment before the law, while following the letter of the law, is now going to be applied to white conservatives. We're going to get to feel what it's like. There are two positive results from this: (1) it will wake up more of our people (and maybe some others as well) as to what is happening to America, and (2) it may make us a bit more understanding of how that young Black man being pulled over for a dead tail light feels.
Let's be clear here.

Trump didn't have public defender who'll work 30 more of these cases before lunch
Trump walked in the front door uncuffed not through the prisoner door manacled/cuffed to 15 other prisoners
Trump was wearing a suit, that while orange tinted from his makeup was not a jail jumpsuit.
After processing Trump and the other 14 prisoners weren't escorted back to a holding cell (a room built for 4 often holding over 20 people) and left there till the prisoner transport bus comes to carry them back to jail.
If he's late for lunch Trump didn't have to wait for dinner to eat...

If a Black defendant made threats against the prosecutor I guarantee he'd not see the outside of the jail till he's on the bus to prison.
If a Black defendant had made open calls for violence in response to his arrest he'd be in jail till he got on the prison bus.

These White "conservatives" are only expressing their White Privilege in complaining about Trump's self induced predicament.
Who are YOU and what did you do with the real Doug?

You sound like a leftist who thinks it’s a POSITIVE to unfairly target white conservatives, including jailing political dissenters, because in the past it happened to blacks. You are actually defending racism against whites!

It is shameful that the RR (Ruling Regime) is going after whites who disagree with their (harmful) policies.
Lisa, I don't think you read what I posted carefully. I don't think that at all.

But I have noticed that some white conservatives have an unconscious attitude that is wrong, and, from a practical
political point of view, will get in the way of our taking our message to Black people.

I've mentioned -- although you may not have read it -- my own experiences in the South, back in the 60s, when conservatives ruled the system. A white (Jewish, as it happened) friend of mine was imprisoned for performing a guerilla theatre skit wearing Army fatigues -- later overturned by the Supreme Court. [ Schacht v. United States ]

A Black acquaintance of mine was jailed for thirty years for giving a marijuana cigarette to an undercover policeman. [ Lee Otis, Free ] (His sentence was finally overturned after he had served four years.)

Let me know when this happens to a Republican.

But now we have the opportunity to see what the world can look like to those not in control of the system. And we can reach out to racial minorities, whom we MUST win a decisive number of, and do it not from a position of the people in power, but as people who can empathyze with what it's like NOT to be in power. We have the solution to their problems, but we have to get an audience that is willing to listen before we can present it.

Here's a paradox for you: are we saying that the system is now unfair, because we are being persecuted, but it was fair before we became the victims? The reality is, it was never completely fair, nor completely unfair but in fact reflected the power of various social groups. It was the best our species has come up with, so far, but a long way from being perfect.
But most young Black males are not violent criminals. Yet they get that reaction from others. It's not their fault, it's not the reactor's fault.
Thats applies to whites also who are labeled as white racists if they do not subscribe to the woke agenda
Well I was in the drive-thru so they had no choice but to serve me.

The girl hands me a nearly empty bag. It had nothing in there but condiments. I told her I ordered a big breakfast with hotcakes. Even a mentally retarded person could pick up a bag and feel there's nothing in it. So then she asks for my receipt. She reads it and her supervisor is yelling at her that she handed me an empty bag! So she puts the order in the bag. Upon examination there was no has brown. I waived her down and told her the big breakfast with hotcakes comes with a hash brown. Once again she asked for my receipt that she just looked at 30 seconds ago. You don't need the receipt moron, the breakfast comes with a hash brown. So then she tells me the hash brown was in the paper bag with the condiments, and I told her it was not in there. Finally she goes back and gets the hash brown.

I mean, this is McDonald's for crying out loud. If you're too stupid to do that job, what are you going to do if you get a real job?
And then we have leftists crying that we need to pay them at least $15 an hour! They cant even do a job that I could has mastered by 7th grade.
Let's be clear here.

Trump didn't have public defender who'll work 30 more of these cases before lunch
Trump walked in the front door uncuffed not through the prisoner door manacled/cuffed to 15 other prisoners
Trump was wearing a suit, that while orange tinted from his makeup was not a jail jumpsuit.
After processing Trump and the other 14 prisoners weren't escorted back to a holding cell (a room built for 4 often holding over 20 people) and left there till the prisoner transport bus comes to carry them back to jail.
If he's late for lunch Trump didn't have to wait for dinner to eat...

If a Black defendant made threats against the prosecutor I guarantee he'd not see the outside of the jail till he's on the bus to prison.
If a Black defendant had made open calls for violence in response to his arrest he'd be in jail till he got on the prison bus.

These White "conservatives" are only expressing their White Privilege in complaining about Trump's self induced predicament.
Diversity is not strength, but hell. Every society that is unfortunate enough to have significant tribal diversity ('tribal' because not all serious conflicts are about 'race') will see the dominant group 'privileged' in various ways. If you're a Zulu in South Africa in Xhosa-dominated area, you'll see 'Xhosa-privilege'. [ ] The same with Shona/Ndebele in Zimbabwe, Protestant and Catholic in N. Ireland, Greek and Turk (when the lived on the same land), Serb and Croat, Ukrainian and Pole, Muslim and Hindu, Sunni and Shia, Tamil and Sinhala ... it's human nature.

Now the Left wants to wag its finger at whites and make them feel guilty. But whites act just as Blacks act towards their own racial/tribal minorities where Blacks rule. What patriots have to do is to insist, insofar as it's possible, on equality before the law.

However, 'pure' equality, the assumption that we all start from a level playing field, is unrealistic. That is, it literally distorts reality. How we address this is a different discussion.
Hey, Fake Hippy Doug, tell us how you marched with Dr. King again, and then praise the Koreans who shot at black people 30 years ago.

Because you are a crazy person... and clearly I've shattered your delusions.
Hey, little coward liar Joe, you tell everyone your latest excuse for not taking up my offer of $10 000 if I can't prove to three liberal/left judges that I'm telling the truth about my personal history.

As for "Koreans shooting at Black people," you literally don't know what you're talking about. Black people burned down Korean shops, inflicting hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of damage. The Koreans admirably defended themselves. They didn't need to shoot anybody. Of course, the Left like to blame the police for not protecting the Koreans. If they had protected the Koreans, the Left would have blamed them for brutalizing the Black rioters.

Patriots will emulate the admirable Koreans.

Anyway, little LiarCowardJoe,, let's hear your latest excuse for not taking my money!
Thats applies to whites also who are labeled as white racists if they do not subscribe to the woke agenda
Sure it does. Although the circumstances are often different. Being 'labelled' is too abstract. For instance, we are 'labelled' as white racists in this forum, but we know the character of the people who do it, and can just dismiss this 'labelling' with a wave of the hand. There are no consequences.

But if you're physically attacked by Leftists on a campus, that's different. We'll see more and more serious consequences as the American cold civil war's temperature increases. So get ready.
Sure it does. Although the circumstances are often different. Being 'labelled' is too abstract. For instance, we are 'labelled' as white racists in this forum, but we know the character of the people who do it, and can just dismiss this 'labelling' with a wave of the hand. There are no consequences.

But if you're physically attacked by Leftists on a campus, that's different. We'll see more and more serious consequences as the American cold civil war's temperature increases. So get ready.
What if you’re not physically attacked, but your Constitutional right to free speech is infringed by leftists who don’t want your side of the story out? That’s what ultra-left Berkeley did when it established “Jews Can’t Speak Here” zones?

The Left is turning this country into tyranny.
But now we have the opportunity to see what the world can look like to those not in control of the system. And we can reach out to racial minorities, whom we MUST win a decisive number of, and do it not from a position of the people in power, but as people who can empathyze with what it's like NOT to be in power. We have the solution to their problems, but we have to get an audience that is willing to listen before we can present it.

Here's a paradox for you: are we saying that the system is now unfair, because we are being persecuted, but it was fair before we became the victims? The reality is, it was never completely fair, nor completely unfair but in fact reflected the power of various social groups. It was the best our species has come up with, so far, but a long way from being perfect.

How do you reach out to people outside of treating them the same as all others? How did Donald Trump increase his minority vote? With the theory that a rising tide lifts all boats. Blacks did better in opening up their own business, new record low for unemployment since records were kept. Restored funds for historic black colleges. Early release which was supposed to cater to blacks. With all that and more, blacks still voted against him in the 90% range.

It's not our move, it's theirs. It's up to blacks to reduce their out of wedlock birth rates. It's up to blacks to earn a living and stay out of trouble with the law. It's up to blacks to assimilate with white people if they wish to live with us in peace. It's up to blacks to invest their money instead of having children at a young age where they can't support them. It's up to blacks to start respecting authority instead of fighting with them. At this point in time, it's their move, not ours. The Democrats have long catered to blacks by treating them like the kids on the short bus. We on the right simply can't do that.
What if you’re not physically attacked, but your Constitutional right to free speech is infringed by leftists who don’t want your side of the story out? That’s what ultra-left Berkeley did when it established “Jews Can’t Speak Here” zones?

The Left is turning this country into tyranny.
Yes, that's right. Lisa, we have to start thinking like soldiers, like generals or admirals.

Just reacting when the enemy does something is useless, especially if that reaction is just posting something online.
I don't know enough about the Berkeley situation to comment, but in general, we need to become what the Left is: campaigners.

On the Free Speech issue, we need to form coalitions with non-conservatives who still believe in free speech. This is key. For instance, I'm in a group of academics who campaign for free speech on campus. There are a couple of national organizations which do so as well. It's a 'wedge issue' that can divide the Left.

When you run a campaign, you've got to do the publicity right. How many of us know how, or are in groups where someone knows how, to: (1) write a professional press release; (2) contact the media (print, audio, visual) for an interview (and being interviewed is an art -- never go in blind). [And, as background, how many people know how to cultivate journalists?]; (3) Make persuasive leaflets for (a) distributing, (b) posting; (4) Write a persuasive Letter to the Editor; (5) Organize a 'comment campaign' where there is relevant news article in an online publication that allows comments; (6) make a video on the issue. (7) Organize a demonstration on the issue. There is an art to doing this. Same for (8) Organize a public meeting on the issue. [There' a whole checklist of things you want to do before, during and after a public meeting, eg get names and email addresses, security, having a good Powerpoint system, doing follow-up. (9) Petitions.

A lot depends on the political landscape -- at Berkeley, I assume you'd be targetting the University board of directors ... so you'd need intelligence on who they are, what they think about political issues ... what the past history of Berkeley is with repect to this (you probably know about the famous events in, I think, 1965, with Jack Weinberg in the police car?). What groups exist that you could unite with ... there might be some improbable allies (I recall the group I was in having a joint demonstration with Hashomer Hatzair around some issue ... I had never heard of them until then ..this was about 50 years ago). There's more: fundraising, social events, etc.

The Left campaigns and we don't. We've got to learn how.
It's not normal for people to be able to feel much empathy for those who are different from them. This is universally true.

In America, whites, and especially white conservatives, don't really appreciate what is was like to be Black before the Civil Rights Revolution fifty years ago, and especially what it was like to be Black in the South. And even if they do, many of them assume it's totally different now.

I don't want to start an argument about this here (elsewhere, sure) but there is still 'statistical racism' in the US: if a policeman pulls over a car with a dead tail light, and the occupants are young Black males, they will be treated differently than if they were white. There's a valid reason for this, but if you're one of those young Black males, it might not cut much ice with you at the time.

And if you're Black, in front of an all-white jury and a white judge, you won't be crazy to think that your skin color is going to play a role in what happens.

Individuals acting in a private capacity are one thing. But the law is supposed to treat us all equally, regardless of our race, sex, or political affiliation.

But this is not always the case. Long ago, in Houston, an acquaintance of mine named Lee Otis Johnson, a Black militant who was a thorn in the side of the police, gave an undercover policeman a marijuana cigaratte ... was arrested ... was sentenced to, wait for it .... thirty years in prison. All following the letter of the law. He served four before a higher court overturned the sentence. [ Black Panther Gets 30 Years for One Joint (1968) – Hippyland ]

Equal treatment? Things have improved a lot, with respect to race and the law, but they started from a very low base. (The one area where 'Critical Race Theory', which used to be called 'Critical Legal Theory', had a point, was in the way the law could appear to be race-neutral, but in fact was not neutral. (More about that here: [ Critical Race Theory Wasn’t Always Like This ] )

Now, we're finding out what it's like when the letter of the law is followed, but the acutal application of it is unequal. Does anyone believe that if Mr Trump had continued as a Democrat, that he would now be facing felony charges? When I see pious Democrats being interviewed saying 'No one is above the law' I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Come on! Are you kidding me? Hunter Biden is not only 'high', he's high above the law.

Unequal treatment before the law, while following the letter of the law, is now going to be applied to white conservatives. We're going to get to feel what it's like. There are two positive results from this: (1) it will wake up more of our people (and maybe some others as well) as to what is happening to America, and (2) it may make us a bit more understanding of how that young Black man being pulled over for a dead tail light feels.
how can you feel empathy for blacks when dont take responsibility for their own actions or better them selves and pathetically blame a whole other race for their own crap? They do not feel empathy for each other either. they kill thousands of each other every day. you can not except other to care when you matter to each other.
How do you reach out to people outside of treating them the same as all others? How did Donald Trump increase his minority vote? With the theory that a rising tide lifts all boats. Blacks did better in opening up their own business, new record low for unemployment since records were kept. Restored funds for historic black colleges. Early release which was supposed to cater to blacks. With all that and more, blacks still voted against him in the 90% range.

It's not our move, it's theirs. It's up to blacks to reduce their out of wedlock birth rates. It's up to blacks to earn a living and stay out of trouble with the law. It's up to blacks to assimilate with white people if they wish to live with us in peace. It's up to blacks to invest their money instead of having children at a young age where they can't support them. It's up to blacks to start respecting authority instead of fighting with them. At this point in time, it's their move, not ours. The Democrats have long catered to blacks by treating them like the kids on the short bus. We on the right simply can't do that.
No, we must not patronize Blacks. But we must not be passive and just wait, either. There are Black organizations which are doing the right thing, and we have to ally with them. If you're a patriotic/conservative activist, you should always be thinking of how to reach out to those communities which are now Democrat-oriented. We have to be active. I don't want to go into details of how to do that here, but there are things we can do, and should do.
how can you feel empathy for blacks when dont take responsibility for their own actions or better them selves and pathetically blame a whole other race for their own crap? They do not feel empathy for each other either. they kill thousands of each other every day. you can not except other to care when you matter to each other.
English doesn't require 'quantifiers' before plural nouns, so you can say 'blacks ... don't take responsibility for their actions'. I think you mean 'some', or 'many' or even 'most'. But when you just say 'Blacks' you imply 'all'. This is deadly for us.

What about these Blacks: National Society of Black Physicists

or these

Chemists and Chemical Engineers
Physician Scientists

Industry-specific associations

Technology and design

[ Curriculum ] All Star Code
“My aim is for All Star Code to be an organization that gives young, intelligent, driven men of color access to this exciting and dynamic field rooted in black excellence. With the right skills and support system behind them, and just knowing that their success is possible, there is no limit to what our young men can do — my father proved it."

[ BDPA Home ] Black Data Processing Associates
“For more than 40 years, BDPA has enabled the upward mobility of African Americans and other minorities in the Information Technology (IT) and STEM fields. Through its 30+ local community chapters in major cities across the United States, BDPA has been at the forefront of promoting the minority agenda within the IT profession since 1975."

[ ] Black Girls Code
“Black Girls CODE is devoted to showing the world that black girls can code, and do so much more. By reaching out to the community through workshops and after school programs, Black Girls CODE introduces computer coding lessons to young girls from underrepresented communities in programming languages such as Scratch or Ruby on Rails. Black Girls CODE has set out to prove to the world that girls of every color have the skills to become the programmers of tomorrow. By promoting classes and programs we hope to grow the number of women of color working in technology and give underprivileged girls a chance to become the masters of their technological worlds."

[ Code2040 ] Code2040
“Our mission is to activate, connect, and mobilize the largest racial equity community in tech to dismantle the structural barriers that prevent the full participation and leadership of Black and Latinx people in the innovation economy."

[ Home- DevColor - Let’s change tech for good. ]
“In 2015, a small group of Black engineers came together to start /dev/color. There were just eleven of us at the first meeting at a restaurant in San Francisco, but we all shared a common vision: to build a community of Black software engineers who helped one another reach ambitious career goals. Since then we’ve helped one another find new jobs, learn new technologies, start companies, and create a sense of belonging in Silicon Valley."

[ Home - BWTT ] Black Women Talk Tech
“The roadmap to billions wasn’t designed for us, so we created our own. Now, we’re building community and profitable, scalable businesses for self-identified Black women in tech, together. Black Women Talk Tech is a collective of black women tech founders who have a unique understanding of the challenges we face and the advantages we bring in the industry. We’re here to identify, support and encourage black women to build the next billion dollar business."

[ NSBE | Supporting Black Engineers and Scientists>National Society of Black Engineers
“With more than 500 chapters and nearly 16,000 active members in the U.S. and abroad, the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is one of the largest student-governed organizations based in the United States. NSBE, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1975, supports and promotes the aspirations of collegiate and pre-collegiate students and technical professionals in engineering and technology."

[ Organization of Black Designers | The best of Black Designers across the Globe ] Organization of Black Designers
“OBD is a national professional organization of interior, industrial, architectural, fashion and graphic designers dedicated to promoting the visibility, empowerment, education and interaction of its membership and the understanding and value that diverse design perspectives contribute to world culture and commerce.”


[ U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. ]U.S. Black Chambers, Inc.
"U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. CHASE: Advancing Black Entrepreneurs Chase for Business and Advancing Black Pathways have come together to offer Advancing Black Entrepreneurs - a collection of practical resources tailored to help Black business owners grow and scale their business. "

[ NABA INC. ] National Association of Black Accountants
“The National Association of Black Accountants (NABA, Inc.), is a nonprofit membership association dedicated to bridging the opportunity gap for black professionals in the accounting, finance and related business professions. Representing more than 200,000 black professionals in these fields, NABA advances people, careers, and the mission by providing education, resources, and meaningful career connections to both professional and student members, fulfilling the principle of our motto: Lifting As We Climb."

[ Loading... ] National Association of Black Administrative Professionals
“The mission of the National Association of Black Administrative Professionals is to build, elevate, and excel the experiences of Black administrative professionals by supporting their career development through programming and collaboration."

[ Network of African American Economists - National Economic Association ] National Economic Association
“The National Economic Association (NEA) was founded in 1969 as the Caucus of Black Economists to promote the professional lives of minorities within the profession. In addition to continuing its founding mission, the organization is particularly interested in producing and distributing knowledge of economic issues that are of exceptional interest to promoting economic growth among native and immigrant African Americans, Latinos, and other people of color."

[ National Sales Network – Advancing Sales Professionals Worldwide ] National Sales Network
“National Sales Network (NSN) is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit membership organization whose objective is to meet the professional and developmental needs of sales and sales management professionals and individuals who want to improve their professional sales skills.”


[ ] National Black Nurses Association
“THE NATIONAL BLACK NURSES ASSOCIATION, INC. was organized in 1971 under the leadership of Dr. Lauranne Sams, former Dean and Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama. NBNA represents approximately 200,000 African American nurses from the USA, Canada, Eastern Caribbean and Africa, with 115 chartered chapters nationwide. NBNA mission is to provide a forum for collective action by African American nurses to represent and provide a forum for black nurses to advocate for and implement strategies to ensure access to the highest quality of healthcare for persons of color."

[ National Dental Hygienists' Association ] National Dental Hygienists’ Association
“In 1932, the National Dental Hygienists’ Association (NDHA) was founded by African American Dental Hygienists’ to address the special problems faced by the minority hygienist in the profession as well as unite the limited number of minority dental hygiene practitioners in the United States."

[ ] National Medical Association
“The National Medical Association (NMA) is the collective voice of African American physicians and the leading force for parity and justice in medicine and the elimination of disparities in health. The National Medical Association (NMA) is the largest and oldest national organization representing African American physicians and their patients in the United States."

[ National Organization of Blacks in Dietetics and Nutrition
“A professional organization of nearly 600 African American dietetic and nutrition practitioners as well as members of other ethnic backgrounds committed to our mission. We have served members for over 50 years as a networking group. In 2008, NOBIDAN became the fourth Member Interest Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics."

[ Association of Black Women Physicians ] Association of Black Women Physicians
“The Association of Black Women Physicians is an organized network of African-American women physicians committed to the improvement of public health and welfare, through the advancement of knowledge concerning women and the community health. We are a nonprofit organization, serving as a philanthropic source of funds to projects committed to improving the health and wellness concerns of traditionally under-served communities and assisting in eliminating health disparities. We also endeavor to enhance the personal and professional quality of life for present and future African-American women physicians."

[ NABV – Nonprofit Organization ] National Association for Black Veterinarians
“The NABV state and local chapters will operate for educational purposes by promoting the NABV’s mission to provide a medium for blacks in veterinary medicine to engage with faculty, staff, and students through professional, social, academic and cultural activities for the purpose of building lasting relationships, instilling pride, and fostering diversity as an integral part of the veterinary medicine agenda by promoting the participation of people in the communities and supporting and further promoting the improved relations among diverse peoples throughout the nation and beyond.”


[ Education is a Civil Right | National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE) ] National Alliance of Black School Educators
“Founded in 1970, NABSE is dedicated to improving both the educational experiences and accomplishments of African American youth through the development and use of instructional and motivational methods that increase levels of inspiration, attendance and overall achievement."

[ Home - National Association of Black Male Educators ] National Association of Black Male Educators
“NABME’s mission is to increase the number of responsible black male educators who succeed at professionally and positively impacting their communities. The organization provides a wide range of services to include: developing high school and undergraduate student interest and awareness in the field of education, training and building the capacity of black and minority male educators, influence and contribute to the policies of education, promote the professional advancement of black and minority male educators”

Cosmetology and Barbering

[ Home - Black Beauty Association ] Black Beauty Association
“The Black Beauty Association (BBA) promotes the businesses of Beauty Professionals which includes but aren’t limited to established cosmetologists, estheticians, nail technicians, massage therapists, barbers, make-up artists, photographers, models, fashion stylists, fashion designers, product manufactures, distributors and beauty show producers. BBA is dedicated to meeting the professional needs of black beauty professionals, licensed beauty professionals, and beauty industry students."

[ ] Black Owned Beauty Supply Association
“The BOBSA Organization was established in 2003 for the purpose of empowering the African American beauty and barber community in order to establish sustained economic development in the black hair care and cosmetics sector."

[ ] Professional Black Barbers Association

“To create and disseminate knowledge to the Barbering and Cosmetology trade through an on-line forum of research tools, artistic expression and networking events. To help promote the “Black Health Awareness Initiative” programs into the communities we serve by our value of commitment to quality, ethical behavior to society, and respect for one another while fostering the advantages provided by a relatively large community of diverse clientele. To remain open to the exchange of ideas where discovery, creativity, personal and professional development can flourish.”


[ ] Black Culinarian Alliance
“BCAGlobal empowers people of color across diverse cultures through education, training and mentoring within a mindfulness approach to food, coupled with practical skills in the hospitality & culinary industries, leading to meaningful connections that further a vision of a beloved community."


General professional and entrepreneurial organizations

[ ] 100 Black Men of America
“The mission of the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. is to improve the quality of life within our communities and enhance educational and economic opportunities for all African Americans."

[ ] Black Career Network
Network for the Black community to find and post available jobs, as well as to attend career events.

[ ] Black Career Women Network
“Our purpose is to bridge the gap of support for professional development and mentor access by providing curated tools, resources, content, and a strong network for women to strategically manage their careers, navigate the workplace, and thrive professionally."

[ ] Black Female Founders
“Our mission is to provide awareness, promotion, support and resources for Black women led tech-based* and tech-enabled* startups throughout the U.S. and Black Diaspora."

[ ] Black Founders

“Black Founders was started in 2011 as an organization that would empower entrepreneurs and provide founders with access to advice, mentorship, and funding. The Black Founders mission is to increase the number of successful black entrepreneurs in technology. Our goal is to create an ecosystem that stimulates tech entrepreneurship and fosters economic growth in the community. Our vision for Black Founders is to develop global programs that equip entrepreneurs, inspire innovation, and allow us to share resources and knowledge."

[ ] The Hidden Genius Project
“The Hidden Genius Project was founded in 2012 by five black male entrepreneurs/technologists who were unnerved by the dramatic juxtaposition between the high unemployment of black male youth and the plethora of career opportunities within the local technology sector. To address this challenge, the founders established a program to connect young black males with the skills, mentors, and experiences that they need to become high-performing entrepreneurs and technologists in a 21st century, global economy."

[ ] National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs
“The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc., founded in 1935, is an organization of African American women that are business owners, certified, licensed and degreed professionals. Since our inception, we’ve built a rich history of promoting and protecting the interest of progressive women in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Technology and Service (L.E.T.S.) in areas of Health, Education, Employment and Economic Development (H.E.E.D.)"

[ ] National Coalition of 100 Black Women
“The National Coalition of 100 Black Women (NCBW) was launched on October 24, 1981, with representatives from 14 states and the District of Columbia, and selected Jewell Jackson McCabe as its first national president. Its mission is to advocate on behalf of women of color through national and local actions and strategic alliances that promote the NCBW agenda on leadership development and gender equity in the areas of health, education and economic empowerment. The rapidity by which the organization grew is attested to by the statistics of 1986: 47 chapters in 19 states.”

[ ] National Black Business Council, Inc
“The National Black Business Council is a 501 (c)(6) non profit organization dedicated to the creation and advancement of African American and minority owned businesses. Our mission is to create and support programs that will close the economic and digital divides between minority and majority businesses. The Council accomplishes its mission through the strategic partnerships with Fortune 1000 companies which provide member businesses with procurement opportunities and access to capital. Representing a powerful community of entrepreneurs, the Council works closely with state and federal legislators on issues of concern to black businesses.”

or these:

This is what we must know about, and empathyse, and counter-pose to the Left's view of Blacks as victims and, in practice, Blacks as criminals-driven-to-it-by-the-system.

When they hold up George Floyd as a hero and role model, we should hold up someone from the hundreds of men and women listed above.

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