Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

It's not normal for people to be able to feel much empathy for those who are different from them. This is universally true.

In America, whites, and especially white conservatives, don't really appreciate what is was like to be Black before the Civil Rights Revolution fifty years ago, and especially what it was like to be Black in the South. And even if they do, many of them assume it's totally different now.

I don't want to start an argument about this here (elsewhere, sure) but there is still 'statistical racism' in the US: if a policeman pulls over a car with a dead tail light, and the occupants are young Black males, they will be treated differently than if they were white. There's a valid reason for this, but if you're one of those young Black males, it might not cut much ice with you at the time.

And if you're Black, in front of an all-white jury and a white judge, you won't be crazy to think that your skin color is going to play a role in what happens.

Individuals acting in a private capacity are one thing. But the law is supposed to treat us all equally, regardless of our race, sex, or political affiliation.

But this is not always the case. Long ago, in Houston, an acquaintance of mine named Lee Otis Johnson, a Black militant who was a thorn in the side of the police, gave an undercover policeman a marijuana cigaratte ... was arrested ... was sentenced to, wait for it .... thirty years in prison. All following the letter of the law. He served four before a higher court overturned the sentence. [ Black Panther Gets 30 Years for One Joint (1968) – Hippyland ]

Equal treatment? Things have improved a lot, with respect to race and the law, but they started from a very low base. (The one area where 'Critical Race Theory', which used to be called 'Critical Legal Theory', had a point, was in the way the law could appear to be race-neutral, but in fact was not neutral. (More about that here: [ Critical Race Theory Wasn’t Always Like This ] )

Now, we're finding out what it's like when the letter of the law is followed, but the acutal application of it is unequal. Does anyone believe that if Mr Trump had continued as a Democrat, that he would now be facing felony charges? When I see pious Democrats being interviewed saying 'No one is above the law' I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Come on! Are you kidding me? Hunter Biden is not only 'high', he's high above the law.

Unequal treatment before the law, while following the letter of the law, is now going to be applied to white conservatives. We're going to get to feel what it's like. There are two positive results from this: (1) it will wake up more of our people (and maybe some others as well) as to what is happening to America, and (2) it may make us a bit more understanding of how that young Black man being pulled over for a dead tail light feels.
What a stupid and self righteous post. Broad brush 101
But what I have said is also true at the same time. We -- patriots -- have to avoid falling into the trap that the Left would like to set for us: simply seeing all Blacks as basically Black criminals, and being deaf to genuine complaints about the reality of being Black in a white-majority country. There are Black conservatives who see exactly what's going on, and not just the prominent intellectuals like Thomas Sowell and Glenn Loury. About a third of Blacks think of themselves as 'conservative', by which they mean they have traditional values. We have to reach these people.

That's pretty problematic because blacks generally don't follow politics, just a very small minority of them. When they vote, all they know is to fill in the oval with a D next to their name.

Look at what's going on in these cities. NYC is increasing in violent crime all the time and they continue to vote Democrat. Same in Chicago. From what I read, this clown is not that much better than Lauri Lighthead. We have the same problem here in Cleveland.

So how do you reach out to such people? It's difficult to fight Santa Clause like what's going on in Commiefornia with the reparations thing.
And just watch: all these blacks crying that Affirmative Action benefits white women the most will be shitting bricks when the SCOTUS rules that race cannot be considered in college admissions.
Let's see how many white women are going to be crying. See that is the problem with racist, you will kill your own self interest because you think you are hurting folks of color.
After two generations of favored treatment at the admissions office, blacks will now have to compete on merit.
What favored treatment has that been?
In fact, I am in favor of assigning a code to every applicant that does not reveal in any way his or her race or gender, and select based solely on merit. Sort of like “blind auditions” for an opera role.
So you want this country to go back to the 40s and 50s when black folks were legally denied the right to attend white institutions.
That's not data, that's opinion.

As a retired truck driver and a member of a predominately black suburb, I can tell you without a doubt blacks are terrible drivers.
A retired truck driver and slum lord, tell me Racist Ray is there anything that black folks do that you don't criticize.
As I drive on our main roads posted at 25mph, I usually drive around 30mph and blacks pass me like I'm standing still. They are constantly racing their motorcycles driving with their music so loud you can hear it four houses away. They are just asking to be pulled over.
Hmm, but all the white drivers you ever see follow the rules of the road and never break them.
Police can't pull you over for no reason. There has to be a legitimate reason for them to pull you over.
Well we know that isn't true, they do it everyday.
Yes it is, because white women benefit from it more than anyone.

Yes it is, since it is owned by a white company.

Yep it is a spin off of it, for the simple fact that young black women couldn't participate in the white privilege miss america pageant.

Did you not see how many whites are members of BLM.

Are you a part time comedian?

because white women benefit from it more than anyone.

You mean fat white women that shack up with ya'll
Other than that, your post makes no sense.
Let's see how many white women are going to be crying. See that is the problem with racist, you will kill your own self interest because you think you are hurting folks of color.
I never knew any white women who gained from AA. I‘ve only known white women who lost out to it.
What favored treatment has that been?
Admissions policies adjusted to let less qualified blacks in over better qualified whites. Even the SCOTUS admitted it was happening.
So you want this country to go back to the 40s and 50s when black folks were legally denied the right to attend white institutions.
When did I say that? That would mean I want to go back to where Jews were prohibited too. No, I want to go back to the early 70s, when Jim Crowe had been abolished but the anti-white discrimination at college admissions offices and in company hiring offices hadn’t yet been instituted.
Let's see how many white women are going to be crying. See that is the problem with racist, you will kill your own self interest because you think you are hurting folks of color.

What favored treatment has that been?

So you want this country to go back to the 40s and 50s when black folks were legally denied the right to attend white institutions.
Not much has changed. You’re still upset because you’re not white. Smh
In the first place, you and I are not going to be politically persecuted on some trumped-up phoney charge, the way Donald Trump is being. We're still a long way from that.
Are we?

Parents at local school boards show up at school board meeting to protest school policies and they are labeled terrorists

Which falls under the preview of the corrupt and politically biased FBI

Remember the Tea Party, Lois Learner and the IRS?
being shot to death by a policeman because you are the same skin color as a large number of violent criminals is ... worse.
Except that that is extremely rare

What usually happens is that the black suspect resists arrest and winds up dead, which could have been avoided if he had cooperated and obeyed commands of the cops
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Are we?

Parents at local school boards show up at school board meeting to protest school policies and they are labeled terrorists

Which falls under the preview of the corrupt and politically biased FBI

Remember the Tea Party, Lois Learner and the IRS?
This is true. Garland put parents on the FBI list as “domestic terrorists.”

It’s all done to suppress dissenting voices and allow the Radical Left to continue their destruction of America undeterred.
That's not data, that's opinion.

As a retired truck driver and a member of a predominately black suburb, I can tell you without a doubt blacks are terrible drivers. As I drive on our main roads posted at 25mph, I usually drive around 30mph and blacks pass me like I'm standing still. They are constantly racing their motorcycles driving with their music so loud you can hear it four houses away. They are just asking to be pulled over.

Police can't pull you over for no reason. There has to be a legitimate reason for them to pull you over.
perhaps in your neighborhood.

but in my much bigger state, its getting worse.
perhaps in your neighborhood.

but in my much bigger state, its getting worse.

Oh, so you think blacks drive better there? I've traveled this state from one border to the other. They drive the same all over, not just here.

As for your article, just one word sums it up: Duh!

If blacks are that bad of drivers, of course they're going to get pulled over more often. If blacks fight with the cops much more than whites, of course police will need to use physical force against them more often than whites. This isn't rocket science.
A retired truck driver and slum lord, tell me Racist Ray is there anything that black folks do that you don't criticize.

Hmm, but all the white drivers you ever see follow the rules of the road and never break them.

Well we know that isn't true, they do it everyday.

They only do so in your imagination. Name me one time an officer pulled somebody over for no reason. Before police leave their car, they call in the license plate of every vehicle they pull over, so everything is recorded at dispatch. Even before body cams, police have had dash cams recording everything they did. If the department receives a complaint, there is no way for the officer to make up a reason for the stop. It's all recorded.

By far whites are more likely to be obeying the traffic laws. When one doesn't they get pulled over just like black offenders do. If they give cops a hard time, the officer will not cut them any breaks just like they don't for black people.

As for anything blacks do that I don't criticize, you picked the wrong time to ask that. I just came home from McDonald's. The Fd up a simple order three times. Blacks can't even work a McDonald's job the right way.
Oh, so you think blacks drive better there? I've traveled this state from one border to the other. They drive the same all over, not just here.

As for your article, just one word sums it up: Duh!

If blacks are that bad of drivers, of course they're going to get pulled over more often. If blacks fight with the cops much more than whites, of course police will need to use physical force against them more often than whites. This isn't rocket science.
moving from denying it exists, to justifying why it exists.

thats progress, i guess.
They only do so in your imagination. Name me one time an officer pulled somebody over for no reason. Before police leave their car, they call in the license plate of every vehicle they pull over, so everything is recorded at dispatch. Even before body cams, police have had dash cams recording everything they did. If the department receives a complaint, there is no way for the officer to make up a reason for the stop. It's all recorded.

By far whites are more likely to be obeying the traffic laws. When one doesn't they get pulled over just like black offenders do. If they give cops a hard time, the officer will not cut them any breaks just like they don't for black people.

As for anything blacks do that I don't criticize, you picked the wrong time to ask that. I just came home from McDonald's. The Fd up a simple order three times. Blacks can't even work a McDonald's job the right way.
At least they were willing to serve you! I was at a McDonalds some months ago, and the POC wouldn’t even take my order. I was left standing at the counter for 20 minutes, and the first time I requested service, she snapped “you can wait,” and the second time, she said “what are you complaining about?”

I eventually left.

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