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Now Who's Trying To Infringe Your Constitutional Rights?

there is a German race? Concentration camps for Japanese? Hardly. Though the encampments and confiscation of property were problematic, they were not concentration camps. Reparations have been paid, wrongly to my pov. I'd not feel the same if the reparations were for loss of property, but instead done on a revisionist agenda.

According to the definition of race there is a German race as one of the most widely accepted definition of race is "a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics (the English race)." As for your attempt to be ambigious or vague in your use of concentration camps the reality remains that they were concentration camps according to the proper definition of concentration camps. As for reparations those are not at issue here. My point was that had a resolution of Congress existed at that time condemning bigotry, intolerance and acts of violence against Japanese Americans that American citizens would not have been housed in concentration camps simply because of their race. There is no use debating whether it was right or wrong or attempt to re-write history as you people are so fond of doing.
First, Islam is no more at war with us than was the German race. I would also have supported a similar resolution for German Americans condemning bigotry, and acts of violence against Americans of German descent during World War II. I wished that a similar resolution had been in place for the Japanese so that many of my fellow Americans would not have had to suffer in American concentration camps simply because they were Japanese.

so when obl declared war on us during the clinton years in the name of islam and when american citizens a beheaded in the name of islam.....what religious flag are they fighting us under?
if we are at war with those that fight us in the name of islam (i know no all muslims are bad just the ones that are trying to kill us) does it seem odd that or own government would write a resolution such as this.

what if FDR's gov't had written

Resolved, That the House of Representatives —

condemns bigotry, acts of violence, and intolerance against any religious group, including our friends, neighbors, and citizens of the German Race;

declares that the civil rights and civil liberties of all individuals, including those of the German Race, should be protected;

recognizes that Mein Kampf, the holy book of the German Race, as any other holy book of any race, religion, should be treated with dignity and respect; and

calls upon local, State, and Federal authorities to work to prevent bias-motivated crimes and acts against all individuals, including those of the German Race.

i mean not all germans were bad....just the ones that were trying to kill us.

What if? Who cares? How would it have affected anything?
there is a German race? Concentration camps for Japanese? Hardly. Though the encampments and confiscation of property were problematic, they were not concentration camps. Reparations have been paid, wrongly to my pov. I'd not feel the same if the reparations were for loss of property, but instead done on a revisionist agenda.

Who cares what the motivation for reparations was?

The term concentration camp does apply to the Japanese Internment camps, BTW. Its not the most accurate term, but in the most literal sense it isn't incorrect.

concentration camp - a camp where non-combatants of a district are accommodated, such as those instituted by Lord Kitchener during the South African war of 1899-1902; one for the internment of political prisoners, foreign nationals, etc., esp. as organized by the Nazi regime in Germany before and during the war of 1939-45

Oxford English Dictionary.
Who cares what the motivation for reparations was?

The term concentration camp does apply to the Japanese Internment camps, BTW. Its not the most accurate term, but in the most literal sense it isn't incorrect.

concentration camp - a camp where non-combatants of a district are accommodated, such as those instituted by Lord Kitchener during the South African war of 1899-1902; one for the internment of political prisoners, foreign nationals, etc., esp. as organized by the Nazi regime in Germany before and during the war of 1939-45

Oxford English Dictionary.
Well that cleared things up, in my direction. Thanks.
so when obl declared war on us during the clinton years in the name of islam and when american citizens a beheaded in the name of islam.....what religious flag are they fighting us under?

According to them we are fighting under the Christian flag and that the only reason we side with the Jews is because we believe they are God's chosen people and that Israel was given to them by God. So when people are tortured at Gitmo it must be the American flag that is at issue. After all how many innocent people died when we decided to invade Iraq like OBL did on 9/11. I am sick and I am tired of evil people like you and bin Laden. I am sick of you hateful bigots and your evil wars in the name of Christianity and Islam. I am sick and tired of it and I am sick and tired of you using what is good and righteous in your hateful desire to cause misery and death in the world. I am not afraid to say that you are evil and that you and bin Laden are so much alike that I hope you kill each other to save the rest of us the misery you seek to bring. What I do know is that it's not Islam that bin Laden is fighting under anymore than it's Christianity that you and Ann Coulter are fighting under but that you are merely trying to disguise your hate and your evil behind religion.

This is why it is right for Congress to come out and to issue a resolution condemning the likes of you. Now it's time for Middle Eastern countries to do the same for your counterparts in the al-Qaeda.
The United States Constitution equally protects our right of freedom of speech and of religion regardless of bigotry and intolerance. I can burn the flag, the Quran, the Bible or any other thing I choose to burn if it belongs to me. This resolution does not protect the Quran from being burned but condemns the bigotry of those who do. These sort of resolutions have existed since this country was founded and do not have the full force of the law. It is like Congress expressing by resolution their condolences to the family of the 9/11 victims. It's not a law but an expression of the sense of Congress.

so then tell me .... why do you call me a bigot for exercising my right to freedom of speech for simply asking a question about providing special consideration for one particular group of people and not all people .... and for holding an opinion that in doing so they are affording great protection to that group than others and in my opinion greater protection to that group than the flag they have a right to burn but i in turn would not have the right to burn something they consider dear to them .... if that opinion and belief system makes me a bigot in you opinion .... i am ok with that and i will consider the source
According to them we are fighting under the Christian flag and that the only reason we side with the Jews is because we believe they are God's chosen people and that Israel was given to them by God. So when people are tortured at Gitmo it must be the American flag that is at issue. After all how many innocent people died when we decided to invade Iraq like OBL did on 9/11. I am sick and I am tired of evil people like you and bin Laden. I am sick of you hateful bigots and your evil wars in the name of Christianity and Islam. I am sick and tired of it and I am sick and tired of you using what is good and righteous in your hateful desire to cause misery and death in the world. I am not afraid to say that you are evil and that you and bin Laden are so much alike that I hope you kill each other to save the rest of us the misery you seek to bring. What I do know is that it's not Islam that bin Laden is fighting under anymore than it's Christianity that you and Ann Coulter are fighting under but that you are merely trying to disguise your hate and your evil behind religion.

This is why it is right for Congress to come out and to issue a resolution condemning the likes of you. Now it's time for Middle Eastern countries to do the same for your counterparts in the al-Qaeda.

bigot: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance.

just looked it up......they had your picture next to the definition .....
bigot: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance.

just looked it up......they had your picture next to the definition .....

Why thank you. It's obvious that you are a total jerk devoted to your own opinion and prejudices and that you are a hateful, mean-spirited person. As for me I am not going to back down from you because you are going to play this game. Now shut up bigot because no one is listening to your hateful, mean-spirited, bigoted and intolerance. If you want to be like you are that is your choice. There are quite a few jackasses like you in the U.S. Senate and House as well so you are not alone. You people can be found just about everywhere. Yet it is the duty of everyone to call you out on it and to denounce what you are doing. If more Muslims were to do the same to your counter-part bin Laden than the world would be a much better place. If you believe I am a bigot that is completely fine with me because I believe you are a bigot so the feeling is totally mutual.
Why thank you. It's obvious that you are a total jerk devoted to your own opinion and prejudices and that you are a hateful, mean-spirited person. As for me I am not going to back down from you because you are going to play this game. Now shut up bigot because no one is listening to your hateful, mean-spirited, bigoted and intolerance. If you want to be like you are that is your choice. There are quite a few jackasses like you in the U.S. Senate and House as well so you are not alone. You people can be found just about everywhere. Yet it is the duty of everyone to call you out on it and to denounce what you are doing. If more Muslims were to do the same to your counter-part bin Laden than the world would be a much better place. If you believe I am a bigot that is completely fine with me because I believe you are a bigot so the feeling is totally mutual.
You might wish to edit this?
You might wish to edit this?

I don't edit anything I say and I leave what I said as I stated it because I believe it is true. As for everything else. I am done for the day but will be back tommorrow if you all want to resort to name-calling. I am offended by much of what you have said Kathianne and I am shocked that the moderators of this forum have no banned you. I wish you the best and hope you have a good night.
I don't edit anything I say and I leave what I said as I stated it because I believe it is true. As for everything else. I am done for the day but will be back tommorrow if you all want to resort to name-calling. I am offended by much of what you have said Kathianne and I am shocked that the moderators of this forum have no banned you. I wish you the best and hope you have a good night.
Okay. We'll see you tomorrow then...
nah i think it stand just as it is ..... post like that say a lot about the poster ....he started off so well too

That is until your name-calling jerk. Goodbye. I am also offended by your comment jerk and it says a lot about the tone of this forum that people like you and Kathianne are allowed to say these sort of things and get away with it. You didn't start out well at all but have proven yourself to be a jerk.
That is until your name-calling jerk. Goodbye. I am also offended by your comment jerk and it says a lot about the tone of this forum that people like you and Kathianne are allowed to say these sort of things and get away with it. You didn't start out well at all but have proven yourself to be a jerk.

What did I say that was offensive? :rolleyes:
Why thank you. It's obvious that you are a total jerk devoted to your own opinion and prejudices and that you are a hateful, mean-spirited person. As for me I am not going to back down from you because you are going to play this game. Now shut up bigot because no one is listening to your hateful, mean-spirited, bigoted and intolerance. If you want to be like you are that is your choice. There are quite a few jackasses like you in the U.S. Senate and House as well so you are not alone. You people can be found just about everywhere. Yet it is the duty of everyone to call you out on it and to denounce what you are doing. If more Muslims were to do the same to your counter-part bin Laden than the world would be a much better place. If you believe I am a bigot that is completely fine with me because I believe you are a bigot so the feeling is totally mutual.

you are a bigot you are intolerant of people such as me that challenge what people say .... trust me if you had come at this from the other side i would have taken your position ....

tell me .... since you think you have me pegged .....

what religion am i?
pro choice?
pro death penalty?
do i believe we should be in Afghanistan?
do i give to charity? which ones?
do i own a gun?
do i pay the women on my staff more or less than the men?
do i prefer to hire men or women and why?

come on it should be easy for you ... since in an hour you seem to have right there next to a man that wants to kill all the Jews and westerners on the planet ....

or will you simply resort to ..... well surprise me
According to them we are fighting under the Christian flag and that the only reason we side with the Jews is because we believe they are God's chosen people and that Israel was given to them by God. So when people are tortured at Gitmo it must be the American flag that is at issue. After all how many innocent people died when we decided to invade Iraq like OBL did on 9/11. I am sick and I am tired of evil people like you and bin Laden. I am sick of you hateful bigots and your evil wars in the name of Christianity and Islam. I am sick and tired of it and I am sick and tired of you using what is good and righteous in your hateful desire to cause misery and death in the world. I am not afraid to say that you are evil and that you and bin Laden are so much alike that I hope you kill each other to save the rest of us the misery you seek to bring. What I do know is that it's not Islam that bin Laden is fighting under anymore than it's Christianity that you and Ann Coulter are fighting under but that you are merely trying to disguise your hate and your evil behind religion.

This is why it is right for Congress to come out and to issue a resolution condemning the likes of you. Now it's time for Middle Eastern countries to do the same for your counterparts in the al-Qaeda.

this sure looks like the first post with name calling .... was it freud that said the things we despise most in others we are often most guilty of ourselves ....
That is until your name-calling jerk. Goodbye. I am also offended by your comment jerk and it says a lot about the tone of this forum that people like you and Kathianne are allowed to say these sort of things and get away with it. You didn't start out well at all but have proven yourself to be a jerk.

you may want to scroll back to post 66 .... it was all pretty rational up to that moment ...
so then tell me .... why do you call me a bigot for exercising my right to freedom of speech for simply asking a question about providing special consideration for one particular group of people and not all people ..
You're a bigot because you hate Muslims, not because you tell us you hate Muslims.

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