NPR- Across America, Latino Community Sighs With Relief- (It was "Gringo")


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
I see. Forget who's hurt, how bad etc long as it aint a latino, a sigh of relief....wonderful.
Of course she could have said as long as it wasn't a '****', but hey, thats rude and uncivil.....:rolleyes: another hi water mark for NPR.

Please read the article I can only include and I don't want to foster a lack of 'context'.

Across America, Latino Community Sighs With Relief

by Daisy Hernandez

I wasn't the only person on Saturday who rushed to her Android when news came of the Tucson shooting. I wasn't looking however to read about what had happened. My auntie had already filled me in — "Someone tried to murder una representante. People have been killed," she'd reported. What I wanted to know was the killer's surname.

My eyes scanned the mobile papers. I held my breath. Finally, I saw it: Jared Loughner. Not a Ramirez, Gonzalez or Garcia.

It's safe to say there was a collective sigh of brown relief when the Tucson killer turned out to be a gringo. Had the shooter been Latino, media pundits wouldn't be discussing the impact of nasty politics on a young man this week — they'd be demanding an even more stringent anti-immigrant policy.

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Across America, Latino Community Sighs With Relief : NPR
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this is ridiculous in so many ways...
This article to so rabid with racism that is disgusting. Imagine if a Latino open border Congressman was killed. Then imagine if a White writer wrote that he was only curious on the name of the killer and was glad it was a **** (I mean gringo is derogatory towards Whites)! Then saying that open border traitor would be calling for more immigration.

Then next article would be about how racist the first one was!

I see. Forget who's hurt, how bad etc long as it aint a latino, a sigh of relief....wonderful.
Of course she could have said as long as it wasn't a '****', but hey, thats rude and uncivil.....:rolleyes: another hi water mark for NPR.

Please read the article I can only include and I don't want to foster a lack of 'context'.

Across America, Latino Community Sighs With Relief

by Daisy Hernandez

I wasn't the only person on Saturday who rushed to her Android when news came of the Tucson shooting. I wasn't looking however to read about what had happened. My auntie had already filled me in — "Someone tried to murder una representante. People have been killed," she'd reported. What I wanted to know was the killer's surname.

My eyes scanned the mobile papers. I held my breath. Finally, I saw it: Jared Loughner. Not a Ramirez, Gonzalez or Garcia.

It's safe to say there was a collective sigh of brown relief when the Tucson killer turned out to be a gringo. Had the shooter been Latino, media pundits wouldn't be discussing the impact of nasty politics on a young man this week — they'd be demanding an even more stringent anti-immigrant policy.

rest at-

Across America, Latino Community Sighs With Relief : NPR
Mebbe next time she'll show up for court...
Texas judge says Miss San Antonio can't keep crown
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 -- A Texas beauty queen who accused pageant organizers of harassing her about her weight lost her crown for a second time Wednesday, when a judge denied her efforts to temporarily forbid a new Miss San Antonio from taking her place.
Attorneys for Domonique Ramirez say the 17-year-old isn't giving up and will now take her case to a Texas jury.

But pageant organizers, weary of a case fit for a soap opera, wasted no time crowning Ashley Dixon as Miss San Antonio - placing the tiara on her while the former runner-up sat in the gallery of the courtroom.

"The judge's decision today speaks for itself," said Linda Woods, president of the Miss Bexar County organization, which runs the Miss San Antonio pageant.

Ramirez was not in court for the decision; her attorneys said she was ill. State District Judge Cathleen Stryker set a March trial after denying a motion for a temporary injunction following a two-day hearing, in which Ramirez testified she was ordered to lose 13 pounds.

This article to so rabid with racism that is disgusting. Imagine if a Latino open border Congressman was killed. Then imagine if a White writer wrote that he was only curious on the name of the killer and was glad it was a **** (I mean gringo is derogatory towards Whites)! Then saying that open border traitor would be calling for more immigration.

Then next article would be about how racist the first one was!


It's OK for anyone BUT whites to think in terms of "what's good for us". Whites are so brainwashed, they won't even dare think of themselves as a group with interests.
Mexican lady police chief asks for asylum...
Report: Female police chief seeks asylum in U.S.
March 4, 2011 - "Mexico's Bravest Woman" who took top cop spot in Praxedis after predecessor was beheaded said to have fled to Texas
After the police chief in the small Mexican town of Praxedis was kidnapped in 2009, and his head deposited outside the police station a few days later, no one stepped up to fill his shoes until Marisol Valles Garcia, a 20-year-old mother and student agreed to fill the vacancy. "I took the risk because I want my son to live in a different community to the one we have today. I want people to be able to go out without fear, as it was before," Valles said during her swearing-in ceremony last October.

Now the woman called Mexico's bravest woman reportedly has fled and is seeking asylum in the United States. A relative told Agence France-Presse on Thursday that Valles Garcia "received death threats from a criminal group that wanted to force her to work for them," and that she "went to the United States along with two relatives and will seek asylum." However, an official from the town of Praxedis, which is across the border from Fort Hancock in Texas, denied that their police chief was leaving.

Town secretary Andres Morales told the El Paso Times that Valles Garcia had asked for some personal days off to tend to her child, but is expected to be back at work on Monday. As for the reports of her seeking asylum, "Right now, these are rumors," he said. Valles Garcia's departure comes just a few months after Erika Gandara, the only law officer in the border town of Guadalupe, was kidnapped, her whereabouts still unknown.

Read more: Breaking World News, Headlines, Stories and Video - CBS News

See also:

Organized Crime in Mexico Jeopardizes Prosperity of North America, Mexico’s President Says
Friday, March 04, 2011 Washington ( - Mexican President Felipe Calderon, during his visit to Washington, D.C., this week, said that organized crime in Mexico threatens the “future prosperity” of the entire North American region.
“Now more than ever we cannot ignore the fact that organized crime is a trans-national problem,” he said on Thursday at a forum sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. “It has its origins on both sides of the border. It’s a clear and present danger to all our citizens. “It’s clear to me that the solution must come from both sides of the border,” he said. “We have found renewed cooperation to face this problem in the Obama administration, but there’s no doubt that more must be done and very soon.”

“Make no mistake, the future prosperity of Mexico, the U.S., and the North American region is at stake,” he added. “Mexico is fully committed to doing our part.” The Mexican leader said that the United States must do more to curtail its demand for drugs, dismantle the financial operations of criminal groups, and put a stop to the “uncontrolled sale of assault weapons to criminals,” which, Calderon said, are being used against citizens and law enforcement from both Mexico and the United States.

Calderon highlighted the death of Jaime Zapata, a U.S. special agent who was allegedly killed in Mexico by members of a drug cartel, as an example of the mortal toll that is part of fighting organized crime. “As we anticipated, the fight against organized crime takes time. It costs money, and suddenly human life as well, such as the case with Special Agent Jaime Zapata who died recently [in Mexico] at the hands of merciless gunmen while helping to make North America a safer place,” said Calderon.

He pointed out that many members of the Mexican military and police force have also lost their lives to combating organized crime and keeping drugs out of Mexico and the United States. The public forum that was sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars followed Calderon’s visit with President Barack Obama and congressional leaders.
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