NPR Poll- Only 15 Percent Say They have Benefited From ObamaCare


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Oh do tell. ACA, a non required failed solution in search of a problem



Only 15 percent say they have benefited from ObamaCare

Just 15 percent of people say they have personally benefited from ObamaCare, although more than one-third believe it has helped the people of their state, according to a poll released Monday.

Most Americans — a total of 56 percent — say they haven’t felt directly affected by the Affordable Care Act. Among those who have felt affected, more people say the law has hurt them than helped them, according to polling by National Public Radio and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Twenty-six percent of U.S. adults say they have been personally harmed by the healthcare law since its passage — a fraction that likely reflects those in the poll who said they have noticed rising healthcare costs in the last several years.

Poll: Only 15 percent say they have benefited from ObamaCare
Official: 8 of 11 Remaining Obamacare Co-Ops on the Brink

An official with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services told lawmakers last week that eight of the 11 remaining Obamacare co-ops have been selected for “corrective action plans” and “enhanced oversight.”

Twenty-three co-ops were created under the president’s health care overhaul, and so far more than half have collapsed and are no longer selling plans in the marketplace. The 12 co-ops that went out of business operated in Arizona, Michigan, Utah, Kentucky, New York, Nevada, Louisiana, Oregon, Colorado, Tennessee, South Carolina and a co-op serving Iowa and Nebraska.

The agency’s chief operating officer, Dr. Mandy Cohen, told the House Oversight and Government Reform committee that the 11 co-ops that remain are “being monitored closely,” and that eight have a corrective action plan in place and are under enhanced oversight.

Official: 8 of 11 Remaining Obamacare Co-Ops on the Brink
One would think the failure that is Obamacare, his so called signature achievement, would be big news...but then one would be wrong.

Is it any wonder millions of Americans are clueless, when our media is so completely compromised?
Stop yer snivelin'

We will be going to single payer this next admin regardless of who wins.

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