NPR: Asians Too Stupid to Think for Themselves


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Typical Leftard BS. Minorities are incapable of taking care of themselves and need whitey to take care of themselves.
Unless of course you’re a minority who doesn’t go along with that racist view, like Justice Thomas. Then you’re called Uncle Thomas.

BTW: Asians sued Leftist Harvard for discrimination against them and SCOTUS agreed they were.

NPR: Whites fooled Asians into believing affirmative action hurt them

No one should be denied their Pursuit of Happiness based on the color of their skin or where they were born. Asian, black, white, blue or green, rich or poor. Standardized tests and marks must dictate ones entry. A meritocracy is what lifts peoples spirits and drives them to achieve and invent.
Typical Leftard BS. Minorities are incapable of taking care of themselves and need whitey to take care of themselves.
Unless of course you’re a minority who doesn’t go along with that racist view, like Justice Thomas. Then you’re called Uncle Thomas.

BTW: Asians sued Leftist Harvard for discrimination against them and SCOTUS agreed they were.

NPR: Whites fooled Asians into believing affirmative action hurt them

Never happened.
I wonder how many white people at NPR lied and said they were American Indian so they could get into school....
Typical Leftard BS. Minorities are incapable of taking care of themselves and need whitey to take care of themselves.
Unless of course you’re a minority who doesn’t go along with that racist view, like Justice Thomas. Then you’re called Uncle Thomas.
White racial nonsense must you whine about now?
Typical Leftard BS. Minorities are incapable of taking care of themselves and need whitey to take care of themselves.
Unless of course you’re a minority who doesn’t go along with that racist view, like Justice Thomas. Then you’re called Uncle Thomas.

BTW: Asians sued Leftist Harvard for discrimination against them and SCOTUS agreed they were.

NPR: Whites fooled Asians into believing affirmative action hurt them

They spelled "blacks" wrong.
Typical Leftard BS. Minorities are incapable of taking care of themselves and need whitey to take care of themselves.
Unless of course you’re a minority who doesn’t go along with that racist view, like Justice Thomas. Then you’re called Uncle Thomas.

BTW: Asians sued Leftist Harvard for discrimination against them and SCOTUS agreed they were.

NPR: Whites fooled Asians into believing affirmative action hurt them

NPR despises Asians because Asians demonstrate that hard work and commitment actually have rewards. Asian show how anyone of any minority class simply needs to apply themselves to get ahead. This is total poison to their philosophy and global view.
Liberals are mad because unlike a certain pet group, Asians are not a single entity that can led around like sheep. The Asian community has many different factions and interests, liberals don't like when they can't lump everyone into a single group. Liberals will probably start an AsianX campaign to get them in line, like they tried with Hispanics.
Liberals are mad because unlike a certain pet group, Asians are not a single entity that can led around like sheep. The Asian community has many different factions and interests, liberals don't like when they can't lump everyone into a single group. Liberals will probably start an AsianX campaign to get them in line, like they tried with Hispanics.
They would rather work than not. Poison to Marxists.
Fetuses are not innocent babies. No one supports end of term abortion.

All those rw nuts in the nation are going to be crying miserably after next year's elections,

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