Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

then stop bitching and do your part to make this country better for everyone.
Whites here complain all the time. Including you.

Practice what you preach.
White conservatives aren't arguing with, fighting or disrespecting the cops.

Cops are being turned into political pawns by the commie leftist government
White conservatives argue, fight, shoot, and kill cops.
The majority of crimes are committed by whites. Whites commit 60 percent of all violent crime. But whites give themselves excuses by dividing numbers then multiplying fractions by 100,000. Per capita is a weak argument because if populations were the same blacks would not face the same things so black crime would be less. But whites, who have been given every preference and advantage still commit the most crime. Whites should have less than a 10 percent rate of crime. Whites should not be making up 70 percent of the arrests in America.

So it's time for whites to put down the "but blacks disproportionately".... line. Because blacks disproportionately die from stress caused by white racism, black women disproportionately die during childbirth, black fetuses disproportionately die in the womb and not by abortion, blacks are disproportionately living in poverty, blacks are disproportionately underpaid and unemployed. So it's time whites stopped making excuses for their history of high crime and violence that continues to this very second.
Roflmao and blacks don't?

Just lol
Since that line was used to justify police brutality on blacks, as if whites don't do the same thing, it had to be said. Now run along with that weak white whataboutism.
You call anyone who is pro constitution a white supremacist. That's the problem.
Since the constitution was written by white supremacists...

Besides, that's what you are.
There are 47 million blacks. A poll of 1000 does not come close to accuracy.

Why do whites on the right practice fake amnesia about the continuing racism they practice? When you consider this, if 50 percent of all the blacks in America felt that way, they would have a reason.

50 percent of blacks in America are not racist. But members of the white racist subculture try to find anything to claim that more blacks are racist than whites.
The majority of crimes are committed by whites. Whites commit 60 percent of all violent crime. But whites give themselves excuses by dividing numbers then multiplying fractions by 100,000. Per capita is a weak argument because if populations were the same blacks would not face the same things so black crime would be less. But whites, who have been given every preference and advantage still commit the most crime. Whites should have less than a 10 percent rate of crime. Whites should not be making up 70 percent of the arrests in America.

So it's time for whites to put down the "but blacks disproportionately".... line. Because blacks disproportionately die from stress caused by white racism, black women disproportionately die during childbirth, black fetuses disproportionately die in the womb and not by abortion, blacks are disproportionately living in poverty, blacks are disproportionately underpaid and unemployed. So it's time whites stopped making excuses for their history of high crime and violence that continues to this very second.

Whites are six times your population. Per Capita is the only possible way to measure crime statistics. It's like when the lottery claims that most people that win the grand prize do so with auto-lotto. Well duh! Most people play auto-lotto.

Over 50% of US murders are committed by just 7% of our population which are black males. Your claims have zero to back up your assertions.
White conservatives aren't arguing with, fighting or disrespecting the cops.

Cops are being turned into political pawns by the commie leftist government
Yes, to your second point. It's why patriots have to get as close to the police as possible. We should have 'back the Blue' organizations in every area, and closely monitor attempts to neuter the police through various politically-correct and 'woke' initiatives. (And even more so for the military.)

It's important that we don't require people who have made their careers in the police or mlitary, to sacrifice them at the moment. If they're ordered to attend "transgender-affirming sensitivity classes" -- and would lose their jobs if they didn't -- and if we can't make a big enough public outcry to stop this -- then they should go.

We have to learn how to operate like a Resistance movement in an occupied country. You sometimes have to pretend to go along with what the Occupier wants, in order to stay in place and strike a decisive blow later.

However, the average person, even the average Democrat, knows that without the police, we would be at the mercy of violent savages (except where we have organized 'rooftop Korean' units, which we should be doing everywhere, and right now). So the 'defund the police' slogan, which the Left was initially pushing, was an election-loser for them.

They're not stupid, and they've put that one on the back burner, but we should foreground it wherever we can and make Democratic candidates either affirm it or disavow it -- losing some electoral support from one side or the other whatever they do.

In fact, we should encourage Leftists to run on the slogan "Take the money from the police and use it run Drag Queen shows in the kindergartens!"

As for your first point, yes, it's 99% true. But there are people who are at least in conventional terms, 'on the Right', and who have a general anti-police attitude. The 'Boogaloo bois' are an example.

And we saw on 6 January an example of some white conservatives 'arguing with, fighting, [and] disrespecting the cops' -- never mind that they may well have been suckered into doing it.

This sort of person, even if they are 'sincere', does the work of the enemy.
Yes, you are a fucking crazy person and I don't think you have two dimes to rub together.

But duly noted you couldn't refute my expert take down of School Choice scams....
Well, if I don't have two dimes to rub together, why not take up my challenge and call my bluff?
We both know why, Lying Coward Joe.
Of course there are bad cops like there are bad priests, bad CEOs, bad teachers and politicians. But I reject the idea that police systematically target or mistreat blacks wholesale based upon the color of their skin. The same goes for our justice system once they have to answer for their crimes.

Perhaps in the 1960s things were different in the south. On the other hand they abused their power with white yankee's as well. But today if anything, blacks get away with more stuff than whites because police simply don't want the confrontation over a broken headlight or no muffler on the car. Trust me when I say this because I unfortunately now live in a predominately black suburb. There have been several times I called the police about a noise complaint and they simply call dispatch claiming the noise wasn't loud enough for them to get out of the car and put a stop to it. The times they actually do get out and address the problem, they refuse to write them a citation stating that it's up to me to sign a complaint. When this was a white neighborhood and somebody got too loud, the officer would tell the party to stop all noise immediately, and if they have to come out again, somebody is going to jail.

Police issues with blacks are promoted by the MSM and the Democrat party because they want to nationalize the police force. That's why these leftists DAs and Mayors weaken their police departments. The feds have no control as police department are ran by local officials. Weaken the police, violent crime increases, and people demand the federal government do something about the out of control crime like what takes place in NYC just to mention one
Yes, I know what you're saying is true. If anyone wants to see the reality of Black/police interaction, and the general racial situation, covered up by the leftist mainstream media, they need to read the late Colin Flaherty's book, White Girl Bleed a Lot.

Some comments on the Amazon website. (I'm surprised that Amazon still carries this book.)

Reading Colin Flaherty's book made it painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is even greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities across America. Thomas Sowell National Review

Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. World Net Daily

Milt Rosenberg, WGN: ”My compliments to Colin Flaherty for White Girl Bleed a Lot. A very interesting book that points out an important problem that needs to be confronted.”

John Derbyshire: “What’s happening, as the book makes indisputably clear is, first, black mob violence against nonblack persons and property, and second, appalling indifference, denial, and cover-up by police and the media.”

This is what makes the book White Girl Bleed a Lot, by award-winning author Colin Flaherty, such an astonishing read. It thoroughly documents what is nothing less than the modern rise of the race riot in America: dozens upon dozens of dozens of events with a clear racial component, many of them black-on-white or black-on-other-race assaults punctuated by blatantly racist hate speech. What makes it even more astonishing, though, is the prevalence of officials brushing over or covering up the truth.
Global Geopolitics

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But what I have said is also true at the same time. We -- patriots -- have to avoid falling into the trap that the Left would like to set for us: simply seeing all Blacks as basically Black criminals, and being deaf to genuine complaints about the reality of being Black in a white-majority country. There are Black conservatives who see exactly what's going on, and not just the prominent intellectuals like Thomas Sowell and Glenn Loury. About a third of Blacks think of themselves as 'conservative', by which they mean they have traditional values. We have to reach these people.
However, the average person, even the average Democrat, knows that without the police, we would be at the mercy of violent savages (except where we have organized 'rooftop Korean' units, which we should be doing everywhere, and right now). So the 'defund the police' slogan, which the Left was initially pushing, was an election-loser for them.
Hey, Fake Hippy Doug, tell us how you marched with Dr. King again, and then praise the Koreans who shot at black people 30 years ago.

Well, if I don't have two dimes to rub together, why not take up my challenge and call my bluff?

Because you are a crazy person... and clearly I've shattered your delusions.

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